This hoofed creature's large yellow eyes are set in a noseless face above a grinning, fang-filled mouth.
Nightmare Rider/Nightmare Rider(超常) An alp controls the dreams of a sleeping target by sitting atop its torso. Once it does so, the alp becomes heavier and heavier, restricting the victim's breathing while inducing terrible nightmares and draining its blood. The victim can attempt a Perception check to waken, opposed by the alp's Stealth check (the Perception check modifier for the character being asleep is only +5, due to the alp's weight). If the sleeper fails to waken, the alp can use its blood drain ability against the victim and gains a +4 circumstance bonus to the save DC of its nightmare spell-like ability against that creature. If the creature fails the saving throw, it takes 1d6 points of Charisma damage in addition to the normal effects of nightmare.
This stringy-haired hag stands as tall as an ogre. Her expression is vacant, as though her warty face were merely a mask.
An alter ego arises when a sliver of a creature’s personality breaks free and coalesces into an independent being. An alter ego is almost always formed by accident rather than by design, and usually comes into being during a moment of trauma, disorientation, or sudden incapacitation. In many cases, the progenitor isn’t aware that the alter ego was created, particularly if the new creature hides or flees rather than confronting its progenitor immediately.
An alter ego’s body is made not of flesh and blood, but of solidified ectoplasm that looks, smells, and feels like its progenitor’s body. Because ectoplasm is less dense than bone or carapace, an alter ego weighs less and is more nimble than its progenitor. Although an alter ego appears similar to its progenitor, it speaks in a flat monotone and its eyes stare blankly out of a numb, expressionless face. Observers find an alter ego’s behavior and expressions doll-like and off-putting. A creature familiar with the progenitor can identify the alter ego as a duplicate with a successful Perception check (opposed by the alter ego’s Disguise check) or with a successful DC 20 Sense Motive check. As an alter ego looks very similar to its progenitor, it can easily engender confusion or cause harm to its progenitor’s reputation. If the alter ego of a famous paladin is spotted fleeing from danger, for example, witnesses might call the paladin’s courage into question. Rumors of uncharacteristic actions might be the progenitor’s first indication that an alter ego is at large.
An alter ego’s psyche is both more limited and more focused than the mind of its progenitor. Although the alter ego has all of the progenitor’s memories and abilities at the time of its creation (including any prepared spells), its personality revolves around a single facet of its progenitor’s psyche that drives the alter ego’s actions. This facet is often a personality aspect that the progenitor prefers to keep hidden but that leapt to the fore during the event that caused the alter ego’s creation. For example, a cleric who secretly grapples with doubt might spawn a staunchly atheist alter ego, or an alchemist who occasionally swindles an adventurer or traveler to keep up with the rent on her shop might engender an openly and unrepentantly greedy alter ego. Stories abound of murderous alter egos, but in truth only a rare few alter egos have facets that provoke extreme activities such as munificence or violence. Alter egos are generally dispassionate in their actions and neutral in alignment; the greatest danger most pose is to their progenitors’ reputations and peace of mind.
An alter ego’s mind fixates on its sole purpose, and it is rarely idle. It actively and even obsessively pursues short-term goals based on its dominating facet. For example, an alter ego that came into being when its progenitor was disgraced might seek out and humiliate those who witnessed the event, while one with a murderous facet that formed during a botched getaway might engage in a string of massacres. Because these intentions spring from a limited aspect of the progenitor’s personality, an alter ego’s schemes often conflict with the progenitor’s overall goals. For example, the progenitor of the vengeful alter ego might wish to forget the event that created it ever happened, while the alter ego’s actions revive gossip about the unfortunate occurrence; if the murderous alter ego sprang from a progenitor who was a methodical, disciplined assassin, the alter ego’s reckless killing spree is likely to interfere with the assassin’s well-laid plans.
Regardless of the alter ego’s personality facet and how it was created, it loathes its progenitor. In some cases, the alter ego might merely find its progenitor to be abrasive. Most alter egos do not initially plan to kill their progenitors, but the idea may come to them while in their progenitors’ presences, spurred by their instinctual hatred, and alter egos spawned from self-loathing or suicide attempts may actively plot to ruin or assassinate their progenitors. Despite this revulsion, an alter ego continually receives mental flashes of its progenitor’s location and is debilitated when its progenitor is more than a mile away. When in its progenitor’s immediate presence, an alter ego cannot help but recognize its progenitor and overhear snatches of the progenitor’s surface thoughts. If the progenitor is dead, the alter ego gains considerable freedom to pursue its activities―a realization some alter egos come to over many days, weeks, or years―and that realization drives such alter egos to eventually murder their progenitors, or else plot to replace them and keep their wayward originals somewhere quiet and peaceful.
Certain psychic or magic items (such as a mirror of opposition) can create a copy of a creature. The alter ego template works well for generating such a creature and is particularly appropriate for a copy of a psychic spellcaster or another psychically sensitive individual. Depending on the effect that created the copy, it may be either a duplicate or an opposite. Unlike standard alter egos, duplicates usually have the same alignment as their progenitors, while opposites have the diametrically opposite alignment.
An alter ego is an artificial creature. It has no need to breathe, eat, or sleep, and rarely takes the time to do so unless it is actively masquerading as a living creature.
It is identical in size to its progenitor, but weighs only two-thirds as much.
脅威度:Same as that of the base creature.
種別:The creature's type changes to construct. It retains any subtype except for alignment subtypes and subtypes that indicate kind.
アーマー・クラス:Though it appears identical to its progenitor, an alter ego is formed from a solidified ectoplasm that is more yielding than bone or carapace. Reduce the creature's natural armor bonus by 2 (minimum +0).
ヒット・ダイス:Change all the creature's racial Hit Dice to d8s. All Hit Dice derived from class levels remain unchanged. As a construct, an alter ego doesn't have a Constitution score, but it gains bonus hit points based on its size (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 307).
防御的能力:Alter egos' obsessive natures make them so focused they can shrug off blows that might fell other creatures with relative impunity. An alter ego gains fast healing 1 (or fast healing 3 if it has 11 Hit Dice or more), DR 5/adamantine (or DR 10/adamantine if it has 11 Hit Dice or more), and the standard immunities and traits possessed by constructs.
攻撃:An alter ego retains all the natural weapons, manufactured weapon attacks, and weapon proficiencies of the base creature. It also gains a slam attack that deals damage based on the alter ego's size, but as if it were one size category larger than its actual size.
能力値:【敏】+4. An alter ego has no 【耐久力】 score;as a construct、treat it as having a 【耐久力】 score of 10 for determining hit points、save DCs、and other statistics that rely on a 【耐久力】 score.
特技:An alter ego gains Toughness as a bonus feat.
技能:Alter egos can confuse onlookers into believing they are their progenitors. An alter ego gains a +4 racial bonus on Disguise checks to appear as its progenitor.
Replicated Gear/Replicated Gear(超常):An alter ego possesses a copy of each item of the clothing and equipment (including magic items except single- or limiteduse items such as wands, scrolls, and potions) in its progenitor's possession at the moment that the alter ego was created. This equipment is fabricated of ectoplasm held in place by the alter ego's mental energy. This equipment operates as normal for the alter ego. One round after leaving the alter ego's possession (or one round after the alter ego is destroyed), this fabricated equipment dissolves into a thin, silvery mucus.
The snakes that form this spectral woman’s hair writhe and knot, and her eyes burn with uncontrollable rage.
石化の凝視/Petrifying Gaze(超常) Turn to stone permanently, 30 feet, Fortitude DC18 negates. The save DC is Charisma-based.
The typical intelligent mind exists as a war of aspects―primitive survival urges and base wants opposing intellectual reason and high-minded goals. Some of these aspects dominate the mind, defining a creature’s personality, while others are shackled away. Sometimes psychic injuries can loosen these shackles, revealing aspects a creature would normally control and suppress. When a creature dies from a psychic injury, its conscious mind may shear away, leaving only those subconscious aspects―the creature’s animus―behind. Called animus shades, these spectral undead are gripped with feral rage and lash out at the living. Individuals who engage in psychic combat are particularly prone to succumbing to this form of undeath, and their shades sometimes seek out their former opponents, not content until their one-time adversaries are slain.
Animus shades always bear a superficial resemblance to their former, living selves, but manifest in death as wild brutes, made powerful by their anger and feral by their long suffering. They often appear hunched and contorted after a lifetime of being crushed beneath the weight of the dominant psyches, and can sport wicked claws, overlong limbs, cracked flesh, severed (but still present) body parts, and other nightmarish deformities reflecting the fears their living selves harbored about the dark corners of their own minds. Any gear or items the creature had appear rotted, cracked, and torn in spectral form, though it may carry ghostly versions of the weapons it used in life, deadly implements still capable of harming the living.
Most often, animus shades linger near the sites of their deaths or wander without any specific purpose. As many psychic contests occur in mindscapes or on far-flung esoteric planes, animus shades are frequently found roaming such realms, endlessly raging over the sometimes centuries-old defeats that resulted in their demises. Even when not consumed by such losses, animus shades commonly target those they happen across who remind them of the dominant selves that repressed them in life―whether because of similarities in physical appearance, personality, or activity. However, some rare animus shades have greater clarity of focus and are gripped with the need to undo the accomplishments they achieved in life, taking pleasure in destroying those things they once loved or took pride in.
Because they’re created through psychic violence, animus shades usually appear among intelligent races and beings known for mastering occult forces. Among such races, these undead prove far more common within cultures and groups that cultivate psychic prowess. They’re easy to mistake for ghosts or other undead―often to tragic ends. Fortunately, in lands that value physical strength over mental prowess and in strictly martial cultures, animus shades are almost unknown. Members of races such as hobgoblins, kobolds, and orcs, which seldom give rise to psychically talented individuals, almost never return as animus shades.
Poisoned by the psychic violence that spawned them, animus shades rarely, if ever, cooperate. In death, even animus shades created from former allies slain by the same foe viciously strike out at each other. The mental trauma that fills them and holds them to the world scars these undead deeply, but ultimately makes them most resentful of themselves―they know it was their own weaknesses or distraction that resulted in their deaths. Much of their rage is thus pointed inward, and they take particular satisfaction in viciously unleashing their hatred on those who resemble them, especially if the resulting conflicts remind them of the battles in which they died.
脅威度:Base creature’s CR + 2.
属性:Any evil.
種別:The creature’s type changes to undead. Do not recalculate the creature’s base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. It gains the incorporeal subtype.
感覚:An animus shade gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
オーラ:The animus shade gains a mental static aura.
アーマー・クラス:The animus shade gains a deflection bonus to its Armor Class equal to its Charisma modifier from the incorporeal subtype. It loses the base creature’s natural armor bonus, as well as all armor and shield bonuses not from force effects or the ghost touch special ability.
ヒット・ダイス:Change the base creature’s racial Hit Dice to d8s. Its class Hit Dice are unaffected. As an undead, an animus shade uses its Charisma modifier to determine its bonus hit points (instead of its Constitution modifier).
攻撃:An animus shade loses all of the base creature’s natural and unarmed attacks.
Corrupt Intent/Corrupt Intent(超常):An animus shade subverts the intent and willpower of its enemies, filling them with doubt and conflicting desires that play into the animus shade’s hands. Anytime a creature strikes the animus shade with a melee or ranged attack, it must succeed at a Will save or take a -1 penalty on all further attacks against the animus shade for 1d4 rounds. Each subsequent failed save against this ability by a creature already under its effect increases the total penalty by 1 and extends the duration of the effect by 1 round.
Little more than a walking corpse, this frightful horse's hide stretches tight over its bones.
Crushing Hooves/Crushing Hooves(変則) An apocalypse horse's hoof attacks are primary natural attacks that deal bludgeoning and slashing damage, and add 1・1/2 times its Strength modifier to damage.
生命力吸収/Energy Drain(超常) An apocalypse horse inflicts 1 negative level whenever it hits with a bite or a hoof attack. When it tramples a creature, it inflicts 1 negative level unless the creature trampled fails a DC32 Fortitude save, in which case the creature takes 1d4 negative levels. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Favor of the Four/Favor of the Four(超常) Each apocalypse horse has several unique, thematic spell-like abilities and a unique breath weapon based on which of the four Horsemen it serves. See page 13 for more details on each specific horse's favor of the four special ability.
Unyielding to Oblivion/Unyielding to Oblivion(超常) Intrinsically linked to their riders, apocalypse horses cannot die in the presence of their Horsemen. When being ridden or within 300 feet of its associated Horseman, rather than falling unconscious when below 0 hit points, an apocalypse horse instead gains the staggered condition, with additional damage simply increasing its number of negative hit points but carrying no other penalties. An apocalypse horse that is slain by a spell that causes instantaneous death rises as per true resurrection 1 round later, reconstituted in a manner consistent with its rider's theme. Whenever an apocalypse horse fails a saving throw against any mind-affecting, petrification, polymorph, or immobilizing effect (including binding, imprisonment, and temporal stasis), it can attempt a new saving throw at the end of its turn to remove the effect as long as its associated Horseman remains within 300 feet of where the effect originally targeted the apocalypse horse. Attempting this new saving throw requires no action. An apocalypse horse can attempt a new save to end the effect once per round. An apocalypse horse more than 300 feet from its associated Horseman loses all benefits of the Unyielding to Oblivion ability
The apocalypse horse is less a particularly puissant nightmare or powerful equine daemon than a living extension of one of the Four Horsemen. There only four at any time: the white horse of Pestilence, the pale horse of Death, the red horse of War, and the black horse of Famine. While for the most part the Horsemen use their mounts themselves, they have been known to lend these mounts to favored daemonic or mortal servitors. The four apocalypse horses have also been known to travel the Material Plane or other planes on their own or in a group, often as a precursor to more direct attention to a world from the Horsemen. While each of the four apocalypse horses have similar statistics overall, they have unique abilities and personalities suited to their specific theme.
An apocalypse horse is similar in size to a large horse, standing 7 feet tall at the shoulder and weighing 1,500 pounds despite its nearly skeletal frame.
Six powerful legs, each ending in a hooked claw, jut from the shield-like body of this horse-sized insect.
The giant belostomatid is an ambush predator that lurks in shallow water and hides amid floating snags and debris. Smaller versions of these insects are known colloquially as “toebiters,” yet this version of the creature is the size of a horse and can sever the leg of a human in one bite.
This long, insectile creature has massive mandibles and dozens of segmented legs extend from its sides.
Below the ranks of true archdevils are Hell's infernal dukes. These infernal nobles have the potential for power equal to some of the archdevils, but without a layer of Hell under their rule, they cannot truly be counted the equal of an archdevil. An infernal duke can rise in power by gaining class levels, advancing in Hit Dice, gaining mythic ranks, undertaking a vile ritual, amassing a sufficiently large and devoted following, or, rarely, at the leave of their blasphemous lords. However, until Asmodeus sees fit to award an infernal duke its own layer of Hell (to replace a fallen archdevil or one being punished via demotion to infernal duke), such a devil is not itself an archdevil. It should be noted that as scions of law, infernal dukes and archdevils remain loyal to Asmodeus and Hell, though they might resort to trickery and subterfuge to bolster their own resources and reputations. Those who are not loyal are quickly and inevitably revealed as traitors and punished accordingly by the Prince of Darkness. There can be any number of infernal dukes in Hell, but as Asmodeus himself rules the ninth layer of Hell, only eight archdevils can exist at any one time.
Yet while archdevils are beyond the abilities of most heroes to combat directly, they are perfect puppet masters and masterminds, inspiring and directing monsters, mortals, and entire cults at every level of a campaign. Halting a sinister ritual to unleash an archdevil on the world is a classic capstone, allowing a brief encounter with the archdevil and its minions before the ritual is halted and the archdevil forced back to Hell. Alternatively, the heroes can work to destroy an archdevil's resources, imposing increasing penalties on it and gathering potent weapons to use against it, allowing PCs to face the archdevil at a diminished CR or with negative levels (even though they are normally immune to negative levels) to represent its reduced power... until the archdevil can rebuild and recover its strength.
This swarm of droning black f lies teems in the semblance of a winged angel with glowing red eyes.
Hellfrost/Hellfrost(超常) Half of any cold damage dealt by Baalzebul is unholy damage that is not reduced by cold resistance or cold immunity. Devils are immune to this unholy damage, but it is doubled against creatures with the good subtype.
Lord of the Flies/Lord of the Flies(超常) Any creature flying under its own power (not by means of a magic item, spell, or spell-like ability) that tries to attack Baalzebul in melee must succeed at a DC39 Will save or the attack fails and is wasted. In addition, if it fails the save, the attacker is so awed by Baalzebul's majesty that it cannot look at him directly for 1d4 rounds. Creatures that succeed at the save are immune to this effect for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Suffocating Swarm/Suffocating Swarm(超常) Baalzebul can collapse into a swarm of flies or reform his body as a free action;when he is discorporated, his sword becomes part of the swarm and his Strength score becomes 1. Baalzebul functions as a true swarm of Fine creatures when discorporated, filling four squares as he chooses, and has a swarm attack that deals 7d6+26 points of damage. Any creature that fails at a DC42 Fortitude save against his distraction attack is nauseated and begins suffocating, as a suffocation spell (術者レベル30). If killed by this suffocation, the creature arises 1 minute later infested by a hellwasp swarm (a successful DC42 Fortitude save immediately before death negates). The save DCs are Constitution-based.
Swarm Body/Swarm Body(変則) Baalzebul's body is composed of millions of tiny flies. He can pass without difficulty through narrow holes, openings, and cracks as if in gaseous form. He has no discernible anatomy and is not subject to critical hits or flanking, and he takes only half damage from attacks dealing bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. If reduced below 0 hit points, he discorporates into a suffocating swarm (as above) and is staggered, but does not fall unconscious. Baalzebul is immune to any physical spell or effect that targets a specific number of creatures (including single target spells and rays) unless he chooses to target himself with such effects, though he is still subject to mind-affecting effects. He takes half again as much damage (+50%) from area effects, including splash weapons. Baalzebul is treated as a single Large creature for the purpose of wind effects.
Swarm Master/Swarm Master(超常) Baalzebul is immune to swarm damage and swarm effects (such as distraction). As a swift action, he can direct the movement of any unintelligent swarm within 30 feet.
Usurpation/Usurpation(超常) When a creature within 30 feet targets itself with a spell or effect, as an immediate action Baalzebul can gain the same effects as the caster (including interacting normally with a caster using time stop). Baalzebul can have only one usurped spell effect at a time;copying a new effect causes him to forfeit any previously copied effect.
Baalzebul was once the chief lieutenant of the Prince of Darkness. The glorious Hell's Angel sought to rule at Asmodeus's side, but he was greatly vexed at being relegated to stand alongside other archdevils. When he demanded a higher station, claiming he should rule over multitudes, the Lord of Hell annihilated his magnificent angelic form, replacing it with swarms of insects so he might rule over them in their millions as Lord of the Flies. Chastened, Baalzebul has brooded on vengeance ever since, harboring an insatiable urge to prove himself greatest among Hell's lords. His knowledge and power are vast, but so are his caprice, ego, love of flattery, and tendency to lash out at any perceived slight.
Baalzebul resembles a 15-foot-tall armored angel and has a body composed of flies.
Baalzebul's unholy symbol is a broken black crown tipped at an angle, underneath a shining white diamond inside a broken white halo. Although he prefers the use of the longsword himself, his arrogance prevents him from sharing his favor of that weapon with his worshipers―instead, his favored weapon is the spear. He grants access to the Air, Death, Evil, and Law domains, and to the Devil, Murder, Undead, and Wind subdomains.
This humanoid wears a shabby hooded cloak. Within the darkness of its hood, eerie eyes glow and strange shapes twitch.
Counterport/Counterport(超常) As an immediate action, Barbatos can negate any conjuration (calling, summoning, or teleportation), effect within 30 feet, or redirect creatures to new valid destinations within 30 feet. Affected creatures take 10d6 points of damage, but with a successful DC35 Fortitude save, a creature takes only half damage and can teleport normally. As a standard action, Barbatos can recall one creature that teleported since the end of his last turn. This functions as above, but the creature returns to the point from which it teleported (or the nearest available space, if that space is now occupied);the teleported creature can resist being recalled with a successful DC35 Will save. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Festering Filth/Festering Filth(超常) A creature struck by Barbatos's filthy beard contracts blinding sickness (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 557) if it fails a DC39 Fortitude save. Attempts to remove this disease via a spell effect must first overcome Barbatos's spell resistance before attempting to remove the disease normally as per the spell's rules. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Hear Name/Hear Name(超常) Barbatos hears his name when it is spoken, regardless of distance and even across planar boundaries. If a creature speaks Barbatos's name three times in the same breath, Barbatos learns the creature's name and precise location, and can hear the next 21 words spoken by that speaker. Once per day, if any living animal or an image or statue of Barbatos is within 10 feet of the speaker, Barbatos can answer the speaker via that image, statue, or animal (an animal can resist being made Barbatos's mouthpiece with a successful DC35 Will save). Barbatos can observe, converse, or utilize his spell-like abilities through this vessel for up to 13 rounds, but if Barbatos uses a spell-like ability through this link, the connection immediately ends thereafter, regardless of any remaining duration. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Sphere of Souls/Sphere of Souls(超常) As a full-round action, even when he is projecting his consciousness through his likeness or an animal, Barbatos can create a polished black crystal sphere that functions as a crystal ball with detect thoughts, which also grants him the benefits of status for 13 hours on one creature scried by the user. Each round a creature other than Barbatos uses the sphere, it must save against Barbatos's dominate person ability. Barbatos can freely manipulate the vision the scryer sees, as false vision, and can use detect thoughts and scrying at unlimited range on any creature within 10 feet of the sphere, with no save and with a +10 bonus on caster level checks. Effects that normally block scrying spells instead allow each creature a saving throw and negate the bonus on caster level checks. Barbatos can have up to 13 such spheres at a time, and can destroy a sphere as a free action from any distance.
Barbatos is a mystery among the lords of Hell, a being from beyond who came into the service of Asmodeus a mere millennium ago. Technically not a devil, Barbatos is nonetheless the archdevil of the uppermost layer of Hell. Since his arrival, he has served as the doorwarden of Hell, guarding its outer layer from angelic invasions and fiendish forays alike, and dealing with an endless stream of damned souls needing guidance to their final purgatory and tearful petitioners willing to risk everything for one final glimpse of their lost loves.
Barbatos dresses plainly, rarely showing more than his wicked staff and rumpled cloak, and stands 5 feet tall
Barbatos wields a potent weapon named Eyjatas, a +4 speed unholy quarterstaff embedded with innumerable inhuman eyeballs. Three times per day when striking a creature with Eyjatas, its wielder can rip the target's eyes out, permanently blinding it and dealing 2d6 points of bleed damage. A creature can resist this effect with a successful DC 30 Fortitude save, but no save is allowed if the attack was a confirmed critical hit. Once Eyjatas rips out a creature's eyes, it functions as a bane weapon against that target.
Barbatos's unholy symbol is an inverted triangle with three red eyes―often, the triangle portion of his symbol appears to be three filthy beards, the tangled hairs of which extend in three directions around the eyes at the center. His favored weapon is the quarterstaff. He grants access to the Evil, Law, Magic, and Travel domains, and to the Arcane, Devil, Divine, and Trade subdomains.
One half of this figure's body is gleaming and beautiful with an angelic wing, while the other is scaled, scarred, and blackened.
Baleful Beauty/Baleful Beauty(超常) No matter what form Belial takes, the archdevil can adopt an aspect of unearthly beauty, causing either all humanoids (if in a humanoid form or the archdevil's true form) or all creatures of the archdevil's assumed type (if in another form) within 30 feet with line of sight to Belial to be filled with lust for them. Such a creature rushes toward the splendid figure to kiss the archdevil on its next turn, subjecting itself to the effects of Belial's caress. Alternatively, the archdevil can adopt a guise of extreme and appalling horror, causing creatures of that type to become nauseated for 1d6 rounds and to take 1d6 points of Strength damage. A creature can resist either effect with a successful DC39 Will save, and a creature that successfully saves against either effect is immune to that effect for 24 hours, though it must attempt a new save against the opposite effect. This is a mind-affecting emotion effect. The DC is Charisma-based.
Caress/Caress(超常) A creature caressed or kissed by Belial gains 2 negative levels, and must succeed at a DC39 Fortitude save or also take 1d4 points of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage. As a swift action when using a spell-like ability, Belial can force a single creature currently suffering from any of these effects from a caress to roll twice on any saving throws against that spell-like ability and to use the lower result. The save DC is Charisma-based.
変身/Change Shape(超常) Belial can assume the form of any creature when changing shape, but the specific powers granted are limited to those available in the options for greater polymorph. Using change shape is a move action for Belial.
Fiendish Fluttering/Fiendish Fluttering(変則) If Belial strikes a creature with both wings in the same round, the target is staggered for 1 round and dazzled for 1d4 rounds by flying feathers and scabrous scales. With a successful DC41 Fortitude save, the target negates the staggered condition and reduces the duration of the dazzled condition to 1 round. This is a vision-based effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Hedonistic Hope/Hedonistic Hope(超常) When any creatures (friend or foe) within 30 feet of Belial gain a morale bonus or a beneficial emotion effect, Belial can choose to gain the same benefit (including the highest bonus, if there are multiple morale bonuses of the same kind). In addition, when Belial confirms a critical hit, they suppress all morale bonuses affecting the target for 1 minute.
Ranseur Mastery/Ranseur Mastery(変則) Belial can attack adjacent foes with a ranseur as if it were not a reach weapon, and counts as a 20th-level fighter for the purposes of fulfilling feat prerequisites for ranseur related feats.
Reflexive Shapeshifter/Reflexive Shapeshifter(超常) Once per minute as an immediate action when Belial would be struck in melee by a non-reach weapon, the archdevil can use change shape to assume a different form of a smaller size, gaining a +10 dodge bonus to their AC against that attack;if this causes the attack to miss, they take no damage and can then move up to 30 feet in any direction before automatically reverting to their previous form. This ability and movement do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Belial, the Pale Kiss, was created by Asmodeus as an object of adoration, a being that would be perfect in form and face in the eyes of every creature. The Prince of Devils granted Belial virtually unlimited malleability of form, enabling them to become whatever and whomever might be most alluring to those the archdevil encountered, along with a boundless imagination to create inspirational art and implements of war. Belial finds equal bliss in pleasure and in pain and revels in the act of creation, whether of innovations in magical or martial fields. The Pale Kiss designs new weapons for the legions of Hell, shapes new manifestations of magic for the minions of devilry to unleash upon foes, and even spawns entirely new races of infernal servitors, though the fiend cares little for creations once birthed, swiftly moving on to new interests.
Belial's true natural form is unknown to all but Asmodeus, who has not shared even with Belial the secret of the archdevil's infernal genesis. The Pale Kiss changes shape almost constantly, at times seemingly without conscious thought. In council with the other lords of Hell, Belial typically appears as a delicately built humanoid between 5 and 6 feet tall with pale skin and hair but burning eyes, with one half of their body shining and angelic and the other as scarred, misshapen, and grotesque as the most hideous malebranche. Their weapons and gear are always finely crafted, though marred where they defaced them in their erratic rages. Belial's carnal lust is both expansive and insatiable, and they freely shift form, species, and gender when engaging with mortal and immortal lovers across the universe, leaving innumerable halffiends of every description in their wake.
Belial's unholy symbol is a split-faced mask, one side of which is smiling and white and the other frowning and red. Their favored weapon is the ranseur. The Pale Kiss grants access to the domains of Charm, Destruction, Evil, and Law, and to the subdomains of Catastrophe, Devil, Lust, and Rage.
This diabolic figure is draped in a kingly robe and crowned with iron horns. He bears a long, heavy mace of black metal.
Lord of Iron/Lord of Iron(変則) Rust effects (such as rusting grasp) do not function within 60 feet of Dispater unless he allows them to function. Dispater can command unintelligent iron cobras, iron golems, and any other construct made entirely out of iron as if he were the construct's creator.
Mortal Gaze/Mortal Gaze(超常) Dispater can level his gaze upon any one creature within 60 feet as a free action once per round. The creature he gazes upon gains 2 negative levels. Each of these negative levels requires a successful DC37 Fortitude save to remove after 24 hours or it becomes permanent. Creatures slain by Dispater's mortal gaze rise again 1d4 rounds later as zombie lords (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 286) under Dispater's control. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Voice of Command/Voice of Command(超常) The saving throw DCs of Dispater's charm monster and dominate person spell-like abilities include a +2 bonus;this is included in the statistics above. Creatures do not gain the usual +5 bonus on saves against charm monster if they are currently being threatened or attacked by Dispater or his allies. If Dispater commands a humanoid controlled via dominate person to take an action against its nature, the creature does not gain a new saving throw to resist the effect unless the order is self-destructive, in which case the creature gains a new save with a +2 bonus to resist the command.
Dispater is one of Asmodeus's oldest and most loyal allies, with a favored place in the hierarchy of Hell. He generally keeps his distance from the machinations of the other archdevils, and of all their number he cares least about the tedious and trivial affairs of the Material Plane. His focus is on building the eternal and glorious perfection of Hell, the model community and system upon which the universe should be modeled. He is calm, creative, careful, and deliberate, in some ways the picture of a just sovereign, yet he is also unforgiving, ruthless, manipulative, and arrogant in the extreme. The rules of rank, station, and courtly life are his meat and drink, and he is swift to deride any who violate the tiniest rule of etiquette, though he quickly discards decorum when necessary to further his elaborate schemes. Alone among the archdevils, he maintains a passing acquaintance with courtly love and marriage, conferring with his advisors on matters of state.
Dispater is every inch the image of a devil, 13 feet tall with rippling, rust-colored muscles and a refined and majestic style, eschewing the opulent grandiosity of some of his brethren.
The Eclipsing Eye is a +4 adamantine axiomatic unholy wounding heavy mace; it is a token of esteem and power granted by Asmodeus himself to the governor of Hell's greatest city. It allows the wielder to command allegiance as per a rod of rulership with an unlimited duration when activated in Hell. Outside of Hell, it remains limited to 500 total minutes of this effect, but does not crumble to dust if these minutes are used up. Every hour it spends in Hell restores 1 minute of expended duration. When used as a weapon, The Eclipsing Eye has a critical multiplier of ×3. The Eclipsing Eye automatically casts blindness (as per blindness/deafness heightened to 9th level, save DC 23) on the first creature it strikes each round.
The Eclipsing Eye is Dispater's rod of office, and he can summon it to his hand as a free action from any distance, even across planar boundaries. As long as he wields it, all lawful evil, neutral evil, and lawful neutral creatures treat him as if he were under a sanctuary spell (CL 30th, save DC 23 as if heightened to a 9th level spell). Three times per day, The Eclipsing Eye can create any of the following spell effects, heightened to 9th level as per the Heighten Spell feat: calm emotions, demand, discern lies, and discern location.
Dispater's unholy symbol is a heavy black nail piercing a red crown. His favored weapon is the heavy mace. He grants access to the domains of Evil, Law, Nobility, and Trickery, and to the subdomains of Deception, Devil, Leadership, and Tyranny.
This tripartite being has three humanoid bodies engulfed from the waist down by a tangle of three immense serpents.
Corrupting Caress/Corrupting Caress(超常) A creature damaged by Geryon's natural attacks or melee weapons becomes unable to cast divine spells or activate domain powers, channel positive energy, or smite evil for 1 round (Will DC38 negates). The duration stacks with multiple failed saves, but a creature that successfully saves cannot be further targeted by Geryon's corrupting caress for 24 hours. This is a curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Envenomed Scales/Envenomed Scales(変則) Creatures that strike Geryon with melee touch attacks, unarmed strikes, or natural attacks are exposed to its poison, as are creatures that confirm a critical hit on Geryon with a piercing or slashing weapon in melee.
Immune to Memory Loss/Immune to Memory Loss(変則) Geryon is immune to the effects of the River Styx and to all effects that cause memory loss or manipulate memories.
Perceive Destiny/Perceive Destiny(超常) As an immediate action, Geryon can train its threefold gaze upon a creature to perceive its past, present, and future, granting Geryon a +4 insight bonus to its AC and on attack rolls, opposed skill checks, and Reflex saves against that creature and attacks or effects created by that creature until the end of its next turn. This affects creatures using mind blank, nondetection, or similar protection from divination only if Geryon succeeds at a caster level check (DC = 11 + the effect's caster level + the mythic tier of the caster, for mythic effects).
毒/Poison(変則) 尾の打撃―致傷型;セーヴ 頑健・DC43;頻度 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間);効果 1d6【知】吸収;治癒 3回のセーヴ成功。
Threefold Body/Threefold Body(変則) Geryon's vital organs and senses are spread across all three of its linked bodies. An effect that would cause it to become blinded or deafened instead affects only one of its bodies, unless it affects an area or targets each body as a separate creature. If one body is blinded or deafened, Geryon suffers no ill effects. If two bodies are blinded or deafened, it loses its all-around vision and is dazzled. Geryon is blinded or deafened only if all three bodies are blinded or deafened. It likewise has a 75% chance to ignore critical hits, sneak attack damage, and similar precision-based damage.
Geryon, the source of blasphemies, has ruled in Hell longer than any other archdevil. When Asmodeus and his legions migrated to Hell, Geryon reigned as an asura rana, an emperor among divine mistakes. After bargaining with Asmodeus, Geryon betrayed its brethren, assuring devilkind's stranglehold over Hell and cementing its continued rule over the bleak marshes of Stygia. Ever since, Geryon has numbered among Hell's greatest and most enigmatic rulers, a connoisseur of impossible truths and a font of heresies.
Geryon is a knot of three 20-foot-long, scaled worms. From its maws it can partially regurgitate and speak with the voices of any being it has ever devoured―be they mortals, fiends, or stranger eldritch beings. As a result of its covenant with Asmodeus, Geryon is now a true devil.
This horn can be sounded three times per day as a swift or move action to function as a greater horn of blasting with no chance of exploding and an effect duration of 1 minute. Creatures deafened by the horn hear whispers and falsehoods echoing in their minds, twisting their perceptions; they treat all other creatures as if they had concealment and take a -4 penalty on saves against mind-affecting effects as long as they remain deaf. In addition, any competence or insight bonuses are treated as penalties instead until they regain their hearing.
The horn can be sounded three additional times per day to grant allies within 60 feet a +4 bonus on saves against divine spells, while enemies within 60 feet become unable to tell the truth (Will DC 25 negates). This includes verbal, written, and any other form of communication, but does not prevent saying things that are neither true nor untrue, such as commands, questions, and verbal components of spells. While compelled to falsehood, Geryon's enemies also become paranoid and treat no one as their ally; thus, they are unable to provide or benefit from flanking, teamwork feats, or the aid another action, and always attempt to save against harmless effects. Affected creatures are unable to cast divine spells or activate domain powers unless they worship an archdevil. This effect lasts 1 minute. This is a sonic mind-affecting curse effect.
Geryon's unholy symbol is a shadowed, red-and-black serpent's head. It favored weapon is the heavy f lail. It grants access to the domains of Evil, Law, Strength, and Water, and to the subdomains of Devil, Ferocity, Oceans, and Resolve.
This shining being is humanoid, but its four arms, multiple legs, and horned head reveal its diabolic nature.
Mammon rarely interacts with others without possessing a body, and his favorite body to possess is that of the Argent Prince―a powerful unique construct that represents the archdevil's ideal form. The Argent Prince always fails its saving throw against Mammon's greater object possession spell-like ability, and Mammon can call the Argent Prince to his side across any distance (even across planar boundaries) as a swift action―when he does so, he can possess the Argent Prince immediately. While possessing the Argent Prince, Mammon gains air walk as a constant spell-like ability;the gleaming glory ability (see below);and immunity to bleed, disease, necromancy effects, paralysis, sleep effects, and stunning. When Mammon is not possessing the Argent Prince (typically because he is possessing another object or being), the Argent Prince loses all of its spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities, but remains under the control of Mammon and can continue to fight or take other actions as Mammon directs. If the Argent Prince is destroyed, Mammon can rebuild it, but doing so requires the archdevil to remain sequestered in his workshop deep in Erebus for a year.
Gleaming Glory/Gleaming Glory(変則) The Argent Prince's gleaming metallic body reflects light and magic. In bright light, a creature within 60 feet is automatically dazzled, while one that moves or begins its turn within 10 feet is blinded for 1d4 rounds unless it succeeds at a DC37 Fortitude save or averts or closes its eyes as for a gaze attack. Rays and magical ranged touch attacks have a 20% miss chance against the Argent Prince, and such missed attacks have a 20% chance of being redirected toward a random target within 60 feet;otherwise, they are deflected harmlessly. While possessed by Mammon, the Argent Prince increases both chances to 50%, and if the creator of an effect deflected by this ability is within 60 feet, Mammon can reflect it at that creature instead of choosing randomly. Gaze attacks and light-based effects (including color spray and prismatic spray) targeting Mammon have the same chance as rays of being reflected, while area effects of this nature simply do not affect him. Mammon also has the same chance to move without harm through a prismatic wall or prismatic sphere. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Mammon's Mark/Mammon's Mark(超常) Any coin, gemstone, piece of jewelry, or art object that Mammon touches bears his invisible image for 13 days. He can sense the location of marked items (as per locate object, even if such an object is in an extradimensional space), and can communicate through them as per enter image. In both cases, this effect has 10 times the normal range (or unlimited range within Mammon's domain on Erebus). If a creature has a marked object in its possession for 24 hours, Mammon can locate that creature (as per locate creature with the same increase to range as above) at will as a free action, even if the marked object is discarded. Mammon gains a +10 bonus on caster level checks and to the save DC of scrying effects he uses against such creatures. If the creature is protected by an effect that protects against scrying and Mammon is in Erebus, the archdevil can expend one use of his mythic power to ignore that effect. This is a curse effect.
Plunderer/Plunderer(超常) Mammon can sense wealth within 300 feet as if using a rod of metal and mineral detection. He also gains a +10 bonus on Appraise checks and on Spellcraft checks to identify the magical properties of items, can attempt either check once per round as a free action to determine the value or properties of any item within his line of sight, and gains a +10 bonus until the end of his turn on combat maneuver checks to disarm a creature of or steal an item he has thus appraised or identified.
Mammon is the master of avarice, a fallen angel long in service to Asmodeus;though slain by his enemies long ago, his spirit lingered in his hellish sepulcher, unwilling to surrender to oblivion. His hunger for life infused his spirit into the obscene wealth heaped about him in death, until he became one with the wealth of ages. The Grasping One is now vault keeper for all of Hell, growing ever more resplendent as he discovers new treasures to incorporate into his form and reporting directly to Asmodeus on Hell's accounts.
Mammon can possess objects and creatures with ease, but most often possesses the Argent Prince, a peerlessly sculpted 8-foot-tall metallic likeness of his former angelic glory, tastefully tainted with accents of his diabolic nature.
Mammon's unholy symbol is a midnight blue coin with a horned devil's head and an infernal inscription of his name in pale silvery blue. His favored weapon is the shortspear. He grants access to the Artifice, Earth, Evil, and Law domains, and to the Construct, Devil, Metal, and Toil subdomains.
This red-skinned devil has three sets of curving horns atop his brow and three mismatched pairs of wings.
Flattering Inquisitor/Flattering Inquisitor(超常) Mephistopheles is unsurpassed at inveigling himself into a creature's good graces and ferreting out secrets. His discern lies spell-like ability automatically affects all creatures within 30 feet of him, and he does not need to concentrate to know whether a target is lying (although each time a creature tries to lie in this area it can attempt a Will save to negate the effect as normal). Anyone who attempts to lie when responding to a direct question posed by Mephistopheles must succeed at a DC41 Will save or take 1d3 points of Wisdom drain and be unable to speak for 24 hours (Mephistopheles can end this enforced vow of silence at will as a free action). This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Infernal Wings/Infernal Wings(超常) Mephistopheles has three pairs of wings, and while the damage caused by all six wings is identical, the additional effect caused by a strike from a wing depends on its nature. A hit from one of his burning wings deals 1d6 additional points of fire damage and the creature struck must succeed at a DC43 Reflex save or catch fire. A hit from one of his draconic wings deals 2d6 points of bleed damage. A hit from one of his raven wings causes permanent blindness unless the creature struck succeeds at a DC43 Fortitude save. The save DCs are Constitution-based.
不浄なる贈り物/Profane Gift(超常) As a full-round action, Mephistopheles can grant a willing non-devil a +4 profane bonus to one ability score;this also allows him to communicate telepathically with and use his mind-affecting spell-like abilities on the creature at any distance (even across planar boundaries). A creature can have only one such gift at a time. The profane gift can be removed with dispel evil or dispel law, or Mephistopheles can remove it as a free action, dealing 3d6 points of Charisma drain to the target (no save). In addition, a creature that accepts a wish from Mephistopheles immediately becomes lawful evil (Will DC41 negates) and gains the benefits of good hope for 1 week, followed by the effects of crushing despair for 1d6 months (術者レベル30). The save DC is Charisma-based.
Mephistopheles was formed by Asmodeus from the ashes and hellfire of the plane of Hell itself. He is an artist of f lattery and guile, a master of the infernal contract, and a warden of the chained prison plane of Caina. He is tireless in his hunt for new souls, and constantly seeks to lure mortals into signing theirs away in all manner of complex bargains and contracts.
Mephistopheles appears as a muscular, 12-foot-tall, red-skinned humanoid.
This adamantine quill pen is the greatest weapon Mephistopheles has in the corruption of souls. As a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, he can use it to inscribe a magic circle against good(or chaos), place a mark of justice, or pen an infernal contract. These contracts can grant any number of boons, but typically do so in the form of a wish spell or the devilbound template
His unholy symbol is a diagonal scarlet trident piercing a golden halo. His favored weapon is the trident. He grants access to the Evil, Knowledge, Law, and Rune domains, and to the Devil, Language, Memory, and Thought subdomains.
This immense figure appears to be a suit of blackened, diabolic armor filled with shrieking blasts of blistering fire.
Call Weaponry/Call Weaponry(超常) Moloch can call his weapons Goreletch (a +3 adamantine unholy vorpal battleaxe) and Ramithaine (a +3 axiomatic cruel unholy wounding longsword) to his hands at will as a free action from any distance (even across planar boundaries). If one of these weapons is destroyed, he can remake it and cause the rebuilt weapon to appear in his hand as a standard action;if needed, he can instead remake both weapons as a full-round action. Remaking a weapon in this way provokes attacks of opportunity, but calling a weapon does not.
Fiendish Furnace/Fiendish Furnace(変則) Any creature that comes within 10 feet of Moloch or begins its turn within this area takes 2d8 points of hellfire damage (no save). In addition, creatures that strike Moloch in melee are affected by his burn ability unless they succeed at a DC43 Reflex save. Whenever Moloch would take cold damage, he can choose to block all cold damage from that attack, but doing so causes his fiendish furnace ability to be negated until the start of his next turn. Choosing to do so is reflexive and does not require any action on Moloch's part. The save DC is Constitution-based.
火葬/Incinerate(超常) When a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by an attack or effect used by Moloch that deals hellfire damage, it is instantly killed and its body reduced to ash (Fortitude DC38 negates). Creatures destroyed in this way can be restored to life only through miracle, true resurrection, wish, or divine intervention. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Infernal Fortress/Infernal Fortress(超常) Once per day as a full-round action, Moloch can cause a towering fortress to erupt from the ground at a point within 30 feet. Treat this ability as if Moloch used an instant fortress, save that the fortress is 60 feet square and 90 feet tall, and sized for a Huge inhabitant. Once created, this fortress is permanent until Moloch uses the ability again, whereupon the previous fortress vanishes;any objects and creatures within the fortress fall to the ground at this time.
Spirit of Hellfire/Spirit of Hellfire(超常) Whenever Moloch creates an effect that would normally deal fire damage, it instead deals hellfire damage. Half of the damage dealt by hellfire is fire damage, with the other half being unholy damage that is not reduced by fire resistance or fire immunity.
飲み込み/Swallow Whole(超常) Whenever a creature takes hellfire damage as a result of being swallowed whole by Moloch, it must succeed at a DC43 Will save or be so overwhelmed with pain that it can do nothing but shriek and wail in agony, and can take no other action;this is a pain effect. Each round that such a victim shrieks in pain, Moloch's frightful presence is automatically activated and he gains a +4 profane bonus to the save DC to resist its effects. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Moloch is the dread general of Hell's armies, both his own hordes in the pits of Malebolge and the legions serving his lieutenants throughout the plane. He is fiercely loyal to Asmodeus and to Hell itself, and he marshals not only devils but also lost souls, other denizens of Hell, and interplanar mercenaries in brutal, endless campaigns. He can recount the dispositions and particulars of every military formation in Hell, and he brooks no insubordination or disobedience in martial matters, under threat of burning torments that are terrible even by Hell's standards. Moloch is surprisingly responsive to his mortal worshipers, and he is quite willing to exchange his favor for gifts of provisions, supplies, and soldiers for the infernal armies. Those sacrificed to him in the fires of the mortal world or ritually cremated in his honor after death face an eternity of soldierly slavery in his legions.
Moloch is a hulking giant of fire and steel, standing 24 feet tall and weighing 5 tons. What appears to be his armor is in fact his flesh, inside which lies nothing but flames, ash, and bits of scorched bone from previous victims. Despite his fiery appearance, he is a cool and professional tactician who has studied war for eons and has put every known tactical theory into practice in the endless war against the celestial hosts and the fiendish rivals of Hell.
This enormous red wormlike creature has several rows of white spines and a circular mouth filled with hooked teeth.
毒/Poison(超常) 噛みつき、叩きつけ、または触手―致傷型;セーヴ 頑健・DC25;頻度 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間);効果 1d6【耐】、および assaulted by visions of the past and 盲目状態 for 1ラウンド;治癒 2回連続のセーヴ成功。この盲目化の副効果は[精神作用]効果である。このセーヴ難易度は【耐久力】に基づいている。
Self-Evisceration/Self-Evisceration(変則) When an atuikakura takes damage, it can reflexively expel extraneous respiratory organs from its body as an immediate action, poisoning and entangling a nearby foe. A creature up to 20 feet away (or up to 10 feet away if the atuikakura or the other creature is not underwater) becomes entangled for 1d4 rounds (Reflex DC25 negates). Whether or not it becomes entangled, the creature is also exposed to the atuikakura's poison unless it has the evasion ability. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Spiny Slam/Spiny Slam(変則) An atuikakura's slam attack deals bludgeoning and piercing damage.
Tentacle Grip/Tentacle Grip(変則) An atuikakura that grabs a Large or smaller creature with its tentacles does not gain the grappled condition, can maintain its grapple as a free action (though if it does, it can't attempt any additional checks to maintain the grapple that round), and can move itself and its target at full speed without attempting additional grapple checks
This dark-skinned woman has diaphanous wings, four large eyes―one pair under the other―and a tangle of night-blue hair.
Psychic Starknife/Psychic Starknife(超常) After being used in a ranged attack, a uinuja's starknife turns into a spiritual weapon (as per the spell;caster level equal to the uinuja's Hit Dice) and immediately continues to attack the same target. An uinuja can teleport its starknife back to its hand as a move action, which ends this effect and negates the starknife's status as a spiritual weapon
Born in Elysium from planar energies charged by pleasant dreams, these azatas watch over and study dreaming mortal minds. Uinujas live in collective mindscapes, which are often moonlit islands where rock spires rise to great heights, topped by large cocoons of dark blue silk.
Uinujas enjoy stories about the stars and planes, particularly the Material Plane, which they can usually see only through mortals' dreams. When uinujas are happy, their wings take on an iridescent glow, while at other times their wings take on a calmer blue or a sullen gray hue.
An uinuja stands 9 feet tall and weighs 500 pounds
This beautiful, rosy-haired woman has a lower body composed of a column of autumnal leaves and gently swaying vines.
Bounteous Caster/Bounteous Caster(超常) Once per day, a veranallia can use the Eschew Materials feat to eschew any material component for a spell, regardless of the cost of the material component.
Rebirth/Rebirth(超常) Once per day, a veranallia can reincarnate a willing creature she deems worthy of the honor. The creature's original body decays and sinks into the ground, affecting the surrounding area in a half-mile radius as though with plant growth (enrichment). Over the course of 1d4 days, a white, flowery cocoon emerges from the affected ground and splits open, revealing the newly reincarnated creature inside. Creatures reincarnated by a veranallia always return to life as aasimars. This ability otherwise functions as per reincarnate (術者レベル20).
呪文 Veranallias cast divine spells as 20th-level clerics. They do not gain access to domains or other cleric abilities, and can choose their spells from either the cleric spell list or the druid spell list.
Winter Sickle/Winter Sickle(変則) At will as a free action, a veranallia can create a jagged blade from her hoarfrost-covered vines that acts as a +3 icy burst sickle. One round after it leaves the veranallia's grasp, the weapon melts into a small puddle of water.
Veranallias are among the most powerful azatas known and embody the changing of the seasons, from blossoming spring to dormant winter. They command the growth and decay of plants, control various aspects of the weather, and enrich soil with the remains of fallen foes. A veranallia stands 10 feet tall and weighs about 350 pounds.
Beautiful and majestic, the queenly veranallia has a form that combines aspects of a beautiful woman and the subtle power of nature. A veranallia appears humanoid from the waist up, but where her thighs and legs should be, she instead sprouts countless vines, leaves, and various kinds of plant matter. These flora represent the life of plants throughout all stages of the year, continually shifting from blooming, verdant colors and textures to crisp, withered specimens and back in a matter of seconds.
Veranallias hail from the wildest regions of Elysium, realms where few but the mightiest azatas dare tread. Veranallias are creatures of transition, preferring the unpredictable maelstroms of weather at Elysium's edges to the more temperate or consistent regions of that plane. They also have a particular appreciation for areas where one element transitions into another, such as coastlines, geysers, hot springs, and underground lakes. Many among their kind can be found in the lush fields or various heavily wooded forests throughout Elysium, particularly woodlands where the flora changes color almost at random. It is thought the annual tribunals of elder veranallias are actually the source of the eldritch woodland's transformative climate and shifting composition.
At first glance, a veranallia's body appears to be wrapped in foliage, but these vines are actually a part of the azata's strange physiology. She is not subject to blight or similar plants affecting magic, but attempts to use such abilities to hinder her provoke a veranallia's ire like little else. A veranallia's vines can entwine and crush an enemy as easily as a python would crush a field mouse. These vines often change appearance based on the veranallia's environment, but not always in a predictable or sensible manner.
Veranallias often prefer the company of other azatas, and often have a following of faithful bralanis or ghaeles. Their volatile natures can make it quite difficult for many other creatures, even other azatas―to be involved with them. For example, lillends are not inspired by the dangerous power of veranallias, and brijidines' (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 37) belief in the cleansing power of fire does not make friendship with the verdant veranallias easy. While most other celestials concede that veranallias have only the best intentions, most would still rather deal with more predictable members of the celestial planes. Archons in particular find it almost impossible to speak to veranallias, and the noble angels and agathions have trouble following a veranallia's leaps in logic and rapidly shifting moods.
Mastery of Life/Mastery of Life(超常): As an immediate action, the veranallia elder can target any creature within 60 feet that has been killed within the last round by a breath of life effect (術者レベル20). A creature restored to life by this effect gains fast healing 20 for 10 rounds.
Create Gate/Create Gate(超常): A veranallia elder is able to create a gate between Elysium and the Material Plane once per day, as per the spell gate, but can do so only to allow travel between the two worlds. On the Material Plane end, the gate must open up into a wilderness area of natural beauty. Once created, such a gate exists until the veranallia elder is slain or chooses to end the effect. A veranallia elder can maintain up to three such gates at once;if it makes a fourth gate, it chooses which of the three gates that it previously created is then ended as a result.
This blue-skinned woman has blue-and-white butterfly wings. Her black hair sparkles like a starlit sky.
Steal Magic/Steal Magic(超常) As a standard action, a yamah can make a touch attack against a creature under the effects of a spell or spells and attempt to dispel the effects as per dispel magic (術者レベル6). If successful, the yamah absorbs the magical energy and converts it into a bolt of force. A yamah can use a force bolt to make a ranged touch attack that deals 1d6 points of force damage for every spell level of the effect dispelled by the yamah (for example, if a yamah dispels a 2nd-level spell with its steal magic ability, the resulting force bolt deals 2d6 points of force damage;0-level spells count as being 1st level for the purpose of this ability). These force bolts have a range of 100 feet. A yamah can only carry a number of force bolts equal to its Charisma bonus (5 for most yamahs), and any force bolts not used within 24 hours of being obtained disappear and are wasted.
Yamahs travel throughout the planes promoting the ideals of freedom and fairness, using their unique talents to rob evildoers of their magic and turn it into a weapon for good. Yamahs harbor ill will toward anyone who would use magic for cruel or evil purposes, especially necromancers and creatures that use magic to trap souls and pervert life.
Though yamahs often bear a stern countenance, they nonetheless enjoy lighthearted pranks and cheery jokes when appropriate. The white markings that cover their bodies may at first appear to be tattoos, but are actually natural sigils unique to each individual. The average yamah stands just over 6 feet tall and weighs 140 pounds.
This creature has a dragonfly’s body and a woman’s head and arms. A glowing red vortex gathers between her hands.
Create Will-o'-Wisp/Create Will-o'-Wisp(超常) Up to three times per day as a swift action, a banelight can cause a single nonliving source of light (other than one she created) within the area of her banelight aura to spawn an advanced will-o'-wisp under her control. Will-o'-wisps created in this manner exist for up to 1 minute before vanishing. A single banelight can maintain up to three will-o'-wisps at a time in this manner.
魔法に対する完全耐性/Immune to Magic(変則) Banelights are immune to all spells and spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance except magic missile, maze, and their personal daylight (which constantly affects them even though they aren't an object).
Light Vortex/Light Vortex(超常) A banelight can use its light vortices as melee touch attacks or ranged touch attacks with a 60-foot range. Each vortex deals 5d8 points of damage to most targets, but deals 5d6 points of damage to constructs and inanimate objects, 10d6 points of damage to undead, and 10d8 points of damage to creatures specifically vulnerable to sunlight or bright light. This damage bypasses all damage reduction and energy resistance.
Susceptible to Darkness/Susceptible to Darkness(変則) A banelight gains much of its power from light. It can reactivate its daylight on its turn if the effect is dispelled, but a banelight in an area of darkness does not have a banelight aura, loses its fast healing, and is staggered.
These ancient serpentfolk druids worshiped only the raw savagery of nature, and they sought ways to infuse the terrain itself with malevolence and sentience, recruiting the land as yet another minion in their endless wars against their enemies. But when these druids sought to invest the land with raw energies of life they'd siphoned violently from the realm of the fey, something went horribly wrong. The druids, their allies, and the land itself liquefied and then animated into a malevolent form of life that viewed all civilization as the enemy. The protoplasmic monstrosity split apart into countless blots of slimy hatred and infested regions throughout the serpentfolk realm, forcing the ancients to fight a new war within their own homeland. In time, the serpentfolk managed to defeat these intelligent oozes, creatures they came to refer to as blights―yet these life forms proved unnaturally tenacious. They continued to reappear, retreating farther and farther into the wilds each time they were defeated, but always surviving. And when the time of the serpentfolk passed, the blights endured.
Today, blights remain rare, yet their hatred of civilization is stronger than ever, and when a wandering blight encounters the stain of society in the wilds, it takes the presence of such settlements as a personal affront. Patient as they are cruel, blights think nothing of slowly transforming the lands adjacent to a small town or even a city to slowly starve its inhabitants of resources until the monstrous ooze can finally begin the task of reclaiming the urbanized lands as its own.
Although long ago the blights were of one primal nature, the passage of countless eons has seen these creatures evolve and adapt, and now seven notable variants of blight are known to exist in various reaches of the world. While it's certain that other terrains have spawned unique blights of their own, these seven represent the most commonly encountered of these uncommon monsters. Blights have a universal hatred of all things civilized, a fury that extends even to druidic cults and fey. To a blight, any sign of intelligence (barring what might arise in certain plant monsters or magical beasts) represents a potential for civilization―something that cannot be allowed to endure.
A blight finds travel outside of its chosen domain to be physically painful, and when forced to leave its home, the monster avoids conflict and maintains a stealthy cover until it can find a new lair more appealing to its nature. Once a blight settles into an area with the type of terrain its particular variant prefers, it infuses that realm with its presence, creating a domain of evil that fills a large area with magical effects. Typically, a blight creates such a domain in a region adjacent to civilization, so that it can both reduce resources available to nearby settlements and have nearby terrain to prey upon. Capable of magically commanding creatures that dwell within its domain, the blight begins its war against neighboring settlements by sending magically controlled animals and plants to savage citizens and sow terror.
When a blight claims a territory, it often catches more than just animals, magical beasts, and plants in its domain. While it detests creatures with intellects, it still understands that such denizens of its domains can be useful agents in its campaign against civilization. Typically, a blight has little interest in or patience for less powerful creatures (as a general rule, this includes any creature with a CR equal to half the blight's CR or less), and these unfortunate denizens are usually the first to die after a blight claims a domain. It approaches more powerful denizens, however, with offers of alliance. Blights are both canny and sly;they understand that their innate spell-like abilities won't work on things like dragons, giants, powerful aberrations, undead, and the like, yet they also know that most such creatures can be bought―be it with promises of material wealth, opportunities to plunder a defeated enemy, or chances to gain power. Some blights even specialize in usurping a primitive tribe's religious center by convincing creatures that they are agents sent from their gods (such tactics work best on primitive tribes with few or no religious leaders, or tribes whose religious leaders have recently been slain in secret by the blight). Yet regardless of what a blight promises these creatures in return for their aid in attacking nearby pockets of civilization, in the end the blight always turns against its one-time allies. They are merely the last to fall to the hateful ooze's wrath, the final sacrifices to the creature's insatiable need to murder all thinking creatures it finds.
Although the individual powers of the various categories of blight vary, all blights share certain features in common, including a thick layer of malleable protoplasm that provides significant natural armor, a host of glaring red eyes, and a shared suite of blight abilities (see the Blight Subtype section). The blights presented on the following pages represent the most well-known of the species, but other, stranger variants may exist in remote regions.
Muscular tentacles ending in stalagmite-like stingers extend from this pale brown slime.
石化/Petrification(超常) A creature stung by a cave blight must succeed at a DC31 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Dexterity drain. A living non-ooze creature that is immune to poison loses its immunity to poison as long as it suffers any Dexterity drain from this sting. A creature whose Dexterity score is drained to 0 becomes petrified, as per flesh to stone. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Cave blights are radioactive oozes that dwell in immense networks of caverns deep below the surface of the world. There, they seek to ruin underground societies―especially svirfneblin settlements, for deep gnomes particularly enrage these oozes due to their ancient links to the primal realm of the fey. Cave blights alone among their kind are adept at magically compelling aberrations to aid them in their wars against other intelligent life.
A cave blight measures 7 feet across and weighs 600 pounds on average.
A roiling mass of orange-brown sludge studded with gleaming red eyes brandishes its lashing tentacles.
Temperature Extremes/Temperature Extremes(超常) Creatures in a desert blight's cursed domain endure extreme temperatures. In daylight hours, the temperature in a desert blight's cursed domain functions as if it were one category higher than it is (so if the desert's temperature is normally severe heat, the temperature rises to extreme heat conditions within the cursed domain). At night, the temperature swings to the other extreme, and is considered one category lower than the surrounding desert's temperature conditions. If this puts the temperature conditions beyond extreme heat or extreme cold, the conditions function the same as for normal extreme heat or extreme cold (as detailed on pages 442 and 444 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook), but all Fortitude saving throws against these temperature effects are attempted with a -5 penalty.
Desert blights are personifications of blistering heat, thirst, and the bleached bones of all creatures that have ever died among arid dunes. They are particularly fond of forging alliances of convenience with free-willed mummies and other desert undead to combine their power and scourge the living from their already harsh domain. Often, a desert blight sets itself up as the mastermind behind the scenes, urging its undead allies to march upon the living realms while it remains safe in the deeper reaches of the wasteland. Although desert blights have no inborn method of creating new undead minions and allies to replace those inevitably lost in such wars, they understand that in the great deserts of the world, there is no shortage of lost cities to recruit replacement troops from as the need arises. The most canny desert blights seek to dominate necromancers to help bolster their armies.
A desert blight measures 5 feet in diameter and weighs 200 pounds.
This mass of dark green protoplasm hangs thick and wet from the branches, and its long tentacles are tipped with thorny claws.
Living Forest/Living Forest(超常) Non-creature plants within a forest blight's cursed domain twist to clutch at intruders. All creatures treat a forest blight's cursed domain as difficult terrain as a result. Any creature trying to manipulate, control, or interact with the plants of this domain (including those using spells like command plants, entangle, and transport via plants) must succeed at a DC25 caster level check or the attempt fails. The forest blight ignores these penalties, and as a free action can designate other creatures that can also ignore these penalties. All plant creatures in a forest blight's cursed domain gain fast healing 5;plant creatures that already
Forest blights' constant urges to seek out and destroy civilization drive them toward isolated lumber camps, wilderness trade routes, and forest settlements. Forest blights are particularly fond of sending plant monsters to do their bidding, and their innate cruelty often compels them to allow one or two survivors to escape their clutches to act as a lure, drawing perspective heroes to attempt foolish acts of retribution against the powerful and egotistical oozes. Forest blights are always eager to add new would-be saviors to their collections of transformed trees, after all.
A forest blight is 7 feet across and weighs 350 pounds.
This black mass of glistening, tar-like slime bubbles and oozes, its two long tentacles each tipped with a stony club.
Powerful Slam/Powerful Slam(変則) A mountain blight applies one and a half times its Strength modifier to slam damage.
Tremors/Tremors(超常) As a swift action up to three times per day but no more often than once every 1d4 rounds, a mountain blight may cause the ground in a 60-foot radius around it to shake and shudder, as if from a localized earthquake. All creatures standing in this area must succeed at a DC26 Reflex save or fall prone. These tremors are not strong enough to damage buildings. Creatures that can't be tripped are immune to this effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Most mountain blights inhabit rocky peaks or sheer cliffs on Material Plane worlds. Unlike the others of their kind, mountain blights are not as aggressive in seeking bastions of civilization to destroy, yet their penchant for picking well-traveled mountain passes as their domains ensures they have access to a constant influx of travelers and other victims to prey upon.
A mountain blight averages 6 feet in diameter and weighs around 270 pounds.
What appears to be a grotesque mass of sewage betrays its true nature with dozens of red eyes and two long, slimy, claw-tipped tentacles.
Command Ooze/Command Ooze(超常) Unintelligent oozes never attack a sewer blight, and a sewer blight can target any mindless ooze with dominate monster, even though they are normally immune to this mind-affecting spell. When a sewer blight dominates an ooze in this way, it gains enough influence over the ooze for the ooze to carry out simple commands (such as “guard this room,” “flank this foe,” or “bring me that dead body”).
Plagued Domain/Plagued Domain(超常) The first time a creature enters a sewer blight's domain in a 24-hour period, it must succeed at a DC27 Reflex save or contract filth fever. Within the domain, the save DCs for all disease-based effects inflicted by creatures under the sewer blight's control increase by 2 and onset times for all diseases contracted there are reduced to 0.
Sewer blights are unusual among their kind in that they thrive in artificial ecosystems rather than purely natural environs. These oozes prefer to lair in the sewers of large cities, and they see in the foul infestations, toxic fungi, and diseased creatures dwelling in such filthy warrens a sort of perverse rebuttal of civilization by the natural world. Those who dwell in the cities above are their preferred prey.
A sewer blight is 6 feet in diameter and weighs 300 pounds.
A cloud of mosquitoes churns around this quivering blob, its body studded with red eyes and its five tentacles tipped with stingers.
Toxic Acid/Toxic Acid(変則) 針―致傷型;セーヴ 頑健・DC29;頻度 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間);効果 2d6[強酸]、加えて1【筋】吸収、加えてよろめき状態1ラウンド;治癒 2回成功。
Unquiet Bog/Unquiet Bog(超常) All humanoid creatures that die within a swamp blight's cursed domain rise from death as mummies. Creatures with 7 or fewer Hit Dice rise as swamp mummies (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 178), while creatures with 8 or more Hit Dice rise as mummy lords (Bestiary 5 176). A swamp blight can control a number of Hit Dice of mummies equal to double its own Hit Dice (up to 38 Hit Dice of mummies for most swamp blights);additional mummies created beyond this limit are free-willed but still regard the swamp blight as an ally.
Swamp blights rule over large swaths of boggy land, populating their realms with the mummified forms of those they have slaughtered or who have fallen prey to their domains' denizens. These mummies are the swamp blights' preferred weapon against nearby settlements, and the mummies typically seek to drag the unconscious bodies of their victims back to be killed within their masters' cursed swamplands so the bodies rise as new mummies to bolster the sodden, undead army. Yet even these undead eventually fall prey to the blights' unwillingness to share their realms.
A swamp blight is 7 feet across and weighs 540 pounds.
This churning mound of snow-like material has several large red eyes and four tentacles tipped with icy stingers.
Curse of Winter/Curse of Winter(超常) A creature struck by a tundra blight's sting attack must succeed at a DC26 Will save or gain vulnerability to cold. Creatures immune to cold damage that fail this save do not become vulnerable, but are instead no longer immune to cold (they cannot then be made vulnerable to cold from this curse, as its effects do not stack in this manner). This curse persists until it is removed. This is a cold curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Frozen Domain/Frozen Domain(超常) A tundra blight's domain is always treated as being one category colder than the region would otherwise dictate (see page 442 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook). If a region is normally treated as extreme cold, it deals 1d6 points of lethal damage per round of exposure instead of per minute. Anyone attempting a saving throw against the effects of these cold temperatures or a saving throw against cold effects takes a -4 penalty on the save within a tundra blight's frozen domain. When a character attempts to cast any spell with the fire descriptor in this domain, she must succeed at a DC30 caster level check or the spell is negated when it is cast.
氷上歩行/Icewalking(変則) A tundra blight can navigate icy surfaces as if under the effect of spider climb. It can move across icy surfaces without penalty and does not need to attempt Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice.
Tundra blights dwell in the frozen reaches of the world, bringing their freezing domains to borderland settlements.
Ropes of oily, foul-smelling fungus and patches of sickly mold cling to the flesh of this wan satyr.
In certain wilderness regions, strange corruptions of nature fester and grow where the boundaries between this world and the Abyss grow thin. Dangerous and evil fungal creatures rise to power in these blighted reaches, such as sinister fungus queens (page 130) or legions of undead spore zombies (page 287), but when fey creatures become infused with this corruption and are themselves blighted, the resulting monstrosities are particularly vile.
The typical Abyssal blight manifests as a black and greasy fungal rot that sways tree branches and limbs where no wind propels them, and a mystic network of fell power extends an unnatural awareness between nearby blighted fey. Dryads are often the most insidious of these corrupted fey;they lure humanoids to literally and spiritually dark places to beget more daughters from their dark embrace―and further spread the disease. The dryads connect through a unified but tainted mystic field that transcends their ordinary limitations and permits them to treat all infected trees as their own bonded trees.
Only magic such as miracle, limited wish, or wish can sever the connection to the Abyss and cure a blighted fey, restoring the creature to its uncorrupted state if it fails to resist the transformation with a successful Will saving throw against the spell in question. Of course, once the blight takes hold, a fey creature is corrupted not only in body but in mind as well, and any attempts to cure such a fey creature are bound to be met with violence.
The process of creating a blighted fey can vary. In some cases, the transformation requires a new fey creature to be bound in blighted fungal tendrils and to languish within the corrupted region for 24 hours, but in other cases the blight might affect a creature almost instantaneously. The potential to resist such corruption with a successful saving throw varies, as does the DC to resist such an effect. A wish, limited wish, or miracle can transform a fey creature into a blighted fey in much the same way this magic can be used to rescue a blighted creature from its corruption.
Although the ooze creatures known as blights share a name with the planar corruption that creates blighted fey, these two types of creatures do not get along. In fact, blights often see the advance of an Abyssal incursion into their natural territory as much of an affront as the encroachment of mortal civilization, and in such cases those who oppose either group can sometimes find allies in the enemies of their enemy. Blights are usually the more difficult of the two to reach an accord with, but one should always tread with caution when dealing with the blighted fey.
脅威度:Base creature's CR + 2.
属性:Chaotic evil.
感覚:A blighted フェイ gains 暗視 to a range of60フィート if the base creature did not already have it. If the base creature already has 暗視、the ability is extended by an additional30フィート.
アーマー・クラス:Natural armor improves by 2.
防御的能力:A blighted fey gains DR 10/cold iron and good;immunity to disease, paralysis, poison, and polymorph;and resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10. A blighted fey also gains spell resistance equal to 11 + its newly adjusted CR.
Daughter of the Blight/Daughter of the Blight(超常):Fey creatures who normally have close ties to a specific plant gain this specific quality. For example, blighted fey dryads are no longer dependent upon a specific tree. A dryad's tree dependent special ability is modified (but not replaced) so blighted fey dryads are required only to remain within 300 yards of any blighted tree. This ability applies only to dryads and other fey who bond with plants in a similar manner.
特技:Blighted fey gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
A tremendous bramble of intertwined bushes rises from a sizable pile of bones heaped at its roots, and its thorny flowers drip blood.
Swift Trip/Swift Trip(変則) Whenever a blood bramble occupies the same space as another creature, it can attempt a special trip combat maneuver check as a swift action. The check affects all creatures that share the blood bramble's space and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Any targets knocked prone by the trip combat maneuver take 1d8 points of piercing damage from falling into the sharp thorns.
蔦/Vines(変則) A blood bramble's vines constitute a primary natural attack that deals piercing damage.
These aggressive, ambulatory brambles closely resemble large patches of normal bushes, a similarity they take advantage of with deadly efficacy. Although they are autotrophic, blood brambles also gain water and nutrients by consuming the blood of living creatures. They are avid hunters, though they are not known to be territorial. On rare occasions, they may take up permanent residence, but only in regions where both sunlight and prey remain plentiful, such as along trade routes.
Blood brambles attack by rushing into their opponent's space and weakening individuals by mercilessly thrashing them with thick, spiny vines.
This blood-drenched humanoid skeleton stares with hate-filled eyes as its bones drip with streams of fresh gore.
Mirror Jump/Mirror Jump(超常) A bloody bones can use its dimension door spell-like ability to leap between reflective surfaces within range of each other (such as mirrors, darkened windows, or calm water), but can also opt to remain in hiding within such a reflection. The reflective surface must be large enough for the bloody bones to pass through with ease (at least 2 feet wide and 2 feet tall). While hidden this way, the bloody bones can use its lifesense to detect prey near the reflective surface. When an adjacent victim looks into the surface, the bloody bones can leap out as a swift action (often appearing as though the target's own skeleton were ripping free to attack) and manifest in any square adjacent to the viewer. When a bloody bones uses this action, all creatures within 30 feet must succeed at a DC22 Will save or be staggered for 1d4 rounds, and the triggering viewer takes a -4 penalty on this saving throw. The staggering effect is a mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
不浄の恩寵/Unholy Grace(変則) A bloody bones applies its Charisma modifier to its AC and on Reflex saves as a profane bonus.
In many lands, parents have used tales of bloody bones to frighten children away from dangerous ponds or to keep them from misbehaving, especially at night. At first sight, these monsters are easy to confuse for particularly gruesome skeletons. Bloody bones, however, have an evil intelligence. They revel in creating fear in their victims, using their natural stealth to haunt and frighten a creature for hours or even days before revealing themselves.
Bloody bones are the creations of horrific creatures known as rawheads (see page 242), which have the ability to command these gory undead to do their whims. Even when not directed by the malevolence of a rawhead, though, a bloody bones is adept at wreaking havoc on local settlements. The inhabitants of a region plagued by a bloody bones often have no idea of the true nature of the creature that menaces them, which only furthers the urban legends and frightening stories that rise in the wake of these violent, undead monstrosities.
This gangly, long-armed creature has a face like a calf's, but with large, forward-facing eyes and a mane of lank hair.
Malicious and furtive, boggarts are believed to be brownies (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 49) that were mistreated or somehow corrupted. Unlike brownies, who sometimes form mutually beneficial relationships with particular families and take up residence within those families' houses, boggarts rarely occupy homes. Instead, they lurk in swamps, in marshes, and on riverbanks, favoring areas where people have vanished or drowned. A boggart's relationship with nearby households and homesteads is almost always disruptive. It frightens livestock and breaks valuable objects, and even goes so far as to follow victims who move their households in an attempt to escape their tormentor. Despite these habits, boggarts rarely cause serious harm to their chosen families, preferring simply to sow fear and misery. Even though these relationships are characterized by animosity, they seem to stabilize the boggarts somewhat. Boggarts that lack households to terrorize are far less benign.
A boggart is rarely spotted unless it wishes to be seen, and it has little interest in fighting fair. When preying on its victims, a boggart uses its familiarity with its home terrain to its advantage, preferring to induce foes to struggle against the natural environment rather than against the boggart. A boggart has very long arms, which it uses to pull creatures into water or onto marshy ground;it then psychically paralyzes its victims and allows the creatures to drown. A boggart is also quite skilled at setting traps and dragging its opponents into them. It sometimes uses aversion to keep people away from its home, but more often uses this power to prevent anyone from helping its chosen prey.
A boggart's magic is drawn from the excess psychic energy in an area. Boggarts cause mischief in order to heighten negative emotions near their homes and thus fuel their powers. It has been theorized that if a boggart were isolated from such energy for long enough, it could eventually revert into a brownie.
This small, goatlike man has curved horns, hoofed feet, and a ratlike tail.
Scarecrow Form/Scarecrow Form(擬呪) This spell-like ability functions as per tree shape, except the form assumed is that of a Medium humanoid scarecrow instead of a tree.
Boggles are frenetic and capricious fey who love to run and cavort through the woods, pulling pranks on animals, people, monsters, and their fellow fey. What these country cousins to bogeymen love more than anything, though, is the humor and laughter of mortals. When bored, a boggle randomly selects a person or family to befriend and begins a campaign of pranks and teasing;the boggle usually neglects to introduce itself to these new friends, remaining hidden to heighten the growing panic and make the game more hilarious. Its innate magic creates strange lights and sounds and causes erratic behavior, adding to the mortals' dread.
Ligaments of stringy black fungus connect the bones of this filthy skeleton. In numerous places, the fungus has formed thorny growths.
Positive Energy Absorption/Positive Energy Absorption(擬呪) Those attempting to affect a bonethorn with positive energy quickly discover their mistake. Not only does positive energy heal the bonethorn (as it is a living creature, not undead), but it also absorbs the positive energy, boosting its metabolism. Whenever a bonethorn is affected by positive energy, it gains the benefits of haste and fast healing 5 for 1 round. This duration increases to 2 rounds if the bonethorn is not wounded at the time it is affected by positive energy. The durations from multiple exposures to positive energy effects stack.
胞子/Spores(超常) Each time a bonethorn deals damage with its sporeladen natural attacks, its victim must attempt a DC23 Fortitude save to avoid becoming infested by the fungus. If the victim fails, the fungus swiftly propagates through its body, erupting from wounds and ripping through undamaged flesh, dealing 2d6 points of slashing damage per round at the start of the infected creature's turn. A creature that has a skeleton and that dies while infested with bonethorn spores is consumed over the course of 2d6 rounds, after which a new bonethorn rises from the remains. A new bonethorn created in this manner from a Large or larger body can animate only a Medium-sized portion of the skeleton, resulting in strange, partially skeletal hosts that have similar statistics to a bonethorn grown from a humanoid host. Burning or otherwise completely destroying the victim's body before the spores complete their consumption prevents it from becoming a new bonethorn. This is a disease effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Bonethorns form from bodies devoured and reanimated by a hideous, flesh-eating fungus. After consuming a creature's flesh, the fungus binds to the bones and takes the place of the body's muscular system. As the fungus spreads across the skeleton, it solidifies into numerous raised spikes used to implant fungal spores into other living creatures. Once permanently affixed, it uses the host skeleton to move around so as to spread spores and create more bonethorns.
A bonethorn has a rudimentary intellect, but spends most of its time seeking new hosts. When flesh isn't available, the fungus goes dormant and can remain so for hundreds of years. While dormant, the bonethorn is inanimate. As soon as the fungus senses life, it reanimates the skeleton―an action easily confused for a corpse rising from the dead. This can fool clerics into trying to turn the creatures, which absorb the positive energy to their benefit.
Membranous wings hold this insectile woman aloft. She has bright red eyes, and her sharp tongue resembles a proboscis.
Fragrant Haze/Fragrant Haze(超常) As a standard action, a calpina can release magical vapors that cause stupor and vertigo in creatures other than calpinas or their larvae. Each living creature within 20 feet must succeed at a DC14 Will save or be exhausted for 1d4 rounds. A creature that succeeds at its save is immune to that calpina's fragrant haze for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Calpinas are strange fey whose bodies have a combination of insectile and humanoid features. They view their victims as little more than sources of nutrition, but remain intensely curious creatures and may sometimes, albeit rarely, interact with other creatures without harmful intentions.
Calpinas make simple nests in hollow, rotting trees or shallow caves in cliff sides at the lower altitudes of mountains. Their social and territorial tendencies change with the seasons. In early spring, calpinas become largely solitary and nomadic, wandering in search of appetizing prey. A few months later, when they lay their eggs, calpinas band together into colonies of their own kind for mutual protection of their young. Once the eggs have hatched, though, calpinas welcome visitors, as their larvae require substantial quantities of food to grow. Small groups of calpinas called eclipses often work together to lure victims into ambushes, draining their egos to the last drop before leaving the comatose victims for the fey's mindless offspring to eat.
Calpinas are usually just over 3 feet tall, and most weigh only 25 pounds.
The mindless larvae bear little resemblance to the adults of the species except for their eyes and coloration. Unlike adult calpinas, the larvae are carnivorous and need to consume animal tissue before they can pupate and complete their metamorphosis. Adult calpinas take care to ensure these larvae are well protected.
This porphyry statue depicts a three-headed goddess with draconic wings, a long tail, and a deadly looking longbow in her hands.
Divine Sense/Divine Sense(超常) A charnel god can identify servants of the gods on sight, can immediately determine whether a creature it sees is capable of casting divine spells, and knows the highest level of spell that creature is capable of casting. It gains a +8 insight bonus on all Perception and Sense Motive checks attempted against such targets.
Divinity Lost/Divinity Lost(超常) A charnel god gains, as spell-like abilities, the domain spells of two domains granted by the deity from which it formed. It can use domain spells of 5th level or lower as at-will spell-like abilities, spells of 6th to 8th level three times per day as spell-like abilities, and 9th level spells once per day as spell-like abilities. The caster level for these abilities equals the charnel god's CR (23 for most charnel gods), and the save DCs are Charisma-based. The charnel god does not gain any of these domains' granted powers. The charnel god presented above has the Death and Chaos domains, and these spell-like abilities are included in its stat block.
Favored Weapon/Favored Weapon(超常) As a free action, a charnel god can conjure a weapon from the fragments of its former divine power. This weapon is always a +5 unholy weapon of the type favored by the deceased deity. The weapon functions only for the charnel god and vanishes if it leaves the charnel god's possession. Melee weapons created in this way are treated as if they were made of adamantine for the purposes of determining their resistance to damage and their ability to bypass hardness. Ranged weapons created in this way do not provoke attacks of opportunity when the charnel god uses them.
Hideous Will/Hideous Will(変則) A charnel god is suffused with profane divine energy. It gains a profane bonus to its AC and Fortitude saving throws equal to its Charisma modifier. Additionally, it uses its Charisma modifier in place of its Constitution modifier when calculating its hit points.
Severance/Severance(超常) As a swift action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity, a charnel god can attempt to sever the connection between a creature and its divine patron. The target must be within 60 feet of the charnel god, and it must attempt a DC35 Will save to avoid being cut off from the divine. If successful, the target cannot be targeted by this ability again for 24 hours. If the target fails, it becomes stunned for 1 round and then permanently staggered thereafter. This ability has no effect on characters who don't have levels in any class that grants divine spellcasting, but it does affect characters who have minimal divine spellcasting abilities, such as paladins or rangers. This is a curse effect. Atonement can remove this effect, but only if the caster succeeds at a DC35 caster level check. The save DC is Charisma-based.
The gods are no less strange and terrifying in death than in life. Though the death of any god is staggeringly rare, some do meet violent ends, often at the hands of other deities. When this happens, the deity's death casts fragments of the god's power out among the planes. These fragments are sometimes drawn to places where the god was worshiped in its life, where they can produce miraculous effects, such as striking the god's devout followers deaf or blind, or granting visions of the god's demise. Sometimes these shards of power go unnoticed and boil away into nothing over time. But sometimes, something far more terrible occurs―such fragments can find a new home within a graven image of the former deity, forming a new creature: a charnel god.
Regardless of the deceased god's alignment or nature, all charnel gods are beings of sublime wickedness fueled by bitter anger. The memory of being killed and cast into the void leaves charnel gods utterly and cruelly insane. Further, they feel the pain of being incomplete, of being only a small portion of what they once were, and this torments them. Charnel gods have some memories of their time as gods, but any recollections are fragmented and muddled. A charnel god might be able to share a hidden secret it knew in its former life, but it could just as easily confuse the details or call forth a false memory, making it an unreliable source of wisdom. Charnel gods resent such questions anyway, as remembering their former lives only reminds them of their pitiful current state.
Those who believe encountering a charnel god will be a chance to reconnect with a deceased divine patron are in for a rude awakening. Without exception, charnel gods detest any who once worshiped them. Unable to come to terms with the fact that they were defeated, they blame the incompetence or faithlessness of their former worshipers for their deaths. Charnel gods also hate the servants of other deities, though with less fervor than they feel toward their own former followers. To a charnel god, all worshipers are false and deserve to be punished for their lack of loyalty and devotion.
At the same time, charnel gods long for mortals' worship. Truly, that is a charnel god's greatest wish―to once again be venerated, offered sacrifices, and loved and feared above all else in the world. Charnel gods cannot grant spells like a true deity, and so must rely on their own terrible powers and fearsome demeanor to cow and bully others into worshiping them. Their cults rarely last long, for the charnel god is an easily angered and fickle deity.
The example charnel god presented here was once a demon lord of the hunt who was slain by a vengeful goddess. When creating a charnel god of a different deity, GMs should replace some or all of the charnel god's feats and skills to better support that deity's favored weapon and fighting style. Likewise, the charnel god's melee attacks should be altered as needed, but the end result should approximate the average damage a CR 23 creature might deal in a round. Note that charnel gods like the one detailed above can attack with their natural attacks as secondary attacks when attacking with ranged weapons.
This creature is covered in snapping jaws, from its massive, toothy head to the various mouths that open in its body and tail.
Destructive/Destructive(変則) A cipactli's natural attacks are treated as adamantine for the purpose of damaging objects.
Frightening Roar/Frightening Roar(超常) As a standard action, a cipactli can bellow out a terrible, deafening roar. All creatures within 300 feet must succeed at a DC33 Fortitude save or be permanently deafened and panicked for 1d4+4 rounds. Creatures that successfully save against this effect are instead shaken for 1d4+4 rounds. This is a sonic effect;the panicked and shaken effects are sonic mind-affecting fear effects. The save DC is Constitution-based.
冬眠/Hibernation(変則) A cipactli can enter a state of hibernation at will as long as it is submerged underwater. Doing so takes 1 minute. While in this state, it can take no actions and is effectively helpless, as if it were in a deep sleep. It can remain in hibernation for as long as it wishes. While in this state, it does not need to eat or drink, nor does it age. If it is damaged while hibernating, it awakens immediately but must succeed at a DC25 Will save to avoid being staggered for 1d6 rounds.
Ravenous Bite/Ravenous Bite(変則) A cipactli adds 1・1/2 times its Strength bonus to the damage from its primary bite attack.
再生/Regeneration(変則) A cipactli's regeneration can be suppressed by damage from mythic sources or by a critical hit from an effect that deals negative energy damage. Alternately, any amount of negative energy damage dealt to the cipactli's stomach from a swallowed creature suppresses its regeneration. A cipactli can regurgitate any number of creatures from its stomach as a move action.
Consume Clarity/Consume Clarity:A cipactli created for the purpose of consuming clarity causes its victims to experience distracting and confusing thoughts while imprisoned in its stomach. A swallowed creature must succeed at a DC33 Will save or be confused for 1d4 rounds. A creature affected by this confusion effect adds 10 to its roll when determining the effects of the confusion effect. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Consume Grace/Consume Grace:A cipactli created for the purpose of devouring grace causes its victims to become clumsy and careless. A swallowed creature must succeed at a DC33 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Dexterity drain. Affected creatures also take a -4 penalty on Reflex saves for 1d3 days. This penalty on Reflex saves is a curse effect
Consume Lore/Consume Lore:A cipactli created for the purpose of devouring lore strips knowledge from its victims. A swallowed creature must succeed at a DC33 Will save or take 1d6 points of Intelligence drain. In addition, each round the creature is swallowed, it forgets up to 30 minutes of its memories as per modify memory. This experience typically results in erasing the strongest memories first, such as recently considered facts about the victim's current goals or precious formative memories.
Consume Rule/Consume Rule:A cipactli created for the purpose of consuming the organizing principle of rule causes its victims to suffer feelings of worthlessness and incompetence. A swallowed creature must succeed at a DC33 Will save or take 1d4 points of Wisdom drain and 1d4 points of Charisma drain.
Consume Valor/Consume Valor:A cipactli created for devouring bravery causes its victims to suffer paralyzing fear. A swallowed creature must succeed at a DC33 Will save or cower in fear for 1d4 rounds. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Ravenous forces of destruction, cipactlis are created by the gods to scour worlds of specific mortal qualities. It is believed that primal and destructive forces of nature spawned the first cipactli, and that it was wrought upon the world as an insatiable agent of annihilation. Stories claim that the gods saw fault in this creation and set a trap to destroy the first and most powerful cipactli, but such legends suggest that this destruction wasn't complete. Either the gods' methods were flawed or other divinities learned how to create new cipactlis, for now these beasts have spread throughout multiple worlds.
These monsters are individual creations of the gods and voracious devourers of particular elements of the universe. All cipactlis are attuned to certain aspects of their worlds, and when not slumbering in wait, they tear through mortal civilizations in a swath of destructive feasting. Thankfully, these creatures are extremely rare.
Essentially ageless, many a cipactli has been defeated by great heroes, only to have a portion of its body sink below the waters and regenerate. After such a defeat, a cipactli often goes into a state of hibernation that can last for centuries.
Though they are destructive creatures, they have immense knowledge of the world. Those who can calm them may learn secrets about the universe to which most mortals are not normally privy.
Brass, bronze, and silver components adorn this angelic figure. Moving gears are visible within the gaps of its metallic body.
Infused Heart/Infused Heart(超常) A clockwork angel's mechanical heart is infused with a tiny mote of power siphoned from the Positive Energy Plane. This heart provides the clockwork angel a tiny spark of life, allowing it to apply its Charisma modifier as a bonus to its hit points per Hit Die (+80 hp total for the typical clockwork angel). A clockwork angel is healed by positive energy and harmed by negative energy as if it were a living creature.
Programmed Sentinel/Programmed Sentinel(変則) Although unintelligent, a clockwork angel is programmed upon creation with a wide range of weaponry skills. The clockwork angel gains proficiency with all martial weapons as a result.
Clockwork angels are usually built in accord with divine agencies to serve as defenders of holy sites, but are themselves not intrinsically agents of goodness. Indeed, certain evil sects enjoy the irony of constructing beatific “fauxangels” to guard their profane temples. In such cases, a clockwork angel's appearance is often augmented with grisly additions meant to blaspheme against enemy faiths, yet such changes are largely cosmetic and have no effect on the creature's statistics.
Clockwork angels are constructed around a spark of life harnessed from the Positive Energy Plane, which imbues them with a sort of artificial life and further bolsters their potency. A clockwork angel stands 7 feet tall and weighs 450 pounds.
This sleek, one-eyed construct crouches, ready for battle. Its arms end in weapons―a rapier and a compact crossbow bolt launcher.
Projectile Launcher/Projectile Launcher(変則) A clockwork can fire up to four projectiles from its hand mechanism. For each projectile, it chooses between a dagger-like metal blade or a smoke bomb, in any combination it wishes. Each attack resolves separately. Blades resolve as thrown daggers. Smoke bombs function as smokesticks centered on the area targeted. When created, a clockwork assassin's projectile launcher contains 40 blades and 10 smoke bombs.
Rapid Repair/Rapid Repair(超常) A clockwork assassin repairs damage dealt to itself swiftly, gaining fast healing 10. Once per day, as a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, a clockwork assassin can bolster its rapid repair to heal 40 hp and refill its projectile launcher with eight blades and two smoke bombs.
待機/Standby(変則) A clockwork assassin can place itself on standby as a standard action. While on standby, it cannot move or take any actions. It remains aware of its surroundings but takes a -4 penalty on Perception checks. Time spent on standby does not count against its wind-down duration. A clockwork assassin can exit standby as a swift action―if it does so to initiate combat, it gains a +4 racial bonus on its Initiative check.
Clockwork assassins are efficient killers, ready to leap into murderous action as soon as intruders are detected. A clockwork assassin stands 6 feet tall and weighs 400 pounds.
Resembling a metallic horned devil, this apparatus whirs with the sound of internal mechanisms.
Overdrive/Overdrive(超常) Once per day when a clockwork fiend is reduced below 100 hit points, its internal systems significantly augment the construct. Entering overdrive drastically reduces the clockwork fiend's remaining winding time, and as a result, the clockwork fiend can operate for only 2d4+10 rounds before it ceases to function and requires further winding. Once overdrive is triggered, the clockwork fiend immediately gains the following effects for as long as it remains functional.
野生の噛みつき/Savage Bite(変則) A clockwork fiend's bite threatens a critical hit on a roll of 18~20 and deals triple damage on a successful critical hit.
Clockwork fiends often guard religious sites, but their tactics focus on an overwhelmingly strong offensive.
This human-shaped construct has a helm-like head with a single crystalline eye. One arm ends in a large shield-like sheet of metal.
Shield Expert/Shield Expert(超常) A clockwork guardian carries a heavy shield that cannot be disarmed or sundered. Its programming grants it proficiency in the shield's use and Improved Shield Bash as a bonus feat. The clockwork guardian's shield bash deals damage as if it were one size category larger than normal (1d6 points for a Medium clockwork guardian).
Clockwork guardians are dedicated to the art of defense. They work best when they operate in small groups, under orders to defend specific locations from intruders. Their standard operating procedure is to force foes out of their respective holdings by use of overwhelming force.
A clockwork guardian is 7 feet tall and weighs 750 pounds.
Two emerald crystal eyes stare out from this artificial hound's brass-, bronze-, and iron-forged body.
効率的ねじ巻き/Efficient Winding(変則) A clockwork hound can function for 2 days per Hit Die every time it is wound (12 days for the typical clockwork hound).
Expert Tracker/Expert Tracker(変則) The hound gains a +8 racial bonus on Survival checks, and an additional +8 bonus when tracking by scent.
Swift Bite/Swift Bite(変則) When a clockwork hound makes a full attack, it can make two bite attacks
Clockwork hounds are artificial approximations of canine companions that operate much like their living counterparts but never die of natural causes. They can work in packs or alone, in accordance with the instructions imparted by their operators. Whether their operators are alive or dead is of little consequence to these constructs, which proceed based on the last instructions provided.
Like clockwork soldiers (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 57), clockwork hounds have long activity cycles due to the lessened winding requirements of their lighter frames. Their chest cavities are used to storage goods instead of for reinforcement. They are used primarily for delivery missions, but work equally well as retrievers. They're occasionally used for sentry duty, or more rarely, defense, and are most often seen in the company of similarly tasked constructs such as clockwork soldiers and guardians. A clockwork hound stands 2・1/2 feet tall at its shoulders and weighs 300 pounds
This creature's vestments are charred black and fused together, and its flesh is a raging inferno surrounded by greasy black smoke.
Fire Blast/Fire Blast(擬呪) This ability has a 30 foot range and can be used at will as a standard action.
Howl of Agony/Howl of Agony(変則) A combusted perpetually screams in agony, forcing each creature within 10 feet to succeed at a DC13 Will save or be stunned with fear for 1d4 rounds. A creature cannot be affected by the same combusted's howl of agony ability more than once every 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Susceptible to Water/Susceptible to Water(変則) A vial of water can be used as a splash weapon against a combusted, dealing 1d4 points of damage on a hit or 1 point of damage on a splash. Holy water deals double damage to a combusted. Rainfall deals 1d6 points of damage per round to a combusted, and full immersion in water deals 6d6 points of damage per round. Despite this, the supernatural fires that burn in a combusted cannot be extinguished by mere water, and a combusted cannot be reduced to fewer hit points than it has Hit Dice (5 hp for most combusted) by water alone.
Most scholars of the strange consider accounts of spontaneous combustion to be nothing more than superstitious folktales. But those with a deep understanding of the occult know it is indeed possible for a person to feel a sudden fever come on, only to find the heat within her body rising to incredible levels until she bursts into flames and perishes, leaving behind only a charred corpse. The sudden and violent deaths of such individuals make it easier for dark powers to reanimate their bodies, and sometimes for the victims to return from the dead on their own.
However they return, the undead creatures known as combusted all suffer the telltale signs of their demise: their corpses constantly burn and their desiccated flesh is never fully consumed by the flames. Roiling clouds of smoke, thick with the stench of burning skin and hair, surround them at all times, and may reveal their presence from over a mile away. These shambling horrors can arise at any location that has a particular affinity for undead, but they have been known to wander into nearby bodies of water in an attempt to extinguish the flames that took their lives, though they never attempt such self destructive acts when affronted by the presence of the living.
This immense worm resembles a gigantic maggot with pale flesh. Its mouth is peeled back to reveal four long, hooklike jaws.
Mental Invader/Mental Invader(超常) A conqueror worm infects the minds of others from afar, allowing it to control its puppets without leaving the safety of the earth's depths. When a conqueror worm communicates with a creature mentally, such as by using telepathy or spells such as dream, it can attempt to form a lasting mental connection with that creature. The target can resist this connection with a successful DC33 Will save. A target that succeeds at this save is immune to that conqueror worm's mental invader ability forever. Once a connection is formed, the worm can communicate with the bonded creature using telepathy over any distance, and can target the bonded creature with mind-affecting spells and effects regardless of range. A worm can form bonds with a number of creatures equal to its Intelligence modifier (10 for the typical conqueror worm). If a new bond would exceed this limit, the worm must choose to break one of its previous connections. The effects of a bond are suppressed while the worm and the bonded creature are on different planes. A bond can otherwise be broken only via a break enchantment, miracle, or wish spell cast on the bonded creature, or by the worm's death. This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Telepathic Escape/Telepathic Escape(超常) A conqueror worm can escape death by casting its mind out of its body at the moment of death. Up to once per day, when an attack, spell, or effect would reduce a conqueror worm to 0 or fewer hit points or otherwise kill it instantly, it can transfer its mind to one of the creatures it has formed a connection with using its mental invader ability. The target can attempt a DC33 Will save to resist being overtaken. If the target succeeds, the conqueror worm can be killed normally. If the target fails, the conqueror worm transfers its soul into the bonded creature's body. This functions as the spell possession (術者レベル21) except the possession is permanent. A host body possessed by a conqueror worm in this way undergoes terrible changes to its physiology. Every day, the host must succeed at a DC33 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Charisma drain. Over time, the host slowly grows more wormlike in appearance, losing body hair, growing obese, and taking on a pale yellow-white coloration. When the host's Charisma score is drained to 0, an ectoplasmic cocoon forms around the creature. Over the course of the next 24 hours, the host grows to an enormous size, and at the end of this time emerges in a brand new body as a new conqueror worm that retains the memories of its previous incarnation, at which point the host creature is effectively dead (and can be resurrected normally). If the host is slain before this transformation completes, the conqueror worm dies as well. The effect can also be ended by any effect that successfully expels the conqueror worm's possessing spirit from the host. This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Though conqueror worms resemble immense vermin, those who mistake them for mindless creatures suffer terribly for their mistake. In truth, conqueror worms are creatures of vast intellect and equal depravity. These monstrous beings exist only to rule “lesser civilizations” from the shadows, and revel in the complete control of an unknowing society through the remote manipulation of its supposed leaders.
A conqueror worm prefers to play with its toys before breaking them. To do so, it burrows its way below a target nation's capital. From there, the conqueror worm makes mental contact with the city's leaders, forming sinister psychic connections with those in power. The worm beguiles some of these leaders with promises of wealth or power. Others, the worm controls outright using the considerable psychic magic at its disposal. Regardless, the end result is the same;without intervention, all end up as puppets dancing to the conqueror worm's whims.
Once a conqueror worm seizes control of a city or nation, that region's downfall can take years, if not decades―for conqueror worms are surprisingly theatrical. A conqueror worm may direct a kingdom's leader to enact cruel or tyrannical laws, only to then use a second puppet to inflame the populace into revolt. Once the fires of revolution die down, the worm might then expose the rebel leader as a traitor or depraved criminal, causing the rebellion to turn on itself and descend again into violence. All the while, the conqueror worm watches in delight at the madness, sin, and horror it inspires in others.
Eventually a conqueror worm tires of its games, and plots to destroy its subjects. Often it does this by sending its puppets to war against a nearby nation. The horrors of war devastate not only the worm's own populace, but also those of its neighbors, bringing perverse joy to the worm's many hearts. However, a special fate awaits the worm's favorite servants, who are brought down into its subterranean realm so they can glimpse their master's true form before being impaled on the conqueror worm's goreslick jaws. Its work finally finished, the conqueror worm then seeks out a new realm to subjugate.
Perhaps the most terrifying and peculiar aspect of the conqueror worm is its ability to form cults. Whether through accumulation of psychic power or some hidden divine spark, conqueror worms are capable of granting spells to creatures that worship them. A conqueror worm exploits this ability to attract cultists, which it uses to further its goals in the civilized world above. Although such cults are absolutely loyal to the conqueror worm, which they worship as an all-knowing and all-powerful god, the conqueror worm usually considers its mortal followers expendable.
This strange creature can only be described as a light pink, hairless monkey with the head of a fish and large, finlike wings.
Dependency/Dependency(変則) A coral capuchin can breathe both air and water and survive indefinitely on land, but the creature must regularly be either submerged in water or thoroughly wetted down, or else it dries out. A coral capuchin can remain out of water for a number of hours of equal to its Constitution score before it suffers any negative effects. After this time, the creature takes 1d6 points of damage for every hour it remains dry. Bathing the creature in water of any sort resets this time frame.
Coral capuchins live in tropical coastal areas, generally in small familial groups of fewer than 30 adults led by an older matriarch (see below). Wholly unafraid of most humanoid species, coral capuchins are often befriended by sailors and fishers willing to put up with the creatures' incurable curiosity and penchant for petty larceny. They can be trained to fish for their allies and are particularly sought after by those who make their living bringing up treasures from the ocean floor. Their voracious, omnivorous appetites also make them popular on long ocean voyages, as they are happy to reduce ships' endemic rat populations. Perhaps because of this, many sailors see them as good-luck mascots, although they are most popular with pirates, smugglers, and other seafaring folk who more willingly accept their thieving nature.
Despite their mercurial temperaments and propensity for theft, coral capuchins are prized by wizards because of the creatures' exceptional mobility and their strange cursed bite. Spellcasters of 3rd level or higher with an alignment within one step of neutral can gain a coral capuchin as a familiar by taking the Improved Familiar feat.
An adult coral capuchin is typically 1・1/2 feet in length with a 1-foot-long tail, a 4-foot wingspan, and a weight of 25 pounds
A lone petal hangs over the opening of this bulbous, pitcher-shaped flower, which is flanked by a pair of serpentine vines.
Gushing Wound/Gushing Wound(変則) Whenever an opponent scores a critical hit on a crypt flower with a slashing or piercing weapon, the flower's toxic fluids squirt out. The attacker and all creatures adjacent to the attacker must attempt a DC18 Reflex save or be doused in toxic fluids and thus exposed to the crypt flower's poison. The save DC is Constitution-based.
毒/Poison(変則) 接触型;セーヴ 頑健・DC18;頻度 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間);効果 1d4【敏】ダメージ;治癒 2回連続のセーヴ成功。
Toxin Splash/Toxin Splash(変則) As a standard action, a crypt flower can dip its vines into the toxic fluids within its pitcher and fling the liquid as a splash weapon with a range increment of 20 feet. A target struck, as well as all targets in the splash radius, are exposed to the crypt flower's poison (although creatures in the splash radius gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist the poison). A crypt flower can use its toxin splash once every 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Dexterity-based.
蔦/Vines(変則) A crypt flower's vines are primary natural attacks that deal bludgeoning damage
Driven by pure instinct, this monstrously sized pitcher plant is much more aggressive than its more common and harmless insect-eating kin. Though a capable hunter, the crypt flower has no qualms about scavenging for its sustenance and eagerly devours living or rotting flesh. It maintains a proclivity for growing in graveyards and cemeteries, nursing itself on a diet of carrion, corpses, and vermin. Because the crypt flower gains its nutrients from decomposing organisms, the plant is nearly rootless and moves about by extending and retracting four thick clusters of rootlike shoots.
The crypt flower's central, pitcher-shaped bulb is larger than an average adult human. A single petal hovers above the opening, acting as a sort of lid above rows of jagged spines that fold inward, overlapping each other almost like shark's teeth. As soon as a victim comes near this maw, the overhanging petal slams down and the flower rapidly constricts. Its spines gnaw upon the captured prey, drawing it into the large, hollow pitcher to be dissolved in sweet-scented but acidic and toxic nectar.
In certain areas, bandit gangs or criminal organizations based in rural regions have taken the somewhat dangerous tradition of using crypt flowers to dispose of unwanted bodies. Since it makes no difference to a crypt flower whether it consumes an unwanted body and otherwise, complex pens or troughs are built to contain the flowers and limit their movements so that they can be “fed” with relative safety.
This elegantly sculpted marble statue depicts a winged woman dressed in flowing robes, but with a raven's skull for a head.
Sanctification/Sanctification(超常) A corporeal creature slain by a cryptguard cannot be transformed into an undead creature unless the body is allowed to lie in state for a minimum of 24 hours in an area under the effects of a desecrate or an unhallow spell. If an undead creature destroyed by a cryptguard has an ability that allows it to reform (such as a ghost's rejuvenation or a vampire's incapacitation), this reformation is delayed by a number of days equal to the cryptguard's Hit Dice (14 days for the typical cryptguard).
Spirit Touch/Spirit Touch(超常) A cryptguard's slam attacks have the ghost touch weapon special ability.
Cryptguards act as a first line of defense against the menace of the dead rising from their graves. Cryptguards stand ever-vigilant in tombs, graveyards, and sepulchers, ensuring that the bodies and souls of the departed do not return to unlife to menace the living.
Cryptguards stand over 7 feet tall and weigh approximately 1,000 pounds.
This spiderlike creature seems to be made entirely out of weapons and splintered planks, its legs ending in curved blades.
Shared Enhancement/Shared Enhancement(超常) Should a cutlass spider have a magical weapon incorporated into its body (either given to it by its creator or stolen via its weapon thief ability), it applies the weapon's enhancement bonus and special abilities to all of its natural attacks. The construct benefits from the abilities of only the highest-value magical weapon incorporated into its body. For example, a cutlass spider that incorporates a +1 flaming short sword gains a +1 enhancement bonus and the effects of the flaming special ability on its claw and bite attacks. Should it later acquire a +3 holy quarterstaff, the effects of the short sword are replaced, and its claws and bite gain a +3 enhancement bonus and the holy special ability.
Weapon Thief/Weapon Thief(変則) A cutlass spider that disarms an opponent incorporates the disarmed weapon into its body. The weapon cannot be retrieved until the cutlass spider is destroyed.
Named for their association with mages in the service of privateer crews and pirate lords, cutlass spiders serve their creators as enforcers, bodyguards, and occasionally assassins. They are 8 feet long and weigh 1,500 pounds.
This blue-skinned woman has ram's horns, a third eye in her forehead, and a long, scaled tail that ends in a hissing viper's head.
欲望の的/Object of Desire(超常) While using detect thoughts on a humanoid, an erodaemon can identify the person the target most desires, whether it is a loved one or an object of lust. As a full-round action, the erodaemon can change into the form of this desired person as long as the desired person is a Small, Medium, or Large humanoid. The erodaemon gains a +20 bonus on its Disguise and Bluff checks to impersonate that person and avoid being detected as a fraud. This effect ends if the erodaemon attacks any creature.
Wilting Kiss/Wilting Kiss(超常) As a free action, an erodaemon can draw a willing, helpless, or grappled mortal into a state of obsession with its kiss. The kissed creature must succeed at a DC23 Will save or become supernaturally obsessed with the erodaemon. Each round the victim is more than 30 feet away from the erodaemon, the victim must attempt an additional DC23 Will save. Failure means that the sheer pain of the erodaemon's absence deals 1 point of Charisma damage to the subject that round. Succeeding at this Will save two consecutive times ends the effects of this ability. This is a mind-affecting curse effect. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Erodaemons are the personification of death by heartbreak. Occasionally, erodaemons will work together, but only if doing so results in a greater harvest of crushed mortal souls. In her true form, an erodaemon is 6 feet tall and weighs 150 pounds.
The face of this gray-skinned humanoid stretches in a manic grin, even though it weeps steaming tears. Frost crusts its flesh.
Among the least powerful of all daemons, lacridaemons personify death by neglect or exposure to the elements, such as that suffered by those who become lost in the wilderness and die far from help, or unfortunates who become trapped in an enclosed space (like a collapsed mine) and are left alone to slowly expire. Lacridaemons' despair is in stark contrast to their savage nature. If they're given any opportunity, they viciously lash out, furiously attacking their mortal victims.
In death, lacridaemons continue to suffer just as their mortal incarnations did in their last days of life, consumed by feelings of abandonment, self-pity, and a gnawing sense of loneliness. They often spawn from the souls of evil mortals who died alone and abandoned―exiled criminals, reclusive and corrupt nobles, or those who died from intense exposure to the natural elements (whether the blistering heat of the desert or the ravaging cold of the arctic), such as by freezing to death or dying of thirst.
A lacridaemon stands just under 6 feet tall but weighs only 90 pounds.
This massive fiend has eagle wings, a tusked canine face, and a muscular frame. It wields an immense, cruel-looking halberd.
Inherit Soul/Inherit Soul(超常) Whenever an obcisidaemon kills a creature with a weapon it wields, that creature must immediately succeed at a DC30 Fortitude save or be consumed by the daemon's cloak of souls. This is a death effect. If the cloak cannot consume this soul without exceeding its number of soul slots, the daemon can release a soul as a free action in order to make room for the new soul;otherwise, the killed creature automatically succeeds at its save and its soul is not absorbed. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Scorched Earth/Scorched Earth(超常) A creature that dies within 60 feet of an obcisidaemon and is not drawn into the daemon's cloak of souls via its inherit soul ability must immediately succeed at a DC28 Fortitude save or its body is utterly consumed in unholy fire equivalent to the effect of a destruction spell. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Warfare Mastery/Warfare Mastery(変則) Although the typical obcisidaemon fights with a halberd, these daemons are proficient with all weapons. An obcisidaemon will sometimes eschew the typical +1 unholy halberd its kind favors for the favored weapon of the specific Horseman it serves.
The towering and devastating obcisidaemon personifies the darkest elements of war. Obcisidaemons strip away the veneer of honor and battlefield glory and the complexity of wartime tactics, leaving behind only the brutal and violent truth of conflict at its core, and then divest it of any humanity to reveal naught but scorched earth and genocide. Reflecting the disgraceful values of ethnic cleansing, depopulation, and all other forms of the clinical, systematic obliteration of civilian populations, obcisidaemons are among the most powerful members of daemonkind. These paragons of inhumanity arrive in the heart of great cities and leave wastelands of rubble and ashes in their wakes. Where an obcisidaemon walks, not even the ghosts of the dead remain to lament the destruction, for the daemon wipes out not only innocent individuals, but also their entire histories and bloodlines, ensuring that no future exists for its victims in any sense of the word.
When a mortal commits an act of genocide in life and goes to Abaddon in death, it has a chance of forming into an obcisidaemon if it survives long enough as a member of the hunted. Such individuals rarely have trouble managing the unforgiving wastes, as they have already proven willing to destroy any and all possible allies in order to ensure their own survival, making betrayal an impossibility and solitude an inevitability. A vicious soul that eventually develops into an obcisidaemon becomes a lone, wandering mass of slaughter that acts as a harbinger of undiscriminating and unforgiving death to all who dare stand in its path. In life, the soul perhaps desired to kill only a particular chosen population;as an obcisidaemon, however, the being seeks the obliteration of all mortals.
Peculiar to an obcisidaemon is the cloak of souls that seems to seep from its enormous body, a symbol of its destructive abilities providing onlookers a hint of the sheer scope of its murderous capabilities. When an obcisidaemon lays slaughter to entire populations, it does not feast on all of the souls at once, but captures victims for later use. When the fiend needs to unleash a particularly potent rampage upon a resistant population, it consumes these reserved souls in order to strengthen its powers and ensure its success in total annihilation. Some obcisidaemons have developed eldritch methods to craft and shape these soul fragments, and use them to drape themselves in the material.
Devoted to the wanton, systematic slaughter of all mortal life, most obcisidaemons serve Szuriel, the Horseman of War, who shares similar ideals. In her service, obcisidaemons act as high-ranking officers at the head of armies of purrodaemons, to take advantage of their skill at the pragmatic art of organized massacres. Occasionally, an obcisidaemon instead serves Apollyon, occupying a similar role at the head of a titanic flight of leukodaemons sowing clouds of poison across miles of terrain in its passing. Sometimes, an amassed group of obcisidaemons might trail behind an invading daemonic army, guaranteeing that no trace of the butchered mortals remains among the ashes and salted earth. These obcisidaemons not only ensure that all life perishes, but that the land is thereafter uninhabitable by any living creatures.
Some obcisidaemons serve no particular member of the Four Horsemen, instead choosing to function as independent agents of genocide and endless eons of wartime slaughter. These nomadic, self-serving beings wander from plane to plane, laying waste to one civilization after another. Some obcisidaemons intentionally spread their true names to the Material Plane, hoping for a foolish evil summoner to call upon them, knowing that no mere mortal could control their awesome power. Such summoners often end up among the first souls to be devoured and woven into the cloud of tormented spirits that cloaks the rampaging obcisidaemon.
Obcisidaemons stand 25 feet tall, have wingspans of 30 feet, and weigh over 15,000 pounds, but rumors whisper of specimens that are nearly three times this size.
This serpentine monstrosity has the long snout of a crocodile, ram's horns, and mantis claws projecting from its sinuous body.
Tangible Horror/Tangible Horror(超常) A phasmadaemon's illusion abilities are partially real at a level above and beyond those normally conjured forth by similar illusion spells. If a creature succeeds at its Will save to disbelieve either a phasmadaemon's greater shadow conjuration or greater shadow evocation spell-like ability, the conjured or evoked spell has 80% of the normal effect or is 80% likely to occur, rather than 60%.
Among the most powerful members of daemonkind, the phasmadaemons personify death by fright, and conjure powers of illusion so terrifying that they steal the life from their victims. A phasmadaemon is 25 feet long from snout to tail, but can compress itself into surprisingly small areas thanks to its strange, elastic anatomy. It weighs half a ton.
This human-sized, serpent-headed spider seems to be made of clotted blood, its dragonfly-like wings dripping crimson streamers.
Bleeding Aura/Bleeding Aura(超常) Blood gushes from wounds at an increased rate when within 30 feet of a sangudaemon. All bleed effects deal 2 additional points of damage (this bonus is included in the daemon's bleed damage). Heal checks to stop bleeding or stabilize a dying creature, Constitution checks to become stable, and saving throws against effects that deal bleed damage take a -4 penalty.
Contagious Gore/Contagious Gore(超常) Any creature that stops a bleed effect created by a sangudaemon must succeed at a DC20 Fortitude save or gain a bleed effect identical to what the creature just stopped (this has no effect if the creature was stopping a bleed effect on itself). A creature that succeeds at this save is immune to this ability for 24 hours. The save DC is Constitution-based.
魂吸収/Drain Soul(超常) A sangudaemon can revitalize itself by draining souls. The target must be a dead creature the daemon dealt bleed damage to or used its blood drain ability on within the last hour, and can have been dead for no longer than 1 minute. As a full-round action, the daemon can drink the creature's soul dry, condemning it to Abaddon as one of the hunted (though the dead creature can be returned to life as normal). The daemon gains fast healing 2 for a number of rounds equal to the Hit Dice of the creature whose soul was drained.
Sangudaemons personify death by blood loss. Perhaps more so than any other caste of daemon, the sangudaemon enjoys the hunt for prey, whether that prey is petitioner, mortal, or anything else that bleeds. That the souls of those who perish to a sangudaemon's wrath are consigned to Abaddon makes these daemons particularly hated by those who hold the supernatural cycle of the soul's journey sacred. A sangudaemon is about 5 feet long and weighs 200 pounds.
This tall, three-legged, vulture-headed fiend has a grotesquely long, suckered tongue and gangly arms that end in claws.
窒息/Suffocate(変則) A creature affected by the daemon's strangle ability cannot breathe and must hold its breath. Because of the daemon's thin air aura, this can quickly render an opponent unconscious.
Thin Air/Thin Air(超常) A suspiridaemon's aura makes the air within 30 feet of it difficult to breathe. Creatures that need to breathe can hold their breath only half as long as normal while within this aura, and suffer from altitude effects as if on a low peak or in a high pass (see Altitude Zones on page 430 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook).
舌/Tongue(変則) The tongue of a suspiridaemon is a primary attack and always applies 1・1/2 times its Strength bonus on damage rolls.
Horrid, vulture-headed fiends whose very presence makes the air difficult to breathe, suspiridaemons personify death by suffocation and strangulation. Their flesh is discolored and blotched like the stagnant blood under a suffocated corpse's skin, they don't breathe, and their bodies convulse and twitch like those of hanging victims. A suspiridaemon enjoys nothing more than the last choked gasp of a victim as it wraps its tongue around the creature's throat. Thanks to its utterly silent demeanor, it excels at committing slow, gruesome murders while hiding in the shadows. The only time a suspiridaemon makes a noticeable noise is when it loosens the tissues around its neck and inhales a booming breath―the sudden loss of air that results is enough to make foes fall ill.
A suspiridaemon is 6 feet tall and weighs 250 pounds.
This humanoid creature's limbs―four arms and four legs―bend in awkward configurations. It wields a scythe in its largest arms.
Reaper's Curse/Reaper's Curse(超常) Creatures within 30 feet of a temerdaemon are afflicted by a profound increase in self-inflicted and allyinflicted wounds, failures in magic, and similar accidental damage. Arcane spell failure chances from armor are doubled. A creature that rolls a natural 1 on its attack roll automatically rerolls the attack against itself or an ally (50% chance of either). A creature that rolls a natural 1 on its roll to cast defensively suffers a mishap (see Scroll Mishaps on page 491 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook). Skill checks that have consequences if failed by 5 or more (such as Climb, Disable Device, and Swim) have these consequences on all failed checks
Temerdaemons exist to personify accidental death. A knight falls onto her sword;a peasant trips and breaks his neck;a structure fails in ways its builders never foresaw and buries dozens of innocents―and a temerdaemon cackles knowingly in the distance. While true accidents please the fiend, it also delights in engineering incomprehensibly complex plots that lead to the slaughter of as many mortals as possible. A temerdaemon often wades into the aftermath of such catastrophes, carving apart survivors and sowing mass confusion and hysteria.
Temerdaemons only rarely cooperate among themselves, but a trio of them sometimes forms a “trapper gang” to pursue common goals.
A gangly mass consisting of a rotund torso, four arms, and four legs, a temerdaemon is 10 feet long and weighs 1,200 pounds, not counting its often bizarre collection of odd mechanical fetishes and other tinkering equipment.
Tentacles protrude from the robes of this floating hooded figure in place of arms and legs. Its face is a disturbing, toothless maw.
Swallow Soul/Swallow Soul(超常) A venedaemon can consume a held soul gem created by a cacodaemon as a swift action, allowing it to cast any of its spells known without using a spell slot. For the daemon to use this ability, the consumed gem must contain the soul of a creature with Hit Dice equal to or greater than the spell level of the desired spell.
呪文 ヴェネダイモンは、6レベル・ソーサラーとして呪文を発動する。
The venedaemon personifies death by magic, and so has an inborn talent for all manner of sorcery. Though as hungry for souls as any other member of its daemonic kin, the venedaemon thirsts equally for intangible wealth through the acquisition of knowledge.
This winged, humanoid ascetic's face is bright red and boasts a prodigiously long nose.
Daitengu's Blessing/Daitengu's Blessing(超常) Once per week as a standard action, a daitengu can bestow its mastery of greater fighting arts upon a creature it touches. The daitengu selects any combat feat that it knows and that its target meets the prerequisites for. Upon being touched, the target gains that feat as a bonus feat for a number of days equal to the daitengu's Hit Dice. A daitengu with 15 or more Hit Dice can grant two feats with this ability, while a daitengu with 20 or more Hit Dice can grant three.
Legendary tricksters and teachers, fonts of serenity and masters of destruction, daitengus live far from civilization, where they spend most of their time in meditation. Some say the first daitengus arose from the spirits of tengus who didn't deserve punishment in the afterlife, but who also saw no appeal in the afterlife's rewards.
This bright-eyed, doll-sized woman wears jewels and silks. She has pointed ears, four-fingered hands, and a mischievous grin.
Rejected from the courts of the fey realms, danthiennes―sometimes called gossip pixies―nevertheless delight in courtly intrigue. They adore the trappings of wealth and class, but lack a deeper understanding of politics, and focus most of their energy on personal entertainment and accumulating wardrobes of rich fabrics and random jewelry. These tiny fey spend their time skulking around academies, guilds, and noble courts, stealing valuables and influencing mortal minds to create drama. When they do reveal their presence, danthiennes portray themselves as wish granters, offering to make a person's dreams come true in exchange for services and treasures. In reality, they have no special gift to grant wishes and rely on their magic, bluffs, and mundane theft to uphold their end of any bargain. Danthiennes rarely operate alone, usually enticing a desperate courtier into serving them in exchange for popularity. More rarely, they assemble lesser fey into mock courts, drafting unsuspecting mortals into their sometimes-deadly intrigues. As degenerate, urban cousins of nymphs, they have the ability to bond with mortal creatures and invest them with passion and confidence―but the bond is a deadly one, slowly draining the life force from their temporary partners and ultimately leaving them catatonic.
This bipedal jackal has vulture wings and a rat tail ending in a scorpion's stinger. Each of its four arms ends in a clawed hand.
Soul Rend/Soul Rend(超常) If a deathsnatcher hits a single creature with two or more claw attacks in 1 round, it deals an additional 1d8+13 points of damage to the creature. For every claw attack that hits beyond the first, the soul rend inflicts 1 negative level. The deathsnatcher regains 5 hit points per negative level inflicted. After 24 hours have passed, a negative level can be removed with a successful DC26 Fortitude save.
Swift Spawning/Swift Spawning(超常) When a deathsnatcher kills via negative levels, negative energy damage, or a death effect, the body immediately rises as an advanced bodak (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 292, 48) under the deathsnatcher's control.
Deathsnatchers dwell amid the ruins of fallen civilizations, where they play at being godlings worshiped by undead slaves. Though self-aggrandizing, deathsnatchers are known to give homage to (and claim descent from) the various demon lords of darkness, the desert, and undeath.
This armor-plated creature has four crab-like legs and four arms with razor-sharp pincers.
Crab Walk/Crab Walk(変則) A deep walker ignores difficult terrain. In addition, when a deep walker takes a charge or run action, it can make one turn of up to 90 degrees during its movement.
Psychic Protection/Psychic Protection(超常) A deep walker adds its Charisma modifier (+5 for most deep walkers) to its Armor Class as a deflection bonus and to its Fortitude saves as a resistance bonus.
Deep walkers are among the largest creatures bred by the aboleths. A deepwalker weighs around 10 tons, and when reared up to its full height, it's 35 feet tall.
This muscular, red-eyed, goat-headed demon wields a burning sword. Fire licks up from its flaming hooves.
Burning Hooves/Burning Hooves(超常) A brimorak's burning hooves leave scorched prints. Survival checks to track a brimorak are attempted with a +8 circumstance bonus. Against a prone foe, a brimorak can make two hoof attacks rather than just one.
Flaming Weapon/Flaming Weapon(超常) As a free action, a brimorak can cause a single wielded melee weapon to deal 1d6 additional points of fire damage on a successful hit. This fire damage stacks with any fire damage that the weapon might also deal. The weapon loses this ability if it leaves the demon's grasp.
Smoke Breath/Smoke Breath(超常) A brimorak's breath surrounds it to a radius of 5 feet. A creature who begins its turn in this area must make a successful DC17 Fortitude save or become sickened for 1 round. A creature gains immunity to a particular brimorak's breath for 24 hours with a successful save. This is a poison effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Brimoraks are demons born from the souls of arsonists, and in their fiendish lives, they love nothing more than setting fires. A brimorak stands 3 feet tall and weighs 80 pounds.
While this seductive woman has goat horns, goat hooves, and a serpentine tail, her eyeless face is her most disturbing feature.
4~6 Brands:The branded creature takes a -2 penalty on all Will saves made against a lilitu's spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. The branded creature's aura now radiates chaos and evil.
7~9 Brands:The branded creature's Wisdom score is reduced by 4. A chaotic evil creature is immune to this effect.
Husk Link/Husk Link(超常) By spending a minute in blasphemous contact with a husk she created, a lilitu can establish a supernatural link to that husk. As long as she and that husk remain on the same plane, divination spells reveal the linked husk's alignment to be the same as the lilitu's alignment (chaotic evil). The link allows a lilitu to use her change shape ability to assume a husk's original form, gaining a +20 bonus on Disguise checks to impersonate that person. If a lilitu with an active husk link takes enough damage to be slain, the husk takes the killing blow's damage instead and is destroyed, instantly severing the active husk link;if the lilitu is disguised in the husk's original form, she instantly reverts to her true form.
Profane Grace/Profane Grace(超常) A lilitu gains a +4 profane bonus to AC and on Initiative checks and Reflex saves.
Profane Pact/Profane Pact(超常) Once per day as a full-round action, a lilitu can forge a profane pact with a willing humanoid creature bearing at least one lilitu brand by touching the creature for 1 full round. A single creature can have no more than one profane pact with a lilitu at any time. This functions identically to a succubus's profane gift ability (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 68), save that it grants a +4 profane bonus to an ability score of the humanoid's choice and it does not grant a telepathic link to the target.
Profane Wishcraft/Profane Wishcraft(超常) A creature that accepts a wish from a lilitu immediately becomes chaotic evil unless it succeeds at a DC26 Will save. A creature that becomes chaotic evil in this way gains the benefits of a good hope spell for 24 hours, followed by the effects of crushing despair for 1d6 days (these spell effects function at 術者レベル17). The save DC is Charisma-based.
Swift Claws/Swift Claws(変則) When a lilitu makes a full attack, she can attack twice with each of her claws, for a total of four attacks in that round.
Lilitus are subversive and hidden horrors, demons who work subtly in their constant quest to destroy and devastate. Whereas most demons prefer to rend and destroy, the lilitu is more akin to the succubus―she prefers to do her work in humanoid form to infect society with sin from within. Lilitus enjoy few things more than leading mortals into all manner of sinful acts, in the hope that when the mortal perishes, its soul will fuel the Abyss. Despite some superficial similarities to succubi, lilitus are not solely concerned with the sin of lust. The exact nature of sin that a lilitu tempts a mortal into committing varies, for these demons are adept at reading mortal desires and secrets, quickly discerning which sins a specific target can be convinced to perform.
Lilitus have numerous tools at their disposal for the encouragement of sin, but they much prefer their humanoid victims to commit sins of their own free will. As such, lilitus generally use their abilities to deceive and beguile mortals rather than forcing them to execute heinous acts. A son convinced to kill for his mother (the disguised lilitu) to rectify a grave injustice elicits far more delight than compelling a mind-controlled humanoid to do such a deed.
In her true form, a lilitu appears as an eyeless, horned, snake-tailed―but otherwise beautiful―human woman. Despite her lack of eyes, a lilitu can see with ease. A lilitu forms from the soul of a mortal who lured others of its kind to commit sins.
Lilitus are more likely than other demons to devote their work to a specific demon lord, yet they do not generally view such devotion as true servitude. It's simply convenient to have a specific demigod in mind when seeking to corrupt a mortal's faith and to convince such fallen souls to shift their own allegiance from a prior deity to the lilitu's chosen demon lord. When a lilitu chooses to ally herself with a demon lord, she takes on certain physical characteristics that reflect that demon lord's personality or appearance. For example, a lilitu that serves Dagon, the demon lord of deformity, sea monsters, and the sea might bear scaly skin like that of a fish, webbed fingers and toes, and finlike ridges on her head instead of the more typical goat's horns. A lilitu that serves Pazuzu, on the other hand, might have vestigial feathery wings on her back and bird's talons instead of hooves for feet. These appearance changes are cosmetic only and never impact the lilitu's options for natural attacks. Of course, the demon's ability to change shape or assume the form of a captured husk allows the demon to disguise her true form at will. Lilitus who serve specific demon lords in this manner often have class levels. A lilitu typically focuses on class roles such as bards, rogues, swashbucklers, or any other agility- and deception-based classes.
Lilitus typically stand 6 to 6・1/2 feet tall and weigh 130 to 150 pounds.
This skeletally thin woman has a mothlike face, flies upon dragonfly wings, and is wrapped in shadows.
See Thoughts/See Thoughts(超常) An oolioddroo can see a creature's thoughts, interpreting them as a shifting mass of colors, images, and shapes that infuse a creature's aura. An oolioddroo gains the effects of see invisibility against creatures with an Intelligence score as a result of this unusual sense. This ability also grants the oolioddroo a +8 racial bonus on Sense Motive checks. When it uses detect thoughts, it does not have to study an area or subject to gain all 3 rounds of information―it gains all of this information on the 1st round of using the ability. In addition, it gains a +4 racial bonus to the save DC of its detect thoughts spell-like ability. A blind oolioddroo loses the ability to see thoughts.
Shadow Mantle/Shadow Mantle(超常) The supernatural shadows that wreathe an oolioddroo grant the creature a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks and a +4 deflection bonus to its Armor Class.
Skill Drain/Skill Drain:The victim loses all skill ranks in a skill of the oolioddroo's choosing for 24 hours. Lost skill ranks can be recovered immediately with a restoration or greater restoration spell.
Spell Drain/Spell Drain:The victim immediately loses one prepared spell or one unused spell slot of the oolioddroo's choice;this lost spell or spell slot can be replenished normally.
Oolioddroos, known also as moth demons, are an especially insidious breed of fiend that can infest the brains of living creatures with their eggs, allowing them to manipulate their victims' thoughts and minds from afar. This might mean an oolioddroo's victim could go about its normal life for months or even years before the demon capitalizes on the link and forces it to undertake a particularly nefarious or vile deed. In the worst cases, the victim commits crimes or heinous acts at the oolioddroo's bidding and then immediately forgets about these acts, creating the perfect sleeper agent who not only unknowingly does the oolioddroo's bidding, but might, when not controlled, be significantly involved in efforts to oppose the acts of sabotage and terrorism the oolioddroo commands. To the oolioddroo, the torment, shame, and despair a victim feels upon realizing he's been at least somewhat responsible for such actions is as delicious and delightful as the pain and suffering caused by the acts themselves.
An oolioddroo appears as a skeletally thin woman with gray flesh. Its shadow mantle typically appears in the form of a flowing, diaphanous gown of semisolid shadows and smoke, but the demon can make this defense appear to be black clothes or simply its own shadow. The oolioddroo's deeply unsettling face is that of a horned moth, and her tongue, while flexible, is strong enough to penetrate flesh and bone with ease. An oolioddroo stands 6 feet tall, but weighs only 100 pounds. These sinister demons form from the souls of those who used brainwashing, mind control, and similar techniques, either magical or mundane, to trick or force the innocent into committing terrible acts of brutality.
Oolioddroos are particularly valued in more subtle invasions of the mortal realm, where the act of possession might be too blatant a tactic to use against the innocents of the world. When an oolioddroo does its job well, none even suspect demonic influence;instead they think that the devastating cruelties its influence has engendered rose entirely from the debased thoughts of lone fanatics or sociopaths.
An encounter with an oolioddroo can be rather complex due to the nature of the creature's special abilities―especially if a PC is its intended victim. If an oolioddroo attempts to seize control of a lone PC, one tricky tactic is to simply ask the character's player to attempt all the necessary rolls and checks beforehand. Typically, one of these demons attempts to implant eggs in a character who is alone or asleep, in which case that character can attempt a Perception check (at a -10 penalty if the character is sleeping) and a saving throw against the modify memory spell―if both fail, the implanted egg hatches without the player noticing. Thereafter, the source of the strange voices and compulsions in the character's mind, as well as the source of the periodic suggestions and other magical attacks, can be as frighteningly mysterious to the player as they are to the character. Of course, the GM should take care not to go too far with this―and if a PC or an ally uses detect evil, for example, she might guess that something is afoot when a normally nonevil PC radiates an unexpected aura.
This reptilian demon has a quadrupedal dinosaur's lower body, a vaguely humanoid upper torso, and a draconic saurian head.
Smoking Wound/Smoking Wound(超常) The wounds caused by a vavakia's fangs result in terrible, eerie wounds that constantly weep wisps of green smoke rather than blood, a grim manifestation of the demon's effect on a mortal soul. Each time a vavakia bites a creature, it inflicts 2 negative levels. The wounds continue to smoke as long as the victim suffers those negative levels, causing the victim to become sickened from the hideous sensation and rank smell of the vapors. An effect that removes this sickened condition without restoring the negative levels only temporarily causes the wounds to stop smoking―they begin smoking again in 1d6 rounds. Nonliving creatures bitten by a vavakia are immune to its energy-draining bite and do not exhibit smoking wounds. The Fortitude save to remove these negative levels is DC25. The save DC is Charisma-based.
朦朧化/Stun(変則) A creature struck by a vavakia's tail slap must succeed at a DC30 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round. On a critical hit, the stun effect lasts for 1d4 rounds on a failed save and 1 round on a successful save. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Vavakias are immense demons of great power. Saurian in shape, appetite, and destructive power, they are most often encountered on the Material Plane, though not as demons conjured by spellcasters to serve, but rather as violent invaders come to the world through tears in reality or portals to the deeper rifts. On the Material Plane, a single vavakia is a formidable presence, for the strange demon is driven to feed on living souls and spread destruction―roles at which it excels.
A vavakia demon measures 30 feet in length and stands 15 feet tall, weighing in at 6,000 pounds. Vavakias form on the Abyss from particularly cruel mortal souls who, in life, practiced the vile act of extracting, enslaving, and even consuming other souls. When such a sinful creature arrives on the Abyss, it brings with it partially absorbed fragments of souls from its victims, which it incorporates during its horrific transformation into one of the Abyss's most dangerous forms of demonic life.
The creation of the first vavakias in this manner came at the hands of the demon queen Lamashtu, who was unsatisfied with the raw physical might and monstrous shape of her earliest demonic minions. In those early days, before she had become a deity, Lamashtu was already quite interested in the method by which the Abyss transformed the souls of sinful mortals into demons. When she learned that this process had first been triggered by the daemons, she was at once intrigued and enraged―intrigued because she knew that anything the Horsemen of the Apocalypse could do, she could do, and enraged at the idea that she owed her very existence to the curiosity of a daemonic lord. Though Lamashtu herself rose from the Abyss spontaneously, shortly after the daemons first “taught” the Abyss how to process sinful souls, that difference meant little to the Mother of Monsters. Fueled by rage, she waged war against Abaddon for many years and captured two Horsemen of the Apocalypse―predecessors of those who hold those titles now. She murdered one of them and forced from the other the secret method of manipulating the Abyss and its souls before murdering him as well. Both murdered Horsemen were soon replaced on Abaddon, but by that point Lamashtu's wrath had been spent and all that remained was her own curiosity.
Most of Lamashtu's earliest attempts to create demonic life were hideous failures, but Lamashtu found joy and delight even in these failures. It wasn't until the demon used her own body as an incubator to shape and then eventually birth the first vavakias that she found real success. Lamashtu's early work in creating and manipulating the Abyss in this manner may have much to do with her resulting rise in power to the position of queen of demons―had not her escalating war with Pazuzu forced her attentions away from this hideous art form, there's no telling what other strange demonic races she might have birthed upon the world. Now that she is a true goddess, Lamashtu's interests expand far beyond the curiosities of the Abyss, and she has little time or desire to wallow in her home plane's fecund properties. Of course, other demon lords throughout the Abyss are eager to learn these secrets, but to date, none have managed to duplicate Lamashtu's feats of creation.
In any event, the vavakias themselves have proven a phenomenal success and are among the Abyss's most dangerous demonic races today―and since the creation of the first of their kind, the Abyss itself seems eager to spawn more and more of these deadly demons.
Though originally created to serve as living weapons of war, the vavakias have long since established their own presence as Abyssal warlords and conquerors. While some pledge their service to powerful demon lords, most vavakias rule small empires of their own in the Abyss, typically in remote corners infested with jungles, swamps, and other primeval terrains.
A hideous, pale, wormlike head pushes violently up and out of a corpulent man's body.
Flesh Armor/Flesh Armor(超常) When a vermlek inhabits a humanoid body (see Inhabit Body below), it treats the dead flesh and muscle as armor, gaining a +3 armor bonus to its AC.
Inhabit Body/Inhabit Body(超常) A vermlek can crawl into the body of any dead Medium humanoid, consuming and replacing the bulk of the humanoid's skeleton and internal organs as it does so. This process takes 1d4 rounds, during which the vermlek is flat-footed. Once the process is complete, the vermlek appears for all practical purposes to be a living but hideously obese version of the previous humanoid―it gains a +8 racial bonus on Disguise checks to appear as a normal humanoid while wearing a dead body in this manner, but does not gain any of the abilities that the dead creature had in life, including natural attacks, unusual movement types, or natural armor. It loses its own burrow speed while inhabiting a body but gains the ability to wield weapons or wear armor shaped for humanoids (although the armor bonus granted by wearing armor does not stack with the bonus granted by the vermlek's flesh armor ability).
Vermleks form from the souls of those who habitually violated the dead in life, such as grave robbers, necromancers, and necrophiles. Demonic armies often use them as disposable troops in war, with vermleks inhabiting the bodies of slain humanoid enemies to infiltrate and destroy any surviving humanoids from within their own society. When inhabiting bodies, vermleks tend to mutter and mumble rather than speaking clearly, as they know that a keen eye that peers into the body's mouth can swiftly discern the horrible truth within.
Despite the fact that they are often used as battleground troops, vermleks have little taste for war and, left alone, prefer to live in hiding among humanoids on the Material Plane. There, disguised as laborers like gravediggers or dung sweepers, they can revel in their ghoulish, taboo lusts.
Outside of a host body, a vermlek appears as a worm with four long tails, each of which ends in a tangle of filaments. In this form, the demon is 7 feet long and weighs 90 pounds.
Patches of fur adorn the sickly flesh of this gangly but muscular hyena-headed humanoid.
Hallucinatory Aura/Hallucinatory Aura(超常) Any creature coming within 20 feet of a yaenit must succeed at a DC17 Will save or succumb to the demon's foul, mind-warping magic. A creature affected by a yaenit's hallucinatory aura takes a -2 penalty on Will saves, caster level checks, Intelligence-based skill checks, and Wisdom-based skill checks for as long as it remains within the aura's range and for 1d4-1 rounds after leaving the area of effect. This is a mind-affecting effect. Whether or not the save is successful, an affected creature is immune to the same yaenit's hallucinatory aura for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Violent progenitors of Lamashtu's earthly broods, the yaenit demons' purpose is to protect Lamashtu's priestesses and their unholy spawn. Yaenits rise from the souls of evil mortals who in life were exceptionally cruel bullies and tormentors. Their resemblance to gnolls is no coincidence, as many yaenits form from the spirits of gnolls in the Abyss. Gnolls, for their part, revere yaenits as embodiments of Lamashtu's will, and worship these demons as representatives of both the Mother of Monsters and her unholy designs for her devoted gnoll followers.
This pale blue humanoid has bright white eyes and wild, white hair adorned with a spiked, gem-encrusted coronet.
Psychic Incoherence/Psychic Incoherence(超常) A derro magister uses its Charisma modifier on Will saves instead of its Wisdom modifier. Creatures attempting to read a magister's mind must succeed at a DC 16 Will save or take 5d6 points of damage from mental anguish; this is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Puppeteer/Puppeteer(超常) As a standard action, a derro magister can target one willing creature within 30 feet, which can take an immediate action to perform one full turn's worth of actions of the magister's choice. Creatures do not obey obviously self-destructive orders. While affected, the creature does not suffer from incapacitating effects such as stun or paralysis; such effects don't prevent it from taking this immediate action.
日光に対する脆弱性/Vulnerable to Sunlight(変則) A derro magister takes 2 points of Constitution damage after every hour it's exposed to sunlight.
This towering baboon has fiery orange fur, with two tufts of hair curling up like horns on its head.
Devil monkeys are so named for their bright red-orange fur and distinct hair tufts that resemble horns. Despite their name and strange appearance, these primates have no connection to devils or other supernatural creatures, although their penchant for violence and lairing in regions not typically noted for primate fauna often sparks rumors of strange monsters or mythical invaders. In truth, devil monkeys are giant relatives of baboons. Like their smaller cousins, devil monkeys have doglike muzzles and large canine teeth. Their tails are relatively short and not prehensile. Devil monkeys mostly move around on all fours, but when they rest on their haunches, their heads can reach up to 18 feet high. A typical devil monkey weighs 15,000 pounds.
This sauropod has an elongated neck and a long, tapering tail. Two spiny frills run along the back of the creature's neck.
This bipedal dinosaur has a large head and cavernous jaws full of large, sharp teeth.
This quadrupedal dinosaur has two rows of dorsal spikes, a spiked tail, and two more spikes projecting from its shoulders.
Impaling Strike/Impaling Strike(変則) A kentrosaurus's tail is a primary attack that deals piercing damage and has a ×3 critical damage multiplier
The kentrosaurus is a smaller relative of the stegosaurus, but features large bony spikes on its shoulders. A typical kentrosaurus measures 15 feet long and weighs 2,000 pounds.
This immense flying reptile has a staggering wingspan and a brightly colored head with a razor-sharp beak.
Razor-Sharp Beak/Razor-Sharp Beak(変則) A quetzalcoatlus's bite attack has a critical multiplier of ×3.
年齢段階 | 年齢(歳) | 脅威度 | 再度 | ヒット・ダイス | 外皮 | ブレス攻撃 |
1 ワームリング(雛) | 0~5 | 基本値 | 基本値 | 基本値 | 基本値 | 基本値 |
2 ヴェリー・ヤング(幼児) | 6~15 | 基本値+2 | 基本値+1 | 基本値+2 | 基本値+3 | 基本値×2 |
3 ヤング(子供) | 16~25 | 基本値+4 | 基本値+2 | 基本値+4 | 基本値+6 | 基本値×3 |
4 ジュヴナイル(少年) | 26~50 | 基本値+5 | 基本値+2 | 基本値+6 | 基本値+9 | 基本値×4 |
5 ヤング・アダルト(青年) | 51~100 | 基本値+7 | 基本値+3 | 基本値+8 | 基本値+12 | 基本値×5 |
6 アダルト(成年) | 101~200 | 基本値+8 | 基本値+3 | 基本値+10 | 基本値+15 | 基本値×6 |
7 マチュア・アダルト(壮年) | 201~400 | 基本値+9 | 基本値+3 | 基本値+12 | 基本値+18 | 基本値×7 |
8 オールド(老齢) | 401~600 | 基本値+11 | 基本値+4 | 基本値+14 | 基本値+21 | 基本値×8 |
9 ヴェリー・オールド(大老) | 601~800 | 基本値+12 | 基本値+4 | 基本値+16 | 基本値+24 | 基本値×9 |
10 エインシャント(太古) | 801~1,000 | 基本値+13 | 基本値+4 | 基本値+18 | 基本値+27 | 基本値×10 |
11 ワーム(長虫) | 1,001~1,200 | 基本値+14 | 基本値+4 | 基本値+20 | 基本値+30 | 基本値×11 |
12 グレート・ワーム(大長虫) | 1,201+ | 基本値+16 | 基本値+5 | 基本値+22 | 基本値+33 | 基本値×12 |
年齢(歳):This is the dragon's actual age.
脅威度:This column modifies the dragon's base CR.
サイズ:This shows how many size categories by which to increase the dragon's base size, depending on its age (from Tiny to Small, Small to Medium, and so on). A true dragon does not gain the standard increases to ability scores when it achieves a larger size―instead, true dragons gain ability score increases according to their age category, as indicated on the Dragon Ability Scores table.
ヒット・ダイス:This shows how many additional Hit Dice a dragon gains over its base Hit Dice as it grows. Increases to Hit Dice grant extra hit points, feats, and skill ranks as well as increase the dragon's base attack bonus and base save bonuses. Dragons have skill ranks equal to 6 + their Intelligence modifier per Hit Die. A dragon's increases to ability scores for gaining Hit Dice are included in the total ability score increases (see the Dragon Ability Scores table).
外皮:This shows by what amount the dragon's base natural armor bonus increases with each age category.
年齢段階 | 【筋】 | 【敏】 | 【耐】 | 【知】 | 【判】 | 【魅】 |
1 ワームリング(雛) | 基本値 | 基本値 | 基本値 | 基本値 | 基本値 | 基本値 |
2 ヴェリー・ヤング(幼児) | 基本値+4 | 基本値-2 | 基本値+2 | 基本値+2 | 基本値+2 | 基本値+2 |
3 ヤング(子供) | 基本値+8 | 基本値-2 | 基本値+4 | 基本値+2 | 基本値+2 | 基本値+2 |
4 ジュヴナイル(少年) | 基本値+10 | 基本値-2 | 基本値+6 | 基本値+4 | 基本値+4 | 基本値+4 |
5 ヤング・アダルト(青年) | 基本値+12 | 基本値-4 | 基本値+6 | 基本値+4 | 基本値+4 | 基本値+4 |
6 アダルト(成年) | 基本値+14 | 基本値-4 | 基本値+8 | 基本値+6 | 基本値+6 | 基本値+6 |
7 マチュア・アダルト(壮年) | 基本値+16 | 基本値-4 | 基本値+8 | 基本値+6 | 基本値+6 | 基本値+6 |
8 オールド(老齢) | 基本値+18 | 基本値-6 | 基本値+10 | 基本値+8 | 基本値+8 | 基本値+8 |
9 ヴェリー・オールド(大老) | 基本値+20 | 基本値-6 | 基本値+10 | 基本値+8 | 基本値+8 | 基本値+8 |
10 エインシャント(太古) | 基本値+22 | 基本値-6 | 基本値+12 | 基本値+10 | 基本値+10 | 基本値+10 |
11 ワーム(長虫) | 基本値+24 | 基本値-8 | 基本値+12 | 基本値+10 | 基本値+10 | 基本値+10 |
12 グレート・ワーム(大長虫) | 基本値+26 | 基本値-8 | 基本値+14 | 基本値+12 | 基本値+12 | 基本値+12 |
サイズ | 飛行移動速度(機動性) | 噛みつき×1 | 爪×2 | 翼×2 | 尾の打撃×1 | 押し潰し×1 | 尾による一掃×1 | ブレス攻撃 | |
直線状 | 円錐形 | ||||||||
超小型 | 100フィート(標準) | 1d4 | 1d3 | ― | ― | ― | ― | 30フィート | 15フィート |
小型 | 150フィート(標準) | 1d6 | 1d4 | ― | ― | ― | ― | 40フィート | 20フィート |
中型 | 150フィート(標準) | 1d8 | 1d6 | 1d4 | ― | ― | ― | 60フィート | 30フィート |
大型 | 200フィート(貧弱) | 2d6 | 1d8 | 1d6 | 1d8 | ― | ― | 80フィート | 40フィート |
超大型 | 200フィート(貧弱) | 2d8 | 2d6 | 1d8 | 2d6 | 2d8 | ― | 100フィート | 50フィート |
巨大 | 250フィート(劣悪) | 4d6 | 2d8 | 2d6 | 2d8 | 4d6 | 2d6 | 120フィート | 60フィート |
超巨大 | 250フィート(劣悪) | 4d8 | 4d6 | 2d8 | 4d6 | 4d8 | 2d8 | 140フィート | 70フィート |
噛みつき/Bite:This is a primary attack that deals the indicated damage plus 1・1/2 times the dragon's Strength bonus (even though it has more than one attack). A dragon's bite attack has reach as if the creature were one size category larger (+10 feet for Colossal dragons).
爪/Claws:These primary attacks deal the indicated damage plus the dragon's Strength bonus.
翼/Wings:The dragon can slam foes with its wings, even when flying. Wing attacks are secondary attacks that deal the indicated damage plus 1/2 the dragon's Strength bonus.
尾の打撃/Tail Slap:The dragon can slap one foe each round with its tail. A tail slap is a secondary attack that deals the indicated damage plus 1・1/2 times the dragon's Strength bonus (this is an exception to the normal secondary attack rules).
押し潰し/Crush(変則):A flying or jumping Huge or larger dragon can land on foes as a standard action, using its whole body to crush them. Crush attacks are effective only against opponents three or more size categories smaller than the dragon. A crush attack affects as many creatures as fit in the dragon's space. Creatures in the affected area must succeed on a Reflex save (DC equal to that of the dragon's breath weapon) or be pinned, automatically taking bludgeoning damage during the next round unless the dragon moves off them. If the dragon chooses to maintain the pin, it must succeed at a combat maneuver check as normal. Pinned foes take damage from the crush each round if they don't escape. A crush attack deals the indicated damage plus 1・1/2 times the dragon's Strength bonus.
尾による一掃/Tail Sweep(変則):This allows a Gargantuan or larger dragon to sweep with its tail as a standard action. The sweep affects a half-circle with a radius of 30 feet (or 40 feet for a Colossal dragon), extending from an intersection on the edge of the dragon's space in any direction. Creatures within the swept area are affected if they are four or more size categories smaller than the dragon. A tail sweep automatically deals the indicated damage plus 1・1/2 times the dragon's Strength bonus (round down). Affected creatures can attempt Reflex saves to take half damage (DC equal to that of the dragon's breath weapon).
竜の超感覚/Dragon Senses(変則):Dragons have darkvision 120 ft. and blindsense 60 ft. They see four times as well as a human in dim light and twice as well in normal light.
畏怖すべき存在/Frightful Presence(変則):A dragon's frightful presence has a range equal to 30 feet × the dragon's age category, but otherwise functions as detailed in the Universal Monster Rules.
完全耐性/Immunities(変則):Every dragon is immune to sleep and paralysis. In addition, a dragon is immune to one or two additional forms of attack no matter what its age, as given in its description.
Planar Infusion/Planar Infusion(超常):a juvenile or older planar dragon can influence its surroundings as full-round action, causing an area with a radius of 30 feet x the dragon's age category number to be treated as an extension of its home plane. This imposes that plane's strong alignment traits and grants the plane's enhanced and impeded magic traits, affects whether a creature is treated as native or extraplanar for the purpose of spells like dismissal and creates minor sensory effects evoking that plane. This effect is immobile and lasts for 10 days or until the dragon dies or uses this ability again.
呪文抵抗/Spell Resistance(変則):As dragons grow older, they become more resistant to spells and spell-like abilities, as indicated in the dragon descriptions. A dragon's SR is equal to 11 + its CR.
呪文:A planar dragon knows and casts spells as per an oracle of the level indicated in its specific description. Its caster level depends on its age, as given for each type.
This dragon's scales are the color of weathered bone, and its hide stretches tautly and painfully over its emaciated form.
Decaying Breath/Decaying Breath(超常) A crypt dragon's breath weapon deals damage to undead creatures as if it were positive energy.
Entombing Crush/Entombing Crush(超常) When a creature takes damage from the dragon's crush, it must succeed at a Fortitude save at the same DC as the crush attack or become paralyzed for 1d10 rounds by eldritch magical energies from the dragon's scales.
Grave Endurance/Grave Endurance(変則) A crypt dragon is immune to death effects, disease, exhaustion, fatigue, negative energy, and poison, in addition to its immunity to paralysis and sleep.
Inexorable Attacks/Inexorable Attacks(変則) All of a crypt dragon's natural attacks function as ghost touch weapons.
Lingering Rot/Lingering Rot(超常) Negative levels imparted by a crypt dragon's rotting breath last for a number of hours equal to the dragon's age category number before disappearing.
Rotting Breath/Rotting Breath(超常) Any creature that fails its saving throw against a crypt dragon's breath weapon also gains the listed number of temporary negative levels, which disappear at a rate of 1 per round. Undead creatures that fail this save instead cower for an equal number of rounds.
年齢段階 | 特種能力 | 術者レベル |
ワームリング(雛) | Decaying Breath、Grave Endurance | ― |
ヴェリー・ヤング(幼児) | Inexorable Attacks | ― |
ヤング(子供) | 収縮、Rotting Breath | 1レベル |
ジュヴナイル(少年) | 畏怖すべき存在, Planar Infusion | 3レベル |
ヤング・アダルト(青年) | ダメージ減少5/アダマンティン、呪文抵抗 | 5レベル |
アダルト(成年) | Entombing Crush | 7レベル |
マチュア・アダルト(壮年) | ダメージ減少10/アダマンティン | 9レベル |
オールド(老齢) | Rotting Breath(1d4) | 11レベル |
ヴェリー・オールド(大老) | ダメージ減少15/アダマンティン、Lingering Rot | 13レベル |
エインシャント(太古) | Rotting Breath(1d6) | 15レベル |
ワーム(長虫) | ダメージ減少20/アダマンティン | 17レベル |
グレート・ワーム(大長虫) | Sepulchral Crush | 19レベル |
Crypt dragons patrol the Inner Planes, ever vigilant for transgressions against the honored dead or the passage of souls to the afterlife―be they the souls of heroes or villains.
This dragon's scales and insectile wings dance with color, while its whiplike tail waves as if stirred by an unseen breeze.
Deadly Tail/Deadly Tail(変則) The dragon's tail slap critical multiplier becomes ×3.
Delirium Breath/Delirium Breath(超常) A creature that fails its save against the dragon's breath weapon becomes confused for 1 round.
Lashing Tail/Lashing Tail(変則) A havoc dragon's tail slap attack has reach equal to its bite attack and gains the trip special attack.
Performer/Performer(超常) A havoc dragon treats all Perform skills as class skills and can choose spells from the cleric and bard spell lists.
Planar Artist/Planar Artist(超常) Three times per day as a standard action, a havoc dragon can reshape features within the area of its planar infusion as if casting create demiplane (except the shape function). All additional features disappear when the planar infusion ends.
Rapturous Revel/Rapturous Revel(超常) Once per day as a standard action, a havoc dragon can inspire creativity and joy in each creature in a 100-foot radius for 1 minute. For each affected creature, the dragon chooses to affect the target with charm monster, confusion, or greater heroism (Will DC32 negates). These are mind-affecting effects. The save DC is Charisma-based.
年齢段階 | 特種能力 | 術者レベル |
ワームリング(雛) | Soundproof | ― |
ヴェリー・ヤング(幼児) | 変身3回/日 | ― |
ヤング(子供) | Lashing Tail | 1レベル |
ジュヴナイル(少年) | 畏怖すべき存在, Planar Infusion | 3レベル |
ヤング・アダルト(青年) | ダメージ減少5/秩序、呪文抵抗 | 5レベル |
アダルト(成年) | Delirium Breath | 7レベル |
マチュア・アダルト(壮年) | ダメージ減少10/秩序 | 9レベル |
オールド(老齢) | Deadly Tail | 11レベル |
ヴェリー・オールド(大老) | ダメージ減少15/秩序 | 13レベル |
エインシャント(太古) | Planar Artist | 15レベル |
ワーム(長虫) | ダメージ減少20/秩序 | 17レベル |
グレート・ワーム(大長虫) | Rapturous Revel | 19レベル |
Despite their best intentions, the appropriately named havoc dragons often cause collateral damage as they develop whimsical wonderlands of revelry and relaxation.
Cruel horns frame this dragon's head. Its body glows faintly with malicious heat.出典 Bestiary 6 102ページ
Damnation Flames/Damnation Flames(超常) Those slain by the infernal dragon's breath weapon are condemned to Hell. Anyone attempting to resurrect such a creature must succeed at a caster level check equal to 10 + the dragon's CR, or the spell fails.
地獄の業火/Hellfire(超常) Half of the damage from hellfire is fire damage, and half is unholy energy that bypasses fire resistance and immunity.
Hellproof/Hellproof(変則) The infernal dragon is immune to fire, hellfire, and mind-affecting effects.
Infernal Aide/Infernal Aide(擬呪) Once per day, the dragon can summon a contract devil as per summon monster IX with a duration of 1 hour.
Inscrutable/Inscrutable(変則) An infernal dragon gains a bonus on saves against divination spells and effects equal to its age category number.
Invoke Hell/Invoke Hell(擬呪) An infernal dragon can use fire storm and meteor swarm as spell-like abilities once per day each. All fire damage caused by these spell-like abilities functions as hellfire.
年齢段階 | 特種能力 | 術者レベル |
ワームリング(雛) | 地獄の業火、Hellproof | ― |
ヴェリー・ヤング(幼児) | Inscrutable | ― |
ヤング(子供) | Oppressive Heat | 1レベル |
ジュヴナイル(少年) | Planar infusion | 3レベル |
ヤング・アダルト(青年) | ダメージ減少5/混沌、呪文抵抗 | 5レベル |
アダルト(成年) | 命ずる声 | 7レベル |
マチュア・アダルト(壮年) | ダメージ減少10/混沌 | 9レベル |
オールド(老齢) | Infernal Aide | 11レベル |
ヴェリー・オールド(大老) | ダメージ減少15/混沌 | 13レベル |
エインシャント(太古) | Invoke Hell | 15レベル |
ワーム(長虫) | ダメージ減少20/混沌 | 17レベル |
グレート・ワーム(大長虫) | Damnation Flames | 19レベル |
Infernal dragons delight in recruiting large entourages of overly ambitious mortals who gladly debase themselves in exchange for influence.
This sleek dragon carries itself with regal dignity. Its eyes glow with heavenly light.出典 Bestiary 6 104ページ
優雅なる飛行/Graceful Flight(変則) A paradise dragon's aerial maneuverability is one step better than normal.
Heavenly Aid/Heavenly Aid(変則) When a paradise dragon uses the aid another action, the bonus it grants is +4 rather than +2.
Rebuking Breath/Rebuking Breath(超常) A creature that takes damage from a paradise dragon's breath weapon is subject to a bull rush.
Redemption/Redemption(超常) Once per month, a paradise dragon can offer a dead creature a second chance at life. If the creature's soul accepts, it is revived as per true resurrection, and its alignment shifts two steps toward lawful good.
Resolute/Resolute(変則) A paradise dragon is immune to force effects, petrification, and poison.
Sacred Space/Sacred Space(超常) Nonevil allies in the area of a paradise dragon's planar infusion heal at twice the natural rate and gain a +2 sacred bonus on their saving throws.
年齢段階 | 特種能力 | 術者レベル |
ワームリング(雛) | 優雅なる飛行、Resolute | ― |
ヴェリー・ヤング(幼児) | Heavenly Aid | ― |
ヤング(子供) | Rebuking Breath | 1レベル |
ジュヴナイル(少年) | 畏怖すべき存在, Planar Infusion | 3レベル |
ヤング・アダルト(青年) | ダメージ減少5/悪、呪文抵抗 | 5レベル |
アダルト(成年) | Sacred Space | 7レベル |
マチュア・アダルト(壮年) | ダメージ減少10/悪 | 9レベル |
オールド(老齢) | Seeking Breath | 11レベル |
ヴェリー・オールド(大老) | ダメージ減少15/悪 | 13レベル |
エインシャント(太古) | Banishing Breath | 15レベル |
ワーム(長虫) | ダメージ減少20/悪 | 17レベル |
グレート・ワーム(大長虫) | Redemption | 19レベル |
Paradise dragons create holy sanctums of light and harmony to shield their followers from the multiverse's evil.
This dark-scaled dragon has massive claws, and foul-smelling acid drips from its saber teeth.出典 Bestiary 6 106ページ
出血攻撃/Bleed(変則) A rift dragon's bite, claw, and trample attacks deal bleed damage equal to its age category number.
腐食/Corrosion(超常) The dragon's breath weapon deals full damage to inanimate objects and ignores the first 10 points of hardness.
Corrupt Fortitude/Corrupt Fortitude(変則) A rift dragon is immune to acid, disease, nausea, poison, and stun.
Dissolution/Dissolution(超常) When a creature fails its save against a rift dragon's breath weapon, it becomes vulnerable to acid and lowers any damage reduction it has by 10 for 1 minute.
Flatten/Flatten(変則) When a rift dragon uses its trample attack, it can end its movement in other creatures' spaces, using its crush attack against those foes as a free action.
Foul Acid/Foul Acid(変則) Any creature that takes damage from a rift dragon's breath weapon is staggered for 1 round by the foul vapors if it failed the saving throw against the breath weapon. This is a poison effect.
Obliterating Breath/Obliterating Breath(超常) Instead of a cone of acid, three times per day the dragon can breath a line of destructive force that affects each target as per disintegrate (術者レベル20, Fortitude DC36 partial).
年齢段階 | 特種能力 | 術者レベル |
ワームリング(雛) | Corrupt Fortitude | ― |
ヴェリー・ヤング(幼児) | 出血攻撃、Foul Acid | ― |
ヤング(子供) | 腐食、蹂躙 | 1レベル |
ジュヴナイル(少年) | 畏怖すべき存在, Planar Infusion | 3レベル |
ヤング・アダルト(青年) | ダメージ減少5/善、呪文抵抗 | 5レベル |
アダルト(成年) | Abyssal Juggernaut | 7レベル |
マチュア・アダルト(壮年) | ダメージ減少10/善 | 9レベル |
オールド(老齢) | Dissolution | 11レベル |
ヴェリー・オールド(大老) | ダメージ減少15/善 | 13レベル |
エインシャント(太古) | Flatten(1d6) | 15レベル |
ワーム(長虫) | ダメージ減少20/善 | 17レベル |
グレート・ワーム(大長虫) | Obliterating Breath | 19レベル |
This mighty, two-headed dragon has a six-legged serpentine body that ends in a writhing, whiplike tail.
神殺し/Godslayer(変則) An elder wyrm's natural attacks overcome damage reduction and regeneration as per epic and magic weapons. As a swift action, the elder wyrm can grant its natural weapons one alignment property and one material property for this purpose. These secondary properties last for 1 hour or until the elder wyrm uses this ability again to select new properties.
Impossible Coordination/Impossible Coordination(変則) An elder wyrm can plan and execute a vast number of schemes in a short time. When an encounter starts, an elder wyrm rolls twice for initiative. Once per minute, it can act on both initiative counts and can use the delay or ready actions independently at each initiative. On other rounds, it uses the higher initiative count.
Myth-Drinker/Myth-Drinker(超常) An elder wyrm's bite and rend attacks deal an additional 2d6 points of damage to creatures with mythic tiers or the mythic subtype. When an elder wyrm confirms a critical hit with its bite attack against such a target, the target loses 1d4 uses of mythic power. For each use of mythic power lost, the elder wyrm either regains 2d10 hit points or can attempt a saving throw against one ongoing effect;on a successful save, the effect ends immediately. At the GM's discretion, this ability could apply to mighty albeit non-mythic divine creations, such as behemoths, demodands, titans, and outsiders whose CR is 20 or higher;in this case the elder wyrm benefits as though the target had lost two uses of mythic power.
呪文 エルダー・ワームは、0レベル・ソーサラーとして呪文を発動する。
Swift Tail/Swift Tail(変則) An elder worm can strike twice in a round with its tail slap when it makes a full attack.
Synchronized Strike/Synchronized Strike(変則) An elder wyrm's two heads work in perfect concert when making attacks, snaking apart to strike targets from opposite directions. Once per round, the elder wyrm can perform two bite attacks as an attack action, such as when performing a charge or making an attack or opportunity. When an elder wyrm uses both bite attacks against a creature that is at least one size category smaller than it is, the elder wyrm is treated as if both heads were flanking the target for the purposes of resolving the attacks.
Tail Snap/Tail Snap(超常) As a full-round action, an elder wyrm can make two tail slap attacks against a single creature it can reach. If one tail slap hits, the target must also succeed at a DC36 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round. If both hit, the tail's impact causes a 10-foot-radius burst of concussive force centered on the target, dealing 10d10 points of sonic damage to all creatures in the area and stunning them for 1 round (Fortitude DC36 negates the stunned effect). The elder wyrm is unharmed by this effect. The save DC is Constitution-based
Over the eons, gods and would-be divinities have unleashed countless monstrosities on the multiverse in vain attempts to create worshipers or punish oath breakers, or just out of spite. Many such beasts outlive their usefulness and run amok, defying their creators' commands to stand down.
Elder wyrms were once divine avengers, granted life in order to seek and destroy rogue agents of the gods and other such abominations. After annihilating several condemned species, the dragons broke free from the gods' control. Despite this, elder wyrms have a flexible but insistent sense of justice instilled in them by their divine mandate, and acting as the judge, jury, and executioner of mighty foes scratches an existential itch. The few elder wyrms that live on a given planet spend much of their time dozing in secluded places, waking occasionally to hunt or seek out injustices to punish based on their individual interests and moods. This cycle of inactivity leaves most elder wyrms woefully ill-informed of current events, though once they have cause to pay attention, their keen intellects and powerful divinations allow them to gather and process several centuries of news in short order.
Because they wake so rarely, elder wyrms often become centerpieces of local legends and cautionary tales. Especially convincing or foolhardy heroes might even seek out an elder wyrm in order to direct its vengeful wrath against a specific target, though the wyrm is just as likely to determine that the heroes are more worthy of destruction than their targets. Having two heads does, after all, make elder wyrms better equipped to see both sides of an issue and render judgment. Each head can think independently and seamlessly share control of the body, allowing the dragon to perform dizzying acts of synchronicity. Often the two heads' personalities diverge, leading to good-natured bickering and debate between the two, much to the dread of anxious onlookers.
An elder wyrm is 100 feet long and weighs 25,000 pounds.}}
Blue-gray wings extend over the jeweled bangles and gossamer veils of this androgynous angel.
Endless Dance/Endless Dance(変則) Arshea adds their Charisma bonus to all damage rolls with weapon attacks (this bonus is already calculated into their statistics above).
Flawless Form/Flawless Form(変則) Arshea exults in the body's full freedom of motion and the beauty of the physical form. Whenever wearing revealing clothing (or no clothing) and no armor, Arshea adds their Wisdom bonus as an insight bonus to their Armor Class and their Charisma bonus as a sacred bonus to their Armor Class (these bonuses are already calculated into their statistics above).
Freedom's Call/Freedom's Call(変則) Arshea is immune to any effects that abrogate freedom, as if constantly under the effects of freedom.
Fulfillment/Fulfillment(超常) Arshea instantly receives the full results of detect anxieties, detect desires, and detect thoughts on the first round of examining a creature. In addition to the creature's current desires, Arshea's detect desires reveals the creature's deepest underlying desires―those that would bring it true fulfillment if granted. If the creature's deepest desires are wicked or perverse in nature, Arshea also learns the creature's deepest nonharmful desire, if any, and whether its fulfillment might help the creature eschew the darkness constraining its heart. Arshea can produce an effect within the bounds of wish without spending a use of the daily spell-like ability, but only to help grant a creature fulfillment as determined by this ability, and only once per creature. Participating in a creature's fulfillment and release from needless constraints is a religious and often sexual experience for both parties involved. For 24 hours afterward, both Arshea and the fulfilled creature receive a +4 morale bonus on ability checks, attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, as well as to caster level.
Nomadic/Nomadic(変則) Arshea, unlike many empyreal lords, does not keep a static empyreal realm. Instead, Arshea is nomadic, traveling the wilds of Nirvana as they see fit. As a swift action once per day, Arshea can designate a region on Nirvana to serve as their territory―this region cannot include any area currently claimed by another empyreal lord or deity as part of a planar realm. The area of the territory can vary, but it never extends more than 100 miles from the point Arshea selected as the center of their territory. The next time Arshea uses this ability to generate a planar territory, it cannot overlap any region that served them as a planar territory within the previous 24 hours. Within this planar territory, Arshea enjoys the full benefits of an empyreal realm, as detailed on page 87 of Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4, including the ability to use mythic spell-like abilities and the mythic power ability.
Primal Aura/Primal Aura(超常) Creatures within Arshea's primal aura must succeed at a DC40 Will save to avoid becoming overwhelmed with euphoria. On a successful save, the creature takes a -2 penalty on all saving throws against emotion-based effects while remaining within Arshea's primal aura, but it is immune to further effects from the primal aura for 24 hours. On a failed save, the creature becomes dazed for 1 round from overwhelming sensations in addition to the -2 penalty on all saving throws against emotion-based effects. This is a mind-affecting emotion effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Unlimited Abandon/Unlimited Abandon(超常) All of Arshea's mind-affecting spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, and extraordinary abilities affect all creatures, regardless of those creatures' immunity to charms, compulsions, emotion effects, or mind-affecting effects. A mythic or deific creature with such an immunity still loses its immunity, but gains a +4 bonus on its saving throws against these effects and can roll twice and then choose the best result.
Arshea is known as the embodiment of irrepressible passion and exultation, and is also named among mortals as the Spirit of Abandon and the Host of Delectation. Their unique form combines the most attractive traits of both femininity and masculinity―seen as such not only by members of the human race, but by those of any species that have an encounter with the empyreal lord. The empyreal lord is of both genders and neither, unfettered by such distinctions. Arshea has no personal realm, instead journeying throughout the celestial realms and the mortal world unpredictably, trailing a wake of beauty, freedom, and sensuality
Arshea's holy symbol is a reclining figure draped in multicolored sashes, and their favored weapon is the flail. The Spirit of Abandon grants access to the domains of Charm, Good, Liberation, and Strength, and to the subdomains of Agathion, Freedom, Love, and Lust.
This living silhouette of a graceful woman has white hair and eyes. Her butterfly wings shimmer with twinkling stars.
Interstellar Mastery/Interstellar Mastery(変則) Black Butterfly never suffers any harmful environmental effects from outer space. She gains a +4 sacred bonus on attack rolls and saving throws when in such an environment, as well as the benefits of a ranger's favored terrain (+10 bonus).
Primal Aura/Primal Aura(超常) No sounds pass through Black Butterfly's primal aura except those she allows, and even then, she can choose to block a sound in some portions of her aura while allowing it to pass through other portions. When blocking sound, this aura functions similarly to silence. This ability is suppressed for 1d4 rounds whenever Black Butterfly is affected by a vision-based effect created by an evil creature.
Silence Between/Silence Between(変則) When Black Butterfly takes a 5-foot step, instead of moving 5 feet, she can ride the spaces in between breaths and thoughts, disappearing and rematerializing anywhere within 150 feet and attempting a Stealth check to hide as a free action. She can hide even when being directly observed, and her Stealth can defeat any sense (for example blindsight, lifesense, and tremorsense) as long as the result of the check exceeds the result of the observer's Perception check. She gains an additional +20 bonus on Stealth checks (+40 when immobile), which doesn't stack with the bonuses from invisibility, and she can't be outlined by spells like faerie fire or glitterdust. If she is hidden when she begins a full attack, any creature that wasn't observing her is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against all attacks in the full attack, not just the first attack. Black Butterfly loses access to her silence between ability when she is in an area of bright light.
星間飛行/Starflight(超常) Although she can use interplanetary teleport at will, Black Butterfly enjoys flying between the stars. When she does so, she travels at an incredible speed. Although exact travel times vary, a trip within a single solar system should take 3d20 hours, while a trip beyond should take 3d20 days (or more, at the GM's discretion). Black Butterfly knows the routes to all destinations among the stars.
息盗み/Steal Breath(超常) Black Butterfly's touch attack deals 10d6 points of cold damage and draws the breath from the target's lungs as she subjects the creature to the racking conditions of deep space. The creature struck can resist having its breath drawn out with a successful DC37 Fortitude save;otherwise, the target is knocked unconscious by the sudden loss of oxygen. Steal breath does not harm creatures that do not breathe, but her touch attack can still deal cold damage. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Voidsedge Bond/Voidsedge Bond(変則) Voidsedge is a +5 aberration-bane ghost touch holy starknife that exists as one of the stars in Black Butterfly's wings until she calls it to her hand as a free action. When she throws Voidsedge, it returns to her hand instantly upon striking a target, allowing her to make iterative thrown attacks. Her range increment with Voidsedge is 120 feet. Attacks with Voidsedge deal an additional 2d6 points of fire damage and 2d6 points of cold damage on a hit when Black Butterfly wields the weapon.
Black Butterfly, the Silence Between, arose from the spaces between the stars. Solemn and serene, she never acts rashly, relying on the wisdom of the cosmos to guide her to the appropriate solution. She believes that the true nature of the multiverse lies in the gaps and silences between thoughts and ideas, so she never focuses on one topic or idea for too long, lest in narrowing her view she should lose sight of the space beyond the idea's edge.
On Elysium, Black Butterfly's hidden realm is nestled in the constellation that leads to Desna's palace. Her realm is relatively simple for an empyreal lord, with no grand palace or bright colors. Instead, it is a quiet respite from a plane of riotous passions, a gentle void, breathable by creatures of all sorts, with pockets of solid shadow for those who prefer ground beneath their feet and dotted with simple shelters. Her realm is so difficult to find that even planar scholars and other residents of Elysium can't agree exactly where it lies, though travelers through silence and darkness, even on other planes, sometimes make their way into her realm in times of desperation, able to find momentary succor so long as they are respectful and quiet.
While few beings can match her knowledge of the alien monstrosities that dwell in the deepest reaches of interstellar space, Black Butterfly refuses to share much of it, as she worries that widespread knowledge of her greatest nemeses, the Outer Gods and the Great Old Ones, would serve their interests rather than hers. She often journeys from her home in Elysium to subtly battle the interests of these foes and other forces of evil, or to assist those in need without revealing her presence.
Black Butterfly's holy symbol is a black-winged butterfly with a white star for a body on a field of purple. Her favored weapon is the starknife. She grants access to the domains of Chaos, Good, Liberation, and Void, and access to the subdomains of Azata, Freedom, Revolution, and Stars.
This towering angelic general has five wings of fire, a flaming bastard sword, and resplendent golden armor.
Devils' End/Devils' End(変則) Ragathiel gains a +4 bonus on caster level checks against devils and on saving throws against their spells, as well as to the DCs of his own supernatural abilities and spell-like abilities against devils. Against his father, Dispater, this bonus increases to +8.
黄金の鎧/Golden Armor(変則) Ragathiel is never hindered by his +5 full plate, and is considered to be not wearing armor for the purposes of his maximum Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, his armor check penalty, and his speed.
癒しの手/Lay on Hands(超常) Ragathiel's lay on hands works as a paladin's. He can apply any paladin mercy to his lay on hands ability, and he can use this ability on himself even when a condition or effect would otherwise deny him actions on his turn.
Primal Aura/Primal Aura(超常) As a free action with Ragathiel's permission, any ally within Ragathiel's primal aura can spend two uses of Ragathiel's smite evil (or four uses of lay on hands) to instantly grant each ally within the aura the benefits of Ragathiel's smite evil against an enemy of that ally's choice.
Righteous Mantle/Righteous Mantle(変則) Ragathiel inherited an affinity for fire from his mother. Fire heals Ragathiel a number of hit points equal to the amount of damage it would have dealt. Any fire damage dealt by Ragathiel ignores evil outsiders' fire resistance and immunity to fire, and deals double damage to devils. Ragathiel gains a sacred bonus to Armor Class equal to his Charisma bonus. Whenever Ragathiel receives magical healing, he has 2 additional hit points restored per die rolled.
悪を討つ一撃/Smite Evil(超常) Ragathiel can smite evil as a 20th-level paladin, but his smite deals extra damage only on the first hit against evil outsiders (not evil dragons or undead). He can trade two uses of lay on hands for an additional use of smite evil as many times per day as he wishes, provided he has enough uses of lay on hands available to do so.
Ragathiel is the son of the archdevil Dispater (see page 22) and a demigoddess of flame. He rejected his father's evil, losing his sixth wing to the archdevil's wrath, and escaped to Heaven, where he spent several millennia attempting to prove himself to the heavenly hosts and the other empyreal lords. Though many empyreal lords still find him far more bloodthirsty than they would prefer, the many centuries have proven Ragathiel's honor, loyalty, and determination time and again, and the other empyreal lords have come to trust his word completely.
Now Ragathiel leads the war against Hell as the General of Vengeance. He is not content to plan from the sidelines and allow his forces to succeed or fail on the strength of his strategies alone. Instead, he leads by example from the forefront of his army, a shining figure of golden flame daring any foe to confront him and hewing through the ranks of devils to create a vulnerable area in the otherwise perfect infernal formation where his own armies then strike. Thus far, his strategy has served him well, as the archdevils prefer self-preservation to risking themselves in a direct confrontation with the General of Vengeance―but it won't take too many more successful forays before Barbatos (see page 18) moves to take decisive action, possibly bolstered by the forces of Ragathiel's father, Dispater.
Ragathiel's domain is a magnificent, towering fortress of steel and silver that stands upon the lower slopes of Heaven. The domain is simply named Ragathiel's Fortress, as the General of Vengeance has no use for a fancier appellation. There is beauty to be found in the fortress's design, but it is the sort of beauty and elegance of design and functionality that would be lauded by engineers and military tacticians, rather than artists and poets;Ragathiel specifically built his fortress to withstand a thousand-year siege and prevent ingress into Heaven for that entire duration, even by hosts of enemies that, like most evil outsiders, have access to teleportation magic.
脅威度:Base humanoid's or base vermin's CR (whichever is higher) + 1.
サイズと種別:The humanoid (referred to as the base creature) gains the shapechanger subtype. The entothrope takes on the characteristics of a type of vermin (referred to as the base vermin) within one size category of the base creature's size. An entothrope's hybrid form is the same size as the base creature or base vermin, whichever is larger.
アーマー・クラス:In hybrid or vermin form, the entothrope uses the base vermin's natural armor bonus or gains a +2 natural armor bonus, whichever is higher.
防御的能力:A natural entothrope gains DR 10/ silver in hybrid or vermin form. An afflicted entothrope gains DR 5/silver in hybrid or vermin form.
移動速度:Same as the base creature's or base vermin's speed, depending on which form the entothrope is using. Hybrids use the base creature's speed, unless the entothrope has a CR of 5 or higher, in which case it gains all of the base vermin's additional speeds (such as a climb or fly speed) in hybrid form.
近接:An entothrope gains natural attacks in hybrid and vermin forms according to the base vermin.
Curse of Entothropy/Curse of Entothropy(超常):A natural entothrope's bite or sting attack in hybrid or vermin form infects a humanoid target with entothropy (Fortitude DC15 negates). If the victim's size is not within one size category of the entothrope, this ability has no effect.
Entothropic Empathy/Entothropic Empathy(変則):In any form, natural entothropes can communicate with vermin related to their vermin forms, even though most vermin are mindless. Entothropes can attempt Diplomacy checks to alter such a creature's attitude, and when doing so gain a +4 racial bonus on the check. This act implants the vermin with a modicum of intelligence, allowing the entothrope to train these vermin or otherwise use them as effective allies. Afflicted entothropes gain this ability only in hybrid or insect form.
This woman has the triangular head and spiked, segmented arms of a praying mantis.
下顎/Mandibles(変則) A weremantis in hybrid form that grabs a foe can make a bite attack against that foe as a secondary attack. The weremantis's bite has an attack bonus of -1, deals 1d6+1 points of piercing damage on a hit, and carries the curse of entothropy.
奇襲攻撃/Sudden Strike(変則) During a surprise round, a weremantis in hybrid form can act as if it had a full round to act, rather than just one standard action.
In humanoid form, natural weremantises are often tall and long-limbed. Many have pointy chins and brilliant green eyes that seem slightly too large for their faces. They tend to be solitary individuals, explaining their distant attitudes as a form of spirituality or piety. However, when they do make friends or take lovers, the relationships burn brightly for a short time. Eventually, though, the weremantises grow bored with the associations and end them in an equally dramatic manner, often through violent murders.
This hideous, spider-headed man is covered with bristly black hair, and his elongated mandibles drip with glistening poison.
In humanoid form, werespiders are squat, compact, and usually have short, dark brown or black hair. Their eyes tend to be large and dark, and their fingers almost constantly twitch. Their faces are often shiny with natural oils, and the chins of male werespiders are commonly covered in prickly black stubble. Werespiders enjoy the company of kin, having large families and even larger networks of friends and acquaintances. They like to pass information through these communities, creating a web of contacts that can sometimes stretch over several towns. Werespiders that like to sit at the centers of large organizations often employ non-entothrope informants and spies to be on the lookout for the information they desire, slipping feelers into all aspects of their communities.
Werespiders prefer not to fight by themselves. They are most comfortable when outnumbering their foes. When threatened, a lone werespider attempts to scuttle off to a safer location, usually one full of his allies. Such places are often filled with traps designed to immobilize or poison targets―sometimes both. When werespiders catch victims in these devices, they are quick to move the corpses out of the way and reset the traps, leaving the looting of the bodies for when they feel secure once again.
With a stinger-tipped abdomen, large wings, compound eyes, and a pair of mandibles, this woman is more wasp than elf.
This creature has the upper body of a woman, the lower body of a snake, and a mass of undulating cobras for hair.
凝視攻撃/Gaze(超常) The euryale's gaze attack has a range of 30 feet and turns the target to stone permanently (Fortitude DC32 negates). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Irresistible Poison/Irresistible Poison(変則) A creature must roll twice and take the lower result on all saving throws against a euryale's poison effects. If the creature would normally be immune to poison, the immunity doesn't apply, but it only needs to roll its save once. Delay poison doesn't delay her poison effects;they still occur immediately. A euryale gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against neutralize poison cast against her to negate her venomous attacks.
毒/Poison(変則) Snake Bite、viper fangs、または viper rod―致傷型;セーヴ 頑健・DC32;頻度 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間);効果 1d4【敏】ダメージ、1d4【耐】ダメージ、および“[音波]に対する脆弱性”1分;治癒 3回連続のセーヴ成功。このセーヴ難易度は【耐久力】に基づいている。
Profane Visions/Profane Visions(変則) A euryale's prophetic visions allow her to avoid misfortune. She gains a profane bonus to Armor Class equal to her Charisma bonus, and whenever she would be forced to reroll a d20 or to roll a d20 twice and take the lower result, she takes the higher result of the two rolls instead.
Shattering Shriek/Shattering Shriek(超常) Whenever a euryale uses one of her sonic spell-like abilities, any sonic damage dealt by the spell increases by 1 point per die. In addition, sonic damage from her spell-like abilities bypasses the hardness of a petrified creature, and the damage is not halved when applied to petrified creatures. (A typical Medium petrified creature has 30 hit points.) A petrified creature that is destroyed by the effects of a euryale's shattering shriek explodes into a 20-foot burst of jagged stone shards, dealing 4d6 points of slashing damage to any creatures in that area (Reflex DC30 half);this explosion heals the euryale as detailed in absorb essence above. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Snake Independence/Snake Independence(変則) A euryale's snakes are independently intelligent and can attack even when she doesn't. No matter what action the euryale takes, she can still always make all six snake bite attacks on her turn. Even when she doesn't attack with any other weapons that round, her snake bites always count as secondary attacks.
呪文 エウリュアレは、8レベル・オラクルとして呪文を発動する。
Statue Control/Statue Control(超常) A euryale can control the statues of any creatures she petrifies via her spells or special abilities as long as they remain within 120 feet of her. Petrified creatures are treated as animated stone objects (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 14). While the typical Medium animated object is almost insignificant in a CR 20 encounter, the euryale often commands these statues to move so as to provide her cover or to place them in areas where she can shatter them to deal the most damage to foes (see the shattering shriek ability on page 120). The euryale's control over these statues is a purely mental act that takes no action. A euryale can control a number of statues at once equal to her Charisma modifier (10 for the typical euryale).
Viper Rod/Viper Rod(超常) Any blunt weapon or object a euryale holds becomes a rod of the viper with a +5 enhancement bonus that uses her poison instead of its usual poison. She can flick the snake head of her viper rod to fire poisoned fangs as a ranged attack. Treat these attacks as if she fired arrows from a +5 longbow;fangs launched in this manner deliver her poison
Euryales are powerful medusa matriarchs and among the most favored agents of Lamashtu, the Mother of Monsters. Long ago, Lamashtu tricked these medusa forebears with a gift that tainted and empowered them into becoming beings of madness and evil, twisting them into forms even more monstrous than their medusa sisters. Euryales delight in destroying their foes in ways they find particularly cruel, such as transforming one of a pair of lovers into a statue and then commanding the statue to destroy the still-living lover. Because of the oracular powers of these creatures, there are tales of desperate folk who seek out euryales for answers, but these tales invariably end poorly―those few petitioners who receive the answers they seek find they would have been better off never knowing. In most cases, an encounter with a euryale is destined for disaster. However, they are endlessly fascinated by poisons, so a creature that can satisfy a euryale's curiosity by teaching it new poison lore (a daunting task in its own right) can likely avoid destruction in a chance meeting. Euryales find themselves distant from medusa society, unless they hold together a cult of fawning medusas by force. While they occasionally form triumvirates among themselves, they are more likely to find companionship among like-minded zealots of other races, particularly lamia matriarchs (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 175) or mariliths.
Most euryales willingly embrace the taint of madness and lovingly serve the Mother of Monsters, but there are some who seek to eschew it, whether simply to be free of Lamashtu's influence and live an evil life more like that of a normal medusa, or to follow a path of redemption. These rare heretical euryales have alignments other than chaotic evil as well as additional powers gained through their struggle to control their own destinies. Typically they advance by Hit Dice, although it's also fairly common for them to take up to 2 oracle levels to improve their oracle spellcasting and to represent the curse the Mother of Monsters inflicted upon them for daring to cross her.
Two large pincers grasp at the air before this sleek creature, while a tail bristling with a long, thin stinger rises from behind.
Known as sea scorpions, eurypterids lash out at anything that might be food and are single-minded in their pursuit once they’ve tasted prey. Most eurypterids are capable of scuttling around on land and can exist out of water indefinitely. Unlike rats, eurypterids don’t spread disease or cause much damage to most cargo, traits that have led some captains to experiment with putting eurypterids in their holds to keep rodent populations under control. Alas, one can often tell the ships that employ this tactic by the unusually high number of crew members with missing fingers.
This scorpion-like aquatic predator has a pair of large pincers and a spiny carapace that clicks and grinds as it moves.
Spiny Carapace/Spiny Carapace(変則) The spiny eurypterid's carapace is covered with thousands of razor-sharp spines. Any creature that attacks a spiny eurypterid with a light weapon, unarmed strike, or natural attack takes 1d6 points of piercing damage. Any creature that grapples or is grappled by a spiny eurypterid automatically takes 2d6 points of piercing damage per round the grapple is maintained.
Gray and black shadows and mist coalesce into a humanoid figure, its face a distorted mask of rage and hatred.
Intelligence Damage/Intelligence Damage(超常) An exiled shade's touch clouds the target's mind with anger and resentment, dealing 1d6 points of Intelligence damage. This is an emotion-based, mind-affecting, negative energy effect.
Rage Thrall/Rage Thrall(超常) If an exiled shade deals a cumulative amount of Intelligence damage greater than or equal to a humanoid target's actual Intelligence score, the affected creature does not fall unconscious as normal. Instead, the target ceases to take penalties from its Intelligence damage and falls under the control of the exiled shade, as per dominate person. Creatures so dominated cannot attempt new saving throws to escape the shade's control until their Intelligence damage no longer equals or exceeds their actual Intelligence score. An exiled shade can control only a single creature in this manner. If an exiled shade deals enough Intelligence damage to a second creature to activate this ability, the first creature is relinquished from its control (though it might immediately fall unconscious if its Intelligence damage equals or exceeds its actual Intelligence score).
An exiled shade is a wretched, undead remnant of an evil organization. Driven out and possibly even slain by its former allies, the exiled shade wallows in the pain of its betrayal and its paradoxical desires to simultaneously destroy and be reunited with its former comrades.
Exiled shades linger near the places they once served, but are psychologically unable to return to the places from which they were exiled. Instead they attack lonesome travelers, enslaving them to use as puppets against their onetime allies.
The tattered remains of a dead insect rumble to life, creaking and clattering forward on dry, brittle legs.
Found skittering through forgotten tombs, crawling through deep forests, and filling damp caverns, exoskeletons are animated carapaces of arthropods and other vermin. Most exoskeletons are the intentional creations of necromancers, but some of these undead monstrosities arise spontaneously from places awash with negative energy or are created by malfunctioning artifacts. Sometimes, the simple act of feeding on freshly destroyed undead creatures is enough to transform an insect into an exoskeleton upon its eventual death. Though exoskeletons are just as mindless as they were when they were living, they have become infused with an evil instinct in their new unlife that drives them to relentlessly attack all living creatures on sight, exploding in a burst of dusty remains when destroyed.
A spellcaster can create an exoskeleton using animate dead. An exoskeleton can be created from a mostly intact dead vermin that has an exoskeleton. This includes arachnids, crustaceans, insects, and even some mollusks, but not soft-bodied vermin such as jellyfish and leeches.
ヒット・ダイス | 脅威度 | 経験点 |
1 | 1/4 | 100 |
2 | 1/2 | 200 |
3~4 | 1 | 400 |
5~6 | 2 | 600 |
7~8 | 3 | 800 |
9~10 | 4 | 1,200 |
11~12 | 5 | 1,600 |
13~15 | 6 | 2,400 |
16~17 | 7 | 3,200 |
18~20 | 8 | 4,800 |
21~24 | 9 | 6,400 |
25~28 | 10 | 9,600 |
種別:The creature's type changes to undead. It retains any subtype except for alignment subtypes and subtypes that indicate kind. It does not gain the augmented subtype. It uses the base creature's abilities except as noted below.
エクソスケルトンのサイズ | 外皮ボーナス |
超小型以下 | +0 |
小型 | +1 |
中型 | +2 |
大型 | +3 |
超大型 | +4 |
巨大 | +7 |
超巨大 | +11 |
エクソスケルトンのサイズ | ボーナス・ヒット・ダイス |
超小型以下 | ― |
小型または中型 | +1 |
大型 | +2 |
超大型 | +4 |
巨大 | +6 |
超巨大 | +10 |
防御的能力:Exoskeletons lose their defensive abilities and gain all of the qualities and immunities granted by the undead type. In addition, exoskeletons gain DR 5/bludgeoning.
移動速度:Exoskeletons retain all movement speeds. They can still fly but their maneuverability drops to clumsy.
攻撃:An exoskeleton retains all of its natural weapons. If the base creature didn't have any natural weapons, it gains a slam attack that deals damage as if it were one size category larger than its actual size.
特殊攻撃:An exoskeleton loses all of its special attacks that rely on a living biology (such as poison), but it retains any others.
能力値:An exoskeleton's 【筋力】 increases by 2. The exoskeleton has no 【耐久力】 or 【知力】 score、and its 【判断力】 and 【魅力】 scores change to 10.
基本攻撃ボーナス:An exoskeleton's base attack bonus is equal to 3/4 of its Hit Dice.
技能:Though most vermin are mindless and have no skill ranks, the exoskeleton loses all skill ranks if it had any, and it doesn't retain any racial bonuses it had.
特技:An exoskeleton loses all feats that the base creature had and doesn't gain feats as its Hit Dice increase, but it does gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
This ghostly crusader floats just above the ground, yet despite its phantomlike appearance, its armor and weapons seem quite solid.
Curse of the Unburied/Curse of the Unburied(超常) Once per day, a fallen can curse a good-aligned cleric, paladin, or warpriest within 30 feet whose deity is opposed to the creation of undead to locate the fallen's remains and perform a funeral for it. The target must succeed at a DC19 Will save or take a -2 penalty to each of its ability scores. Each day, the target can attempt a new saving throw;success keeps the target from accruing an additional -2 penalty to each of its ability scores. No ability score can be reduced below 1 by this effect. The ability score penalties are removed immediately upon completing funeral rites for the fallen. The target does not need to complete the rites personally, but it is responsible for seeing that they're carried out. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Phantom Armaments/Phantom Armaments(超常) A fallen's weapons and armor are formed of force, allowing the fallen to make physical attacks and wear protective armor. This gear cannot be disarmed or removed from the fallen. Arrows fired from the fallen's longbow vanish after dealing damage to their target. A fallen gains a bonus on attack rolls with melee weapons and on combat maneuver checks equal to its Charisma modifier.
黄泉がえり/Rejuvenation(超常) A fallen is tied to the place where it died. A fallen is permanently destroyed and its soul is released when funeral rites lasting at least 1 minute are performed at the site where it perished or over its earthly remains. Otherwise, a fallen reforms 2d4 days after its destruction at the site where it first died.
Touch of the Grave/Touch of the Grave(超常) All of a fallen's melee and ranged attacks deal 2d6 additional points of negative energy damage to living targets (this does not heal undead targets struck).
This figure looms within the shadows. The bones and teeth of countless creatures clatter from tangles within its matted, reeking fur.
沼渡り/Swamp Stride(変則) A fen mauler can move through any sort of undergrowth and difficult terrain (such as briars, deep mud, and similar terrain) in swamps at normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment.
Trophy Hunter/Trophy Hunter(超常) As part of a 10-minute ritual, a fen mauler can harvest bones, teeth, flesh, or hide from an animal, humanoid, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid it has slain, creating a trophy. This trophy is a permanent magic item that functions only for the fen mauler that created it, granting some measure of the slain creature's power to the fen mauler while carried or worn on its body. The fen mauler chooses which of the following powers the trophy grants: blindsense 30 feet, climb 30 feet, evasion, ferocity, grab, pounce, uncanny dodge, or a single energy immunity. Alternatively, a trophy can grant a +4 competence bonus to a single skill. The skill or ability modified must be one the trophy creature had in life, and a trophy imparting a skill bonus allows the fen mauler to attempt checks with that skill untrained. A fen mauler can maintain a number of trophies equal to its Wisdom modifier (3 for the standard fen mauler). The fen mauler presented here has not assigned any of its trophies.
Waves of searing heat ripple from the stony, gem-encrusted hide of this enormous whalelike beast.
炎に包まれた身体/Flaming Body(超常) A fire whale's molten-hot flesh generates incredible heat. Anyone striking a fire whale with a natural weapon or unarmed strike takes 2d6 points of fire damage. A creature that grapples a fire whale or is grappled by one takes 6d6 points of fire damage each round the grapple persists.
Magma Spray/Magma Spray(変則) Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, a fire whale can spew a burst of magma and scalding ash from its blowhole in either a 90-foot cone or a 30-foot radius around the fire whale. This blast of magma and ash deals 9d6 points of fire damage and 9d6 points of bludgeoning damage (Reflex DC27 half). Rubble and debris from this blast transform the terrain in the affected area into difficult terrain for 1 minute. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Fire whales are titanic beasts native to the Elemental Plane of Fire, but their natural ability to traverse the planes means they are seen across all the Elemental Planes and Material Plane. They travel in great pods, singing and feeding off whatever bits of metal and mineral catch their eyes, which their inner foundries refine into a glorious array of gems. The vast bounty of wealth their bellies contain has enticed the efreet to hunt fire whales for untold ages, and the enormous creatures return that antagonism by aggressively attacking genies of all types on sight.
This gigantic, prehistoric fish has a head like a snapping turtle, complete with sharp, toothlike plates.
A dunkleosteus is a massive fish with a bony head, armor plating, and a beak-like maw capable of creating a vortex that siphons in its prey. Despite growing to over 30 feet in length and weighing 8,000 pounds, dunkleosteuses are agile swimmers. These voracious predators think nothing of swimming into estuaries where the brine of the sea extends, lying in wait under piers or in the shallows along shorelines, patiently watching for a chance to lunge up and snap their jaws around unsuspecting prey that has come to the water's edge to fish or swim.
This school of red-bellied fish swims swiftly, each tiny mouth filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth ready to feast on flesh.
This eerie creature has the upper body of a beautiful, pale green woman, but her lower body is a pulsating mound of fungus.
同族作り/Create Spawn(超常) A creature that would normally be slain by a fungus queen's energy drain attack is not killed―instead, it immediately loses all negative levels imparted by the fungus queen and transforms into a fungus-infested minion in her service. Most creatures gain the fungoid simple template (see page 131), but vermin slain by a fungus queen instead rise as spore zombies (see page 287). Fungoid creatures and spore zombies are under the control of the fungus queen that created them, and remain enslaved until that fungus queen is destroyed or until they are cured of the infestation. A fungus queen can communicate telepathically with her fungoid spawn at any range as long as they are on the same plane. She can control a number of Hit Dice worth of enslaved spawn totaling no more than double her own Hit Dice. Any spawn she creates that would exceed this limit become free-willed fungoid creatures or spore zombies. A fungus queen can free an enslaved spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a creature cannot be enslaved again (although fungoid creatures can still be influenced by the fungus queen's compel plants and plant empathy abilities).
生命力吸収/Energy Drain(超常) A fungus queen drains energy from a mortal she lures into an act of passion, such as a kiss. An unwilling victim must be grappled before she can use this ability. The fungus queen's embrace bestows one negative level and has the effect of a suggestion spell, asking the victim to accept another act of passion from the fungus queen. The victim must succeed on a DC23 Will save to negate the suggestion. The DC is 23 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. Creatures killed by this attack do not die―they instead become infested with the fungus queen's spores (see Create Spawn above). The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Plant Empathy/Plant Empathy(変則) This ability functions as the druid's wild empathy ability, save that a fungus queen can use this ability only on plant creatures. A fungus queen gains a +4 racial bonus on this check. Mindless plant creatures are imparted with a modicum of implanted intelligence when a fungus queen uses this ability, allowing her to train them as guardians.
Sporepod/Sporepod(超常) As a standard action, a fungus queen can cause a Medium pod of fungal material to burst out of the ground at any point within 60 feet of her current location. Once created, a sporepod cannot move. If the fungus queen travels more than 120 feet from a sporepod, it is destroyed. A fungus queen can maintain a number of sporepods equal to her Charisma modifier (7 for the typical fungus queen). As a move action, she can instantaneously travel to one of her sporepods as if using transport via plants. She can also choose to spread out her tentacle attacks among her sporepods, attacking a creature within 5 feet of any sporepod with a tentacle, though she is still limited to making only four tentacle attacks as part of a full attack, and only one as a standard action. A sporepod is an object with an AC of 15 and 20 hit points;damage dealt to a sporepod does not harm the fungus queen.
Hundreds of years ago, a cabal of powerful succubus assassins attempted to invade the Abyssal realm of the demon lord of disease and fungus. These succubi sought to slay a powerful witch who had befouled a profane temple the assassins served. The succubi failed at their mission, and from their corpses grew the first fungus queens. Pleased with this development, the witch seeded numerous Material Plane worlds with fungus queen spores, and these new fungus queens have taken to these new environments like rot to a carcass;today, hundreds of the subversive creatures dwell in the fouler reaches of the Material Plane. They are particularly fond of large cave systems and the slums of ruined cities. Fungus queens also often dwell in areas of corrupted woodlands where blighted fey rule, or in the sewers of active cities with an unusually large amount of magical pollution.
An encounter with a normally unintelligent plant monster acting in a sinister and organized way can be evidence of the manipulation of a fungus queen, but fungus queens are equally fond of commanding and keeping other creatures as pets and slaves―particularly attractive humanoids. Especially favored minions are given the gift of the fungus queen's embrace and are transformed into fungoid minions forever loyal to their pallid mistress. Yet a fungus queen knows that a diverse array of guardians is best, and is certain to keep some non-plant minions on hand to protect her lair.
Fungus queens are violently jealous and possessive. Those who attempt to lure away their charmed and dominated pets or cure those who have been infested elicit their eternal ire, but it is succubi that most enrage fungus queens. Whether this is due to a simple territorial conflict or some deeper hatred born of their unique genesis, a fungus queen faced with someone whom she even suspects might be a succubus is a terror indeed, for in such battles the plants abandon their normal approach of subtle mental control and trickery, instead bringing all of their power to bear in an attempt to rip the offending creature apart. Fungus queens also take great and specific delight in transforming succubi into fungoid creatures under their control.
While their jealousy doesn't compel them to do battle with other fungus queens, they are always careful to maintain their own territories apart from any nearby queens, and they take great pains not to “poach” from their sisters' harems of charmed and infested pets.
Many fungus queens grow quite powerful over time, typically gaining class levels in bard, ranger, or sorcerer―they generally do not become more powerful by merely gaining racial Hit Dice or increasing in size. Fungus queen druids are remarkably rare.
The hulking form has a long, vulturelike neck ending in a head with a disgusting, one-eyed visage.
病気/病気(変則) 腺ペスト: 噛みつきまたは爪―致傷型;セーヴ 頑健・DC23;頻度 2回/日;効果 1d4【耐】ダメージ、およひ1【魅】ダメージ、および対象は疲労状態になる;治癒 ―。
強大なる噛みつき/Powerful Bite(変則) A ghole's bite attack always applies 1・1/2 times its Strength modifier to damage rolls and threatens a critical hit on a roll of 19~20. When a ghole bites an object, its bite treats the object as having a hardness of 5 less than the object's actual hardness rating.
Savage the Sick/Savage the Sick(変則) Gholes are vicious when attacking a diseased foe. Against diseased targets, a ghole gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and automatically adds its sneak attack damage to any damage it deals.
Scent Sickness/Scent Sickness(変則) A ghole has the scent ability against diseased creatures
Gholes are foul denizens of the wilderness that feed upon rotten meat. Their ability to restore flesh to even the most ancient of skeletal remains allows them to harvest flesh from ruins long forgotten by the living. Many gholes keep their favorite skeletons handy to repeat beloved meals, while others hoard ancient skeletons and savor the flavor of restored flesh in a grisly mockery of a gourmand's appreciation of well aged wine or cheese. Many attempt to capture sick victims alive only to imprison them―sepulchers or crypts make for favorite prisons―so they perish of their sickness and thus provide the most delicious meal possible for the foul creature.
This giant wears bloodstained leather clothes, including a ragged leather mask. His flesh, where visible, is gray and warty.
串刺し/Impale(変則) When a mountain giant makes a single attack with a piercing melee weapon (including when using the Vital Strike feat), the weapon attack gains the grab universal monster ability. Any grapple made with such a weapon ends immediately the next time the giant uses the weapon to attack any foe.
When the children of other giants are unruly, their parents warn them to be good or else the mountain giants will eat them. More than mere stories, mountain giants are real beings that lurk in high mountains and deep chasms. Universally carnivorous, the brutal and sadistic mountain giants prefer the flesh of humanoids, giant or otherwise. They especially love the taste of fear, and typically torment and torture victims before consuming them.
The typical mountain giant stands a towering 45 feet tall and weighs 30,000 pounds.
This oversized humanoid is dressed in tattered rags that don't quite cover its diseased body.
Plague giants resemble enormous lepers or plague sufferers, yet they are not so much victims of disease as they are servants of sickness. Most plague giants worship the Horseman of Pestilence or other deities associated with disease, and they have no fear of sickness themselves. Pestilence spreads wherever the plague giants dwell, and thus they are shunned by most humanoids. Sometimes, however, plague giants lead daemon cults consisting of diseased humanoids who were ostracized by their own kind. It seems likely that plague giants were once some other form of giant before they turned to daemon worship, though no other race of giant will claim them as wayward children. Plague giants themselves find such rumors particularly distasteful, and point out that they are much more than this, reasoning that when a “lesser giant” gets sick, it doesn't suddenly transform into a plague giant.
The average plague giant is 24 feet tall and weigh 15,000 pounds.
This giant’s skin is a dusky gray, and her long hair matches the silvery hue of her armor.
戦闘者/Militant(変則) A shadow giant is proficient with all simple weapons, all martial weapons, and one exotic weapon of its choice. Most shadow giants choose proficiency with the spiked chain.
Shadow Cloak/Shadow Cloak(擬呪) Because of the shadow giant's connection with the Shadow Plane, as a move action in any illumination other than direct sunlight, a shadow giant can cloak itself in moving shadows, gaining the benefits of blur for 1d6+6 rounds (CL 13th for the purposes of dispel magic and similar effects). It can use this ability three times per day.
Though their kind originated on the Shadow Plane, shadow giants often relocate to the Material Plane, typically at the behest of a powerful cleric or other representative of a deity from the Shadow Plane. In such conditions, shadow giants often serve as companies of elite shock troops and are kept secret, operating only when they are expected to leave no survivors to tell the tale.
Most shadow giants are especially taciturn and keep to themselves when not serving a higher cause. They keep their own counsel and practice their own sinister religion, with bloody rituals of autosacrifice, mutilation, and much worse presided over by their priests on top of short step pyramids constructed of dark basalt blocks. On the Shadow Plane, families of shadow giants have been known to join together to form greater tribes, especially when times of war are at hand or when they are facing some other threat. The sight of such an army arrayed upon the field of battle is usually enough to make any enemy sue for peace with desperate offers of gold and prisoners for sacrifice.
These tall, bloodstained blades of bright green grass sway and bend regardless of the presence of wind.
Take Root/Take Root(変則) Gluttongrass can embed its roots in soil as a full-round action or uproot itself as a standard action. While gluttongrass is rooted, it cannot move, but it can take 20 on its Stealth check to hide in plain sight as if it had the freeze ability. Gluttongrass gains a +8 circumstance bonus to CMD against bull rush and other combat maneuvers that attempt to shift its location while it has taken root.
Scholars are unsure of the origins of this strange, deadly plant life. The typical suspicions persist that it is the result of a mad wizard's experiments or the deliberate cultivations of druidic sects that have adopted anticivilization philosophies, yet those who have taken the time to truly examine these blood-drinking growths have noted disturbing elements that suggest a darker genesis. These botanists theorize that gluttongrass is seeded by the remnants of a creature that has died from starvation, whether in the wilds or in more urban territories. Indeed, patches of gluttongrass have been discovered flourishing in areas devastated by famine and around settlements whose populations have perished due to food supplies being cut off (such as in times of siege or after raiders have burned local crops). However, it has also been identified growing seemingly at random throughout forested areas and plains, blending in with normal grasses and other foliage, so certainly famine and starvation are not requirements for this plant's growth.
Whatever its origin, one thing is certain: while a mindless plant, gluttongrass is far from harmless. Well-fed patches of this carnivorous grass average a height of 5 feet, with razor-sharp stalks able to pierce exposed skin with ease. Wary travelers should avoid rushing blindly through tall fields, as smaller patches of gluttongrass have been known to extend their roots toward one another, merging and slowly increasing their collective size, reach, and hunger. Some of the largest gluttongrass fields are suspected to have claimed hundreds of victims over the years.
This creature has the wide head and toothy mouth of a goblin, dappled green skin, simian hands and feet, and a ratlike tail.
Monkey goblins are an offshoot of the goblin race that has eagerly adapted to life in the high, leafy canopies of tropical forests. Equipped with ratlike prehensile tails, monkey goblins are as at home in the trees as they are on the ground.
Monkey goblins lead savage lives, and many take levels in the barbarian class, though fighters and rogues are also common among the race. While spellcasting classes are almost unheard of among them, monkey goblin clerics in the service of dark gods are given a level of respect by other monkey goblins that borders on fear.
+4【敏捷力】、-2【判断力】、-2【魅力】:Monkey goblins are fast, but foolishly impulsive and disagreeable.
小型:Monkey goblins are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a -1 penalty to their CMD and on combat maneuver checks, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
遅い速度/Slow Speed:Monkey goblins have a base speed of 20 feet.
夜目:Monkey goblins can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Acrobatic:Monkey goblins gain a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Stealth checks.
大胆不敵:Monkey goblins gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear.
Natural Climber/Natural Climber:Monkey goblins have a climb speed of 30 feet.
物掴む尾:See above.
言語:Monkey goblins begin play speaking ゴブリン語. Monkey goblins with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: 共通語、竜語、ドワーフ語、ノール語、ノーム語、ハーフリング語、オーク語.
This strange, alien-looking monstrosity has thickly armored hide and several sharp talons at the end of each of its stumpy legs.
Immune to Pressure Damage/Immune to Pressure Damage(変則) A goezspall can survive in extreme conditions. A goezspall is immune to damage caused by high-pressure environments such as deep underwater and low-pressure environments such as the void of space.
Scalding Spray/Scalding Spray(超常) As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, a goezspall can spray a 60-foot line of scalding water at its enemies that deals 12d6 points of fire damage (Reflex DC25 half). This stream acts as a bull rush against creatures of any size. When using this ability, a goezspall attempts a combat maneuver check and applies its results to each creature within the area. This bull rush does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The save DC is Constitution-based.
This golden statue stands proud, bearing a regal scepter in one hand. Its other arm is stretched out, ending in an upraised fist.
魔法に対する完全耐性/Immunity to Magic(変則) A gold golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.
Prismatic Surge/Prismatic Surge(超常) As a swift action when it hits a foe with its slam attack, a gold golem unleashes a ray of prismatic energy from its bejeweled scepter. It can choose to automatically hit the foe it hit with its slam attack with this ray, or it can target another creature within 30 feet as a +26 ranged touch attack. Roll 1d6 for any creature struck by a ray, and consult the following table to determine the effects. The save DCs are Constitution-based.
Gold golems are extravagant constructs, crafted at great expense at the command of the rich and powerful. They're most often used to guard palaces and family vaults, but are rarely placed in areas that are hidden away from casual observation.
Many of those who expend the funds to create a gold golem aren't the type to hide the conspicuous display of their wealth from their visitors. A gold golem is humanoid in appearance, standing 10 feet tall and weighing 4,500 pounds.
This statue resembles a lean human cut from blackened glass stone. Numerous razor-sharp protuberances jut from its body.
魔法に対する完全耐性/Immunity to Magic(変則) An obsidian golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.
Jagged Body/Jagged Body(変則) A creature that grapples an obsidian golem or that hits it with a natural attack or unarmed strike takes 2d6 points of bleed damage.
Obsidian Spray/Obsidian Spray(変則) As a swift action every 1d4+1 rounds, an obsidian golem can unleash a torrent of obsidian shards, filling a 30-foot cone. Creatures caught in this attack take 8d6 points of piercing and slashing damage and 2d6 points of bleed damage. A DC18 Reflex save reduces this damage by half and negates the bleed effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Obsidian golems often are used as deterrence against tomb robbers. Most obsidian golems stand just under 9 feet tall and weigh approximately 2,200 pounds.
This partially humanoid creature appears to be carved of smoky glass. Ghostly, screaming faces swirl within its immense body.
強力打撃/Powerful Blows(変則) A quintessence golem adds 1・1/2 times its Strength bonus to damage rolls for its slam attacks.
Soul Infused/Soul Infused(変則) A quintessence golem's animating spark is provided by the flow of souls through it into the Outer Planes and by the potential for life inherent in all quintessence, rather than an imprisoned elemental spirit. As a result, a quintessence golem, while not technically alive, does modify its hit points with its Charisma modifier. These hit points are already calculated into its statistics.
魂吸い/Soul Siphon(超常) If any creature within 100 feet of a quintessence golem is reduced to negative hit points, it is immediately slain as its spirit is sent on to the afterlife due to the golem's proximity. Whenever a creature is slain in this way, the quintessence golem regains 100 hit points and gains the effects of haste for 1 round.
Quintessence is the raw material that makes up all matter and life found on the Outer Planes. With its infinite potential for shape and state, it should come as no surprise that raw quintessence makes an outstanding material (in terms of both quality and price) for the construction of golems. A quintessence golem is among the greatest creations a mortal spellcaster can craft―while not technically alive, the quintessence golem is made of material that aches to live, trapped in a metaphysical state between mortal and immortal life. The quintessence that makes up these golems actually acts as a siphon of sorts that encourages souls to shed their mortal frame and slip into the soulstream to seek their judgment in the afterlife. This fact makes these golems particularly dangerous and quite well suited for the guardianship of powerful temples or graveyards.
This green glass statue has four arms, one of which forms a jagged sword and another that ends in a formidable shield.
Shield/Shield(変則) A viridium golem's shield is part of its body and does not provide a bonus to its AC;it functions as a primary natural attack that deals bludgeoning damage. A creature struck by the golem's shield is exposed to the golem's disease and must also attempt a DC24 Fortitude save to avoid being stunned for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Sword/Sword(変則) A viridium golem's sword functions as a primary natural attack that deals slashing damage and can cause both disease and deep, bleeding wounds.
Viridium golems exemplify toxicity, as the substance that makes up their bodies is known for its lethality. A viridium golem stands 25 feet tall and weighs 20,000 pounds.
This reptilian beast has a pair of long tusks jutting from its oversized jaws. Its long, draconic tail ends in a razor-sharp blade.
Hibernate/Hibernate(変則) A gowrow can dig a burrow into wet ground and hibernate for up to a decade before needing to emerge and feed.
かすめ泳ぎ攻撃/Swim-By Attack(変則) Known for water ambushes, gowrows gain Spring Attack as a bonus feat when swimming
These violent, reptilian creatures are a lesser form of dragon that plague the rivers and lakes in which they live. They find most creatures that ply the waterways they claim distasteful, and these beasts frequently attack fishers and others who travel in small boats through their territory. Unless they are particularly hungry or irritated, gowrows typically leave larger vessels alone. A gowrow stretches over 16 feet in length and weighs nearly 2 tons.
This filthy, shuddering mass of sludge and bones seems to have formed from a mass of muddy grave soil.
Haunted/Haunted(超常) The eldritch spiritual energy that infuses a gravesludge grants it a deflection bonus to its AC and a resistance bonus on Reflex saves equal to its Charisma modifier (+5 for the typical gravesludge).
Lifeleech/Lifeleech(超常) When a gravesludge deals negative energy damage to a creature, that creature continues to take 1d6 points of negative energy damage at the start of its turn each round. This effect can be stopped via magical healing, and otherwise stops on its own 3 rounds after the initial slam attack. Multiple slam attacks extend the duration of this ongoing negative energy damage but do not increase the amount of damage.
Swift Slam/Swift Slam(変則) A gravesludge can attack twice with its slam attack as a standard action.
Gravesludges straddle the line between oozes and undead. Primarily made of ectoplasm and grave dirt, gravesludges spontaneously arise in areas where a grave is desecrated, near strong haunt activity, and in the defiled graves of unhallowed cemeteries. Intelligent undead often entreat gravesludges to bolster their defenses, but solitary gravesludges wander cemeteries, charnel houses, and ossuaries, driven by little more than a burning jealousy and hatred for the living. Occasionally, living creatures work with a gravesludge to secure a grisly form of life after death as juju zombies.
This six-legged, spiderlike monstrosity has a bloated abdomen and a hideous face from which three bulbous eyes glare.
Apocalyptic Dreams/Apocalyptic Dreams(超常) When Rhan-Tegoth uses his nightmare spell-like ability, he can target any creature that has touched him (even if the touch occurred while Rhan-Tegoth was hibernating), has been affected by any of his other spell-like abilities, or has sacrificed a living creature to an image of him, regardless of the distance between himself and the target. In addition to the normal effects of nightmare, the target must succeed at a DC35 Will save or become convinced that the horrific visions of the end of the world experienced in the nightmare are in fact visions of the very near future. Such a victim becomes overwhelmed with despair and loss, and is so distracted by the conviction that its doom is imminent that it cannot take swift or immediate actions, cannot concentrate to maintain spells with concentration durations, and takes a -10 penalty on concentration checks to cast spells and on Wisdom based skill checks. Whenever the victim attempts a saving throw against fear effects, it must roll twice and take the worse result. This fear effect lasts for 2d4 days, after which (assuming the world doesn't end after all) the effect ends. The effect also ends automatically if the victim voluntarily sacrifices a living, sentient creature to Rhan-Tegoth (this is a chaotic evil act)―although in most cases, a creature that performs such a sacrifice finds itself targeted with apocalyptic dreams soon thereafter, again and again. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Eternal Statue/Eternal Statue(擬呪) When Rhan-Tegoth uses his statue spell-like ability, the duration of the effect lasts until the creature under the effect decides to return to flesh.
むさぼり食らう/Feed(超常) Once per round when Rhan-Tegoth successfully bites a creature he is grappling, his proboscis feeds on the victim and siphons away bodily fluids at an alarming rate. This attack deals 2d4 points of Constitution drain to the victim unless the victim succeeds at a DC42 Fortitude save, in which case the feeding instead deals 1d4 points of Constitution damage. For every point of Constitution drain dealt in this way, Rhan-Tegoth regains 10 hit points, and for every point of Constitution damage dealt in this way, he regains 5 hit points. In addition, if Rhan-Tegoth drains more than 4 points of Constitution in this way in a single round, he gains the effects of a haste spell for the following round. A creature that is slain by this Constitution drain or damage is reduced to a shriveled corpse riddled with deep, dry holes, and can be restored to life only via miracle, true resurrection, or wish. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Immortality/Immortality(変則) If Rhan-Tegoth is slain, he merely petrifies into a statue. He remains in statue form, in hibernation, until a living, sentient creature is sacrificed adjacent to the hibernating Great Old One, at which point Rhan-Tegoth is immediately restored to life (as if via true resurrection). If no such sacrifice is performed, Rhan-Tegoth can remain in hibernation in this form forever―though certain rare cosmological events can rouse him from his slumber. In this statue form, he has hardness 30 and 300 hp. If the statue of the hibernating Great Old One is destroyed, it crumbles to dust but immediately affects all creatures within 300 feet with Rhan-Tegoth's unspeakable presence, and Rhan-Tegoth's consciousness is transplanted into a different statue of the Great Old One (typically one on another world). If no such statues remain in existence at the time of destruction, his consciousness is instead transplanted into a statue in the past or future to await eventual awakening.
Unspeakable Presence/Unspeakable Presence(超常) Failing a DC35 Will save against Rhan-Tegoth's unspeakable presence fills the victim with an irresistible urge to sacrifice a living, sentient creature to the Great Old One. Treat this as a geas/quest spell (術者レベル28) that ends the moment the affected creature kills a living, sentient creature in Rhan-Tegoth's name (this is a chaotic evil act). This is a mind-affecting curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
The strange and silent Great Old One known as the Herald of the End Times has spent most of its existence in hibernation, waking for short periods of time after his worshipers rouse him or as the result of singular cosmic events. These periods of wakefulness never last for long, but ancient texts speak of a time when Rhan-Tegoth shall waken fully from his slumber, heralding the dawn of the end of all worlds.
While records of Rhan-Tegoth's waking periods and his activities during those times are rare and unreliable, rumors still persist of certain chants and rituals that are capable of temporarily waking the Great Old One from his slumber. What reasons might exist for stirring Rhan-Tegoth from his sleep can only be guessed at, for the Great Old One will usually simply consume any foolish enough to rouse him from slumber.
Rhan-Tegoth appears as an aquatic arthropod in shape, yet closer inspection leaves no doubt in the viewer's mind of the Great Old One's truly alien nature. His body measures 10 feet from tip to tip, and his legs span 24 feet. The Great Old One weighs 2,000 pounds, but this weight increases to 10 times this amount when he is in statue form. The fact that countless statues of Rhan-Tegoth exist makes it difficult to determine which of them is in fact the actual slumbering god, so care should be taken in proximity of any depiction of the Herald of the End Times.
Rhan-Tegoth's clerics have access to the domains of Chaos, Evil, Repose, and Void, and to the subdomains of Ancestors, Dark Tapestry, Entropy, and Stars. His favored weapon is the sickle.
A gray robe and veil obscure this humanoid's form, save for a foaming mass of bubbles and tentacles extending from below.
Dimensional Dreams/Dimensional Dreams(超常) When Tawil at'Umr uses its nightmare spell-like ability, it can target any creature it has affected with its spell-like or supernatural abilities, or any creature that has ever traveled via a gate spell, regardless of distance. In addition to the effects of nightmare, the target must succeed at a DC39 Will save or die, only to be reincarnated a moment later into a new body on another world. This is a mind-affecting death effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Dimensional Fortification/Dimensional Fortification(変則) Tawil at'Umr cannot be forced to travel via teleportation effects unless it so chooses.
Immortality/Immortality(変則) If Tawil at'Umr is killed, Yog-Sothoth can create a new avatar immediately. The replacement Tawil at'Umr typically does not reappear where it was killed, and it usually does not seek revenge against those who slew its predecessor. Usually.
Merge Lives/Merge Lives(超常) Once per day as a full-round action, Tawil at'Umr can cause a touched creature's mind (the target) to merge with any other creature (the host) that Tawil at'Umr has affected via dimensional dreams. The target can resist this effect with a successful DC39 Will save. If the creature fails its save, its body vanishes (leaving behind any gear it may have carried) and its mind becomes trapped in the host creature's mind. The target can observe the world through the host creature but cannot control the host creature's actions. In time, or under certain conditions, the target can eventually take control of the host's actions, but these developments are rare and require hundreds of years to occur (usually, the host creature dies long before the target can exert such influence). To others, it is rarely apparent which body throughout the countless worlds Tawil at'Umr has seen was chosen as a host for the target's mind. This is a mindaffecting curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Portal Mastery/Portal Mastery(超常) Tawil at'Umr senses when a creature is about to teleport into its vicinity (within range of its unspeakable presence), or when a portal is about to open in that same area. If it wishes, Tawil at'Umr can block the teleportation or portal effect from occurring as an immediate action. The creator of the effect must succeed at a caster level check against Tawil at'Umr's spell resistance or the effect is countered.
Temporal Displacement/Temporal Displacement(超常) A creature struck by one of Tawil at'Umr's slam attacks must succeed at a DC39 Fortitude save or enter a state of suspended animation like that created by temporal stasis. This condition cannot be removed via dispel magic, nor does freedom of movement offer protection. Freedom can immediately end this effect, as can Tawil at'Umr's touch. Once every 24 hours, a displaced creature can attempt a new DC39 Fortitude save to end the effect, but otherwise this effect is permanent. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Unspeakable Presence/Unspeakable Presence(超常) As long as it remains shrouded in its cloak, Tawil at'Umr's unspeakable presence is suppressed, but as soon as it attacks or otherwise reveals its true form, any creature within range that fails a DC39 Will save is placed in its own subjective reality, as if under the effects of a microcosm spell. A creature immune to mind-affecting effects that fails its save against this effect is instead staggered for 1d6 rounds. This is a mind-affecting phantasm effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Tawil at'Umr is unusual among the Great Old Ones, for it is a physical projection of the will of one of the most powerful of the Outer Gods―Yog-Sothoth. As a sort of avatar of this deity, Tawil at'Umr pursues its own goals throughout the Material Plane and dimensions that intersect it in ways mortals can never fully understand. Tawil at'Umr is just as likely to react to attacks against it with its formidable combat prowess as it is to ignore its attackers or simply relocate to another point in the multiverse―its reasons for doing so are as inscrutable as its plans for reality. Some scholars theorize that Tawil at'Umr is little more than a side effect of Yog-Sothoth's presence upon reality when the Outer God brushes up against this universe. Even if this is the case, Tawil at'Umr's knowledge of reality is vast, and many have sought the avatar out to learn its secrets.
Tawil at'Umr appears as a cloaked figure of approximately the same shape as the observer, yet larger―when viewed by a humanoid, it stands 12 feet tall. When it casts its cloak aside, it is revealed as a seething mass of protoplasm capable of taking many shapes and forms, several of which should not be able to exist.
Tawil at'Umr's symbol is a black spiral inside of a hexagon, and his favored weapon is the dagger. The Great Old One grants access to the domains of Chaos, Knowledge, Travel, and Void, and to the subdomains of Dark Tapestry, Exploration, Night, and Stars.
This green-scaled humanoid has a long, serpentine neck and head, and its brow is marked by a distinctive crescent shape.
Devastating/Devastating(変則) All of Yig's natural attacks are primary attacks that add 1・1/2 × his Strength modifier to their damage. Yig ignores hardness less than 20 for any object he strikes.
Immortality/Immortality(変則) If Yig is slain, his body decays as normal, but he does not stay dead for long. He is reborn 3 months after his death, hatching from the egg of a venomous serpent (although not necessarily on the same planet on which his previous incarnation was slain). He spends a year in the form of a venomous (but otherwise normal) snake, after which he sheds his skin and emerges once again as Yig. Typically, Yig does not hold grudges against those who slew him, but this is not always the case.
毒/Poison(変則) 噛みつき―致傷型;セーヴ 頑健・DC40;頻度 1/ラウンド(6ラウンド間);効果 1d6【耐久力】吸収、加えて吐き気がする状態1ラウンド;治癒 3回連続のセーヴ成功。このセーヴ難易度は【耐久力】に基づいている。
Serpentine Dreams/Serpentine Dreams(超常) Any creature that has ever willfully harmed a snake, has suffered the effects of the curse of Yig (see above), or has slain one of Yig's clerics can be targeted by the Great Old One's serpentine dreams, regardless of the distance between the creature and Yig―even across planar boundaries. In order to use serpentine dreams against a target, Yig must first successfully affect the target with his nightmare spell-like ability. If the victim fails its save against nightmare, it must succeed at a DC35 Will save or take 2d6 points of Intelligence drain in addition to the normal effects of nightmare. When this Intelligence drain would reduce the victim's Intelligence score below 2, the victim is instead transformed (as if via baleful polymorph) into a Tiny venomous snake. This is a mind-affecting polymorph effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Unspeakable Presence/Unspeakable Presence(変則) Failing a DC35 Will save against Yig's unspeakable presence causes the victim to become more susceptible to curse effects. The victim takes a -6 penalty on all saving throws against curse effects, and the effective DC to remove a curse from such a victim increases by 6. A creature normally immune to curses that is affected by Yig's unspeakable presence can now be affected by curses (but takes no further penalty against curses as a result of the Great Old One's unspeakable presence). This effect lasts for 1 year or until removed by a miracle or wish. If a creature suffering from this effect dies and is brought back to life, there is a 50% chance the effect persists upon the creature's restoration to life.
Of all the Great Old Ones, Yig is without a doubt the most benign. Yet those so foolish as to expect kindness from the so-called Father of Serpents would do well to think again, for Yig does not suffer fools and is as likely to devour those who beseech him for help as he is to provide aid. Even his most devout worshipers realize he may simply wish to feed at times, and on these occasions no amount of devotion can protect a supplicant from death.
Yig appears as a scaled, humanoid creature with a serpent's head and lashing tail, but he can appear as any serpentine creature if he so wills. In his true form, Yig stands 14 feet tall and weighs 1,100 pounds.
This man is formed entirely of green leafy plants and bark. His fingers extend into lengths of vine.
神性/Deific A green man grants divine spells to worshipers. This does not require any specific action on the green man's behalf. The domains granted by a green man vary according to the green man's alignment. Most green men are neutral and grant access to the domains of Plant, Protection, Strength, and Weather and to the subdomains of Defense, Growth, Resolve, and Seasons. A neutral good green man grants access to the domains of Good, Plant, Protection, and Weather and to the subdomains of Defense, Growth, Purity, and Seasons. A neutral evil green man grants access to the domains of Evil, Plant, Strength, and Weather and to the subdomains of Decay, Growth, Resolve, and Seasons. Regardless of his alignment, a green man's favored weapon is the sickle. If a druid worshiping a green man chooses to take a domain, the druid must choose the Plant domain, regardless of alignment. The green man's holy symbol is that of a masculine face made of leaves, but the exact expression and appearance of the face varies by green man, and each is unique in detail.
Green Caress/Green Caress(超常) Non-plant living creatures within 60 feet of a green man slowly begin to transform into non-magical plants. Treat this effect as the spell green caress, save that the green man need not touch a creature to begin the effect. A creature must attempt a DC36 Fortitude save against this effect once upon first entering the aura. If successful, that creature partially resists the effect as per the spell description and is immune to that particular green man's aura for 24 hours. On a failed save, the effect persists until the creature transforms or the effect is removed (unlike with the spell, it is not limited to a maximum duration of 7 days). Also unlike the spell, this effect is not contagious, and a spellcaster who attempts to stop this green caress via break enchantment, miracle, polymorph any object, remove curse, or wish does not risk becoming targeted by the effect. This aura, being supernatural in nature and not a spell or spell-like ability, cannot be stopped via dispel magic. A green man can select creatures to be unaffected by his aura as an immediate action, but he must be aware of them to grant such clemency, and he cannot reverse the effects of the aura once inflicted. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Green Empathy/Green Empathy(変則) This ability functions as the druid's wild empathy, save that the green man can only use this ability on plant creatures. A green man's green empathy check bonus is equal to his HD plus his Charisma modifier (+43 for the typical green man).
Summon Plants/Summon Plants(擬呪) Three times per day as a swift action, a green man can summon any combination of plant creatures whose total combined CR is 20 or lower. This otherwise works like the summon universal monster rule with a 100% chance of success and counts as a 9th-level spell effect.
棘/Thorns(超常) A green man's thorns are ranged touch attacks with a range increment of 120 feet. A creature damaged by a green man's thorn moves at half speed and can't take 5-foot steps, fly, or use air walk, either naturally or magically, until the target or another creature pulls out the thorn as a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
蔦/Vines(変則) A green man can extend up to six thorny vines from his body to attack foes. These act as primary natural melee attacks that deal bludgeoning and piercing damage and have a reach of 30 feet.
Wilderness Insight/Wilderness Insight(変則) When in a natural area with foliage present, the plants whisper to the green man and grant him an insight bonus to his AC equal to his Wisdom bonus. This bonus is included in the statistics above, but it is lost in areas where plant life is not present in large quantities (typically the case for desert, underground, or urban locales).
Ancient beyond measure, the legendary green men are avatars and guardians of the primeval forest. Green men are the naturally occurring apotheosis of such woodland terrains. Most care little for other aspects of nature, from animals to geology, focusing exclusively on the flora of their home forest and the seasonal impact of weather. They grant spells enthusiastically to intelligent plants that worship them and somewhat more hesitantly to other sentient races who prove themselves friends of plants. Sometimes called “leshy kings” in esoteric texts, the enigmatic green men are said to be the ones who first taught druids the secrets of creating leshies, yet they themselves are far more powerful than these tiny creations.
Tears of blood run from this decaying man’s eye sockets, yet his expression is one of unquenched rage.
Desecration Aura/Desecration Aura(超常) A herecite's very existence is an embodiment of blasphemy and heresy, and as such it exudes a 30-foot-radius aura of desecration. It and all undead within this area gain a +2 profane bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws, and the DC to resist negative channeled energy in the area increases by 6. The herecite gains 2 hit points per Hit Die (+24 hit points for most herecites). All of these benefits are calculated into the above statistics, and while they do not stack with those granted by desecrate spells, neither do they vanish if the herecite enters an area under the effect of a consecrate spell.
信仰盗みの打撃/Faith-Stealing Strike(超常) A nonevil divine spellcaster struck by a herecite's slam attack or by its favored weapon must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or be unable to cast any divine spells for 1 round. If it succeeds at this save, the creature is immune to further faith-stealing strikes from that particular herecite for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Herecite Domains/Herecite Domains A herecite is associated with one evil god, and is always of the same alignment as that god. The herecite selects two domains granted by that god, gaining both domains' 1st-level spells as at-will spell-like abilities, the 2nd level spells as 3/day spell-like abilities, and the 3rd- and 4thlevel spells as 1/day spell-like abilities. Inappropriate spells granted by domains, or spells that duplicate the herecite's existing spell-like abilities, are replaced with inflict spells of the same level. For example, a herecite with access to the Healing domain would swap out all four of its cure spells for the inflict versions, while a herecite with access to Glory would swap out bless weapon for inflict moderate wounds, searing light for inflict serious wounds, and holy smite for inflict critical wounds. These spell-like abilities are in addition to the herecite's base spell-like abilities (detect good, see invisibility, and unholy blight). The herecite presented here is a herecite of Asmodeus with the Fire and Trickery domains.
Profane Insight/Profane Insight(超常) A herecite adds its Charisma bonus (+5 for most herecites) to its AC as a profane bonus. It is proficient with the favored weapon of its associated deity, and if it wields its deity's favored weapon, that weapon gains the unholy special ability. Against divine spells, the herecite's spell resistance increases by 4.
Unleash Heresy/Unleash Heresy(超常) When a herecite is destroyed, it explodes, dealing 3d6 points of negative energy damage to all creatures in a 30-foot radius (Reflex DC 21 half). Any nonevil creature damaged by this energy must also succeed at a DC 21 Will save or be affected by the herecite's faith-stealing strike. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Herecites are a particularly blasphemous form of undead created via an obscure ritual of sacrifice, wherein a priest of an evil god offers up at least five worshipers of a nonevil deity to her own deity. All of the sacrifices must worship the same deity. Upon the deaths of the sacrificed worshipers, their souls and bodies seethe and surge with negative energy and then melt away, only to re-form into a single entity―a herecite. Even the herecite's appearance serves to support its heretical nature, for these foul creations always appear as undead versions of their prior god, even though in their new unlife they are devoted worshipers of the god to whom they were sacrificed. Regardless of the size and shape of the worshipers sacrificed and of the mythological size of their prior deity, a herecite is a human-sized creature.
The ritual for the creation of a herecite is recorded in certain rare and blasphemous texts that are hidden away in dark libraries. It is also known to exist in certain texts describing the Outer Planes and their denizens, and likely exists in texts associated with powerful necromancy cults, although groups composed primarily of arcane spellcasters find herecites more of a curiosity than a viable addition to their ranks. The ritual to create a herecite often focuses on the torture and slaughter of young, inexperienced priests while a captured leader of the same faith is forced to watch the cruel torment of his flock. The overwhelming pain and anguish experienced by the high priest as his acolytes are forcibly converted into undead serves as the ritual's catalyst. High priests driven mad or forced to lose their faith after they have witnessed such a ritual often rise again as huecuvas (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 150) who then go on to gain levels as oracles of the ritual's profane deity.
Herecites never take levels in cleric or any other class capable of casting divine spells, for the ritual of their creation results in a tenuous awareness and an inability to ever again profess such powerful faith in a deity. Those who do continue to learn and train in a character class after their creation typically become sorcerers, witches, or even fighters or rogues.
A swarm of rats groups around a barrel, every pair of red eyes staring intently at one rat in the center of the mass.
A hivemind consists of a swarm of smaller creatures whose individual minds have supernaturally bonded into one to become a single, collective intelligence. Hiveminds often occur in swarms that have existed for generations and that have dwelled in areas of potent magical influence, particularly areas of strong psychic magic. Over time, the swarm learns to work together in more intelligent ways to achieve its goals, and it eventually evolves a cohesive mind. Of course, this evolution can be hastened by direct intervention of potent magic (typically something on the level of a miracle or wish), or as an unintended side effect of esoteric rituals, the use or destruction of artifacts, or the deaths of powerful minds.
A hivemind swarm learns from its surroundings, which in turn shape its choices in the languages it learns and the psychic spells it develops a penchant for casting. An urban swarm may pick up Common, Dwarven, Elven, or Halfling from snippets of conversations overheard through sewer grates, whereas an underground swarm may learn Dwarven or Undercommon. A hivemind may begin to exert its psychic abilities by compelling animals or people to bring it food or protect it from larger creatures, and it slowly graduates to defending itself and actively attacking as it gains experience.
Eventually, the hivemind's mental network takes on more complex tasks as a collective mind. At this point, the hivemind creates a nexus, a single individual in the swarm through which the collective routes all thought. While the nexus is often fairly inconspicuous within the teeming mass of the swarm, it is possible for a highly perceptive observer to notice its decisive movements, spellcasting gestures, or intense gaze. The death of the nexus does not eliminate the shared intelligence of a hivemind, but it is disruptive, forcing the collective to focus inward to regroup and form a new nexus.
“Hivemind swarm” is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any creature with the swarm subtype (referred to hereafter as the base creature). The hivemind template allows a swarm to increase in power and abilities, much like a class―when you create a hivemind swarm, you can customize its CR as needed by adjusting the number of additional Hit Dice (and thus associated statistics). A hivemind swarm uses the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
脅威度:+1 for each additional Hit Die gained above the base creature's Hit Dice.
種別:A hivemind swarm's type remains unchanged unless the base creature was an animal or vermin. In this case, its type changes to magical beast.
感覚:A 集合知性 swarm gains 思考感知 to a range of60フィート.
アーマー・クラス:A hivemind swarm gains a +1 insight bonus to its AC per additional Hit Die.
ヒット・ダイス:A hivemind swarm gains at least one racial Hit Die in addition to the Hit Dice of the base creature. The type of racial Hit Die the hivemind swarm gains is the same as that of the base creature. A hivemind swarm can never gain more than 20 racial Hit Dice in this manner.
セーヴ:The hivemind swarm's base saves increase as appropriate for a creature of its type as the hivemind swarm gains racial Hit Dice.
防御的能力:A hivemind creature retains all of the base creature's defensive abilities and special qualities, including all swarm traits. Due to its increased Intelligence score, a hivemind swarm is not immune to mind-affecting effects;since a hivemind swarm has a single mind, mind-affecting effects treat it as a single target despite its numerous separate bodies.
攻撃:A hivemind creature retains its swarm attack, and continues to deal automatic damage to any creature whose space it occupies at the end of its move, with no attack roll needed. The swarm base damage is based on the hivemind's Hit Dice, starting at 1d6 for 1 Hit Die and increasing by 1d6 for every additional 5 Hit Dice beyond the first.
基本攻撃ボーナス:A swarm's base attack bonus increases as it gains racial Hit Dice as appropriate for a creature of its type.
特技:A hivemind swarm loses all feats that the base creature had but gains a number of feats as normal for a creature of its Hit Dice (as presented on Table 1-6 on page 293 of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary).
技能:A hivemind swarm loses all skill ranks that the base creature had but has skill ranks per racial Hit Die as defined by its creature type. A hivemind swarm's class skills are the same as those that its creature type had and also include all Knowledge skills and Spellcraft.
言語:A hivemind creature gains テレパシー(100フィート) and can speak a number of languages of its choice equal to 1 + its Intelligence modifier.
Depression and ennui accompany a barely perceptible sensation of something cold and smooth brushing against the skin.
Command Somnambulist/Command Somnambulist(超常) Once per day when a horla controls a sleeping creature via dominate person, it can cause the creature to wake and obey it for a number of hours equal to the horla's Charisma modifier (4 hours for the typical horla). If the creature is allowed to return to sleep before this duration expires, it retains no memories of any of the activities it performed during that time.
Ennui/Ennui(超常) Once per day as a standard action, a horla can target a sleeping creature within 30 feet with an insidious curse. The target can resist the ennui with a successful DC19 Will save, but regardless of the result of the save, the target is not aware that it has been targeted by this subtle effect. If the victim fails this save, it takes a -2 penalty on ability checks, saving throws, and skill checks for 24 hours. This penalty is doubled to -4 on saving throws against fear effects and for concentration checks. This is a mind-affecting curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Horlas are native to the Ethereal Plane. Although they have no inborn ability to traverse the boundaries between planes, all horlas seek ways to slip onto the Material Plane so they can feed on the hopes and dreams of humanoids. Once on the Material Plane, a horla selects a favored host to plague while remaining invisible, gaining nourishment by consuming hope and leaving the host wracked with ennui. The horla slowly drives its host mad by forcing him into increasingly destructive acts, yet it is always careful to issue its commands so that the repercussions are what cause lasting harm to a victim's social life or relationships rather than the specific acts.
Only four Horsemen can exist at any given time, though whether their claim to that status is granted by the assent of their other sibling-peers, by their native plane of Abaddon, or by a rumored fifth progenitor Horseman of deific power remains a mystery. While their number remains exclusive, Horsemen can and have died and been replaced, slain by vengeful gods, demon lords, daemonic harbingers from within their own courts, or even―in rare cases―their own sibling-peers among the Four. Among the Horsemen, only Charon, the Horseman of Death, has held his position from the beginning. The title of “Horseman” is gender neutral―there are and have been female, male, and genderless Horsemen of the Apocalypse, as well as ones with multiple genders.
Every Horseman was once a mortal whose soul transitioned into the form of a daemon at some point after death. This legacy stands at the center of their kind, gnawing at their pride and sanity moment by moment, as they understand that they began their lives as the very things they seek to exterminate. Equally incongruous is that the Horsemen each actively foster their own mortal cults, even granting spells to clerics pledged to their name. The Horsemen see their worshipers as useful idiots condemned to oblivion upon death, despite the aid such cultists provide in carrying out the Four's genocidal will.
This muscular figure has a skeletal ram's head and a cloud of f lies spews from his mouth.
Plague Shadow/Plague Shadow(超常) Apollyon is surrounded by a carpet of plague-ridden vermin that bubbles up from the ground at his feet. Creatures within a 10-foot radius of Apollyon are subject to damage from this swarm. Any creatures in the area occupied by the plague shadow at the end of Apollyon's turn take 5d6 points of swarm damage and must succeed at a DC38 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Charisma-based
Apollyon has ruled for eons, since he seized his throne and slew all potential rivals following the disappearance of his presumed-dead predecessor. The Horseman of Pestilence is also known as the Prince of Plagues, and rules from his domain of the Plaguemere, a vast realm of swamps, flooded forests, and shallow, acidic oceans. His citadel, the Throne of Flies, is carved from a titanic spinal column and set of ribs, rumored to be those of a dead god of healing or a protean lord slaughtered by the Four and dragged back to Abaddon to feast upon.
While other horsemen engage in more overt acts of brutality against the mortals of the Material Plane, Apollyon and his servitors focus instead on their distinct form of creation: the crafting of new diseases and plagues capable of doing the daemons' work for them, spreading across the Material Plane in virulent pandemics. Less known is the fact that these acts of creation also extend to artifacts and magical items intended to corrupt their recipients, and even larger metaphysical infestations that work within the goddess of death's system to taint souls and condemn them to Abaddon after judgment.
Apollyon frequently sends his minions to the Material Plane, and their actions there leave behind contagious diseases long after they're killed or banished. When spreading ever more horrific and virulent plagues, the Horseman is not averse to granting temporary immunity to his mortal cultists in exchange for using them as carriers and living incubators, though this protection is short-lived―eventually, they too fall and their souls are carried to Abaddon amid clouds of corpse flies.
This ancient figure is dressed in black, and its eyes are sunken pits that glint with malevolent cunning.
Curse of Ages/Curse of Ages(超常) The first time in a round that Charon strikes a creature with a weapon or a successful touch attack, that creature must succeed at a DC40 Fortitude save or instantly grow decrepit and feeble, as if the target suddenly became venerable. The target's Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength scores are reduced by 6, but its mental ability scores are not increased. If Charon touches or strikes a venerable target (either a naturally venerable creature or a creature suffering from this effect or a similar magical effect), that creature is subjected to memory loss (see below). Curse of the ages is an aging and a curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
記憶喪失/Memory Loss(超常) When Charon strikes a creature with a Stygian bolt or touches or strikes a venerable target, he can affect that creature with memory loss. A creature affected by memory loss must succeed at a DC40 Will save or gain 2 permanent negative levels as swaths of memory are wiped away. These negative levels are a mind-affecting effect but not a negative energy effect. If these negative levels cause the target's total number of negative levels to equal or exceed its Hit Dice, instead of dying the target enters a catatonic state that lasts as long as the negative levels from the Stygian bolts continue to cause its total number of negative levels to equal or exceed its Hit Dice. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Reach of the Styx/Reach of the Styx(超常) Once per hour as a standard action, Charon can transport himself and any adjacent creatures―such as passengers on his skiff―to any point touched by the River Styx, even if he is not currently on a plane through which it flows, traveling as if via a plane shift spell.
Stygian Bolt/Stygian Bolt(超常) As a standard action, Charon can spit four blasts of Stygian water from his mouth. Each of these Stygian bolts can target a different creature. These attacks are treated as ranged attacks with a range increment of 100 feet. On a hit, a Stygian bolt deals 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage and inflicts memory loss.
Stygian Bond/Stygian Bond(変則) Charon's regeneration cannot be overcome by any means when he is in physical contact with the River Styx or when he is aboard his skiff while on the River Styx.
Transform Mount/Transform Mount(超常) As a swift action, Charon can cause his mount, the Pale Horse, to transform into a skiff that can carry up to four passengers plus himself. He can also transform this skiff back into the Pale Horse as a swift action, in which case he automatically mounts the Pale Horse and any passengers or cargo in the skiff are dumped into adjacent squares.
Charon, the Horseman of Death and Boatman of the Styx, is ancient even by comparison to his kindred Horsemen. Of all the Four, he alone was an original Horseman, the first―and only―Lord of Death. Yet Charon's title obfuscates his true focus: not simply death as a whole, which is the purview of all daemons, but specifically death by old age. Even the most virile mortals must eventually succumb to that looming specter, and in this sense, it's unsurprising that the Boatman remains the most powerful of the Four. Like mortality's inevitable end, Charon's patience is legendary.
Charon resembles his thanadaemons, and most presume that he modeled them after himself. Charon, however, is so ancient as to have preceded the creation of humanoid life and thus his current form is likely nothing more than a modern guise, with his original form long discarded.
Daemons in Charon's service range far and wide across Abaddon, often riding the Styx to other reaches of the cosmos, hunting souls in his name. Unlike those of the other Horsemen, Charon's servitors often act in understated and subtle ways, yet they harvest just as many souls as others. When approached independently by a traveler, Charon sometimes simply carries the guest off to be consumed. Other times, however, he makes legitimate deals, though his bargains work toward ends hundreds or thousands of years in the making. Charon's dealings also serve him well in other ways, with even his fellows among the Four often quietly acquiescing to his authority. In the past, Charon has bargained with dying and desperate divinities, archfiends, empyreal lords, and even the populations of entire worlds, offering them aid in return for payments of souls, knowing all the while that the bargainers were beyond saving anyway.
Charon's domain is the largest of the Four, particularly when one takes into account the fact that the River Styx stretches into or borders the others' realms, the unclaimed wastes, and the planes beyond. Every branch of the Styx ultimately flows back to Charon's citadel, the Drowning Court, which comprises hundreds of mobile islands, ships, and floating castles swirling around a massive central whirlpool.
This blond woman's pitch-black eyes weep tears of blood, and a massive pair of raven's wings spreads from her shoulders.
Eruptive Arrival/Eruptive Arrival(超常) When Szuriel uses any teleportation effect, she can create a pyroclastic detonation upon arrival as a swift action. This creates a blast of fire that deals 20d6 points of fire damage to all creatures within a 30-foot radius (Reflex DC41 half). Szuriel can selectively omit creatures from this effect as she chooses, though she rarely does, enjoying the carnage and death of even her own allies. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Fury of the Forsaken/Fury of the Forsaken(超常) As a standard action once per day, Szuriel can instill all non-daemons within a 60-foot radius of herself with a mind-twisting rage and lust for blood. Affected creatures gain a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a -2 penalty to AC, and they are compelled to attack the nearest creature regardless of any previous allegiances. A creature can resist this effect with a successful DC36 Will save;otherwise, it persists as long as Szuriel remains within line of sight. When the effect ends, an affected creature becomes fatigued. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect and does not stack with barbarian rage, the rage spell, or similar effects. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Warmonger/Warmonger(変則) Szuriel is proficient with all weapons, and is treated as a 20th-level fighter for the purpose of qualifying for feats that require a minimum fighter level as a prerequisite.
At first glance, Szuriel seems a triumphant, angelic figure. With her ivory skin, f lowing golden hair, f lawless and powerful body clothed in a coil of unsullied silk, and wings the blue-black of a raven, she appears as a personification of glory from on high―a veritable goddess of war. Up close, however, this impression quickly fades. Mirrored and black as onyx, Szuriel's eyes bleed constantly in crimson rivulets that run down her cheeks and fall to the ground. When she deigns to smile, she reveals a mouth of jagged, razor-sharp fangs more befitting a shark or dragon than anything humanoid. Szuriel's greatsword, Lamentation of the Faithless, has been wielded by every Horseman of War dating back to the first, and it is said to be the corrupted blade of an ancient and forgotten empyreal lord.
The Horseman of War was once a fallen mortal paladin. After she was excommunicated for her sins, she became a conquering general and finally a ruling empress who slaughtered the followers of her former faith. Her own death came not on the battlefield but by an assassin's blade, yet this merely opened the greatest chapter in her conquests by propelling her into Abaddon and, in time, the role of the Horseman of War.
Szuriel makes open mockery of all angels, playing upon their thematic elements in her warped, destructive interactions with mortals, awing both the misguided and those fully cognizant of her nature. Her cults often portray her not as a paragon of destruction, conquest, and genocide, but as promising righteous victory, with the souls of fallen soldiers elevated to paradise regardless of what horrific crimes they commit.
Szuriel's armies represent the largest and most strictly organized force in Abaddon, but at any given moment, fully half of the Horseman's armies are scattered throughout the planes in mercenary service to various Abyssal lords, archdevils, and whatever other forces purchase their services. Most times, that price is steep, as Szuriel demands living mortals or souls, or the right to consume those who fall upon the field of battle. When her armies march upon the mortal plane, they honor their commitments just long enough to make their “allies” complacent before engaging in systematic genocide.
This starving-thin man has a trio of jackal's heads with jagged, crystalline teeth. His oily black f lesh ripples disturbingly.
Ravenous Devourer/Ravenous Devourer(変則) Trelmarixian's bite attacks always apply 1・1/2 × his Strength modifier to his damage.
飲み込み/Swallow Whole(超常) Trelmarixian's swallow whole ability is a supernatural ability that can affect Huge or smaller creatures, despite the fact that Trelmarixian is only Medium. His stomach functions similarly to an extradimensional space and can hold any number of creatures. If Trelmarixian swallows an object that contains an extradimensional space (such as a bag of holding or a portable hole), that object cannot be opened while it is within the Horseman of Famine's belly, but it does not otherwise interact with his stomach in a destructive way.
Wail of the Consumed/Wail of the Consumed(超常) Trelmarixian can, as a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, call upon the tattered fragments of the innumerable souls he has consumed to unleash a mind-shattering wail. This affects all creatures within a 60-foot spread. Affected creatures take 1d10 points of Wisdom drain and are stunned for 1 round. A creature that succeeds at a DC36 Will save instead takes 1d4 points of Wisdom damage and is staggered for 1 round. This is a sonic mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
The youngest but perhaps most ambitious of the Four, Trelmarixian the Black obsesses over soul consumption, riding the line between brutal, amoral science and quasi-religious zealotry. A perpetually ravenous shapeshifting horror, Trelmarixian maintains a three headed humanoid shape―but only just, with his frame constantly shuddering and shifting and threatening to slump into a protoplasmic slurry of bile, blood, and mucus. Trelmarixian was once a meladaemon himself, and his meladaemon servitors, while always emaciated and bestial, have become more canine in appearance under his rule. When the so-called Lysogenic Prince rose to power, he overthrew and consumed his predecessor, but he maintains a fragment of her existence within him to fuel periodic bouts of parasitic rage.
Trelmarixian embodies not only starvation, but also the broader concept of wasting, both physical and metaphysical, particularly the lingering dooms of cancer, parasitism, and spiritual decay. Like the viral afflictions he represents, the Horseman of Famine behaves like his chosen concept in a concrete manner, having secretively inserted fragments of his physical form into many of his servitors. This bombards him with sensory information on a truly maddening scale, and thus Trelmarixian's fragmented mind brims with insanity and a multitude of voices, including that of his predecessor. He still adores her in his own fashion, and she in turn speaks to him, advising as she sees fit or mocking his shortcomings like an aggressive, self-aware conscience. By force of will, he can silence the voices, but the thing that haunts him more than any of these cannot be so easily dismissed. Most daemons retain only fractured, fragmented recollections of their mortal life. Trelmarixian, on the other hand, remembers everything save for the last few minutes of his life. As a mortal, daemon-blooded tiefling, Trelmarixian exterminated all life on his world with a work of profound sorcery, but in doing so he condemned himself to starvation. Near the moment of his agonizing death, he recalls someone talking to him, asking him questions and mocking his success as paltry compared to what awaited him after death. Despite his destruction of everyone he had ever known in life, someone was there, and he cannot remember that person's face or final words.
Trelmarixian's memories haunt him still, as does the question of whose blood his soul carried, and thus who may still have some unknown claim on him, such as a long-dead Horseman of Famine. He's likewise haunted by the notion that he was born to be the vector for his progenitor's return―one virus within another, waiting and incubating, to someday express itself and snuff him out as he did his own predecessor.
Trelmarixian's domain, the Withered Court, is a realm of biological and metaphysical horrors, towers spun from flesh and bone with mortal souls used like living, screaming bricks, each mournfully crying out in the constant pangs of starvation. In this realm of horrors, his servitors devour as much as they craft, warping souls into nightmarish wonders while their master continues his nihilistic work within his citadel, the miles-high Weeping Tower.
Dressed in filthy rags, this undead woman lacks any facial features. Ragged talons grow from her dirty fingers.
Fear Sense/Fear Sense(超常) A hupia can detect a creature with the shaken, frightened, or panicked condition within 100 feet as if it had blindsight.
Misdirected Appearance/Misdirected Appearance(超常) The first time a creature sees a hupia, instead of a frightening undead monster it sees either the form the hupia had in life or that of someone dear to the creature. An observer can see past this illusion with a successful DC18 Will save. A creature immune to mind-affecting effects or that has other protections against creatures reading its mind is immune to this effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
黄泉がえり/Rejuvenation(超常) After being destroyed, a hupia reforms at the site of its death in 1d6 days. To permanently destroy a hupia, a special ritual must be performed involving a personal item of the hupia and 100GP worth of rare herbs that are burned during the ceremony.
Hupias are drawn to their past lives by a yearning to live again. In trying to return to their previous lives, they seek to fool friends and loved ones with tales of how they were away traveling for a long time or were busy with something else and forgot to tell everyone that they'd be gone. The ruse rarely holds up, and once the loved ones discover the truth, the results are tragic at best. Most hupias are unable to work themselves back into the life they had due to their indistinct memories and lack of understanding that they are actually dead.
Even though they don't need to eat, many hupias still ingest the foods they loved when they were living. They seek out their favorites, even wandering into villages in order to procure them. Many hupias from tropical regions, where they are most plentiful, still love the taste of tropical fruits, specifically guava.
This bright-red jellyfish dangles a long, central tentacle surrounded by a multitude of shorter red tendrils.
Tentacle/Tentacle(変則) A crimson jellyfish's tentacle is a primary natural attack that deals bludgeoning damage.
The crimson jellyfish is a blooddrinking creature whose red color comes from the blood absorbed throughout its body after it feeds. A large fish or sea mammal encountering a pack or bloom of these creatures can be drained of blood in a matter of minutes. Fortunately, a crimson jellyfish's bright color makes it fairly easy to avoid under well-lit conditions
This enormous, translucent blob trails a mass of six immense tentacles and a central forest of tendrils below its body.
毒/Poison(変則) 触手―致傷型;セーヴ 頑健・DC29;頻度 1/ラウンド(6ラウンド間);効果 1d4【耐】ダメージ、および麻痺状態1ラウンド;治癒 2回連続のセーヴ成功。このセーヴ難易度は【耐久力】に基づいている。
This immense, fiery-orange serpent has three horned heads, a pair of draconic wings, and a long tail tipped with four bony spikes.
Deflect Cold/Deflect Cold(変則) Although Varklops is vulnerable to cold damage, he can shield himself from a cold attack by reflexively curling his wings around himself as an immediate action when he would otherwise take cold damage. He must choose to use this ability before any cold damage from the attack is applied and before he attempts any applicable saving throws to resist the cold damage, but he can wait until after the attack hits to choose to deflect cold. When he uses this ability, all cold damage from that particular attack is ignored. At Varklops's discretion, he can deflect the cold damage to any single adjacent creature, which is then instead treated as the target of the cold attack. If the cold attack was an area effect that also affected the adjacent creature, that creature does not take the cold damage twice, but does need to attempt two saving throws (if applicable) against the effect, taking the worse of the two results as the actual result.
Devastating/Devastating(変則) Varklops is particularly devastating, and any attack or special ability he uses to deal damage to an object ignores hardness less than 20. Objects take full damage from his fire-based attacks.
Distracted When Outnumbered/Distracted When Outnumbered(変則) While Varklops is furiously focused on slaying kaiju, his rudimentary intellect supports a surprisingly powerful and inflated sense of selfworth that crumbles when he faces overwhelming odds. In any combat round that involves two allied kaiju focusing their efforts against him, Varklops loses his kaijuslayer ability and becomes so distracted by which target to focus on that he must succeed at a DC30 Will save or become staggered for that round. Non-kaiju cannot distract Varklops in this manner, even if the non-kaiju is similar in size to a kaiju.
Eruption/Eruption(超常) Up to three times per day (but no more than once every 4 rounds) as Varklops emerges onto the surface of terrain after burrowing, he does so with an explosion of ash and magma. All creatures within 150 feet of Varklops when he bursts out of the ground in this manner take 20d6 points of fire damage. Huge or smaller creatures in this area are knocked prone. With a successful DC43 Reflex save, creatures take half the damage and negate being knocked prone, but a creature that takes any damage from this eruption is subjected to Varklops's burn ability. In addition, the eruption creates a cloud of ash in the area of effect;this cloud of ash lingers in the area for 1 minute, obscuring vision as per obscuring mist. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Fire Monsoon/Fire Monsoon(超常) Once per day as Varklops moves at full speed while flying, he can rain down a torrential storm of fire, burning any target up to 300 feet below him. All targets Varklops passes over in flight take 20d6 points of fire damage (Reflex DC43 half);any creature that takes any damage from this attack is subjected to Varklops's burn ability. The area affected by the fire monsoon continues to burn for 1 minute―any creature that begins its turn in this area takes 4d6 points of fire damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Improved Hurl Foe/Improved Hurl Foe(変則) When Varklops hits a creature with his tail slap and uses his hurl foe kaiju ability (see page 305), the distance the foe is knocked back doubles.
Kaijuslayer/Kaijuslayer(超常) Varklops takes particular delight in the slaying of other kaiju, and his aggression causes all kaiju to take a -4 penalty on saving throws against Varklops's special attacks. Another kaiju cannot use recovery to prevent itself from being killed by one of Varklops's attacks. This ability does not function against the kaiju known as King Mogaru.
Lord Varklops is indisputably the most powerful of the known kaiju, a tremendously destructive force of devastation that dwells in the heart of an active volcano in a tropical mountain range when not hunting his favorite prey―other kaiju. Although the fact that Lord Varklops so eagerly hunts and slays kaiju might seem to make him an ally of all civilizations threatened by such creatures, in truth Varklops is also one of the few kaiju to be actively evil in his predations upon the world. When no other kaiju present themselves as victims and the urge to destroy seizes Varklops, the socalled Thrice-Headed Fiend thinks nothing of razing entire cities for his pleasure.
This eagerness to destroy appeals to apocalypse-minded cultists and to deranged exiles who seek revenge against the cities they were forced to flee. Varklops is known to look favorably upon those who approach him with requests for targeted devastation―particularly if the offer includes the opportunity to attack another kaiju. Varklops has little interest in assaulting civilizations in polar regions, but his greatest weakness is his inflated, if rudimentary, ego.
When facing multiple kaiju, Varklops often gets distracted and frustrated―a condition that several societies have risked using to their advantage by luring other kaiju to their defense. Of course, the devastation a city might suffer when three or more kaiju fight may well exceed that wrought by Varklops alone, so such desperate actions are not taken lightly.
Varklops has a particularly strong hatred of King Mogaru, as this kaiju alone can resist Varklops's rage. The reasons for this immunity are unknown, but certainly Mogaru matches Varklops's hatred, and battles between the two kaiju are the stuff of legend. Varklops is 200 feet long and weighs 16,000 tons.
This mountain of filthy green sludge heaps up on itself, extending six tentacles and unfolding its core to reveal a single red eye.
Acid Beam/Acid Beam(超常) Once every 4 rounds, Vorgozen can unleash a beam of foul acid. This creates a 1,200-foot line of high pressure caustic fluid. All creatures caught in the area of effect take 20d6 points of acid damage and 20d6 points of bludgeoning damage, and are knocked prone. A creature that succeeds at a DC43 Reflex save takes half damage and avoids being knocked prone. A Huge or smaller creature that is knocked prone is also pushed away from Vorgozen. A Huge creature is pushed back 10 feet, a Large creature 20 feet, a Medium creature 40 feet, and Small or smaller creatures 80 feet. Creatures that are pushed take 1d6 additional points of bludgeoning damage per 10 feet they are pushed, but can attempt a DC43 Reflex save to halve this additional damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Infuse Terrain/Infuse Terrain(超常) Once per day as a standard action, Vorgozen can dematerialize and seep into the terrain, infusing it with her polluted nature. The kaiju appears to simply melt into the surrounding terrain when she uses this ability, vanishing from view. The terrain in a 1-mile radius becomes infused with the kaiju's essence―if the terrain is swamp or other wetland, the radius increases to 10 miles. While infusing terrain, Vorgozen cannot be harmed, and all magical effects generated in the region can trigger polluted effects (see Polluted Magic below). Vorgozen remains aware of what takes place in the region of infused terrain, and she can remain infused in the terrain indefinitely, during which time she does not need to breathe, eat, or sleep. She can emerge from the terrain at any point within the infused region as a swift action, gaining the benefit of a heal spell (術者レベル20) when she does so. Alternatively, she can suppress all effects of her presence on the terrain for up to 24 hours to move at a speed of 50 miles per hour, as per shadow walk. When she ceases moving (typically upon arriving at a region with powerful magic that has drawn her attention), her presence remains suppressed and she cannot move for the remainder of the 24 hours, at which point the suppression ends and her presence again infuses the surrounding terrain.
d% | 結果 |
1~30 | The spell or supernatural effect functions normally. |
31~50 | The spell or supernatural effect is diluted, functioning at half capacity (caster level, all damage and other randomly determined elements, and durations and areas of effect not determined by caster level are halved);the DCs of saving throws to resist the effect are decreased by 10. |
51~70 | The spell or supernatural effect is cancelled and its use for that activation is wasted. |
71~90 | The spell or supernatural effect is canceled and its use for that activation is wasted. The creator of the spell or supernatural effect must succeed at a DC35 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds. The nausea is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based. |
91 or higher | The spell or supernatural effect is canceled and its use for that activation is wasted. The creator of the spell or supernatural effect must succeed at a DC35 Will save or suffer the effects of feeblemind (術者レベル20). The feeblemind effect is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based. |
Most kaiju are ancient creatures that have dwelled in hidden lairs since the dawn of civilization, prehistoric monsters woken from eons-long slumbers, or alien entities who visit the world only rarely. But Vorgozen (referred to as the Shapeless Feeder by some, and as Queen Vorgozen by those who wish to see all magic abolished from the world) is a relatively recent addition to the world's kaiju. This accidental but overwhelmingly powerful creation was forged from the unfortunate combination of hubris and arrogance. The absolute destruction of the remote academy in an immense fen that gave rise to the Shapeless Feeder left few clues as to the nature of the potent magic the wizards there were toying with. What hints remain suggest it involved reverse-engineering an artifact in an attempt to distill the potent powers held within the core of a once flying city.
Born as she was out of the abuse of magical power, Vorgozen is very much a personification of the arrogant wizard who values the study and mastery of magic and the pursuit of arcane power over all else. The Shapeless Feeder was not content to remain at the epicenter of her accidental creation, and has instead seeped through the world, drawn by powerful magical auras or supernatural foci. Fortunately for civilization, after emerging to destroy, the Shapeless Feeder invariably retreats to vast swamplands such as the site of her genesis to hibernate for decades before rousing once again from her slumber.
The powerful magic of other kaiju's supernatural abilities is particularly coveted by Vorgozen, and she enjoys polluting these effects more than any other. She is often drawn to places where other kaiju rampage as a result.
Queen Vorgozen is an immense mound of protoplasm nearly 80 feet in diameter. She weighs 24,000 tons.
This immense pale blue worm raises one end of its body like a serpent, its many-toothed maw opening amid a ring of glowing eyes.
Eye Beams/Eye Beams(超常) Once every 4 rounds as a standard action, Yarthoon can emit several beams of freezing energy from her eyes. When Yarthoon uses this attack, she can choose to fire all of the beams in one direction to create a single line 1,200 feet long, or she can instead fire eight separate beams as ranged touch attacks with a range of 1,200 feet. If she chooses to fire them in a line, all creatures within the area of effect take 20d6 points of cold damage (Reflex DC38 half). If she fires the beams as ranged touch attacks, she has a +30 attack bonus but can target a single creature with no more than two eye beams at a time (though she can fire the beams in any direction to attack multiple targets in range). A single eye beam deals 8d6 points of cold damage on a hit (no save). The save DC for the line-based attack is Constitution-based.
Freezing Mist/Freezing Mist(超常) Once per day as a swift action, Yarthoon can exhale a cloud of freezing mist, filling a 200-foot-radius sphere surrounding her. This mist obscures vision as per obscuring mist and persists for 10 rounds, and is not dispersed by moderate wind. A strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the mist in 2d4 rounds, while fireball, flame strike, or similar spells burn away the mist in the spell's area. Any creature within the area of the mist when Yarthoon creates it takes 8d6 points of cold damage (Reflex DC38 half). A creature that begins its turn within the mist takes 4d6 points of cold damage (no save) at the start of its turn. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Penetrating Cold/Penetrating Cold(超常) When Yarthoon deals cold damage, the damage ignores the first 30 points of cold resistance the target has.
Staggering Strike/Staggering Strike(変則) If Yarthoon hits a Gargantuan or smaller foe that's standing on the ground with her slam attack, the target struck must succeed at a DC42 Reflex save or be knocked prone and become staggered for 1d6 rounds. If she hits a Gargantuan or smaller flying foe, the creature is staggered for 1d6 rounds and must succeed at a DC42 Fly check or lose 30 feet of altitude (a winged flying creature loses 60 feet of altitude instead;this replaces the normal rule for being attacked while flying for winged creatures). A Colossal creature struck by Yarthoon's slam must succeed at a DC42 Reflex save to resist being staggered for 1 round, but is not knocked prone or forced to lose altitude. The save DC is Strength-based.
星間飛行/Starflight(超常) Yarthoon can survive in the void of outer space. She flies through space at incredible speeds, but generally only does so to travel between the moon and the world below when her attention is caught or her curiosity piqued. It takes Yarthoon only 2d4 hours to travel from the moon to the world below. If she were to travel to a more distant point in the same solar system, she requires only 3d6 days to make the journey, while trips beyond this range generally take her 3d6 weeks.
Swift Bite/Swift Bite(変則) Yarthoon strikes with astonishing speed when she attacks with her bite. Whenever Yarthoon makes a bite attack on her turn, she can attack two times, either as a standard action to bite twice, or as part of a full attack to bite two times in addition to making one slam attack. She can make any number of attacks of opportunity with her bite attack, but does not get to bite more than once when she does so.
Yarthoon is among the least powerful of the kaiju, yet even she is of staggering size and capable of unleashing devastation on an apocalyptic scale. Known as the Moon Grub to kaiju scholars, Yarthoon does indeed dwell upon the moon itself, where she spends much of her time in a frozen reach of ice and snow, created, in part, by her presence and the effects of her freezing breath over the course of centuries. (Note that although Yarthoon's exhalations fill the region with freezing mist, the Moon Grub herself has no need to breathe and can exist comfortably in the vacuum of space.)
Were Yarthoon content to remain upon the moon, there would be little known about the frozen kaiju;unfortunately, the larger world her home orbits is a constant fascination for her. Indeed, certain events have been known to specifically attract Yarthoon's attention, whether they're intentional calls such as powerful rituals led by apocalyptic cultists, or accidental lures that occur when powerful effects of magical cold occur. The exact nature of these attractions varies, and even the most learned scholars argue over what exactly it is that draws Yarthoon to visit the world. None, however, dispute the devastation Yarthoon unleashes, if unintentionally, when she visits the world. Unlike many kaiju, Yarthoon seems not to purposefully seek out civilizations to destroy, but her immense size and her freezing breath wreak havoc nonetheless. Fortunately, Yarthoon's visits to the world typically last for only a few days before she slithers off into the sky like an eel swimming through water to return to her den on the moon.
Yarthoon has a complex relationship with Mogaru, the Final King (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 170). Often, Mogaru's devastation on a region is enough to lure Yarthoon down from the moon, in which case she often clashes with the more powerful kaiju. Likewise, Mogaru's ability to sense kaiju often results in him coming to investigate a region that Yarthoon has decided to visit. Yet the two kaiju never seem willing to finish a fight against the other, and rather than deliver a death blow when the chance rises, each seems content to let the other flee. The one thing that seems to unite the two kaiju is their shared hatred of Lord Varklops, and the two kaiju have teamed up several times to drive off the three-headed fiend more than once.
Although Yarthoon is the least powerful of the known kaiju, the Moon Grub has been remarkably resilient. Time and time again, Yarthoon has returned after suffering what seemed to be a complete defeat, at either the hands of powerful heroes or the claws and fangs of fellow kaiju. Scholars of these immense monsters have theorized that Yarthoon may not be a unique creature, and that in its hidden lair on the moon, multiple Moon Grubs writhe and dream. Others posit that Yarthoon is but the larval stage of a kaiju, and that while only one may live at any time, numerous other eggs lie in a hidden crèche on the moon, waiting to hatch and release replacement Moon Grubs as needed.
This weasellike creature has sickles in place of feet. It moves incredibly swiftly, swirling in the air astride a vortex of dust.
Delayed Doom/Delayed Doom(超常) When a kamaitachi deals damage with a claw, it can delay the damage (including the bleed and pain effect). If it does, the damage doesn't take effect immediately. Instead, at any time in the next 2 weeks, the kamaitachi can cause the damage, bleed, and pain effects to instantly manifest as a free action. It can activate as many delayed doom effects on a single target as it wishes with the same free action, potentially cutting a victim who seemed unharmed into ribbons. The victim must remain within 1 mile of the kamaitachi between the time it incurs the damage and its manifestation―a victim who moves beyond this limit causes the delayed doom effect to immediately end without harm. Most kamaitachi try to keep track of their delayed doom victims via status.
Dust Devil/Dust Devil(超常) A kamaitachi's trusty dust devil deflects arrows, bolts, bullets, and other small projectiles automatically and thrown weapons 30% of the time (like a personal wind wall effect). The dust devil also grants the kamaitachi a deflection bonus to its AC equal to its Charisma bonus (+6 for the typical kamaitachi). Whenever a kamaitachi is caught within the area of effect of a spell or supernatural effect that alters or controls winds (including control weather and control winds), it must succeed at a Fortitude save to avoid losing control of its dust devil. The save DC is equal to the spell's save DC, or DC20 if the effect isn't a spell or spell-like ability. If the kamaitachi loses control of its dust devil, it immediately loses its fly speed. It also loses the benefits of its dust devil ability and must succeed at a concentration check (DC = 15 + double the spell level) in order to use any of its spell-like abilities. A kamaitachi can reactivate its dust devil by casting control winds (but not wind wall);as such, a kamaitachi is hesitant to use its last control winds spell in a day in case it needs it to regain its dust devil.
苦痛/Pain(変則) A creature damaged by a kamaitachi's claw attack becomes sickened for 1 round (Fortitude DC23 negates). This is a pain effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
This lumbering whale skeleton has a set of bony legs affixed to its frame. Its bones bear complex scrimshaw patterns.
刈り取り顎/Shearing Jaws(変則) A kikituk applies double its Strength modifier to its damage with a successful bite attack.
Kikituks are constructs created by wicked spellcasters.
This hairy humanoid has the face of a demonic goat with legs to match. A long tongue hangs out of its fanged mouth.
Limited Immortality/Limited Immortality(超常) Though Krampus still needs to eat, drink, and sleep, it doesn't age and can't die of old age. If Krampus is killed, a new Krampus forms elsewhere in the world after a year's time―this new Krampus retains the memories of the previous Krampus and likely holds a grudge against the person who killed it the year before. If a method to disrupt this cycle exists, it has yet to be discovered by mortals.
Mystical Chains/Mystical Chains(超常) Krampus's chains function as a +3 spiked chain and also count as an evil weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. These chains become non-magical if Krampus does not carry or wield them, and if a chain is disarmed or destroyed, Krampus can create a new set of chains as a standard action. The chains react almost as a living extension of Krampus's will and have the grab ability.
Punish the Naughty/Punish the Naughty(超常) As a swift action, Krampus can designate a single target it can see as being “naughty.” The target must be a child, a creature with the young template, or a victim of Krampus's regression ability. Against that target, Krampus gains a +5 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls and Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks. These bonuses remain in effect until the target is dead or Krampus designates another target as naughty.
Regression/Regression(超常) Each round a creature begins its turn stuffed into Krampus's bag, it must succeed at a DC32 Fortitude saving throw or be regressed back to its childhood. The creature is affected in size as if via reduce person, but none of the target's gear changes size. This effect persists for 24 hours, after which the target regains its original size. A creature currently under the effects of regression cannot be further affected by this ability. This is a curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Snowstep/Snowstep(超常) Krampus is constantly under the effects of a pass without trace spell, but only in snowy environments.
Storm Sight/Storm Sight(変則) Krampus can see perfectly well in stormy conditions, including in blizzards;it does not take any penalties on Perception checks while in snow.
In frigid northern climes, celebrations and festivals are important to maintain a community's morale, especially in the winter months when food is scarce and the days are short. Many of these holidays involve lighting cheery fires, forgiving grudges, decorating trees, and exchanging gifts. Unfortunately, in some areas, these times of merriment are tarnished by the looming specter of Krampus, a terrifying creature that hunts those it considers to be acting against the spirit of the times. However, thanks to Krampus's twisted morality, it sees selfishness and incivility everywhere it goes.
Krampus is a tall, goatlike humanoid with large horns and a long tongue that constantly lolls out of one side of its mouth or the other. Though its natural attacks are powerful enough to break bones, Krampus also carries a set of iron chains that it uses to thrash and grapple its foes. The oversized bag it carries is often stained with the blood of its captured victims. Krampus stands 14 feet tall and weighs 1,000 pounds.
The origins of Krampus are shrouded in mystery, with stories of the creature seeming to stretch back hundreds or even thousands of years, if not more. To the beleaguered regions under Krampus's tyranny, the creature has simply always been around.
The most popular legend regarding Krampus's beginnings starts with a handful of mountain towns under the protection of a circle of druids. After several harsh winters that the townsfolk almost didn't survive, they came to doubt the rituals that the druids believed appeased the local nature spirits. As the villagers grew more and more resentful, the druids took drastic action. They attempted to create a central figure for the important winter rituals that would make people want to celebrate them. Under the light of a blue moon, one of the druids opened an imperfect portal to the primal realm of the fey and brought forth the essence of a spirit of revenge, and a new creature was born―Krampus.
For a while, Krampus was everything the druids wanted. It brought together the villagers in revelry during the day and left small gifts of fruit for them in the night. However, unknown to the druids, the portal had been corrupted by the villagers' hateful emotions and bitter resentment, which began to stain the creature's soul. Krampus began punishing those who behaved selfishly during these lean times, first simply striking them with bundles of birch, but then escalating to using magic to transform them into the petulant children it saw them as. Eventually, it came to see everyone as wicked and terrorized the villages for weeks.
The remainder of the druidic circle managed to locate the creature as it slept and shackled it in cold iron chains, believing it still retained a part of its fey nature. They were wrong. When Krampus awoke, the creature tore free from its restraints and used those same chains to beat the druids to death. It then retreated into the snow-blanketed forest for the remainder of the season.
This unnatural beast's clawed hands dangle in front of its hind paws. Its bat-winged form blends humanoid features with canine.
Grave Link/Grave Link(超常) As a full-round action, a Leng hound can designate a grave containing the corpse of a creature that was evil in life as its grave link. When the Leng hound uses word of recall, it returns to this grave (a Leng hound with no active grave link cannot use word of recall). If a creature disturbs this grave or loots it, the Leng hound's locate creature and locate object spell-like abilities have no range limit when searching for the creature that disturbed the grave or any objects looted from the grave.
Haunting Howl/Haunting Howl(超常) Three times per day, a Leng hound can emit a deep, sardonic howl. Only creatures within 300 feet that the Leng hound has tracked or attempted to find with divination spell-like abilities can hear this haunting howl. Such creatures must succeed at a DC20 Will save or take 1d4 points of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage and become shaken for 1 hour. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Mutilate/Mutilate(変則) A Leng hound savages its victims, shredding flesh and crushing bones. Whenever a Leng hound hits a creature with all three natural attacks in a single round, or with Vital Strike, the target must succeed at a DC21 Fortitude save or take 2 points of Constitution drain. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Leng hounds hail from the nightmare plateau of Leng, where they haunt its eternity-old ruins. They are most often beckoned to the Material Plane to serve as guardians of grave sites, a duty they eagerly perform in exchange for the opportunity to feast upon the dead things elsewhere in the cemetery. Leng hounds prefer to lurk inside the coffins they guard, rearranging their bodies into skeletal shapes.
A Leng hound can be contacted by a contact entity III spell. The caster must provide a corpse with grave goods worth at least 2,000GP for the Leng hound to guard.
Weeping and wearing a damp funeral dress, this ghostly woman carries an air of menace and overwhelming despair about her.
Grasping Hands/Grasping Hands(超常) Despite being incorporeal, a llorona can perform grapple combat maneuvers against Medium or smaller creatures. She adds her Charisma modifier to her grapple combat maneuver checks. Using this ability doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. If a llorona successfully maintains a grapple, she automatically deals 4d6 points of negative energy damage and 2d4 points of Constitution drain upon her victim. A creature can reduce the Constitution drain to 1d4 points with a successful DC23 Fortitude save. When a llorona causes Constitution drain in this manner, she has 5 hit points restored. The save DC is Charisma-based.
黄泉がえり/Rejuvenation(超常) A llorona reforms at the site of her death 1d6 days after being destroyed. A llorona can be put to rest only if the injustices leading to her demise are resolved or if the site of her death is affected via a hallow spell.
哀哭/Wail(超常) As a standard action, a llorona can unleash a somber wail. Any creature within 120 feet that can hear this wail must succeed at a DC23 Will save or be compelled to enter the nearest body of water and attempt to drown itself. This effect automatically fails if there isn't a body of water large enough to drown in within 120 feet. At the end of any round an affected creature is completely submerged in water, it can attempt a new DC23 Will save to end the effect and cease its attempt to drown itself. This is a sonic mind-affecting compulsion effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Eight legs of shattered bone emerge from this sickly, pulsating heart, holding it aloft like a spider. Blood oozes from the glistening organ.
Gloom/Gloom(超常) A lovelorn's presence causes unnatural, thorny vines to grow. After 5 days, an area claimed by a lovelorn grows cold, dark, and stale. This acts as a constant mirage arcana (DC18) with a caster level equal to the lovelorn's Hit Dice. Lovelorns typically use this ability to conceal entrances to their lairs, but also to make their domains appear depressing and grim. A lovelorn can maintain only one gloom at a time, and while within an area of gloom, the lovelorn's spell-like ability save DCs increase by 1.
Jagged Maw/Jagged Maw(超常) A lovelorn's bite threatens a critical hit on a roll of 19~20. If a lovelorn confirms a critical hit with its bite, it also inflicts a negative level. This negative level can be removed with a successful DC15 Fortitude save. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Vicious creatures driven by misery and suffering, lovelorns arise from the souls of those who die when love takes a tragic turn―star-crossed lovers who committed suicide and victims of abusive relationships and violent family confrontations. In death, the stubborn spirit fixates solely on its heart, animating the dead organ and bursting free from its body, dedicated to unmaking everything it cared for in life.
Although these distressing undead monsters enjoy the sensation of using their fangs on living tissue, lovelorns thrive on feelings of misery rather than flesh, and their mere presence corrupts an area into a maze of despair and deadly traps. They may stalk and murder ex-lovers, but they just as often lurk in a home or community to seed misfortune and contempt, and feast upon the resulting anger and sadness. Their small size and ability to meddle with the memories and emotions of the living allow them to remain hidden for years, or even haunt a single family for generations.
This immense, green creature stands on two thick legs, glaring with a single massive eye as it displays knifelike talons.
Landbound/Landbound(変則) A mapinguari fears deep water and is unable to cross lakes, rivers, or streams wider than 10 feet. It is unaffected by shallow puddles and similar wet areas. A mapinguari forced into a body of water becomes staggered and does everything it can to exit the water as quickly as possible. The mapinguari sinks in water and cannot swim―it must walk through water to escape, and runs the risk of drowning in water that is 20 feet deep or deeper.
The mapinguari is a creature of legend, a beast many claim to have seen, though few who actually encounter one live to tell their story. A mapinguari patrols a territory so large that some believe each claims an entire jungle as its own. However, those more familiar with the legends know that a mapinguari's territory is greatly limited by lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water.
This stocky quadruped's lowered head puts its intimidating Y-shaped horn on full display.
This creature resembles an elephant, though it has a shorter, thicker trunk and sharp, downward-curving tusks.
Deinotheriums are in the same evolutionary family as the elephant, though these regal beasts have a far shorter temper than their more docile cousins. They are known to attack with very little provocation, charging targets and sweeping these foes under their gigantic feet to trample to death. While deinotheriums are herbivores, their quick tempers have given them a false reputation as man-eaters. They generally group into small family packs consisting of a calf and its parents.
A deinotherium stands 12 feet tall at the shoulder, measures 25 feet from trunk to tail, and weighs 30,000 pounds.
This lumbering, four-legged, rhino-like beast has thick hide and a single immense horn protruding from the top of its head.
The elasmotherium is an enormous rhinoceros with an equally enormous temper―while it is an herbivore, the elasmotherium is incredibly aggressive and often attacks without provocation.
An elasmotherium is 20 feet long and weighs 8,500 pounds.
This immense serpent moves in deliberate, slithering undulations, its forked tongue tasting the air eagerly for the scent of prey.
An amorphous blob coalesces, forming into a humanoid figure. As it stabilizes, intricate details emerge.
Morphic Weapons/Morphic Weapons(超常) A mezlan can manipulate its body to mimic a wide array of potent weaponry wielded by its various forms. While the weapons may look different, they are considered natural weapons and they all do the same amount of damage. Morphic weapons deal bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, and are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Once per round, a mezlan can extend one of its limbs to strike at a distance up to 15 feet away with one of its morphic weapons. A mezlan can also attack with a morphic weapon by hurling a portion of its body as a thrown weapon with a range increment of 60 feet (the mezlan swiftly regrows thrown portions of its body after using this attack, while the hurled portion melts away into slime after dealing damage to a target).
Skill Pool/Skill Pool(変則) A mezlan has a special knack for solving problems. Five times per day, it can apply a +4 competence bonus to any skill check, even checks for skills it has no ranks in and skills that can only be used trained. A mezlan can use any skill, even those that would normally require it to be trained.
Store Spells/Store Spells(超常) A mezlan can store up to 10 levels of spells that it can then cast freely. The spells imbued into a mezlan are each activated with the same casting time as the original spell, and are cast at the caster level of the spellcaster who provided the spells. A mezlan can store and use arcane, divine, and psychic spells, and can carry spells from any number of casters at a given time. To fuel this ability, a caster must cast her spells into the mezlan as if storing a spell in an item like a ring of spell storing. The mezlan must be aware of the incoming spell, choose to lower its spell resistance, and ready an action to absorb it. Only spells that have the mezlan as a target can be absorbed in this way;area spells can't be absorbed. If a mezlan already holds 10 levels of spells, it cannot absorb more spells, and any spell of a level exceeding a mezlan's available spell level is not absorbed and affects the mezlan normally. Once a spell is absorbed in this manner, the mezlan can use the spell as its own.
Versatile Speech/Versatile Speech(変則) A mezlan has a talent for parsing spoken languages. After spending 1 minute listening to a speaker use a language it doesn't already know, a mezlan can understand that language. After listening for 1 additional minute, the mezlan can speak the language. This understanding lasts for 24 hours before fading from the mezlan's mutable mind. To understand the same language again after this time, the mezlan must spend another minute listening to a creature speak that language. The mezlan doesn't have to be engaged in a conversation to use this ability
Built by ancient arcanists and engineers to serve as spies and elite troops, units of mezlans were deployed to engage in extractions, infiltrations, and quick strikes on well protected locations. Scholars believe that at the height of those ancient civilizations, close to 1,500 mezlans were created. The difficulty of destroying mezlans leads scholars to believe that at least half of them still exist to this day.
Mezlans blur the lines between constructs and oozes, a mixture made even more strange by the fact that they have unique, previously human personalities. Each mezlan was once an exemplary living soldier graced with superior skills and intelligence. Upon being chosen for this new duty, these soldiers were given a full explanation of the changes they would undergo and signed a contract agreeing to serve as mezlans. Each was then subjected to numerous magical and technological procedures to extract her consciousness, preserve it, and inject it into her new form. Sometimes the process didn't take, resulting in an incomplete and flawed mezlan. Indications of these flaws didn't always reveal themselves before the creatures were deployed, and many such mezlans abandoned their missions to pursue their own mysterious agendas.
Most mezlans were recruited from the ranks of the military, and thus most of them had martial-related or skill-related class levels;however, a few of these creatures were once wizards who traded their magical talent for an amorphous form and near immortality.
Without the need to eat, sleep, or breathe, mezlans are practically immortal. When they are defeated in battle, they simply discorporate and begin seeping down into the soil or cracks in the ground. If the material making up a mezlan isn't contained in some way or destroyed by subjecting it to continued energy damage, the creature lies dormant for 10 years before reforming. When a mezlan reincorporates, it is treated as if it had 16 negative levels. These negative levels are removed at a rate of 1 per month.
Mezlans retain a portion of their previous memories and experiences, but the extent of those memories varies from individual to individual. Some mezlans slowly regain their memories, some immediately remember everything from their previous incorporation, and others never fully recall their previous selves. A mezlan that retains its living memories typically has several class levels, although it should be noted that not all skills and abilities humanoids have in life translate directly to life as a shapeshifting ooze. One notable exception is a mezlan's morphic weapons. While these attacks are natural weapons and a mezlan thus cannot gain iterative attacks, a mezlan who has feats or class abilities that bolster specific weapons can apply the effects of those feats or abilities to its morphic weapons, provided the weapons are of the right shape. For example, a mezlan with Weapon Focus (longsword) would gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with its morphic weapon attacks when they are in the shape of a longsword. This limits the damage type dealt by the morphic weapon to a damage type appropriate to the weapon being duplicated.
From all appearances, mezlans seem to get along well with each other;however, to normal, living creatures, they often appear strange and unnatural in both form and behavior. They are very observant creatures that study everything they encounter, especially animals and humanoids―a frequent use of their skill pool ability. Some mezlans become accustomed to a particular form or body and use it as a default. Others keep dozens of regular guises and take on the ones most appropriate for particular duties they need to complete, using appearances and personalities as tools throughout their day-to-day activities. A few purists keep an amorphous, bloblike form unless they need to resemble something else. Strange mezlans who have gone mad over the years constantly shift their forms, flickering between hundreds of different shapes.
The sawtooth edges of this plant's glistening, triangular leaves weave around stalks adorned with needlelike spines.
棘/Thorns(変則) Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, a mire nettle can fling a spray of sharp, slender thorns as a ranged attack against any target within 60 feet. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Targets struck by thorns are also subjected to the mire nettle's pain ability.
This small, carnivorous stinging nettle commonly grows in mires. It preys mostly on amphibians, fish, and small mammals, though they have been known to attack and kill much larger prey, especially when hunting in groups. Mire nettles are infamous for their hollow, needlelike thorns, which contain a natural toxin that causes extreme pain. While not lethal in and of itself, the pain caused by the toxins is intensely overwhelming.
Those who are actively on the lookout can attempt a DC12 Knowledge (nature) check to identify them by their triangular, jagged-edged leaves.
This tiny avian has the head of a humanoid and the body of a brilliantly colored parrot.
Mockingfey originally stem from the otherworldly realm of the fey, where they're regarded as entertainment by locals and nuisances by visitors, who are the usual butt of the creatures' pranks. The pint-sized fey often congregate in large colonies called japes or “mockingdells,” inhabiting the trees near a commonly traversed path or meadow. When an intelligent creature enters the grove, one of the bird-sprites flies down to perch on the traveler's shoulder or some nearby vantage. It then promptly uses its mock ability to appear as a perfect, miniature version of the creature in question, proceeding to cavort and imitate the newcomer in a most convincing and unflattering manner, mimicking the creature's tone but chattering only gibberish.
This gibberish is not solely for comic effect. While mockingfey are eager (if distractible) students in most matters and can speak and understand Sylvan when necessary, they generally refuse to use verbal language of any sort, believing that words unnecessarily constrain whatever they wish to describe. Instead, they communicate through gestures, pantomime, and elaborate dances.
While many people find mockingfey's antics irritating, the little creatures can make surprisingly useful allies, with a loyal, friendly nature toward those who treat them well and an insatiable curiosity that makes them surprisingly informed about their surroundings. This same curiosity extends to things most folks would leave alone, such as portal-like breach scars between the Material Plane and other realities. When such planar rifts occur between this world and the realm of the fey, mockingfey are often some of the first creatures through, and their presence in a region can be a reliable indication that such a breach between worlds exists somewhere nearby. In such situations, mockingfey often seek out more powerful fey creature to dwell near, as a source of both protection and entertainment. Of course, even fey can grow frustrated with the constant attention afforded by a jape of mockingfey!
Mockingfey can serve spellcasters as familiars, and often enjoy the opportunity such servitude affords to travel and see the world with the safety and protection provided by an allied spellcaster. Illusionists and other spellcasters who seek such puckish familiars often find them worth the resulting hassle―if just barely. A spellcaster must have the Improved Familiar feat, be chaotic neutral, and have a caster level of 4th or higher to gain a mockingfey familiar.
This long-necked creature has an even longer tail, as well as a row of spines along its back and countless sharp fangs.
Mokele-mbembes are large, reptilian predators that inhabit the hottest jungles, always close to lakes, rivers, or other large bodies of water. A mokele-mbembe's long, whiplike tail accounts for half its length.
Although they resemble herbivorous dinosaurs, mokelembembes are cunning and territorial predators. They make their lairs in riverside caves, close to their food sources, where they can sun themselves after eating. Natural swimmers, mokele-mbembes have webbed feet, but their long legs enable them to move easily on land as well. They spend much of their time in the water, where they can relax and float or use their long necks to attack while submerged, favoring blind river bends to ambush prey. Mokele-mbembes require large quantities of food daily, and feed on fish, birds, and even large mammals―humanoids included. Hippopotamuses are a favorite prey, and mokele-mbembes attack them on sight. Battles between these two river giants are legendary among local tribes, whose shamans often see portents or prophecies in the outcomes.
This deformed mold creature has long, dragging arms and an even longer tentacle growing out of its back that spews clouds of spores.
ラシット・モールド: The moldwretch's spores expose targets to the effects of russet mold (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 273).
This stooped giant has large tusks and gray-green skin that carries the texture of weather-smoothed stone.
While most giants have the physical features of the type of giant of their immediate ancestors, occasionally a giant gives birth to a child who has physical traits associated with one of the other types of giants. Hill giants are the one type of giant whose traits don’t arise in other giants.
アッシュ・ジャイアント:Ash mongrels are deformed and covered in open sores and tumors. They gain immunity to disease and the ash giant's disease (ash leprosy) ability. Constitution +4.
ケイヴ・ジャイアント:Cave mongrels have prominent teeth and gray-green skin. They gain the cave giant's axe wielder ability and the ferocity universal monster ability. Strength +2.
クリフ・ジャイアント:Cliff mongrels have red-brown skin shot through with streaks of shimmering color. They gain tremorsense 30 feet when in contact with unworked stone or natural earth, and they can use the following spell-like abilities once per day: キュア・モデレット・ウーンズ, スピーク・ウィズ・アニマルズ, and ストーン・シェイプ. Wisdom +2.
クラウド・ジャイアント:Cloud mongrels have fine features and pale blue or white skin. They can use the following spell-like abilities once per day: フォッグ・クラウド, レヴィテート (self plus 2,000 pounds), and オブスキュアリング・ミスト. They also gain the oversized weapon ability (the giant can wield a weapon of one size category larger than his size would normally allow without penalty). Wisdom +2.
デザート・ジャイアント:Desert mongrels have roughly textured tan or orange skin. They gain immunity to fire and Martial Weapon Proficiency (scimitar) as a bonus feat. Dexterity +2.
イクリプス・ジャイアント:Eclipse mongrels have dark gray skin and appear somewhat overweight. They gain immunity to death effects and can use the following spell-like abilities once per day: デイライト or ディーパー・ダークネス (choose one) and ヒール or ハーム (choose one). Wisdom +2.
ファイアー・ジャイアント:Fire mongrels have orange hair and red or black skin. They gain the fire subtype (including immunity to fire and vulnerability to cold), and gain Martial Weapon Proficiency (greatsword) as a bonus feat. Strength +2.
フロスト・ジャイアント:Frost mongrels have light blue skin and dirty yellow hair. They gain the cold subtype (including immunity to cold and vulnerability to fire), and gain Martial Weapon Proficiency (greataxe) as a bonus feat. Constitution +4.
ジャングル・ジャイアント:Jungle mongrels have brown and green skin that is textured like fibrous plant material or tree bark. They gain immunity to poison and gain the jungle giant's archery expert ability. Dexterity +2.
マーシュ・ジャイアント:Marsh mongrels have pale green skin and hairless bodies. They gain a swim speed of 20 feet and can use the following spell-like abilities once per day: オーギュリイ, ビストウ・カース, and フォッグ・クラウド. Strength +2.
ムーン・ジャイアント:Moon giant mongrels have pale gray skin that sparkles faintly in dim light. They gain cold resistance 10 and fire resistance 10, and can use the following spell-like abilities once per day: クレアオーディエンス/クレアヴォイアンス, ダンシング・ライツ, and トゥルー・シーイング. Wisdom +2.
マウンテン・ジャイアント:Mountain mongrels have warty skin. They gain immunity to fear and can use the following spell-like abilities once per day: ディーパー・ダークネス, ディメンジョン・ドア, and インヴィジビリティ. Strength +2.
オーシャン・ジャイアント:Ocean mongrels have blue skin. They gain the amphibious special quality, the aquatic subtype, cold resistance 10, and electricity resistance 10. Strength +2.
プレイグ・ジャイアント:Plague mongrels are thin and their skin looks diseased. They gain immunity to disease and can use the following spell-like abilities once per day: コンテイジョン, デス・ネル, and ウィザー・リム. Wisdom +2.
リヴァー・ジャイアント:River mongrels have green skin marked with swirling patterns. They gain the hold breath universal monster ability and a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks. Constitution +4.
ルーン・ジャイアント:Rune giant mongrels are among the rarest of all mongrel giants. They have black skin through which red runes shimmer, almost like faintly glowing tattoos. A rune mongrel's CR is the same as the base creature's CR + 2. They gain immunity to cold, electricity, and fire;gain the runes ability that rune giants have;and can use the following spell-like abilities once per day: エア・ウォーク, チャーム・パースン, ディマンド, マス・チャーム・モンスター, and サジェスチョン. Strength +6, Constitution +8, Wisdom +4, Charisma +4.
シャドウ・ジャイアント:Shadow mongrels have dark gray skin. They gain the shadow giant's militant special ability and darkvision 60 feet. Wisdom +2.
スラッグ・ジャイアント:Slag mongrels have rust-colored skin. They gain fire resistance 10 and the slag giant's shattering blow ability. Strength +2.
ストーン・ジャイアント:Stone mongrels have elongated heads and brown or gray skin that resembles rock. They gain the stone giant's improved rock catching ability, and increase the range of their rock throwing ability by 40 feet. If the base creature doesn't have rock throwing, it gains that ability with a range increment of 120 feet. Natural armor bonus increases by 2.
ストーム・ジャイアント:Storm mongrels gain immunity to electricity and the following spell-like abilities usable once per day: コール・ライトニング, コントロール・ウェザー, and レヴィテート. Strength +2.
サン・ジャイアント:Sun mongrels have golden skin and faintly glowing flame-colored hair. They are immune to fire and blindness, and can use the following spell-like abilities once per day: デイライト and フレイム・ストライク. Wisdom +2.
タイガ・ジャイアント:Taiga mongrels have dark gray skin, red hair, and a strong lower jaw. They gain a +4 deflection bonus to their Armor Class from protective spirits and are immune to illusions. Constitution +4.
トゥーム・ジャイアント:Tomb mongrels have milky-white, hairless flesh. They gain immunity to death effects and paralysis, gain the negative energy affinity defensive ability, and can use コントロール・アンデッド once per day as a spell-like ability. Wisdom +2.
This towering, four-armed humanoid seems to be made of moss and splintered wood, its face sinister and mouthless.
Perennial/Perennial(超常) When a mosslord dies, its body decomposes normally but regrows in 60 days. A dead mosslord cannot regrow during winter months or when there is frost or snow on the ground where it was slain;in such a condition, its regrowth is delayed until the thaw. If the region where the mosslord was slain is affected by a lasting winter (either via magic or as a result of natural conditions), its regrowth can be delayed indefinitely. Even completely destroying a mosslord's body won't stop its eventual regrowth. A blight or diminish plants spell applied to a mosslord's remains can ensure its permanent death if the caster succeeds at a DC30 caster level check. A mosslord slain on any plane other than the Material Plane remains dead permanently. Obscure rituals can also aid in the permanent death of a mosslord, at the GM's discretion.
Sheets of Moss/Sheets of Moss(超常) Once every 1d4 rounds as a move action, a mosslord can cover a 20-foot-square area in a thick blanket of toxic moss at a range of up to 90 feet. Living creatures in the area are automatically entangled and sickened and must succeed at a DC30 Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of Constitution damage per round until the moss dissipates or is destroyed. The moss has 25 hit points per 5-foot square, but can only be damaged by cold or effects that specifically target plants (such as blight) or deal additional damage to plants (such as horrid wilting). Otherwise, the sheets of moss wither away automatically after 1d4+4 rounds. The sickened effect and Constitution damage are poison effects. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Yellow Mold Blast/Yellow Mold Blast(超常) As a standard action, a mosslord can swiftly extrude a puffball and hurl it up to 60 feet. Upon impact, the puffball bursts into an unusually thick and potent cloud of yellow mold spores. This cloud of spores fills a 10-foot-radius area, obscuring vision as if it were a fog cloud and affecting all creatures within the area with yellow mold (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 416), except the Fortitude save to resist the mold's poisonous effects is DC30. A creature that takes Constitution damage from these thick spores is also nauseated for 1 round. The cloud of spores persists for 1d4 rounds, after which it automatically dissipates. Creatures with greensight can see through these clouds of spores with ease. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Tales of the wretched mosslord have existed for as long as humanity has dared dwell amid the forests of the world. It appears in grotesque pictographs of long dead civilizations, covering the walls of lost cities on sunken continents or hidden in overgrown jungles. So ancient is the creature that its true origin remains unknown. In the cultures whose lore and legend tell of the mosslord, it is described as the living incarnation of the forest's vengeance against the encroachment of civilization, a fury given mind and focus toward the destruction of humanity. To date, no one has ever reported spotting more than a single mosslord at a time, prompting speculation as to whether more than a single mosslord exists, or if it is a singular entity that simply regrows itself each time it is destroyed.
Most tales of the mosslord's intentions hold true, although the legends of there being but one mosslord are a false hope―in truth, multiple mosslords exist, and wherever one surfaces, ruin inevitably follows. Yet mosslords are hardly the simple, violent juggernauts that old legends purport. Instead, these wickedly intelligent creatures mastermind elaborate campaigns against civilization. Capable of commanding hordes of plant creatures, they typically spend months or even years seeding a target before launching an incursion―even if their attacks seem sudden and unprovoked to the victims. They are clever combatants, shielding themselves from direct attacks and avoiding melee if at all possible, in order to command and maneuver allies. Still, the creature is an able warrior in addition to having a potent arsenal of spells, and it doesn't shy from engaging opponents in melee when directly faced with an immediate opponent. Among all humanoid forms of life, they despise humans and halflings in particular.
A mosslord has no known or ties to the fey world or to those worlds or planes beyond the material realm. Though the mosslord is no deity, it is a wholly supernatural being and the apocalyptic texts of over a dozen different religions depict its wrath. These texts often revile the mosslord and condemn those who would worship it or pay it reverence. Despite ominous warnings, history reports a handful of occasions when doom cults praised, venerated, and pledged fealty to mosslords. Some even credit or blame such cults for the creation of the first mosslords, for it seems odd that plant creatures would naturally form upon the wooden frames that hold its fungal flesh in the form of a bipedal humanoid. Regardless, such efforts tend to be short lived;as soon as the cultists capture the mosslord's attention, they find they have only attracted its relentless and utter destruction.
This reptilian beast has large fangs, a club-tipped tail, and a large, finlike sail on its back that shimmers radiantly in the light.
Earth Strike/Earth Strike(超常) Once per minute as a standard action, a muhuru can strike the ground with its tail to create a powerful but highly localized tremor in a 20-foot cone. All creatures standing on the ground in this area must succeed at a DC21 Reflex save or be knocked prone. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Overwhelm/Overwhelm(変則) A muhuru's tail delivers a powerful attack. A creature struck by this creature's slam attack must succeed at a DC21 Fortitude save to resist being staggered for 1 round. A creature struck with a critical hit is stunned for 1d3 rounds on a failed saving throw, or staggered for 1d3 rounds on a successful saving throw. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Muhurus are elusive creatures that dwell in the most remote reaches of the world's jungles. They are so difficult to find that many scholars do not believe they exist, yet the fantastic tales of their amazing, reflective dorsal fins draw explorers and trophy hunters from far and wide in the hope of finding even a single specimen.
Muhurus are often considered to be nature spirits. Locals point to the creatures' ability to move through the densest parts of the forest without a trace as evidence of their otherworldly nature. At the very least, they believe muhurus are favored by the spirits of nature, and they do not take kindly to those who wish to kill such beasts for nothing more than sport.
Jade armor covers this lean albino humanoid, and her pale eyes have an eerie gleam.
This large, flying serpent has a humanlike head outlined by a colorful, frilled hood.
夢視/Dreamsight(変則) Just by looking at a dreaming creature or when in a dreamscape in the Dimension of Dreams, a dream naga gains a general sense of the nature of the dream. While the dream naga's vision is not detailed, it gets a general impression of the dream's themes and the dreamer's current emotional state.
毒/Poison(変則) 噛みつき―致傷型;セーヴ意志・DC21;頻度1回/ラウンド(4ラウンド間);効果 幻惑状態1ラウンド;治癒1回のセーヴ成功。
呪文 ドリーム・ナーガは、7レベル・サイキックとして呪文を発動するOA。
Inhabitants of the Dimension of Dreams, dream nagas fly through dreamscapes in some unknowable plan to alter the destiny of the multiverse. Most creatures who encounter a dream naga do so while they sleep, as their dreams represent a convenient shortcut for the dream naga's path through the various dreamscapes. Even after these dreamers awaken, the sight of these beautiful creatures remains ingrained in their minds. Many cultures consider seeing a “dream dragon” a sign of a special destiny. But when a dreaming creature gains the full attention of a dream naga, it is no mere chance encounter. For convoluted and arcane reasons that only they truly understand, dream nagas enter dreams and interact with the sleepers―sometimes relaying knowledge to the sleepers, and other times tormenting them. Such dream encounters are singular events that often don't make sense to the dreaming party until some point in the future, if ever.
This slime-covered serpentine creature has a humanoid head resembling that of an angry old man.
毒/Poison(変則) 噛みつき―致傷型;セーヴ 頑健・DC21;頻度 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間);効果 1d4【耐】ダメージ;治癒 2回連続のセーヴ成功。
呪文 スライム・ナーガは、7レベル・ソーサラーとして呪文を発動する。
毒吐き/Spit(変則) A slime naga can spit a glob of goo at enemies within 30 feet. If it hits with a ranged touch attack, the target is entangled. An entangled target can break free from the sticky goo as a full-round action with a successful DC 15 Strength check or DC 20 Escape Artist check. Alternatively, 10 points of slashing damage can cut an entangled creature free (the goo has DR 5/―).
This lovely woman's skin appears to be made of water. She has a fluid grace and wears clothing of woven reeds and leaves.
Water Bond/Water Bond(超常) A naiad gains strength from a pond, lake, river, or other body of fresh water by bonding with it. While within 300 yards of her bonded body of water, she gains a +1 insight bonus to Armor Class and a +1 racial bonus on saving throws (these bonuses are not included in the stats above). Once per day as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, a naiad can forge a bond with a body of freshwater.
Naiads are protectors of freshwater areas such as lakes, ponds, and particularly rivers. While many naiads are reclusive, some choose to regularly visit settlements built near their bodies of water as long as those settlements are respectful to nature and the fey. Others explore the vast world, bonding to bodies of water as they travel. These naiads are the most likely to come in contact with other societies or visit other nations, but regardless, these fey enjoy inspiring others to artistic greatness. Some take this as proof that naiads originated long ago from the intermingling of nymph and mortal bloodlines.
+2【敏捷力】、+2【魅力】、-2【筋力】:Naiads have elegant fey grace and beauty but have delicate builds.
中型:Naiads are Medium creatures.
移動速度:Naiads have a base speed of 30 feet and a swim speed of 30 feet.
夜目:All Naiads can see twice as far as humans can in dim light.
Fey Nature/Fey Nature:Naiads have a +2 racial bonus on Handle Animal and Knowledge (nature) checks.
霊感、Water Bond:See above.
This oversized house cat has two twitching tails and a malevolent gleam in its eyes.
病気/病気(超常) Nekomata madness:噛みつき―致傷型;セーヴ 頑健・DC17;潜伏期間 1d6時間;頻度 1回/日;効果 1【耐】ダメージ、1d4【判】ダメージ;治癒 2回連続のセーヴ成功。
完全なる複製/Perfect Copy(超常) When a nekomata uses change shape, it can assume the specific appearance of the last humanoid it damaged with its bite attack.
According to legend, when a house cat lives beyond its normally allotted years, it changes. The cat's tail splits and the beast becomes a malevolent spirit capable of casting evil spells and taking on humanoid form. It uses these abilities to prey upon mortals, starting with the family that once cared for the cat.
A single sinister eye glares from the heart of this roiling cloud of darkness as tentacles of smoke coil and writhe beneath it.
Aura of Dubiety/Aura of Dubiety(超常) An oblivion's presence is anathema to the gods and the forces that bind creation together. Its presence warps divine magic and severs living beings from the power of life. Any living creature that begins its turn within range of an oblivion's aura of dubiety takes 2d6 points of negative energy damage. This negative energy has no beneficial effect on undead. A creature attempting to cast a divine spell within 60 feet of an oblivion must succeed at a concentration check as if casting defensively (DC = 15 + double the spell level) or the spell is automatically subverted, allowing the oblivion to decide the spell's target and effect as if it were the original caster. If the affected spell uses positive energy, the subverted spell instead uses negative energy.
Immunity to Annihilation/Immunity to Annihilation(変則) An oblivion is immune to destruction spells, disintegrate effects, spheres of annihilation, and similar effects that completely destroy living creatures.
Immunity to Banishment/Immunity to Banishment(変則) An oblivion is never treated as having the extraplanar subtype, regardless of what plane it currently inhabits, rendering it immune to banishment, dismissal, and similar effects. In addition to this, effects that force the oblivion onto another plane (such as plane shift or the violet beam of a prismatic spray) do not function against an oblivion unless the effect comes from an artifact, a creature capable of granting spells to its worshipers, or a mythic source.
Master of Annihilation/Master of Annihilation(変則) An oblivion can establish control over a sphere of annihilation (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 545) as far away as 100 feet. When an oblivion controls a sphere of annihilation, it does so through force of will and an inborn understanding of the sphere's reality―the oblivion's control check is 1d20 + the oblivion's Hit Dice + its Charisma modifier (the typical oblivion has a control check bonus of +31, and thus can never fail to control a sphere of annihilation unless control of the sphere is opposed). When an oblivion establishes control, it can maintain control at a distance of 100 feet + 20 feet per Hit Die (620 feet for the typical oblivion), and the sphere's speed under the oblivion's control is 20 feet + 5 feet for every 5 points by which the oblivion's control check result in that round exceeded 30.
Servants of Entropy/Servants of Entropy(超常) As a full-round action, an oblivion can reform any living creature it has slain within the past hour, forging an obedient duplicate from its own dark mass. Servants created in this manner are identical to their original forms, with all their associated memories, racial abilities, and class abilities, except the duplicate loses any divine spellcasting ability its original form had. A servant's alignment changes to neutral evil, its type changes to native outsider (do not recalculate hit points, saving throws, or similar abilities), and it gains negative energy affinity. An oblivion can communicate telepathically with its servants anywhere on the same plane and can destroy a servant as a free action. An oblivion can manifest a total number of Hit Dice worth of servants equal to twice its own Hit Dice (52 for a typical oblivion), but no single servant can have more Hit Dice than the oblivion's CR. An oblivion cannot manifest more than one copy of any given creature at one time.
Susceptible to Creation/Susceptible to Creation(変則) An oblivion is a manifestation of disbelief and decay, and the forces of compassion and creativity are anathema to it. It is vulnerable to positive energy, taking damage as if it were undead, though it retains its control over any divine spells, allowing it to often usurp and corrupt cure spells and similar curative magic. An oblivion loses its regeneration any round in which it either takes damage from positive energy or is within 30 feet of a creature that succeeds at a DC35 Perform check. Creatures under the effect of a good hope spell, an inspire courage bardic performance, or any spell effect of 5th level or higher that grants a morale bonus gain immunity to the negative energy damage dealt by an oblivion's slams and aura of dubiety.
Talisman of the Sphere/Talisman of the Sphere(変則) The talisman of the sphere is anathema to an oblivion. A character who carries a talisman of the sphere can penetrate an oblivion's damage reduction with ease, ignores its spell resistance, is immune to its aura, and gains a +10 bonus on saving throws against the oblivion's special attacks and spell-like abilities.
Rare and powerful denizens of the Negative Energy Plane, oblivions are void and nothingness given terrible will. They lurk among crystalline sheets of accumulated entropy that line their home plane's darkest interior, hungering to unmake the walls of reality and drag all of the cosmos down to its eventual end, allowing themselves to also finally end. Once unleashed upon mortal worlds, oblivions crisscross the globe, destroying its denizens and laying waste to the land until destroyed themselves or until they strip a planet bare of substance, life, and heat. Despite its vast bulk, a single oblivion must often dedicate years or even centuries to ending a world, and each is so adept at scrubbing away all traces a being leaves upon the cosmos that people, nations, and entire worlds annihilated by an oblivion are soon forgotten by outsiders. Some gods claim that the brutal efficiency of the oblivions are intended to someday be released upon the multiverse to cleanse away creation so a new cycle of life can begin from chaotic nothing, while other deities insist the oblivions' work is nearly complete, leaving only isolated specks of life floating in a vast, unfeeling void.
Unlike nightshades (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 199) or other noteworthy denizens of their dark realm, oblivions serve no masters or agendas. They believe themselves to be the way all things must end. Though cunning, they rarely find reason to communicate with other creatures, leaving much of their motives, origins, and philosophy in the cosmos a mystery.
Like grim doll makers, oblivions can recreate slain victims from their own dark substance, transforming a world's heroes and villains into hollow pawns they can dispatch to slay would-be heroes or undermine organized resistance. Lacking any inherent ability to traverse the planes, most oblivions rely on such servants created in the shapes of powerful spellcasters or outsiders to provide routes to new worlds. These hollow reproductions know little of their masters' will beyond sharing comfort in the coming end of days, and most desperately fill in the gaps with appealing philosophies. Some of the most powerful servants form doomsday cults on distant planets to prepare them for an oblivion's arrival.
Oblivions share a symbiosis with the artifacts known as spheres of annihilation, coveting their powerful, highly destructive magic. The towering oozes are unaffected by the artifact's destructive powers, and can move them as easily as a child might carry a toy. Some speculate that the spheres are in fact the eggs or spores of these apocalyptic beings, as rare survivors recount tales of spheres spontaneously birthing the roiling, devouring entities.
This monstrous eel-like creature has jaws within jaws, each lined with transparent, glassy teeth.
Servant of the Mesh/Servant of the Mesh(超常) Any creature that failed its saving throws against both an omnipath's mucus cloud and slime attack begins to transform into a creature better suited to serving as part of the omnipath's telepathic mesh. The creature takes a -6 penalty on Will saving throws to resist domination effects from the omnipath and on saving throws to resist becoming part of the telepathic mesh.
粘液/Slime(変則) A creature hit by any of an omnipath's natural attacks must succeed at a DC30 Fortitude saving throw or have its flesh and skin transform into a clear, slimy membrane over the course of 1d4 rounds. The creature's new flesh is soft and tender, reducing its Constitution score by 4 as long as the condition persists. If the creature's flesh isn't kept moist, it dries quickly and the victim takes 1d12 points of damage every 10 minutes. Remove disease and similar effects can restore an afflicted creature to normal, but immunity to disease offers no protection from this attack. The save DC is Constitution-based.
呪文 オムニパスは、5レベル・サイキックとして呪文を発動することができる(Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 60)。
Telepathic Mesh/Telepathic Mesh(超常) An omnipath can form telepathic connections between a select group of creatures whose Hit Dice total no more than 10 × the omnipath's Hit Dice (240 HD for most omnipaths). This ability functions only for creatures that are on the same plane as the omnipath. Only aboleths, deep walkers, veiled masters, and creatures dominated by an aboleth, omnipath, or a veiled master can be added to the telepathic mesh. As a standard action, an omnipath can add a number of creatures equal to twice its Hit Dice to its telepathic mesh. Creatures added to the telepathic mesh must succeed at a DC29 Will save or be incorporated into the mesh. Aboleths, deep walkers, and veiled masters must be within 30 feet of an omnipath to initially be included within the telepathic mesh, but targets dominated by creatures within the telepathic mesh can later be added to the mesh no matter the distance, so long as all parties are on the same plane. A creature that leaves the same plane as the omnipath is no longer considered to be part of the telepathic mesh;if the creature immediately succeeds at another DC29 Will saving throw upon returning to the plane, it becomes free from the telepathic mesh. As an immediate action, an omnipath can remove any creature from the telepathic mesh. An omnipath can communicate telepathically with all individual creatures in the telepathic mesh simultaneously. All creatures within the mesh are considered valid targets for all forms of possession employed by the omnipath. As long as at least two creatures in the telepathic mesh are within 12 miles of each other, if one creature in the mesh is aware of a particular danger, all of the other creatures in the mesh are as well. No creature in the group is considered flanked or flatfooted unless all of them are. An omnipath can share the senses of up to six creatures in the telepathic mesh at once. It can stop sharing the senses of one target and switch to another's senses as a standard action. The telepathic mesh can be interrupted via a successful break enchantment spell (the DC of this spell's caster level check is equal to the save DC of the telepathic mesh). The save DC is Intelligence-based.
Thought Barrage/Thought Barrage(超常) As a standard action, an omnipath can fire three rays of shimmering blue-white energy from the glowing balls of light on its tail as a +23 ranged touch attack with a range of 300 feet (no range increment). Any creature struck must succeed at a DC29 Will saving throw or be stunned for 1 round. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Triple-Jawed Bite/Triple-Jawed Bite(変則) An omnipath has three sets of jaws nestled within one another. If an omnipath hits with its bite, it can make a second bite attack as a free action. If this second bite attack hits, the target must succeed at a DC30 Will saving throw or be shaken for 1d4 rounds, and the omnipath can make a third bite attack as a free action. If the third bite attack is successful, the target must succeed at a DC30 Fortitude saving throw or be staggered for 1d4 rounds. The save DCs are Constitution-based.
Vast Knowledge/Vast Knowledge(変則) Gleaning countless pieces of information from the vast network of active minds it can access at any time, an omnipath treats all Knowledge skills as class skills. In addition, it gains a +4 racial bonus on Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks when using skills in which it has ranks.
Hidden away in secret lairs, omnipaths serve as information hubs between the aberrant creatures known collectively as alghollthus (aboleths, deep walkers, veiled masters, and stranger creatures). Using their special ability to establish a network of minds, omnipaths allow veiled masters and aboleths―as well as those they mentally control―to orchestrate their nefarious plans with efficiency.
Very few surface dwellers have ever encountered an omnipath, but many omnipaths have walked in the light of the surface world through the use of their possession abilities. The omnipaths' library of experiences provides them with insight into the cultures and practices of the surface, allowing them to feign the expected responses on behalf of their dominated victims. In some cases, friends and family of a victim have failed to recognize that something was amiss with a victim's behavior for years, and sometimes the deception is never uncovered, giving the omnipaths―and those they serve―spies upon the surface world.
This serpentine creature chews at its own tail. Its body consists of a multitude of entangled serpents with countless hissing jaws.
Hypnotic Coils/Hypnotic Coils(超常) The mere sight of an ouroboros overwhelms the minds of lesser creatures. Any creature within 100 feet that can see an ouroboros must succeed at a DC27 Will save or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds, watching its endless consumption and churning coils. Any creature that begins its turn paralyzed by this ability must succeed at a DC27 Will save or take 1d8 points of Wisdom damage as it slowly loses its grip on reality. Every time a creature takes Wisdom damage from this ability, it can immediately attempt a new DC27 Will save;on a success, the paralysis effect from the hypnotic coils ends. Once a creature recovers from the hypnotic coils' paralysis effect, it is immune to further paralysis from that particular ouroboros's coils for 24 hours. This is a vision-based mind-affecting effect. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Maw/Maw(変則) An ouroboros gains a powerful bite attack while not engaged in self-consumption. This is a primary attack that always applies 1・1/2 times the ouroboros's Strength modifier to the damage roll. When it bites with its maw, its regular bite attacks become secondary attacks.
Perpetual Renewal/Perpetual Renewal(超常) An ouroboros continually consumes and regrows itself. The duration of any spell or effect that causes an ouroboros to be dazed, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, poisoned, sickened, or stunned can never have a duration of longer than 1 round. Any ability damage or drain an ouroboros receives is automatically healed at a rate of 1d4 points per round per ability. Perpetual renewal functions only while the ouroboros consumes itself.
Ruinous Blood/Ruinous Blood(超常) The blood that sprays from the ragged stump of an ouroboros's tail is so potent with positive energy that it warps the flesh of those exposed to it, transforming them into fractured pieces of the ouroboros itself. Once every 1d4 rounds as a move action, an ouroboros can spray a 60-foot line of blood from the stump of its tail. Creatures caught in this area must succeed at a DC27 Fortitude save or be permanently transformed into a venomous snake swarm (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 249) that retains no memories of its previous life, as per baleful polymorph when the target fails its Will save to resist the spell's secondary effect. This is a curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Self-Consumption/Self-Consumption(超常) An ouroboros continuously eats its own tail. So long as the ouroboros continues its self-consumption, its regeneration cannot be suppressed by any form of attack and it benefits from the effects of perpetual renewal, but it cannot use its maw attack or its ruinous blood ability. Any effect that would kill the ouroboros outright merely halves the ouroboros's remaining hit points. Once an ouroboros's hit points are reduced to less than half its normal maximum (198 hit points for a typical ouroboros), the monster ceases its self-consumption, loses its perpetual renewal ability, and gains its maw and ruinous blood abilities. All its movement speeds are doubled when the ouroboros is in this state, but its regeneration can now be suppressed via damage caused by mythic weapons or spells. An ouroboros can resume self-consumption as a standard action as long as it has more than half its hit points. An ouroboros need not eat or drink to survive―its own body is all the sustenance it needs.
The ouroboros―the serpent that eternally consumes itself―occupies a place in the mythology of many civilizations, yet few suspect that these legends are inspired by a real and terrifying race of creatures. Living ouroboroses dwell on the Astral Plane, where they are content to drift aimlessly through the silvery void.
Ouroboroses are capable of tremendous devastation, yet they have little reason to seek out such violence. They are each a world unto themselves, autonomous and reliant on no other creature for their sustenance or livelihood. An ouroboros can exist forever, constantly eating itself and replenishing its body with its own infinity. Barely sentient, an ouroboros has a powerful, almost pathological will to survive, which drives it to destroy any and all creatures that pose even the slightest threat to its well-being. This propensity to attack without clear provocation or warning has given ouroboroses a reputation for being engines of mindless destruction.
An ouroboros might appear to be a single creature, but closer inspection reveals the truth: its body is formed from a myriad of smaller entwined serpents, which are not independent creatures and become lifeless once separated from the main body. Those who have examined serpents detached from an ouroboros report that these creatures too are formed from smaller serpents that, when inspected under magnification, prove to be composed of tinier serpents still.
An ouroboros's most striking feature is its ability to almost instantly grow new flesh and heal from nearly any wound. This profound regenerative ability comes in part from an ouroboros's magical blood, which has many miraculous properties. Many have tried to harness the healing powers of the ouroboros's blood to restore life to the dead or regenerate grievous wounds. While such treatments can be successful, given the application of the correct but obscure occult rituals, ouroboros blood is uniquely suited to the generation of ouroboros flesh and no other. Patients treated in this way typically suffer the fate of those exposed directly to the ouroboros's blood and transform into serpents.
While ouroboroses seem mindless, they have crude intellects and can understand speech. Yet whatever motives the ouroboroses have for hiding away on the Material Plane are unclear. Most find their way to this reality by accident, tumbling through rents in reality from the Astral Plane or perhaps conjured here by powerful magic wielded by mad spellcasters eager to unleash devastation upon the world.
An ouroboros is usually coiled into a circle roughly 50 feet in diameter. It weighs 260 tons.
Brilliant blue scales with purple highlights cover this sinuous creature's body, and its slender reptilian maw is filled with tiny, sharp teeth.
Mocking Touch/Mocking Touch(超常) An azuretzi can borrow a creature's talents with a touch attack, suppressing the target's ability to use a single spell or spell-like ability (up to 4th level) of the protean's choice for 1d4 rounds. If the azuretzi suppresses the use of a spell, the target can't cast that spell. The azuretzi can cast it once, using its own caster level and Charisma modifier to determine the spell's effects and save DC. If the azuretzi suppresses a spelllike ability, it can use that ability up to three times, or as many times per day as its target could, whichever is fewer. Unwilling targets can resist the azuretzi's mocking touch with a successful DC16 Will save. An azuretzi can't use mocking touch if it currently has access to a spell or ability from prior uses of this ability. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Spell Pilfer/Spell Pilfer(超常) Two azuretzis can work together as a standard action to redirect an ongoing spell effect from one creature within 30 feet to another. They can move a spell's effect to themselves, sharing its effects as if they were one creature, or shift it to a single valid target of the original spell within 30 feet. The spell's effects, caster level, and duration are unaffected, and continue as if the new target were the caster's original target. With a successful DC16 Will save, a creature can resist having a spell effect taken from it or applied to it. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Azuretzis, which are also known as mockery wyrms, enjoy vexing spellcasting creatures.
This serpentine creature has shimmering golden plumage that transitions into sparkling gemstones on its back.
Maddening Whispers/Maddening Whispers(超常) A mind-bending susurrus of voices and false perceptions infuses reality in close proximity to a hegessik protean. Any creature within the range of the protean's aura must succeed at a DC24 Will save or be confused for 1 round. A creature with a chaotic component to its alignment gains a +4 bonus on this save, and creatures with the chaotic subtype are immune. This is a mind-affecting effect, and the save DC is Charisma-based.
Telekinetic Reach/Telekinetic Reach(超常) Every 1d4 rounds, a hegessik protean can take a full-round action to make all of its natural attacks as a flurry of telekinetic force with a range of 60 feet. Such attack rolls take a -5 penalty when made at a distance of up to 30 feet, and a -10 penalty when made at a distance of 31~60 feet. A hegessik protean must have line of effect to a target in order to use this ability. A hegessik can't use its grab or warpwave ability with attacks made using this ability.
The reclusive hegessiks are the wandering clergy of the protean race, itinerant spiritual elders and voices in the supernatural wilderness. Detached from the ever-shifting pseudo-structure of powerful protean cabals, hegessiks serve as intermediaries between them and as agents of the protean lords. Along with keketar proteans (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 215), they deal with those gods who dwell within the Maelstrom.
The average hegessik is 14 feet long and weighs 1,400 pounds.
This serpentine monster has six arms and is crowned by a halo of ever-changing symbols.
d20 | Warpwave Effect |
1 | Target takes 4 points of Strength damage. |
2 | 対象は4ポイントの【敏捷力】ダメージを受ける。 |
3 | 対象は4ポイントの【耐久力】ダメージを受ける。 |
4 | 対象は4【知力】ダメージを受ける。 |
5 | 対象は4ポイントの【判断力】ダメージを受ける。 |
6 | 対象は4ポイントの【魅力】ダメージを受ける。 |
7 | 対象は1d4の負のレベルを得る。 |
8 | 対象は1d4+1ラウンドの間、盲目状態 or 聴覚喪失状態になる。 |
9 | Target is confused for 1d4 rounds, and all non-proteans that are within 20 feet are affected by confusion(意志・DC23・無効). |
10 | Target is struck by a fireball(反応・DC22・半減) centered on its location that deals acid damage rather than fire. |
11 | Target is affected by greater dispel magic (術者レベル20). |
12 | 対象は1d4+1ラウンドの間、不調状態になる。 |
13 | 対象は1d4+1ラウンドの間、吐き気がする状態になる。 |
14 | 対象は1d4+1ラウンドの間、よろめき状態になる。 |
15 | 対象は1d4+1ラウンドの間、朦朧状態になる。 |
16 | 対象は8d6の一時的ヒット・ポイントを得る。 |
17 | 対象はヒール呪文(術者レベル20)による効果を得る。 |
18 | Target is permanently turned to stone. |
19 | Target is temporarily shifted outside of the normal flow of time, as per temporal stasis, for 1d3 rounds. |
20 | Target is affected by imprisonment(術者レベル20), and a keketar protean loyal to the izfiitar appears in the target's place. |
現実改変/Reshape Reality(擬呪) This ability functions as mirage arcana heightened to a 9th-level spell, except the changes created are quasi-real, like those created by shadow conjuration. A creature that interacts with reshaped reality can attempt a DC26 Will save to see through the illusion. Terrain thus created can provide concealment, and against foes who fail the Will save to see through it, reshaped reality can provide cover. For disbelievers, quasi-real objects and terrain have only 20% of the normal hardness and hit points, and break DCs are 10 lower than normal. Damage caused by dangerous terrain can't exceed 5d6 points of damage per round (1d6 per round against disbelievers). This ability can't damage existing structures, nor does it function in areas where planar travel is prohibited.
While the keketar proteans (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 215) hold vague ideological sway over their kind's infinite choruses, the izfiitars loom above them, cardinals among the slithering clergy. Aloof and distant even compared to the keketars, izfiitars rarely venture beyond the Maelstrom's deepest reaches, content to divine the will of the plane's unknowable dualistic godhead, the Speakers of the Depths.
Bound to a single chorus, izfiitars are and yet are not distinct from the keketars who pay them obeisance, leading many to speculate that they are essentially elevated keketars, chosen for reasons unknown and propelled along a path of apotheosis either by the Maelstrom itself or by one of the so-called protean lords. Yet their position remains paradoxical, befitting the Maelstrom's rejection of stability and consistency. Not every chorus contains an izfiitar, while some contain multiple, and the size and influence of any given chorus is entirely independent of their presence.
Although smaller in size than keketars, izfiitars have monstrous physical attacks and stupendous magical powers. They wield a more powerful version of lesser proteans' warpwave, as well as abilities that bend reality and alter probability, focused on the proteans' desire to return all of reality to the freedom of pure, unbound chaos.
Planar Transposition/Planar Transposition(超常): The Herald's connection to the fabric of the Maelstrom that underlies every other plane of reality provides it a considerable ability to influence its surroundings even while on other planes. As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, the Herald can suppress one planar trait or add one of the Maelstrom's planar traits to an area equal to one 10-foot square per Hit Die it has. Alternatively, the Herald can effectively shift the area in a 90-foot radius centered on itself into the Maelstrom, swapping a corresponding region of the Maelstrom onto its current plane and choosing whether to move creatures or leave them in place. Creatures can resist being transported by succeeding at a Will save (DC = 10 + half the Herald's HD + the Herald's Charisma modifier).
Reality Flaunt/Reality Flaunt(超常): The Herald can selectively ignore or redirect a spell or spell-like ability once every 1d4 rounds as an immediate action. The Herald can choose to buck the laws of reality and ignore such an effect by attempting a Wisdom check (DC = the caster level of the spell or spell-like ability). If the Herald exceeds the DC by 10 or more, it can choose to redirect any targeted effect to a new target of its choosing within 60 feet.
Voice of the Speakers/Voice of the Speakers(超常): The Herald of the Speakers has additional spell-like abilities (20 spell levels' worth of 1st- to 4thlevel spells usable at will and 20 spell levels' worth of 5th- to 8thlevel spells usable three times per day). All selected spells must come from the cleric spell list, the Chaos domain, or the Protean subdomain.
This crocodile-jawed creature has two talon-tipped hands and luminescent tentacles extending from its back.
Warpwave Burst/Warpwave Burst(超常) As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, an oshageros can unleash a powerful chaotic force in a 20-foot radius burst centered on itself. This burst affects all creatures in the area save for other proteans. Affected creatures are struck by a warpwave (see page 306) and are staggered for 1 round. A successful DC24 Fortitude save negates this effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Oshageroses exist to destroy or ward away creatures seen as antithetical to true chaos.
An oshageros is 8 feet long and weighs 220 pounds.
The upper body of this creature is that of a multicolored bestial humanoid, while its lower section ends in a serpentine tail.
d10 | Warpwave Effect |
1 | 2ポイントの【筋】、【敏】、または【耐】ダメージ(ランダム)。 |
2 | 2ポイントの【知】、【判】、または【魅】ダメージ(ランダム)。 |
3 | 1d4ラウンドの間、盲目状態または聴覚喪失状態(ランダム)。 |
4 | 疲労状態(もしくはすでに疲労状態であれば過労状態)。 |
5 | Target gains the effects of slow. |
6 | Target gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution (random) for 24 hours. |
7 | Target gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (random) for 24 hours. |
8 | Target gains the effects of protection from law. |
9 | Target gains 3d6 temporary hit points. |
10 | Target gains the effects of haste. |
An ourdivar is 12 feet long and weighs 700 pounds.
This glittering serpent's body ends in a looping length of tail. Its scales glow softly in ever-changing patterns.
Overshadowing Ego/Overshadowing Ego(超常) Once per round as a standard action, the pelagastr can merge its body with that of a corporeal creature. This ability is similar to a greater possession spell (caster level equals the protean's Hit Dice). To use this ability, the pelagastr must be adjacent to the target. The target can resist the attack with a successful DC19 Will save. A creature that successfully saves is immune to that same pelagastr's overshadowing ego for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Spirit Coils/Spirit Coils(超常) A pelagastr's bite and claw attacks resolve as touch attacks and deal force damage, but its tail slap attack resolves normally and deals bludgeoning damage, as the tail dips into reality when attacking;this also allows it to constrict and grapple foes. The pelagastr always adds 1・1/2 times its Charisma modifier to damage dealt by its tail slap and treats its Charisma score as its effective Strength score should its tail's ability to lift or drag objects come into play.
歪曲波/Warpwave(超常) A creature that takes damage from a pelagastr's constrict ability must succeed at a DC20 Fortitude save or be affected by a warpwave (see page 307). To determine the effects of a pelagastr's warpwave, roll 1d12 and consult the warpwave effect table on page 306. The save DC is Constitution-based.
This one-eyed, wolf-headed creature walks upright on two hoofed feet. It bares metal fangs while a thin, ratlike tail twitches behind it.
Cursed Bite/Cursed Bite(変則) A psoglav's bite attack always adds 1・1/2 times its Strength modifier to damage rolls, threatens a critical hit on a roll of 19~20, and is considered to be magic and cold iron for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The damage from a psoglav's bite doesn't heal naturally and resists magical healing. A character attempting to use magical healing on a creature bitten by a psoglav must succeed at a DC24 caster level check or the healing has no effect on the injured creature. When a psoglav bites an object, its bite treats the object as having a hardness of 5 less than the object's actual hardness rating.
Horrific, ravenous creatures that dwell underground but are all too eager to venture forth to the world above, psoglavs terrorize the living and desecrate the dead, all to sate their hunger for flesh. The creatures are a horrible amalgam of different animal and humanoid parts―a one-eyed wolf 's head with teeth made of iron, a human's torso with vicious, clawed hands, and elongated horselike legs upon which it walks upright.
These foul monsters have the fearsome reputation for annihilating small villages and clearing out graveyards as they hunt for food. Though they feed on any humanoids they can find, they prefer to hunt humans, whose flesh grants them a dark boon when they eat it. Victims of a psoglav attack may survive the ordeal, but they can suffer the effects of the creature's cursed bite for months or even years.
Psoglavs prefer to make their lairs in the upper reaches of deep caverns near trade routes or clusters of villages to ensure a steady supply of victims. They prefer lairing in caverns that hold large numbers of gemstones. Whether they are actually attracted to the gems or simply use such treasures as bait is unclear, but psoglavs often collect gems and jewelry from the bodies they dig up, so their lairs may house a great deal of wealth. Some psoglavs even carry valuable trinkets with them;magical rings and jewelry are popular prizes for these creatures, even when the monsters don't fully comprehend the use of the items in question.
This horrific, ghostly skull's brain pulses within its cranium, the whorls and folds plainly visible through bone.
Fleeting Possession/Fleeting Possession(擬呪) As a standard action, a psychic stalker can enter an adjacent living creature's body and begin to destroy its mind in a violent attempt to feel alive. The psychic stalker can initiate this process only on a creature that has taken an amount of Charisma damage equal to or greater than half the creature's Charisma score. This effect functions as per possession (術者レベル8;Will DC20;the save DC is Charisma-based), but the target continues to take damage each round as if it had been struck by the psychic stalker's touch attack. Psychic stalkers delight in possessing creatures immune to negative energy, since the stalkers don't affect those creatures' Charisma scores and can inhabit them indefinitely. A creature that successfully saves is immune to that psychic stalker's possession for 24 hours.
Formless/Formless(変則) A psychic stalker has no visible form, but creatures that have taken Charisma damage from its attacks hallucinate a screaming skull within a ghostly haze, allowing them to damage the creature normally. It is treated as invisible to all other creatures, but as it has no true form or substance, effects like invisibility purge, see invisibility, and even faerie fire or glitterdust don't negate this ability (though blindsight provided by thoughtsense can be used to locate a psychic stalker). The ability to hallucinate a psychic stalker and negate its concealment after taking Charisma damage is a mind-affecting effect.
This shrill swarm of whip-poor-wills flies in a spiral, their airborne antics infused with streamers of pale blue mist.
Drain Magic/Drain Magic(超常) Whenever the algea deals swarm damage to a creature, it also dispels an active spell on the creature or one of the creature's items as per a targeted dispel magic (術者レベル11). The algea can choose which effect to dispel for each creature, targeting the most troublesome first.
Soul Cage/Soul Cage(超常) An algea's distraction ability works against creatures normally immune to nausea. An incorporeal creature that fails its save against an algea's distraction is trapped within the algea's space for 1 round, during which it can't move out of that space (even via teleportation effects and the like). If the algea uses plane shift on any trapped creatures, they take a -4 penalty to save against the effect.
Algeas protect (and in some cases retrieve) souls that are at risk of being claimed by other entities, particularly spellcasters who dabbled with otherworldly forces but never officially pledged their souls. Algeas are particularly focused on intervening and “rescuing” souls in danger of being trapped within the Material Plane by powerful entities like the Great Old Ones or false prophets who have deluded minions into worshiping them as living gods.
This stout, hunched predator has a ruff of dirty feathers and a crocodilian skull for a head.
Wrench Spirit/Wrench Spirit(超常) If an esobok begins its turn grappling a living or undead creature, it can attempt to wrench that creature's animating spirit free as a standard action. If the target succeeds at a DC14 Will save, it takes 1d6 points of force damage;if the target fails, its spirit is stripped from its body. This effect instantly destroys mindless undead that have fewer Hit Dice than the esobok and leaves all other undead dazed. All other targets are paralyzed. Once per round, a creature dazed or paralyzed by this effect can attempt a new saving throw to free its soul from the esobok's jaws. An esobok can't use its bite attack while it holds a disembodied spirit, but it can release the spirit as a free action, at which point the daze or paralysis effect ends. Creatures without souls (such as constructs and oozes) and creatures whose bodies and souls are one unit (such as outsiders) are immune to this ability. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Esoboks constitute a vicious predator caste of psychopomps. They patrol graveyards as feral hunters, hungry for undead flesh. As outsiders, esoboks don't have to eat and draw no sustenance from this behavior, but the spark of undeath is a feast for their every sense, and they pursue and ravenously consume undead creatures at every opportunity.
Esoboks' unruly nature and limited intelligence make them ideal border guards and “attack animals,” although their behavior can be alien and unsettling to those who expect them to display either more animalistic instincts or the sophisticated intellects of other psychopomps. These predators are never trusted to retrieve the souls of the fallen, but they are often called to the Material Plane to help contain outbreaks of undead―in such situations, their joy at the taste of undead flesh generally prevents them from attacking living targets, despite their lust for battle.
Some psychopomps (particularly vanths;Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 221) have developed methods of training esoboks to realize greater potentials, allowing the creatures to tap into newfound reservoirs of magical ability. These trained esoboks have the advanced creature simple template and gain access to the following spell-like abilities, each usable once per day: ear-piercing scream, haunting mists, and teleport. The typical esobok stands 3 feet tall at the shoulder, is nearly as wide, and weighs upward of 300 pounds.
Eyes with the dead cast of onyx glare from beneath the legionnaire's helmet worn by this ominous, black-winged woman.
Soldiers know memitims as the angels of death who protect fallen combatants and others who die as mass casualties from soul-hungry scavengers. While most memitims preside over massacres, their full wrath manifests against any who would cut numerous lives short in an unnatural pursuit of souls.
This moth-winged woman wears a spiral mask and a white, silken gown glimmering with tiny bronze mirrors.
運命/Fated(超常) An olethros adds her Charisma modifier as an insight bonus to AC and on initiative checks.
Fated Touch/Fated Touch(超常) An olethros's fated touch shows her target glimpses of its own fate and draws the creature inexorably closer to its doom. A fated touch deals 10d6 points of damage that bypasses all damage reduction. This is an aging effect when used against a living target. Against undead foes, it manifests as positive energy damage. Nonliving creatures (such as constructs) and creatures that are specifically immune to aging effects are immune to an olethros's fated touch. A creature that is critically hit by a fated touch is wracked by anguish and suffering for every bitter failure it has or shall experience, and is permanently shaken and sickened. This effect is a curse and a mind-affecting fear effect.
Fateful Arrows/Fateful Arrows(超常) Each time an olethros deals damage to a creature with an arrow fired from her silkbow, the creature gains 1 fateful arrow point. These points persist for 24 hours. As long as a creature has any fateful arrow points, it takes a penalty equal to that point total on all saving throws against effects created by a psychopomp. This is a curse effect.
Mirror Garb/Mirror Garb(変則) Each tiny bronze mirror woven into an olethros's gown is a suitable focus for greater scrying, and she can view the world through them all easily with her all-around vision, allowing her to keep track of numerous situations at once. Her mind can process hundreds of streams of information simultaneously in this way. When an olethros succeeds at her saving throw against a spell or spell-like ability that targets only the olethros, there's a 50% chance that one of these mirrors reflects the effects of the attack back upon the caster as per spell turning.
Silkbow/Silkbow(超常) An olethros's strange bow functions only for the olethros who created it. In her hands, it counts as a +5 longbow. If an olethros's silkbow is destroyed or set aside, it collapses into nonmagical silk;an olethros can create a new silkbow as a standard action. Arrows are created automatically as the olethros fires her silkbow and deal an amount of piercing damage equal to 2d6 + the olethros's Charisma modifier
Psychopomps embody the natural cycle of birth and death;while most psychopomps are focused mainly on the transition between death and the afterlife, olethroses focus on birth, death, and the fate of those hanging in the balance between them. Olethroses are among the Boneyard's most powerful agents in the mortal world, and they work outside that plane's normal hierarchy, answering to only the psychopomp ushers and the enigmatic goddess of death herself. They move among mortals in disguise, watching the strands of fate interweave and acting to promote their view of fate and stymie those who fight against fate's flow. An olethros might appear in the guise of a wise midwife or a person's former mentor, offering words of wisdom or advice that open up new possibilities.
Olethroses often see themselves as extraplanar rivals to the fey norns (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 202), though stories tell of at least one star-crossed romance between a norn and an olethros. Although inveterate meddlers themselves, olethroses can't abide lipika aeons (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 8), disapproving of their manipulation of the cycle of life for some alien sense of karma. Occasionally, a shadow war of manipulation breaks out between an olethros and a lipika that can span lives, families, and even dynasties. Among psychopomps, morrignas (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 219) look upon olethroses with respect and adulation, while nosois (Bestiary 4 220) sometimes consider them bossy. Yamarajes (Bestiary 4 222) respect their independence but sometimes requisition one to serve as an expert witness or an advocate during a particularly difficult judgment. Olethroses never refuse such a requisition, but most chafe at being assigned such tasks more than once in a long while.
While all psychopomps loathe undead, olethroses only incidentally spar with those abominable exceptions to the cycle. Instead, the focus of their enmity is upon sahkils (Bestiary 5 212). Olethroses sometimes use their plane shift ability to hunt their traitorous kin on the Ethereal Plane. While none know for sure precisely why olethroses fixate on sahkils, legends say that one of the first sahkil tormentors to rise was an olethros who went rogue.
Many psychopomps use manufactured weapons, such as scythes or staves, in their war against those who would endanger the flow of souls to the afterlife, but olethroses use strange weapons that function only for their kind. These are silkbows, ranged weapons built from diaphanous strands of cloth and silk that function as magical longbows.
While most psychopomps are forged from mortal souls in Purgatory, olethroses are born from other olethroses via rarely occurring immaculate conception. Olethroses claim that new members of their kind are born when a new branch of fate forks off, and the newcomers are destined to study and nurture that branch and the lineages involved. Whatever the case, very few olethroses become pregnant in this way, but those who do grow enormously in power. Olethros mothers range in CR from 20 to 25. A few of the more powerful olethros mothers advance with levels in a spellcasting class (typically cleric), but most of them advance by gaining additional Hit Dice and unique powers over birth, fate, and death. Olethros mothers occasionally use weapons other than their usual bows, either because they have developed the ability to create a different sort of weapon or because they've acquired a particularly powerful weapon and augmented it with their own powers. Such olethros mothers trade away the silkbow and fateful arrows abilities for amazing abilities related to their new weapons.
Olethros mothers are much more likely to have subsequent daughters than an ordinary olethros is to have a first daughter, so olethros mothers are far less common than other olethroses. Each one develops her own distinct specialty, and in that area of expertise, even yamarajes defer to her;in fact, the most powerful olethros mothers serve as advisors and near peers of even the psychopomp ushers themselves.
A typical olethros stands only 5 feet tall and weighs 100 pounds. An olethros mother is much taller;it is not uncommon for such powerful psychopomps to be nearly 8 feet in height and weigh 250 pounds
A wooden staff topped with a silver cage containing a ghostly face keeps this grizzled, snail-backed creature upright.
Shokis are the collectors of lingering souls, tasked with compelling even the most deluded beings to take the first step into the afterlife. Their tactics are varied, but most start by counseling the wayward dead using theosophical arguments and blunt warnings about the ravenous things that wait to feed upon lost spirits. Each shoki bears powerful tools to aid it in such pursuits―eclectic collections of holy symbols and withered staves of cold iron capable of imprisoning a single soul at a time. Shokis use their staves against only the most stubborn or demented souls, whom they capture and personally escort to the Boneyard for judgment.
This dour being has a mostly humanoid form with its lower body wrapped in a cocoon-like husk.
Expurgate(超常) A viduus that strikes an undead creature with its quill can obliterate that creature's memories and rob it of its will to act. The undead creature must succeed at a DC15 Will save or have all of its memories erased. This renders the undead immobile, as if under the effects of halt undead. An intelligent undead can attempt a saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect, but unintelligent undead remain halted until the effect is removed by an outside force. The effect is broken if the halted creature is attacked or takes damage. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Quill/Quill(超常) A viduus's quill deals piercing damage and is treated as a light weapon and a touch attack. It cannot be used by other creatures as anything other than a standard writing quill.
Transformation/Transformation(超常) A viduus that is reduced to 0 hit points transforms. Its cocoon body bursts open, expelling a swarm of biting black-and-white centipedes (same statistics as a spider swarm) and a bank of mind fog (術者レベル4) centered on the viduus's square. A viduus can purposefully transform by spending 3 consecutive full-round actions, in which case it reforms somewhere in the Boneyard 1 month later.
This monstrous fiend resembles a titan beetle with a sagging, elephantine hide stretched over its spiny carapace.
身の毛のよだつ姿/Horrific Appearance(超常) Creatures that succumb to a behimiron's horrific appearance become nauseated for 1d4 rounds as they imagine the hideous sensation of the monster's trunk digging through their flesh.
Powerful Slam/Powerful Slam(変則) The behimiron's trunk can make a slam attack with a reach of 20 feet. Attacks from this trunk always apply 1・1/2 times the qlippoth's Strength modifier to damage.
腐敗/Rot(超常) A behimiron's antennae are secondary natural touch attacks. A creature touched by an antenna must succeed at a DC25 Fortitude save or portions of its flesh rot away. This deals 1 point of Strength damage and 1 point of Constitution damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.
トゲ/Spines(変則) When a creature makes a non-reach melee attack against a behimiron, it must attempt a DC22 Reflex save. A creature that fails this save takes 1d8 points of piercing damage as the qlippoth's spines reflexively stab at the attacker. The save DC is Dexterity-based.
Behimirons are unholy creatures born from the corruption of death itself. In a profane parody of natural birth, they slay living beings in order to use the corpses as incubators for their insectoid spawn. As with all qlippoth, behimirons are concerned more with the demons infesting the Abyss than with mortal life, and prefer butchering demons to serve as hosts for their spawn.
A behimiron's body measures 15 feet across, or 20 feet with trunk and antennae, and it weighs over 6 tons.
Spiked clubs extend from each end of this six-legged fiend. A spiky growth sticks up from its back, and a mouth yawns in its belly.
Deflective Carapace/Deflective Carapace(超常) A cataboligne's touch AC is modified by armor and natural armor bonuses.
Demolish/Demolish(変則) As a full-round action, a cataboligne deals 12d6+28 points of damage to an adjacent structure.
破壊の一打/Devastating Strike(変則) A cataboligne's slam attacks ignore the first 10 points of hardness of objects and creatures it damages. A creature struck with a critical hit from a cataboligne's tail slap must succeed at a DC34 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round. The save DC is Strength-based.
Disintegration Beam/Disintegration Beam(超常) As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, a cataboligne can unleash a concentrated beam of pure obliteration from the spiky growth on its back. The cataboligne makes a separate ranged touch attack roll against each creature in a 60-foot line. Roll to confirm each critical threat separately. A creature or object hit by the disintegration beam takes 20d6 points of damage. An affected creature can reduce the damage to 5d6 with a successful DC26 Fortitude save. Any creature reduced to 0 hit points or fewer by the disintegration beam is turned to dust and killed, as per disintegrate. The save DC is Constitution-based.
身の毛のよだつ姿/Horrific Appearance(超常) Creatures that succumb to a cataboligne's horrific appearance feel as though their bodies were falling to pieces. Affected creatures take 1d4 points of Dexterity damage.
毒/Poison(変則) 噛みつき―致傷型;セーヴ 頑健・DC26;頻度 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間);効果 1d4【耐久力】吸収、加えて朦朧状態1ラウンド;治癒 2回連続のセーヴ成功。このセーヴ難易度は【耐久力】に基づいている。
Catabolignes are the devastating siege engines of the qlippoth, rampaging among demonic fortifications and unmaking everything in their path. The treelike growth on a cataboligne's back is capable of unleashing a beam of entropic power that turns all it touches to dust, while its mouth drools a terrible flesh-eating poison. Oddly, catabolignes do not seem hostile toward proteans, who will often merrily lead these devastating qlippoth on destructive sprees.
A cataboligne is 30 feet tall and 40 feet long, and weighs 16 tons.
This human-sized, crab-like creature scuttles on six stumpy legs, and each of its four arms sports a different method of inflicting pain.
Oviposition/Oviposition(超常) A gongorinan can implant a stony egg the size of a human heart in the body of any Small or larger pinned, helpless, or willing creature as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. This action deals 1d4 points of Constitution damage to the victim. If the victim survives this damage, the egg takes root deep in the victim's body, links to its mind, and begins gestating. The egg grows rapidly, dealing 1 point of Intelligence drain every day. Once this Intelligence drain affects a creature that has an effective Intelligence score of 1, the egg “hatches” inside of the victim. This causes the victim to immediately transform into a horrid animal, aberration, magical beast, or vermin (the exact choice is made by the gongorinan according to its strange goals and unknowable desires), whereupon it begins living out its new life via pure instinct―this effect otherwise functions as baleful polymorph with the creature having failed its secondary Will save to retain its personality. A gongorinan can command the actions of a creature that has undergone this transformation as if the victim had been affected by dominate monster (this works even on creatures that are normally immune to such effects as a result of being mindless) as long as the gongorinan is within 120 feet of the creature. The effect can be reversed by break enchantment (DC22―treat the gongorinan's Hit Dice as the caster level), but cannot be dispelled.
毒/Poison(変則) 針―致傷型;セーヴ 頑健・DC22;頻度 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間);効果 1d3【筋力】ダメージ、およびよろめき状態1ラウンド;治癒 2回連続のセーヴ成功。このセーヴ難易度は【耐久力】に基づいている。
The gongorinans are the spawn of the qlippoth lord Yamasoth, although one could be forgiven for thinking of them less as offspring and more as parasites. A gongorinan's basic shape resembles that of an immense, stocky crab, save that it lacks crabs' aquatic adaptations―gongorinans are terrestrial creatures. A typical gongorinan has no fewer than a dozen stalked eyes, and is capable of extending these eyes from the upper edges of its body just above its mouth to a length of nearly 3 feet, giving it extraordinary vision in all directions. A gongorinan's mouth is a complex tangle of sliding plates and toothy ridges that rasp and shriek against each other as it speaks and chews, but despite their frightening shapes, these mouthparts are ill-suited for making physical attacks;the gongorinan relies upon its arms for that. Each gongorinan has four arms, and each is a different, highly specialized appendage. The humanoid arm is used for fine manipulation or wielding weapons, while the mantis-like claw is used to shred flesh and create deep, bleeding wounds. The needle-covered tentacle is used to sting and inject a painful poison to stagger foes, while the pincer is used to snatch and hold victims close for oviposition.
A typical gongorinan stands about 6 feet tall and weighs 800 pounds. When at rest, a gongorinan retracts its limbs into its rock-encrusted body, allowing it to appear remarkably like nothing more than a large, misshapen boulder. Larger specimens known as elder gongorinans exist (and often have additional and even more dangerous arms), but these are quite rare save for in realms where Yamasoth's influence is strong.
All gongorinans carry a brood of horrific egg masses, yet these eggs are not used for the propagation of their kind (a process governed by a more traditional and nightmarish method best left undescribed). Instead, these eggs carry within their stony shells a raw quintessence of the Abyss, infused with the ichor-seed of the gongorinans' lord Yamasoth. Whereas most creatures are driven to breed and multiply, the gongorinans are instead driven to seek out humanoid hosts for their eggs. The implantation happens via the gongorinan's mouth and a hideous ovipositor that's neither tongue nor toothed, prolapsing throat, but something worse. Fortunately for most who might encounter a gongorinan, the oviposition process leaves the horrid qlippoth open to attack and cannot be performed quickly, yet to a lone adventurer caught and overwhelmed by a gongorinan, this is small comfort indeed.
Once an egg has been implanted, it takes many days to grow, and the gongorinan prefers to carry the unfortunate host off to restrain it in a hidden location for the duration. Victims are often cocooned in webs while the egg gestates. As it grows, the egg feeds on the victim's mind, absorbing the victim's intellect until it has reduced the host to a drooling wreck. At this point, the egg doesn't hatch so much as it merge with the host, effecting a horrific and permanent transformation into a monstrous form. The gongorinan can influence this ultimate form as it lays its egg. It typically chooses powerful creatures already found in the region, for these “young” are loyal to their parent and serve it as guardians or playthings. Victims retain no portion of their previous personality, but those who have been rescued from this horrific fate via powerful magic do retain memories of their time as a monstrosity. Many never quite recover from these ordeals, and often develop a peculiar form of madness in which they regard their life as a monster as having been their true life, and their true form and life as the curse. The most despondent seek the promise of peace through suicide rather than endure the dreams of their life as a monster―dreams that carry within them a most horrible longing to return to the qlippoth's arms.
Gongorinans are an industrious breed of qlippoth, and wherever they find themselves, they invariably form hive-like complexes in which to live. These gongorinan “cities” are labyrinthine affairs with plenty of chambers for their transformed children. In the Abyss, gongorinan hives can grow truly immense, with populations in the thousands, but the Material Plane is no stranger to their hive cities
Some elder gongorinans have different arms;listed below are four examples of potential additional limbs.
クラブ/Club: This whiplike arm ends in a bony growth that delivers a slam attack. A creature struck by this attack must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be staggered for 1 round (DC = 10 + 1/2 the gongorinan's Hit Dice + its Strength modifier).
Serpent/Serpent: This arm is a serpent capable of delivering a bite attack injecting poison that deals Constitution damage rather than Strength damage.
ウィップ/Whip: This arm is a thin, segmented limb tipped with a long tendril. The arm deals slashing damage on a hit, has 5 feet more reach than normal, and attempts a free trip attack if it hits a target.
Worm/Worm: This arm ends in a maw capable of making a bite attack. On a hit, the bite inf licts confusion for 1d3 rounds unless the victim makes a successful Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the gongorinan's Hit Dice + its Charisma modifier).
Numerous writhing, coiling tails support this serpent-headed beast. Its three eyes glow a sickly yellow.
凝視攻撃/Gaze(超常) A gorgoros's gaze turns creatures to stone permanently (Fortitude DC20 negates) and has a range of 30 feet. The gorgoros can make a gaze attack against a grappled creature as a swift action. The save DC is Charisma-based.
身の毛のよだつ姿/Horrific Appearance(超常) Creatures that succumb to a gorgoros's horrific appearance find their eyes drawn to the creature's gaze and must immediately attempt a saving throw against its gaze attack. Affected creatures can't avert or close their eyes, and treat creatures other than the gorgoros as having concealment.
Writhing Tails/Writhing Tails(変則) A gorgoros's tails coil around any creature that draws near. All squares adjacent to a gorgoros are considered difficult terrain. At the beginning of its turn, the gorgoros's tails can attempt a grapple combat maneuver check against each adjacent creature as a free action. On a successful check, its tails deal 1d6+6 points of damage and the foe is grappled, but the gorgoros is not considered grappled. The tails gain a +5 bonus on grapple combat maneuver checks against foes they're already grappling. Each time the tails succeed at such a check, they deal 1d6+6 points of damage but can't pin foes. If the gorgoros moves, all grappled creatures automatically move with it, but it can't take creatures along when earth gliding.
The gorgoros delights in petrifying living creatures to serve as material for twisted artistic endeavors. These fiends emerge from walls to petrify and devour, and use their stone-altering magic to reshape battlefields―or petrified foes. Their grotesque art, made from resculpted victims, is short-lived;while gorgoroses don't require sustenance, they enjoy feeding on the statues they create. Even those who avoid petrification may not escape unscathed;it is rumored that the daughters of survivors are born with petrifying gazes and serpents for hair. Blasphemous whispers hint that this is how medusas originated.
A gorgoros measures a full 15 feet in length and weighs 6,000 pounds.
This eellike monstrosity has a gaping, fanged mouth from which lolls a long, red tongue split into three tendrils, two of which wield weapons.
噛みつき/Bite(変則) A hydraggon cannot make a bite attack during a round in which it uses its tongue to attack (either with weapons or as a secondary tongue attack).
Cloud Memory/Cloud Memory(超常) When a hydraggon hits a creature with its tongue or bite attack, the target must succeed at a DC15 Will save or have its memories clouded for 1d6 rounds (the creature takes a -3 penalty on this save if it was bitten instead of being struck by a tongue). During this time, the creature takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and skill checks, and it cannot use thought components when casting psychic spells. The save DC is Charisma-based.
身の毛のよだつ姿/Horrific Appearance(超常) A creature that succumbs to a hydraggon's horrific appearance becomes distracted by the monster's slithering coils and undulating tongues, and takes a -4 penalty on Perception checks and ranged attacks for 1d6 rounds.
舌/Tongue(変則) A hydraggon's strange tongue splits into three tentacles, each of which is capable of feats of manipulation equal to that of a human hand. A hydraggon can wield weapons in these tongues, but if it wields more than one weapon, it must fight as if using the two-weapon fighting option. Although most hydraggons opt to wield a one-handed weapon and a light weapon, some choose instead to wield a two-handed weapon and a one-handed or light weapon―doing so uses all three of its tongues and doesn't leave one free to make a tongue attack. When a hydraggon wields a two-handed weapon in this manner, it takes a -4 penalty on attacks with the two-handed weapon and a -8 penalty on attacks with its “off-hand” weapon. If a hydraggon has a free tongue, it can use it to make a secondary natural attack that deals 1d3 points of bludgeoning damage and clouds a victim's memory (see above).
The hydraggon is a strange qlippoth that has mastered the use of weapons, despite its lack of hands. These creatures enjoy swimming in the waters of the River Styx, and their immunity to mind-affecting effects shields them from the river's memory draining properties.
But as vast and potent as the qlippoth may be, there are those among them that eclipse the power of them all―unique and powerful qlippoth lords that rule the deepest and darkest Abyssal depths. The number of qlippoth lords active today represents only a small fraction of those that existed at the dawn of creation. As the eons wore on, the qlippoth lords were opposed by nearly all who learned of their existence. Demon lords, archdevils, empyreal lords, and the deities themselves have taken offense at the blasphemy of the qlippoth lords, and have destroyed many of the more powerful among them. Those who remain are either shadows of the qlippoth lords' one-time glory or are so adept at hiding their true natures that none have yet glimpsed even hints of their forms.
The bulk of qlippoth lords range in strength from CR 21 to 25. More powerful creatures akin to the Horsemen or archdevils in stature may still exist in the deepest parts of the Abyss, but for now, these theoretical qlippoth demigods remain mysteries. Certainly, any active qlippoth lords are potent enough to threaten and endanger the bulk of mortal life when they choose to turn their attention to the Material Plane.
Some qlippoth have chosen to abandon their roots and accept the demonic as the new order of the Abyss. Qlippoth lords who accept sin and allow themselves to be transformed often gain a significant boost in power that catapults them out of this lower tier directly into the ranks of demon lords, but only at the cost of forever losing any tenuous alliances they may have had with the first lords of the Abyss. These former qlippoth lords are seen as the worst kind of traitors by the qlippoth and their masters, but for these qlippoth, the trade-off is more than worth it, as the power they now wield as demon lords is formidable. Demon lords who began existence as qlippoth lords include primeval entities like Dagon and Jubilex, but are hardly limited to these alone.
This towering, steaming mass of slithering entrails drags ropes of mouthed intestines below his five spidery legs.
身の毛のよだつ姿/Horrific Appearance(超常) A creature that succumbs to Chavazvug's horrific appearance feels its temperature rise swiftly, as if suddenly beset by a powerful fever. A creature that succeeds at a DC28 Will save suffers no other effect from the qlippoth lord's horrific appearance, but one that fails gains a fiery red or orange tinge to its flesh. An affected creature takes a permanent -4 penalty on saving throws against fire effects and gains vulnerability to fire. All forms of fire resistance the creature benefits from function at half capacity (fire resistance 30 effectively functions as fire resistance 15, for example). All forms of immunity to fire that the creature has or later gains are suppressed, but in this case, the creature does not take any other penalty from this horrific appearance. If a creature has the fire subtype, it loses that subtype as long as it is affected by this effect. This is a mind-affecting curse effect.
黄泉がえり/Rejuvenation(変則) If Chavazvug is slain, his mind is catapulted back to one of the many boiling lakes of bile located in his Abyssal sanctum, where a new body grows around the qlippoth lord over the course of 1d10 days. During this period, Chavazvug is technically alive, but immobile and unable to take any actions other than float in the lake. If this new body is slain before the 1d10 days required to completely regrow have passed, Chavazvug is slain forever (although it should be noted that these boiling lakes of bile are rife with dangerous qlippoth and other monstrosities that are quite capable of defending and protecting Chavazvug's body). This rejuvenation ability replaces the rejuvenation ability that most qlippoth lords have (see page 231);Chavazvug is easier to track down and permanently slay, but his rejuvenation ability functions anywhere in the multiverse.
Searing Flesh/Searing Flesh(変則) Any creature that strikes Chavazvug with a melee weapon takes 1d6 points of fire damage from sprays of boiling matter and the mere proximity of the qlippoth lord's superheated body. A creature that strikes Chavazvug with an unarmed strike or natural weapon takes 2d6 points of fire damage. A creature that is grappling or grappled by Chavazvug takes 4d6 points of fire damage at the start of the creature's turn.
Slaughter Demon/Slaughter Demon(変則) Chavazvug gains a +4 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against demons, and deals ×3 damage on a confirmed critical hit against a demon (including tieflings of demonic descent). Whenever Chavazvug slays a demon, he gains the effects of death knell for 1 hour.
Tainted Resurrection/Tainted Resurrection(擬呪) When Chavazvug resurrects a creature with his resurrection spell-like ability, the creature restored to life becomes corrupted and its alignment shifts one step closer to chaotic evil. The creature takes a -4 penalty on saving throws against the spell-like abilities and supernatural attacks of all qlippoth (this penalty is permanent, but can be removed if the creature dies and is resurrected in some way other than via Chavazvug). A creature resurrected by Chavazvug gains the possessed creature corruption template (Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures 250).
Chavazvug appears as a towering mound of greasy, slithering intestines and internal organs held aloft by five long, slender legs that taper to razor-sharp points. Twitching coils and ropes of entrails dangle below the shuddering bulk, and the entire thing steams and glows with heat. Known as the Crawling Inferno, the very touch of this immense qlippoth lord can set flesh alight and his presence can cause living creatures normally immune to fire to burn alive. Chavazvug stands 50 feet high and weighs 20,000 pounds.
Unlike other qlippoth lords, Chavazvug has chosen to focus on battling demons themselves rather than the sinful souls that spawn them. This makes Chavazvug the least antagonistic of the known qlippoth lords to mortal worshipers, yet the qlippoth lord remains uncaring in the long term for the health and prosperity of “lesser beings” that worship him.
Chavazvug's Abyssal sanctum is a vast, crater strewn wasteland in an immense underground cavern deep in the Abyss. Many of these craters are filled with bile and seepage, boiling hot lakes in which strange creatures roil and froth. New craters form constantly as portions of the ceiling miles above fall and plummet to impact the floor. In time, the constantly collapsing ceiling may well cause subsidence in other demonic realms far above, or even break through into the Astral Plane, at which point cultists of Chavazvug hold that their god will rise in power to become a deity.
Chavazvug's symbol is a burning tentacled rune, and his favored weapon is the heavy flail. He grants access to the domains of Chaos, Evil, Fire, and Repose, and to the subdomains of Ash, Entropy, Smoke, and Souls.
A cloud of smoke the size of a human condenses, forming a clot of tentacles and eyes surrounding a fanged mouth.
Destructive Commands/Destructive Commands(変則) When Isph-Aun-Vuln magically controls a creature via a charm or compulsion effect, she may issue commands to the creature that are self-destructive or against the target's nature. When such a command is issued, the magically controlled creature can resist the command with a successful Will save against the DC of the spell effect in question, but success at this save does not cause the effect to end and does not prevent Isph-Aun-Vuln from attempting to issue the same or a similar command on a subsequent round.
身の毛のよだつ姿/Horrific Appearance(超常) A creature that succumbs to Isph-Aun-Vuln's horrific appearance becomes convinced that it has already succumbed to the qlippoth lord's mental control and can take no action other than to approach. An affected creature gains freedom of movement and a fly speed of 60 feet (perfect maneuverability) that can be used only to approach Isph-Aun-Vuln. Once an affected creature is adjacent to Isph-Aun-Vuln, it becomes dazed as long as it remains adjacent to the qlippoth lord. This dazed affect ends as soon as the creature is no longer adjacent, at which point the compulsion to approach Isph-Aun-Vuln returns. If Isph-Aun-Vuln is not present, the creature is free to act normally, but as soon as Isph-Aun-Vuln reappears, the compulsion to approach returns as well. This is a mind-affecting compulsion and a curse effect. If not removed via magic, this curse ends only after the creature remains outside Isph-Aun-Vuln's presence for 24 consecutive hours.
Insidious Possession/Insidious Possession(変則) When Isph-Aun-Vuln tries to possess an object or creature via a spell-like ability, she automatically attempts to dispel any protection from evil or similar spell effect on the creature via greater dispel magic. In addition, once a creature fails a saving throw against Isph-Aun-Vuln's possession spell-like abilities, it takes a -4 penalty on all future saving throws against mind-affecting effects created by any qlippoth. This lingering penalty is a curse effect.
Reflect Compulsion/Reflect Compulsion(変則) Even though Isph-Aun-Vuln is immune to mind-affecting effects, when a creature targets her with a compulsion spell or spell-like ability and that effect fails to penetrate her spell resistance, that effect is reflected back upon the caster. Treat the compulsion spell or effect as if Isph-Aun-Vuln had been the caster, except that the save DC remains unchanged.
Soul Shell/Soul Shell(超常) Isph-Aun-Vuln is constantly surrounded by a swirling vortex of soul fragments from the countless creatures that have perished while she was dominating or possessing them. This vortex is a force effect that grants Isph-Aun-Vuln a +12 armor bonus and serves to deflect incoming ranged touch attacks. All ranged touch attacks against this qlippoth lord have a 50% miss chance. The soul shell does not impede Isph-Aun-Vuln's ability to move through solid objects as an incorporeal creature.
Isph-Aun-Vuln's holy symbol is a rune within a cloud of tentacles, and her favored weapon is the longbow. She grants access to the domains of Air, Chaos, Evil, and Trickery, and to the subdomains of Deception, Fear, Venom, and Wind.
The sides of this tentacled monstrosity―part jellyfish, part mushroom forest―swell with opaque, pulsing blisters.
同族作り/Create Spawn(超常) Once per round as a swift action as she slays a living non-outsider with her slam attack, Oaur-Ooung can transform that slain creature into a qlippoth. The qlippoth she creates must be of a CR no greater than the slain creature's CR -2, but otherwise the nature of the new qlippoth is chosen by Oaur-Ooung. Once created, the new qlippoth is free-willed and retains no memories of its previous life. A slain creature subjected to this transformation can resist the change with a successful DC29 Will save. If the save fails, the slain creature cannot be restored to life until the qlippoth it spawned is slain, and even then, only via miracle, true resurrection, or wish. The save DC is Charisma-based.
身の毛のよだつ姿/Horrific Appearance(超常) A creature that succumbs to OaurOoung's horrific appearance is overwhelmed by the scope and size of the immense qlippoth lord, and falls prone in a stupor. In addition to falling prone, the victim is dazed for 1d6 rounds. Each round the victim remains dazed, it takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage. If a creature is killed by this damage, its body splits open and a new qlippoth (of a CR equal to no more than that of the target) emerges from the remains.
Massive/Massive(変則) Oaur-Ooung is unhindered by uneven ground and other environmental features that qualify as difficult terrain, though settlements and forested areas are considered difficult terrain for her. A Huge or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by Oaur-Ooung, and vice versa. Unlike kaiju, which are similarly massive, Oaur-Ooung can make attacks of opportunity against foes of any size and can be flanked by foes of any size. She gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if her entire space is on higher ground than the target. A Huge or smaller creature can climb Oaur-Ooung, but this requires a successful DC30 Climb check.
毒/Poison(超常) 叩きつけ、触手、または“締めつけ”―致傷型: セーヴ 頑健・DC36;頻度 1回/ラウンド(6ラウンド間);効果 1d4【耐】吸収;治癒 2回連続のセーヴ成功。A creature slain by this poison splits open to spawn a new qlippoth (of a type chosen by Oaur-Ooung and of a CR no greater than that of the victim)。このセーヴ難易度は【耐久力】に基づいている。
Prodigious Reach/Prodigious Reach(変則) Once per round as an immediate action, Oaur-Ooung can unfurl her central tentacle to attack any creature she can see within 600 feet with her slam attack. This attack can be used to make an attack of opportunity. She cannot grapple a foe outside of her normal reach of 60 feet.
Reactive Swarms/Reactive Swarms(変則) Once per round when a creature strikes Oaur-Ooung with a melee weapon, her flesh splits and releases a nauseating spray of swarming vermin that immediately cloud around the attacker. This swarm deals 6d6 points of damage, and the attacker must succeed at a DC36 Fortitude save or become nauseated for 1d4 rounds. This does not require an action on Oaur-Ooung's behalf. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Swarm Mastery/Swarm Mastery(変則) Oaur-Ooung is immune to swarm damage and cannot be distracted by swarm attacks.
Immense Oaur-Ooung is a horrifically prolific source of soldiers for the qlippoth's war against mortals. It is from this qlippoth lord that a significant number of the Abyss's qlippoth hordes emerge. If through some chance event Oaur-Ooung were permanently slain, the production of qlippoth by the Abyss would not cease entirely, but it would diminish by a noticeable amount―at least, until the Abyss churned out some sort of equally vile and fecund replacement for the slain qlippoth lord.
Oaur-Ooung's Abyssal sanctum is a poisoned ocean with no shoreline. Here and there in its inky depths, submerged mountaintops reach in vain for the churning sea's surface, and leviathans swim through the vastness. Oaur-Ooung is the largest among them, but she keeps no lair as her own, content to drift through the eternal ocean spawning qlippoth large and small. Some are drowned, some she consumes, but enough escape her clutches and the ocean's depths to make their way elsewhere into the Abyss, often via churning vortices to other realms.
Sometimes, the creatures born from OaurOoung's blisterwombs are particularly powerful;it's rumored that at least one of the Abyss's demon lords began its existence as a qlippoth lord emerging from Oaur-Ooung. Those few who have recently seen Oaur-Ooung (and survived) claim that a blisterwomb of unprecedented size boils on her flank, suggesting that she is about to spawn something of immense power. What this new addition to the Abyss might be and what form it might take is unknown, but it surely bodes ill for mortal life on countless worlds.
Oaur-Ooung's body is 120 feet long, but her central tentacular stalk can unfurl to a length of miles for brief moments to lash out at creatures that have the distinct misfortune of having attracted her attention.
Oaur-Ooung's symbol is a jellyfish-shaped rune, and her favored weapon is the trident. This qlippoth lord grants access to the domains of Chaos, Evil, Plant, and Water, and to the subdomains of Decay, Fear, Growth, and Oceans.
This sluglike creature leaves a swath of tar wherever he goes, and his upper body opens into a gaping, sludge-dripping mouth.
False Intellect/False Intellect(超常) In any round that Thuskchoon causes any Intelligence damage to a creature via his swallow whole ability, the qlippoth lord can use that digested intellect to gain the benefits of his intellectual flash ability for 1 round per point of Intelligence damage dealt in that round. This duration stacks if Thuskchoon has swallowed multiple creatures, or if the Intelligence damage continues for more than 1 round.
身の毛のよだつ姿/Horrific Appearance(超常) A creature that succumbs to Thuskchoon's horrific appearance has its mind flooded with horrific recollections that may or may not be real, repressed terrors knocked loose and brought to the conscious mind by the presence of the monstrosity that is Thuskchoon. Often these memories are a strange mix of racial memory and flashes from past lives. The victim also experiences genetic reversions. The victim is immediately affected by feeblemind (as per the spell), and its body is deformed and hideously twisted. Select (or choose randomly) from the list of deformities gained from the mutant template (see page 180 of Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5) to apply to the victim. Alternatively, simply reduce one of the victim's physical ability scores by 4 points (feel free to devise an appropriate cosmetic atrocity to add flavor to this reduction). The feeblemind effect can be cured normally by any effect that removes that condition (see the spell description for more details), but the mutation is permanent and can be removed only via a miracle or wish spell, or by death and subsequent resurrection. Thuskchoon's horrific appearance has no effect on creatures with an Intelligence score of 1 or 0.
Intellectual Flash/Intellectual Flash(変則) When Thuskchoon enters combat, there's a cumulative 20% chance per round that he receives a flash of intellect. Check for this flash at the start of the qlippoth lord's turn in combat. If the chance succeeds, for that round Thuskchoon loses his nearly mindless weakness and can use his spell-like abilities freely and engage in combat tactics on par with those of a typical human. During that round, Thuskchoon can attempt Knowledge checks untrained with a +20 insight bonus (he retains his -4 penalty from his Intelligence score of 3, so this means his Knowledge checks are attempted with a +16 bonus for this round). The next round, the chance of an intellectual flash occurring is reduced to 0%, but then increases by 20% each subsequent round.
Nearly Mindless/Nearly Mindless(変則) Thuskchoon's limited intellect and his overwhelming hunger combine to make the creature nearly mindless in his actions. Unless he uses his intellectual flash ability or gains the benefit of false intellect, he cannot activate any spell-like abilities and his tactical choices in combat are those of a violent animal. While in his nearly mindless state, Thuskchoon gains a +8 bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
Trailing Tar/Trailing Tar(変則) Thuskchoon exudes a thick swath of sticky, tarlike sludge whenever he moves using his base speed. Any square he passes over using this base speed is transformed into difficult terrain for 1 hour. Freedom of movement allows free passage through this sticky terrain, and a dose of universal solvent can cleanse one 5-foot-square area of tar. Spell effects that cleanse an area of filth or detritus can also remove this difficult terrain, provided the spell effect in question is 6th level or higher.
Not all of the qlippoth lords have alien intelligences that outstrip the minds of most mortals. In the case of Thuskchoon, the qlippoth lord's intellect is replaced almost entirely by a ravenous need to consume and feed. Now and then, the qlippoth lord gains flashes of insight and momentarily comprehends vast puzzles of reality, yet those brief insights fade quickly. These periods of insight are lengthened when Thuskchoon consumes prey, for as he digests flesh, he also digests thought, and can parasitize his victim's minds in order to act with purpose.
Thuskchoon's Abyssal sanctum is a vast warren of tunnels that wind through the depths of the Abyss and connect most, if not all, of the other qlippoth sanctums. Rarely does he spend time in this maze of caves, though, instead aimlessly wandering the depths of the Abyss in constant search of anything to sate his eternal hunger. Now and then, the qlippoth lord blunders through portals that bring his ravenings to other planes, whereupon it is but a matter of time before he is banished or slain and forced to start his wanderings over anew from his sanctum's heart.
Thuskchoon measures 40 feet in length and weighs 16,000 pounds.
Thuskchoon's symbol is a triangular rune with teeth, and his favored weapon is the greatclub. He grants access to the domains of Chaos, Destruction, Evil, and Knowledge, and to the subdomains of Catastrophe, Entropy, Rage, and Thought.}
Wriggling tendrils surround this creature's single eye where a face should be, and sucker-tipped tentacles stretch from its shoulders.
False Prophet/False Prophet(超常) An utukku gains access to the granted powers of two domains as per a cleric of a level equal to its CR (8th level for the typical utukku), chosen from among the following: Community, Healing, Nobility, Protection, or Repose. Some utukku may have access to different domains.
身の毛のよだつ姿/Horrific Appearance(超常) Creatures that succumb to an utukku's horrific appearance are staggered for 1d4 rounds.
The utukku specializes in a viciously subtle method of removing sinful souls from the cycle of mortal life. When an utukku builds a cult, it teaches its followers that if they follow its teachings, they will be rewarded not via transformation into a powerful outsider, but by assimilation into the Great Beyond itself. What greater glory than to be immortal as a fundamental part of reality? The souls of devout utukku cultists, as wicked and destructive as they were in life, do not transform into outsiders upon being judged, but instead form into new quintessence that then merges with the Abyss. In this way, these souls bolster the Abyss while simultaneously starving demonkind of the new souls they need to grow in number.
This glossy, jet-black bird stands as tall as a dwarf. Its eerily intelligent black eyes are quick to take in everything around it.
Some ravens can reach astonishing sizes, making them a threat to foxes, raccoons, and on occasion even larger animals. Like their smaller cousins, giant ravens are omnivorous, able to subsist on nearly anything, though they favor large insects, small mammals, and other birds. They are also consummate scavengers, often feeding on the remains of creatures left behind by larger predators. These large corvids share the keen and vengeful intellect of smaller ravens.
Giant ravens grow to be nearly 5 feet in height and weigh 45 pounds.
The pitch-black birds that make up this torrent of claws and feathers glare ominously from hundreds of beady eyes.
This slim figure's proportions are wrong, and its disturbingly long arms end in claws, save for an oversized, boneless index finger.
Charisma Damage/Charisma Damage(超常) A rawhead's tentacle fingers strip away flesh and emotion alike, dealing 1d4 points of Charisma damage on every hit with its claw attack (Will DC23 negates). The save DC is Charisma-based.
ブラッディ・ボーンズ作成/Create Bloody Bones(超常) A rawhead can create a bloody bones from a Small or Medium helpless, living humanoid. As a full round action, the rawhead extends its finger tentacle to pierce the creature's flesh, ensnares its bones, and attempts to rip the creature's skeleton free. This deals 10d6 points of damage to the victim. If the victim is helpless as a result of Charisma damage, it takes 10d8 points of damage from this attack instead. If this damage is enough to reduce the creature's hit points below 0, it is instantly slain as its skeleton is extracted from its body. The skeleton immediately animates as a bloody bones (see page 49) under the rawhead's control. This is a death effect.
Hidden Terror/Hidden Terror(変則) A rawhead can activate its frightful presence ability as a swift action, and can affect creatures that are unaware of its presence or aren't within line of sight.
Some believe rawheads to be nothing more than figments from scary stories, typically associated with the childhood terror known as bloody bones (see page 49). But others know rawheads to be all too real and live in fear of attracting their attention.
This muscular, wolf-headed humanoid is covered in brown and gray fur.
Rougarous are wolf-headed humanoids who can transform into wolves. While this sometimes confuses others into mistaking a rougarou for a werewolf, these humanoids are not lycanthropes. In fact, most detest werewolves and hunt them mercilessly.
The race isn't numerous or widespread, and rougarous tend to live in secluded communities. They are very protective of their families and friends, and the communities they form tend to be strict and lawful. In their homeland, rougarous are most plentiful in southern swamps and marshes, where it is believed they originated, but have since spread throughout the rest of the world. While most of rougarou society is upstanding and trustworthy, as with any group there are some violent and aggressive members. These evil, loner rougarous occasionally form into packs that raid the countryside and prey upon the just and kind. Thankfully, rougarous are generally civilized and loyal, and most are quick to hunt down and punish their feral kin for their foul deeds.
This monstrosity looks like a massive cockroach made from putrid hair. A humanoid face leers in place of an insectile head.
恐怖の風貌/Look of Fear(超常) A creature affected by an ichkoh's gaze is shaken for 1d4 rounds.
Ichkohs savor the fear of the failure of the flesh, and enjoy tormenting those who take pride in their bodies. When an ichkoh selects victims, it torments them with the knowledge of how they failed to maintain their bodies in their youth. Sometimes an ichkoh pursues a single creature for years, encouraging increasingly self-destructive behavior that, if allowed to continue, can drive a victim to suicide.
An ichkoh stands 6 feet tall and weighs 140 pounds.
A rat's head sprouts from the front of a crab-like body, and two tentacular tails ending in hands erupt from the towering bulk.
d6 | 感覚 |
1 | Taste: The creature takes a -2 penalty on all saving throws against ingested toxins and on Perception checks based on the sense of taste, such as using the skill to identify the powers of a sipped potion. |
2 | Smell: The creature loses scent and scent-related abilities. |
3 | Touch: The creature's Dexterity is reduced by 2. |
4 | Hearing: The creature becomes deaf. |
5 | Sight: The creature becomes blind. |
6 | All: The creature immediately loses all of its senses. |
Isolation/Isolation(超常) Once per day as a standard action, a ximtal can attempt to isolate up to four creatures adjacent to it, obstructing the way in which they normally work alongside their allies. A creature can resist this effect with a successful DC25 Will save. A creature that fails to resist isolation becomes intangible to all creatures it regards as an ally. The target is essentially incorporeal, invisible, and silenced to its allies, though it can't move through objects and can interact normally with items. In addition, an isolated creature can no longer see, hear, or perceive creatures it considers allies. The target can see and hear itself, cast spells with verbal components, and use command words normally, but any effect that requires allies to see, hear, or touch the target doesn't function. Any creature with an attitude of indifferent or worse toward the target or that wishes the target harm can see and interact with the target normally. True seeing pierces this effect, but see invisibility can't be used to perceive the targets of this effect. Once every 24 hours, a victim of isolation can attempt a new DC25 Will save to end the effect. This is a curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
恐怖の風貌/Look of Fear(超常) A creature affected by a ximtal's gaze is panicked for 1d6 rounds and shaken for 1 minute thereafter, or shaken for 1 minute on a successful save.
瘴気/Miasma(超常) As a standard action, a ximtal can discorporate into a dark, greasy fog that damages creatures caught in it. When a ximtal uses miasma, its space increases to 20 feet and it is treated as if under the effects of gaseous form. A ximtal can remain in miasma form indefinitely and can revert to its solid form as a free action. Within the miasma's space, all sight―including darkvision―is reduced to 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment, and creatures farther away have total concealment. On the start of the ximtal's turn, creatures in the area of its miasma take 4d6 points of damage (this damage bypasses all damage reduction and energy resistance). A successful DC25 Will save negates this damage. Any creature within the miasma can attack the ximtal but takes a -4 penalty on its attacks and can't attempt saving throws against the damage from being within the miasma at the start of the ximtal's next turn. The save DC is Charisma-based.
While psychopomps usher mortal souls to the proper judgment, sahkils have no care for souls and want to only torment and frighten mortals, often toying with their feelings of unease about their very mortality. Sahkils want to remind mortals that they are just that―mortal and alone in a complex and dangerous universe. Ximtals feed on the fear of not belonging, and on the fear of isolation from the rest of a community or society. A ximtal stands 14 feet tall and weighs nearly 1,000 pounds.
Ximtals are manipulative schemers by nature. Having no concern whatsoever for any law, and feeling only contempt for joy and freedom as well as a total disdain for the overarching principles of society, a ximtal uses any insecurities and other weaknesses it perceives in order to slowly erode positive thoughts and actions and keep strong-willed mortals from acting on beliefs that would aid the greater good. They foster the vulgar and abusive voices in all sides of a conflict, subjecting the sensible and sensitive to ill treatment from the loud and malignant. These sinister outsiders instill feelings of dread and hopelessness, and make people feel as if they were alone and unacknowledged even in the presence of their friends and allies.
Ximtals delight in finding impressionable and aggressive voices to do their work. They know that if they can get someone who thinks she is fighting for a good cause to use terrible tactics in her pursuit of the ideal, they can corrupt that message and seed fear, shame, and dread in what would normally be seen as a constructive endeavor. In this way, ximtals hope to transform the righteous into fanatics.
More subtly, ximtals sometimes focus their attention on friends and allies of the truly virtuous―their ultimate targets―to indirectly discredit these paragons. In these cases, ximtals encourage associates of a target to misrepresent the target's intended cause. They work their way into the minds and ideologies of people who focus their actions on advertising their ideals and motivations;they gradually corrupt such folk, leading them to treat other voices with barely concealed aggression and contempt and make hasty decisions that run counter to their final goals. Eventually, the ximtals hope, these agents of discord will subvert the paragon's message and mire her in despair and isolation.
Ximtals tend to remain isolated from others of their kind. They don't often cooperate to target a certain individual or cause unless it holds some fascination specific to individual ximtals or sahkils. Instead, they spread themselves out through the multiverse to focus on divergent ideologies or selective societal crusades. Despite their tendency to be alone, some ximtals work in partnerships with pakalchis (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 216), as pakalchis focus on breaking down the bonds of friendship. Working in parallel, these two types of sahkil can destroy not only friendships, but entire families or organizations.
This monster is vaguely humanoid, but stands on three legs. A foul liquid drips from the needlelike tips of its long, hooked arms.
恐怖の風貌/Look of Fear(超常) A creature affected by a zohanil's gaze is panicked for 1 round and shaken for 1d4 rounds thereafter. A creature that successfully saves is instead shaken for 1 round.
This creature has the head, legs, and tail of a tyrannosaurus, but humanoid chest and arms.
雄叫び/Roar(超常) As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, a saurian can unleash a terrible roar, affecting all creatures in a 60-foot cone. Creatures in the area must succeed at a DC25 Will save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. A creature that successfully saves is instead staggered for 1d4 rounds. This ability is a sonic mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Saurians make their homes on the sides of tropical volcanoes or tropical mountains. Though they respect all life, saurians consider themselves the protectors of primordial creatures and defend them violently when the need arises.
This coffin-shaped anemone features a ridged, dark brown trunk topped with waving yellow tendrils surrounding a soft, pale blue center.
毒/Poison(変則) 触手―致傷型;セーヴ 頑健・DC12;頻度 1回/ラウンド(4ラウンド間);効果 1d2【筋】ダメージ;治癒 1回のセーヴ成功。
めくら/Sightless(変則) A coffin anemone is blind and thus unaffected by effects that rely on sight, such as blindness or gaze attacks.
Named for its distinctive oblong shape, the coffin anemone is well-suited to swallow its favored prey: swimming humanoid creatures.
This enormous polyp is crowned with bright red-and-blue striped tentacles. A long, thin stinger darts from the center.
金切り声/Shriek(変則) Once per minute as a swift action, a siren's bed can emit a powerful shriek in 60-foot-radius burst centered on itself. All creatures within the area must succeed at a DC21 Fortitude save or be staggered and deafened for 1d4 rounds. This is a sonic effect. The save is Constitution-based.
Several thin tendrils extend aggressively from the open tip of this red tube made of a coralline substance.
Tube Armor/Tube Armor(変則) A giant tube worm's shell grants it a +4 natural armor bonus, but is somewhat brittle. Once a giant tubeworm is reduced to fewer than half its hit points (9 hp for the typical specimen), its tube shatters and it loses its natural armor bonus.
The giant tube worm resides entirely within its constructed, armored tube. It extends its stinging tendrils out into the water to search for prey. This and the hookfang are but two varieties of the giant sea worm―some grow much larger, such as the gargantuan reef worm or the truly colossal trench worm. Others, like the brine worm and the crimson worm, are much smaller.
This long, orange, segmented worm's colorful head unfolds like a horrific flower to reveal five large, black, hooklike teeth.
Sudden Bite/Sudden Bite(変則) During surprise rounds, a hookfang worm's bite threatens a critical hit on a roll of 18~20.
This petrified skeleton is clad in rotting furs. Stone antlers grow from the crown of its skull, and its eyes are polished white orbs.
Siabraes do not form spontaneously;they arise only as the result of the this horrific ritual (see here for full rules on rituals).
属性:Neutral evil.
種別:The creature's type changes to undead with the earth subtype. Do not recalculate BAB, saves, or skill ranks.
感覚:A siabrae gains 暗視 and 振動感知、both with a range of60フィート.
アーマー・クラス:A siabrae has a +10 natural armor bonus or the creature's normal bonus, whichever is better.
ヒット・ダイス:Change the creature's racial Hit Dice to d8s. All Hit Dice derived from class levels are unchanged. As an undead, a siabrae uses its Charisma modifier to determine its bonus hit points (rather than using its Constitution modifier).
攻撃:A siabrae grows a pair of stony antlers from its skull, granting it a gore attack that deals damage based on the siabrae's size, but as if it were one size category larger than its actual size. This gore attack is always a primary attack, even when the siabrae also uses weapons. If the siabrae wishes, it can retain these antlers in any form it assumes via wild shape. Shards of the stony antlers break off in wounds―a siabrae's antlers constantly replenish themselves as these shards break off. A creature damaged by a siabrae's gore attack must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the siabrae's HD + the siabrae's Charisma modifier) or turn to stone permanently.
技能:A siabrae gains a +8 racial bonus on Perception、Sense Motive、and Stealth checks. A siabrae always treats Intimidate、Knowledge (planes)、Knowledge (religion)、Sense Motive、and Stealth as class skills. Otherwise、a siabrae's skills are the same as those of the base creature.
What appears to be a heap of freshly flensed skin ripples and flexes;it has a long tendril tipped with a single sharp fingernail.
Memory Lapse/Memory Lapse(超常) A target struck by a skincrawler's sting must succeed at a DC15 Will save or become momentarily befuddled and unaware of its surroundings. This condition does not last long enough for other creatures to take advantage of the victim's disoriented state of mind, but is long enough for the ooze to attach itself to the target. The affected creature retains no memory of the skincrawler's sting attack or of the creature attaching to its body. It perceives sensations through the attached ooze as if the ooze were part of its own skin. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Siphon Vitality/Siphon Vitality(変則) Once a skincrawler is attached to a host, it slowly feeds on the victim's fluids. This deals 1 point of Constitution damage per day. Since a night's rest is enough to heal this damage, the host of a skincrawler can continue to function relatively normally;however, a creature with a skincrawler attached to its body in this manner takes a -2 penalty on all saving throws against effects that cause exhaustion and fatigue. Furthermore, the host suffers from mild headaches, slightly blurred vision, a nagging feeling of being watched, and other minor but discomforting distractions that impart a -1 penalty on all Will saving throws and Wisdom-based skill checks. All of these effects (the Constitution damage and the penalties on checks and saves) stack when multiple skincrawlers feed on a single host.
Skincrawlers are parasitic oozes that feed on the fluids of living hosts. They stalk isolated prey, but due to their mindlessness, skincrawlers do not recognize that feeding on a host already infested by other skincrawlers can swiftly shorten the lifespan of their food source.
When a skincrawler's host dies, the ooze detaches and crawls into the host's body through a convenient orifice, whereupon it enters the last stages of its life cycle. As the host decays around it, the skincrawler suffuses the host's flesh;24 hours after the host's death, the host's skin splits apart into a rash of up to a dozen skincrawlers that then slither away to seek new prey. When unattached to a host, a skincrawler appears to be a protoplasmic blob of flesh with visible veins and capillaries.
Four gleaming, yellow eyes leer above the tooth-rimmed maw of this massive, blue-scaled and eellike creature.
Electricity Field/Electricity Field(超常) As a swift action, a skrimsl can generate a field of electricity that deals 2d6 points of electricity damage to all creatures within a 10-foot radius at the start of the skrimsl's turn (no save). At the start of the skrimsl's turn on the 4th round after the field is activated, it discharges this field. All creatures within a 10-foot radius of the skrimsl that fail a DC23 Fortitude save take 12d6 points of electricity damage and become stunned for 1d3 rounds. Creatures that successfully save take half the electricity damage and negate the stun effect. Once the electricity field discharges in this manner, the skrimsl must wait 10 rounds before activating it again. The save DC is Constitution-based.
神出鬼没/Elusive(超常) Skrimsls are rarely discovered except by their own choice. As a full round action while in water, a skrimsl can swim at a speed of up to 200 feet per round without leaving any trace of its passage (identical in effect to pass without trace). An elusive skrimsl gains a +40 circumstance bonus on its Stealth checks. In addition, when not in combat, a skrimsl is considered to be under the effects of a nondetection spell. These effects function at caster level 20th and cannot be dispelled.
Skrimsls are mysterious eellike creatures that dwell in the world's most frigid remote waters, particularly the deep waters of fjords. They prefer to avoid contact with humanoids, but communities near the lakes and fjords where skrimsls make their homes have no doubt that these beasts are very real and should be given proper respect. Skrimsls have a glimmer of intelligence and remember those who have wronged them as well as those who have treated them well.
Skrimsls resemble massive eels with blue scales matching the cold, clear waters they live in. They can be found in the deepest freshwater lakes and the salt waters of the sea, and are capable of thriving in both environs. The creatures use their electricity fields and spell-like abilities both for defense and to catch prey. They also have a dangerous bite and powerful tail, which they use to destroy oars, weapons, and other implements used by land-dwelling foes.
Weathered cobblestones give way to a deep, rough pit, the edges of which wriggle and contract of their own accord.
Breach Vulnerability/Breach Vulnerability(超常) If a slithering pit consumes an extradimensional space, such as one created by a bag of holding, a handy haversack, or a portable hole, the competing energies cause violent spasms that deal 2d6 points of damage to the slithering pit each round it contains the item. If killed in this way, the slithering pit explodes;anything trapped within the ooze takes 2d6 points of damage and is ejected to a random empty space within 30 feet of the slithering pit.
Pit/Pit(超常) As a standard action, a slithering pit can cause its surface to open into an extradimensional space in order to capture and digest food. A slithering pit can use this ability only while on a solid horizontal surface of sufficient size to support it. The extradimensional space created by this ability is 10 feet deep, and any Medium or smaller creatures stepping into its space must succeed at a DC15 Reflex save or fall into the pit, taking 1d6 points of damage from the fall. A slithering pit can also actively try to trap creatures by moving into their space. A target of this attack can make an attack of opportunity, but immediately falls into the extradimensional space following the attack. If the target forgoes this attack of opportunity, it can attempt a Reflex save to avoid falling into the extradimensional space as if it had wandered into the slithering pit's space. At any one time, a slithering pit can contain up to one Medium creature, two Small creatures, or four Tiny creatures. The save DC is Constitution-based. The interior surface of the pit is as hard as rough stone. While the pit is open, a creature inside can climb out with a successful DC15 Climb check. A slithering pit can close its extradimensional space as a move action, trapping a creature inside. A trapped creature takes 1 point of acid damage each round it remains in the extradimensional space. A creature thus trapped can attack the walls of the space to damage the slithering pit. The walls have an AC of 10 and hardness 8. A slithering pit can forcibly eject the contents of its extradimensional space as a standard action, dealing 1d6 points of damage to creatures inside. Ejected creatures end up in a random square adjacent to the slithering pit. If a slithering pit is killed, its extradimensional space collapses and ejects its contents immediately.
透明/Transparent(変則) A slithering pit is difficult to discern from its surroundings in most environments. The slithering pit gains a +8 racial bonus on Stealth checks and can move at full speed without taking a penalty on Stealth checks. A creature that fails to notice a slithering pit and walks into it risks falling into its pit (if its pit is open) or taking damage as if struck by the slithering pit's tentacle attack.
Bizarre oozes born from magical mishaps, slithering pits use their naturally occurring extradimensional spaces to attack and trap prey. An extradimensional breach coats the top surface of these oozes, and the creatures prowl lazily, hunting for well-traveled routes and then quietly lying down for hours―or even days―until tasty morsels literally fall into their waiting grasps. Like most oozes, slithering pits lack true mouths and any digestive organs. While they can trap creatures within their extradimensional wells, they must wait for their prey to dissolve in digestive acids before they can absorb any nutrition. Luckily, slithering pits can survive for weeks between feedings, and in lean times they can even hibernate for months, appearing to be nothing but a slick spot in an alleyway or a shallow puddle.
Slithering pits frequent ruins and neglected urban areas, where their transparency allows them to blend in with the shadows of darkened alleys and crumbling corridors. No thicker than a few inches at the center, slithering pits are difficult to distinguish from natural features when immobile. Their slimy exteriors pick up debris and rubble as they stalk, further helping them blend into city streets and ruined floors. Beyond their mobility and slight thickness, slithering pits' only revealing feature is their shiny mucus, which leaves a glistening trail wherever the creatures travel―but even this dries up and flakes away in a few hours once the ooze settles in at a favored ambush site. While slithering pits are camouflaged on top, their undersides reveal their true appearance: moist and decorated in scintillating patterns of red, green, and blue. Slithering pits are 5 feet in diameter and weigh less than 20 pounds.
As ambush predators, slithering pits are most successful when inactive. Because of their transparent appearances, most slithering pits are hardly noticed or are mistaken for shallow puddles by locals. When periods between feedings grow too long, the oozes become more aggressive. Despite their usually patient tactics, slithering pits become vicious when hungry or threatened, lashing out with a thin pseudopod from their perimeter. When desperate, they dispense with stealth and attempt to drag prey into their maws or throw themselves beneath stumbling feet. The fall into the pit is often enough to kill their prey;those who survive the fall instead die from being slowly digested if they can't quickly clamber back out. These creatures even show rudimentary strategy, sometimes trapping a child or small animal, whose cries for help eventually draw larger victims.
A slithering pit's inner well functions much like a bag of holding, allowing it to carry more prey than its small body could normally contain and potentially feeding it for months after a good hunting season. Anyone or anything inside moves along with the ooze wherever it travels without any sense of outside momentum.
A slithering pit can sometimes come into existence when an intelligent ooze―in most cases, a slithering tracker (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 250)―consumes a bag of holding or another magic item that makes use of extradimensional spaces. The residual magical energies are infused within the ooze, and when it dies, the ooze's remaining material is reborn as a slithering pit.
Slithering pits become dangerous urban blights as they prowl congested cities and cramped slums. They especially flourish in decaying or neglected areas, where potholes filled with water are overlooked. In areas plagued by crime, slithering pits are sometimes used to dispose of bodies. Some clever and opportunistic creatures―especially those immune to the pit's digestive acids―sometimes use slithering pits as roaming lairs, dragging their own kills into the oozes' cave-like interiors to share leftovers, and scavenging the freely available prey that the oozes trap. Some spellcasters consider the mucus of a slithering pit to be an ideal component for magic concerned with interdimensional travel and storage.
Those researching these oozes claim that there are different varieties of slithering pits. Scattered reports exist of slithering pits that are much larger, sometimes stretching across an entire narrow street or setting up an ambush in the opening of a wide alley. Some lurk within the darkened expanses of warehouses or beneath boardwalks in dockside settlements. Scholars are unclear whether these larger oozes are simply regular slithering pits that have fed and lived long enough to grow, or if they form when larger oozes consume more powerful magic items.
This enormous spiderlike creature has a tremendous pair of jagged fangs as menacing as its oversized claws.
This creature has a hairless body and a black-striped abdomen. It prominently displays a pair of large, serrated, bright red fangs.
This bright orange creature has seven arms radiating from its core and is covered with thick, ridged hide.
Slow Regeneration/Slow Regeneration(変則) A giant starfish has regeneration but heals very slowly, regaining a number of hit points each hour equal to its Hit Dice (11 hp per hour for the typical giant starfish). Acid, cold, or fire damage suppresses this regeneration for 24 hours.
Stomach/Stomach(変則) The giant starfish can invert its stomach to attack prey up to 20 feet away. The hook-lined opening to the starfish's stomach is a primary attack that deals piercing damage. If a giant starfish successfully grapples a foe with its stomach, it gains the benefit of the fast swallow universal monster rule and can swallow the target immediately rather than waiting until the start of its next turn. It does not trigger a fast swallow effect if it grapples a foe with a slam attack.
The giant starfish dwells along coastlines and in other shallow marine areas. The undersides of each of the giant starfish's arms are lined with thousands of small tube feet that propel it along and aid in grappling and pinning its prey. The tube feet at the end of the arms are also sensory organs, detecting scents and textures. The starfish moves via a water vascular system, drawing in ocean water and pumping the water throughout its body and out to its tube feet. Because of this, the giant starfish is highly dependent on water to remain mobile and alive.
The giant starfish can be an active hunter, relentlessly attacking marine mammals and coastal avian life alike, but just as often it lies in wait along the water's edge for its prey to venture into reach. When attacking, the giant starfish latches on with up to three of its arms and attempts to pin its opponent. It then extends its stomach outside of its inner cavity in order to begin digesting the pinned or grappled creature. The giant starfish's stomach can also shoot out as an elongated tubelike stalk to strike potential prey up to 20 feet away. When the series of barbed hooks at the end of the stomach stalk catch the targeted creature, the starfish begins to pull it closer, in order to more thoroughly secure its meal with its multiple arms. A giant starfish can have anywhere from five to 24 arms, and while the total number of arms can result in a wildly differentlooking creature, the number of limbs has no effect on its statistics since a giant starfish of any size can attack with only up to three of its limbs at a time.
This plant is covered with dozens of clear tendrils, each tipped with a glistening red bulb. Whiplike fronds unfurl from the center.
粘着液/Adhesive(変則) A giant sundew's body exudes a sticky adhesive, holding fast any creatures or items that touch it. A giant sundew automatically grapples any creature it hits with its slam attack. Opponents so grappled cannot get free while the sundew is alive without first removing the adhesive. A weapon that strikes a giant sundew is stuck fast unless the wielder succeeds at a DC23 Reflex save. A successful DC20 Strength check is needed to pry off a stuck weapon. Strong alcohol or universal solvent dissolves the adhesive, but the giant sundew can still grapple normally. The substance breaks down naturally 5 rounds after a sundew dies and is rendered inert for 1 round immediately after the giant sundew takes 10 or more points of cold damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Stupefaction Pollen/Stupefaction Pollen(変則) Once per day, the first time a giant sundew has fewer than half its hit points (76 or fewer for the typical giant sundew), it releases a transparent cloud of pollen;this effect happens automatically and does not require an action of any sort on the giant sundew's behalf. The pollen cloud fills the area in a 20-foot radius around the giant sundew. All creatures caught in the area of effect must succeed at a DC23 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Intelligence damage and be staggered for 1d4 rounds.
Unlike its smaller, insect-eating cousin, a giant sundew actively seeks out prey using its shallow but sturdy roots to slowly pull itself through its boggy environs. When a giant sundew attacks, it does so by slamming targets with its thick, leaflike fronds, each of which is covered with globules of sticky, acidic goo. The giant sundew exudes an unmistakable scent of honey―an attractive odor that often proves irresistible to nearby creatures.
Although the giant sundew is not quite a mindless monstrosity, its intellect is barely more than instinctive, and it has little ability to discern between allies and enemies. If it attacks a creature that is immune to acid or adhesive qualities, the sundew is smart enough to avoid attacking that foe in future rounds (although it continues to slam such targets with its fronds in self defense, if needed). Despite sundews' inability to form alliances, many more intelligent forest-dwelling creatures take advantage of the sticky plants and use them as organic traps to help gather prey. Will-o'-wisps in particular are quite fond of the methods a sundew uses to capture and consume prey, for the anguish and fear of creatures stuck to a plant that is slowly dissolving and digesting them form quite a delicious tonic of horror for the wisps to feed upon.
This creature has a long, sinuous, eellike body but the scaly head of a crocodile with large, piercing blue eyes.
Seize Magic/Seize Magic(超常) Once per day as a standard action, a taniwha can attempt to seize a spellcasting creature's ability to use magic. The target must be within 100 feet of the taniwha. If the target fails a DC18 Will save, its ability to cast spells is hindered. Whenever the victim attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed at a concentration check (DC = 15 + the level of the spell being cast). On a failed check, the spellcaster fails to cast the spell―the spell is not expended, but the action is wasted. This is a curse effect that lasts for 24 hours, but the taniwha can opt to end the effect at any time as a swift action. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Taniwhas are supernatural aquatic creatures that dwell within tropical lakes and rivers, preferably deep within remote jungles far from areas civilized by humanoids. Taniwhas claim these locations as their own, working to maintain the area's natural purity and protect it from careless or evil interlopers who would defile the place. They especially hate poachers who hunt the jungles around their aquatic lairs and any who pollute the water.
Although taniwhas are ferocious looking, with their serpentine bodies and crocodilian heads, these river-dwelling creatures are actually quite friendly and often eager to befriend spellcasting creatures. Taniwhas adore magic and take great delight in “tasting” magic from other creatures. A spellcaster who lets a taniwha use its seize magic ability to enjoy the flavor of a stolen spell in this manner often finds that, for the minor cost of enduring the curse for a day, she can secure a lifelong friend.
With their ability to seize magic and their own inborn spell-like abilities and deadly bite attacks, taniwhas are more than capable of defending their lairs from most intruders, yet they prefer to rely upon fear rather than violence in securing their homes. It generally doesn't take many uses of their fearful memory ability for taniwhas to seed a local populace with the notion that the area around their lairs is a dangerous one to trespass upon. While fear is often regarded as a cruel or negative emotion, to taniwhas it is a preferred alternative to violence in the safekeeping of their homes.
This towering mass of vegetation balances itself upon several long and misshapen tree trunks.
蔦/Vines(変則) A tarantula tree's thorn-laced vines are a primary natural attack that deals bludgeoning and piercing damage
Terrifying predators, tarantula trees claim dominion over vast swaths of territory. Within these regions, they tend to be nomadic until they find a productive hunting spot. While they cannot speak, these plants are quite intelligent and have been known to live in peace with creatures willing to engage them in entertaining conversation.
This eyeless serpentine beast has a menacing mouth and sharp fins running down its long, deep-purple body.
Razor Fins/Razor Fins(変則) A targotha's razor fins are a primary attack that deal slashing damage and threaten a critical hit on a 19 or 20, augmented to 17~20 by its Improved Critical feat.
ぬめり/Slippery(変則) A targotha secretes a thick mucus that allows it to move gracefully through viscous fluids like tar and oil. This mucus dissolves away adhesives (such as sovereign glue, tanglefoot bags, and webs) in 1d4 rounds. Additionally, all combat maneuver checks to grapple a targotha automatically fail, and the targotha automatically succeeds at any combat maneuver checks and Escape Artist checks to escape a grapple or a pin.
尾の打撃/Tail Slap(変則) A targotha adds 1・1/2 × its Strength modifier to damage rolls for its tail slap. A targotha can attempt a bull rush combat maneuver check against a creature struck by its tail slap as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. The targotha can't move as part of this bull rush.
Volatile Breath/Volatile Breath(変則) A targotha can breathe a 60-foot cone of flammable gas as a breath weapon. As a swift action, it can ignite the gas by using its jolt ability. When ignited, the gas explodes, dealing 15d6 points of fire damage to all creatures in the area (Reflex DC23 half). If not ignited, the gas lingers in the area until dissipating at the start of the targotha's next turn. All creatures that breathe this gas in are confused for 1d4 rounds (Fortitude DC23 negates). The save DCs are Constitution-based and have a -5 racial penalty.
Targothas are unusual creatures that thrive in the thick, inky fluids of naturally occurring tar seeps or pits of oil, although they are equally at home in swampy waters or muddy bogs. They depend upon their blindsense when lurking within opaque fluids like tar or ooze, and will even lurch out of their lairs and flop along the ground if necessary to pursue a meal. A targotha is a patient ambush predator, and without the need to breathe, it can lie in wait for weeks for food.
This wrinkled, pale humanoid has an eyeless head and a wide, fanged mouth;its eyes glare freakishly from the palms of its hands.
Burst of Speed/Burst of Speed(変則) A tenome can move twice its base speed once every 1d4 rounds.
Obscuring Grapple/Obscuring Grapple(変則) While a tenome is grappling a creature, all other opponents gain total concealment against the tenome.
恐怖の凝視/Terrifying Gaze(超常) A tenome can gaze at one opponent within 30 feet by presenting one of its eyes (a standard action) or both of its eyes (a full-round action). An opponent that fails a DC14 Will save is frightened if it is the target of a single eye's gaze, or paralyzed if it is the target of both eyes. These effects last for 1d3 rounds. A tenome must activate its gaze attack;opponents need not attempt saving throws if they otherwise meet the tenome's gaze. Once a creature succeeds at its save against this ability, it is immune to that tenome's terrifying gaze for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Tenomes are hideous predators that stalk the fringes of civilization, ambushing travelers and invading the homes of rural families to feast on their bones. They typically try to get close to their victims before attacking, hiding the monstrous elements of their appearance with hooded cloaks or voluminous robes, or lying in wait along darkened trails. They avoid attacking groups that heavily outnumber them, preferring to patiently track potential prey and strike when they can take victims one at a time.
Nocturnal creatures, tenomes often travel miles from their lairs under the cover of night to terrorize rural communities. They typically rotate their hunting grounds and try to cover their tracks when farmers organize to defend their lands or locate the tenomes' lairs. Their preferred diet of liquefied bones results in hideous corpses that can cause incredible fear in communities, and tenomes know this―they often seek to leave their boneless victims on display where they know the disgusting bodies will soon be found to deter pursuit.
This four-legged reptile has eight serpentine heads arrayed around a central maw. Its long, thrashing tail ends in a crab-like pincer.
Snake Bite/Snake Bite(変則) A thessalhydra's serpent heads strike as secondary attacks that deal piercing and slashing damage plus an additional 1d6 points of acid damage.
The dreaded thessalhydra is a fearsome predator that has an unexpected agility. Despite its lumbering shape and looming size, the monster's nimbleness makes it almost beautiful as it attacks. Thessalhydras are relatively rare, though their notorious speed and savagery have featured in countless legends. They are often whispered of in fear and awe by willful children in rural areas, whose exasperated parents have warned them to “be good, or the thessalhydra will pluck you out of your bed through the window when you sleep!”
This filthy, pallid figure lurches forward as if it were not entirely in control of its twitching limbs.
Loathing/Loathing(変則) A trailgaunt cannot cross a well maintained road. It can burrow under it or climb over it, but it cannot walk across such a barrier. A trailgaunt forced onto a well maintained road must succeed at a DC15 Will save at the start of each round or be unable to take any actions.
Mutter/Mutter(超常) A trailgaunt's pain-filled muttering and groaning is distressing to hear. A creature that begins its turn within 10 feet of a trailgaunt must succeed at a DC15 Will save or become shaken for 1 minute. Multiple failed saving throws against a trailgaunt's mutter do not increase this effect to frightened. This is a mind-affecting sonic fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
苦痛/Pain(超常) A creature damaged by a trailgaunt's bite or claws must succeed at a DC15 Fortitude save or become staggered by pain in its legs and feet for 1 round. Creatures in contact with the ground take a -1 penalty on this saving throw. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Sudden Lunge/Sudden Lunge(変則) Once per minute, a trailgaunt can lurch into a burst of motion, gaining a speed of 40 feet for 1 round.
Sure Stride/Sure Stride(超常) A trailgaunt's speed is never reduced by difficult terrain, and it can take a 5-foot step in such conditions.
Vengeful Strike/Vengeful Strike(変則) A trailgaunt hates merchants, pilgrims, and others who spend lots of time traveling, and gains a +2 bonus on all attack rolls, Perception checks, and Survival checks against such targets.
The dreaded trailgaunt is a form of undead that plagues regions where travelers have long trod the roads. Legends hold that trailgaunts rise from the remains of seasoned travelers who became lost and then perished from exposure or starvation, suffering great shame and humiliation to have come to such unexpected and lonely ends in addition to their physical torment. Trailgaunts seek travelers to avenge themselves upon and are driven to feast upon the feet of those they slaughter, often leaving the maimed bodies to rise as new trailgaunts with the setting of the next sun. Trailgaunts with intact feet are rare, yet even those fortunate enough to retain all their toes are slow and clumsy.
Of course, brigands, drow, and goblins aren't the only types of troop that could exist―they're merely the three presented on the following pages. The troop subtype provides rules for the creation of groups of like-minded individuals of all kinds, functioning in a way similar to how the swarm subtype allows for the modeling of a vast flight of creatures acting as a single whole. With a troop, running an encounter against a large number of lower-level foes becomes much more manageable, and allows for normally low-CR threats to band together and challenge more powerful PCs.
Elite Troop/Elite Troop(CR+2):Some troops enjoy the sponsorship of a wealthy benefactor, whether an ambitious noble or a powerful warlord eager to fund a band of highly-trained guards. Such troops gain the benefit of better recruitment, better training, and higher-quality arms and armor. Elite troops gain a +4 armor bonus to their Armor Class, increase the damage dice of either their melee or ranged troop attack by one die type―d6 increases to d8, for example―and gain 2 hit points per Hit Die. Their movement is reduced by 10 feet.
Phalanx Troop/Phalanx Troop(CR+2):Troops that train together in the use of polearms or spears can gain special advantages on the battlefield. The long reach of such a troop's weapons grants it an additional 5 feet of reach with its troop melee attack. In addition, these troops gain a +4 bonus on saves against trample attacks, and their troop melee attack deals an additional 2d6 points of damage against mounted opponents. Phalanx troops gain 2 hit points per Hit Die.
Rabble/Rabble(CR-2):Some troops are not so much organized regiments of warriors as they are hasty assemblies of angry citizens or leaderless bands of creatures intent on chaos and destruction. Ill-prepared for real battle, these troops have 2 fewer hit points per Hit Die than normal and their troop damage is reduced by one die (rabble versions of troops that would normally deal 1d6 points of damage instead deal 1d3 points of damage). Their lack of training and effective protection reduces the troop's Armor Class by 2.
Savage Troop/Savage Troop(CR+1):Some troops are able to tap into the collective fury of their culture, unleashing a berserk wave of ferocity on the battlefield. A savage troop can enter a rage as a free action for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + its Constitution modifier, gaining a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC. When the rage ends, the troop is immediately fatigued for the duration of the battle.
Skirmishers/Skirmishers(CR+1):Skirmishers are effective and versatile hit-and-run troops. In exchange for reducing their Armor Class by 2 and their troop melee damage by one die (troops that normally deal 1d6 points of damage instead deal 1d3 points of damage), the troop's primary movement speed increases by 10 feet. In addition, the troop gains a ranged special attack that takes the form of up to two lines starting from the corner of any square in the troop's space, with a range equal to the base range increment of a selected weapon type, such as crossbows or javelins. Like with the troop's melee attack, all creatures in the lines' areas of effect are hit by the attack automatically, though targets can attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage (DC = 10 + 1/2 the troop's HD + the troop's Dexterity modifier). This attack deals the same base amount of damage as the troop's unmodified base melee troop attack, with thrown weapons' damage modified by the troop's Strength score as appropriate.
高速治癒/Fast Healing(擬呪) The troop's fast healing is a reflection of the fact that each round, some cultists cast cure spells on others. Not all cultists use this ability simultaneously. The troop can gain fast healing in this manner for only up to 20 rounds per day. Activating this ability is a free action.
毒/Poison(変則) Troop―致傷型;セーヴ DC13;頻度 1回/分(2分間);効果 気絶状態 1分/2d4時間;治癒 1回のセーヴ成功。
擬似呪文能力/Spell-Like Abilities(擬呪) This cultist troop's spell-like abilities come from a mix of actual spell-like abilities and spells the individual cultists have prepared. When the troop uses a quickened spelllike ability, only one troop member creates the effect. This effect resolves normally. (These abilities are swift actions since the action of one member does not significantly change the troop's overall actions). When a troop casts resist energy or shield of faith, this represents all the troop's members casting the spell on themselves. The effects of the spell apply to the entire troop, and successful attacks of opportunity do not have a chance to disrupt the spell-like ability. Likewise, readied actions to disrupt spell-like abilities function only if they can affect the entire area occupied by the troop.
This troop of drow nobles is composed of clerics devoted to a demon lord. They have trained well to fight together and serve their fiendish master.
The pint-sized humanoids who make up this chattering, shrieking mob hold jagged swords and bare jagged teeth.
A troop of goblins is a frenzied mass of gnashing teeth, thrashing limbs, and wildly swinging knives. Goblins in a troop gain bravery in numbers and eagerly assault creatures they should have no business attacking. Horses and dogs are particularly hated targets and, if present, generally endure the brunt of the goblin troop's attention.
Over two dozen men and women clad in chain shirts and leather armor brandish their knives and swords menacingly.
This grotesque tangle of twisted bones, decayed flesh, and rotted organs is shaped into a vague parody of the human form.
Essential Salts/Essential Salts(変則) An unrisen destroyed by fire damage, disintegration, or as a result of its resurrection vulnerability is reduced to a handful of metallic blue-green salts. Reducing an unrisen to 0 hit points while the undead is in the area of a consecrate or hallow effect also reduces the creature to its essential salts. These salts can be used as a material component for the casting of spells that restore life (such as raise dead, resurrection, and true resurrection), reducing the total cost of that spell's material components by 1,500GP per handful of salts.
Meant to Live/Meant to Live(超常) An unrisen takes no damage from positive energy. Whenever a positive energy effect would otherwise deal damage to an unrisen, the unrisen heals half that amount of hit points instead.
蘇生に対する脆弱性/Resurrection Vulnerability(超常) A raise dead or similar spell cast on an unrisen destroys it (Will negates). Using the spell in this way does not require a material component.
Rise Again/Rise Again(超常) One round after an unrisen is destroyed (unless it was reduced to its essential salts―see above), it returns to unlife at half its maximum hit points (26 hp for most unrisen), reforming in the square in which it was destroyed. Any creature that witnesses an unrisen rising again must succeed at a DC16 Will save or be stunned for 1 round;this is a mind-affecting fear effect. An unrisen can rise again no more often than once per hour;if killed a second time within this hour it is permanently destroyed (note that this does not reduce it to its essential salts). The save DC is Charisma-based.
Even by the standards of the undead, unrisen are an affront to life. An unrisen is rarely created intentionally, as most come about when a resurrection attempt is poorly performed and results in a mishap, or through experimental alchemical processes that attempt to restore life to the dead.
The unrisen cling to unlife with unparalleled resilience. Their half-living organs drink in positive energy, taking a form of healing from the life-giving power. Even devastating violence cannot truly slay an unrisen, as the magic that created them reforms them over and over in a horrifying rebirth. Only the purifying touch of fire or the unrisen's dissolution to essential salts can grant these undead creatures permanent rest.
This bat-like creature's body is mostly a large, toothy maw, held aloft by leathery wings. Its whip-thin tail ends in a slender stinger.
Infest Flesh/Infest Flesh(超常) If the urhag kills a Medium or larger creature it is grappling, it slithers into the creature's body as a free action, sliding its tendrils into the victim's limbs and controlling the body like a puppet. This functions similarly to a greater possession spell, except that the creature uses the urhag's Strength, Dexterity, and hit points instead of its own, and the urhag's tail emerges from the host's mouth like a blistered tongue, allowing it to make sting attacks. If the host body is slain, the urhag emerges as a free action but is staggered for 1 round. Otherwise, this effect lasts for 3 days or until the urhag emerges as a standard action. When the effect ends or the urhag emerges, the corpse collapses into rotten scraps of infected flesh. Anyone who touches these scraps is exposed to red plague. An urhag can infest a recently dead body (one killed within an hour) with 3 full rounds of gnawing.
This monstrosity has six eyes and six long tentacle―four that end in glowing spheres, and two with what look like hands.
Delayed Suggestion/Delayed Suggestion(擬呪) Whenever a veiled master successfully uses dominate person or dominate monster on a creature, it can also implant a delayed suggestion that triggers when the dominate effect ends. Typically, this suggestion (which functions as a spell-like ability, CL 20th, Will DC 19 negates) is for the previously dominated creature to seek out the veiled master and submit to a new domination attempt, but sometimes, a veiled master implants other suggestions (such as a suggestion to attack the first person the creature sees).
粘液雲/Mucus Cloud(変則) While underwater, a veiled master exudes a 30-foot-radius cloud of transparent slime. All creatures in this area must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save each round or lose the ability to breathe air (but gain the ability to breathe water) for 24 hours. Renewed contact with this mucus cloud and failing another save extends the effect for another 24 hours. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Runemastery/Runemastery(変則) A veiled master is particularly skilled at casting spells that create magical writing, such as explosive runes, secret page, and spells with the word “symbol” in their names. It never requires material components or focus components when casting such spells, and the save DC of these spells increases by 1. A veiled master's symbol spells are difficult to disarm―the Disable Device DC for these symbols increases by 2.
粘液/Slime(変則) A creature hit by any of a veiled master's bite or claw attacks must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or have its skin and flesh transform into a clear, slimy membrane over the course of 1d4 rounds. The creature's new flesh is soft and tender, reducing its Constitution score by 4 as long as the condition persists. If the creature's flesh isn't kept moist, it dries quickly and the creature takes 1d12 points of damage every 10 minutes. Remove disease and similar effects can restore an afflicted creature to normal, but immunity to disease offers no protection from this attack. The save DC is Constitution-based.
呪文 ヴェイルド・マスターは、2レベル・ソーサラーとして呪文を発動する。
Swift Transformation/Swift Transformation(超常) A veiled master can use its change shape ability as a swift action.
Thoughtlance/Thoughtlance(超常) Four of a veiled master's tentacles end in glowing spheres of light. These spheres deal 2d6 points of electricity damage on a successful touch attack and also blast a creature's mind with waves of mental energy. A creature touched by one of these tentacles (regardless of whether the touch deals electricity damage) must succeed at a DC 24 Will save or be staggered for 1 round. Additional touches increase the duration of this effect by 1 round. While a creature is staggered in this manner, it must attempt concentration checks to cast spells as if it were experiencing extremely violent motion while casting (DC = 20 + spell level). The save DC is Charisma-based.
Aboleths are among the oldest of the world's denizens, creatures that can trace back their presence in the deepest reaches of the world's oceans to times far before humanity came to dwell upon the globe―or before even most deities turned their attention to this tiny sphere of water and stone. In those ancient times, only elder forces and eldritch entities knew of the world. Even the gods were dismissed and ignored by the aboleth race, for while they were not gods as are known today, aboleths knew themselves capable, given time, of anything the gods could accomplish. And the aboleths have always had time.
During an ancient era, when aboleths manipulated humanity like puppets, some of their kind disguised themselves to walk among their pets, veiling themselves with magic to appear as humanoids. These were the veiled masters―if one were to foolishly attempt to impose human hierarchies upon this alien race, veiled masters would be considered the nobility among their aboleth kin. In truth, while aboleths do treat veiled masters with utmost respect and defer to their decisions, they are not regarded as the rulers of the race. Stranger and still more dangerous entities rule over veiled masters from the deepest trenches below the sea.
Aboleths are undoubtedly skilled at domination and illusion, but veiled masters are the true experts of the arcane. Veiled masters engineered the deceptions and manipulations of ancient humanity's culture. Their hidden gifts and subtle coaxings did much to encourage humanity's first rise to glory in that age, and in many of those first empires, veiled masters walking among the populace, whispering into their leaders' ears. The people knew the veiled masters as powerful wizards, and there were murmurs that the mysterious cabal was more than human, but few suspected the truth for very long. The veiled masters quelled such suspicions by doing violence to the bodies and minds of those who proved too curious. When the veiled masters first learned of humanity's growing hubris―of their belief that they were greater than their patrons―these manipulators punished humanity. At first, the punishments were minor, yet to the veiled masters' surprise and frustration, they only strengthened humanity's resolve. In the end, destruction was deemed the answer, and as human culture fell into ruins, the veiled masters retreated to the depths of the sea, content for now that the devastation above would serve as a lesson that would never be forgotten.
Today, veiled masters live on. They walk among the humanoid races again, watching and waiting. The time to teach a new lesson draws ever closer.
This amorphous mass of eyes, tentacles, and protoplasm exudes thick, roiling clouds of green vapor.
ダメージ減少/Damage Reduction(超常) Weapons that are chaotic-, evil-, good-, or lawful-aligned overcome a vespergaunt's damage reduction.
Siphon Spirit/Siphon Spirit(超常) Any creature struck by a vespergaunt must succeed at a DC21 Will save or gain 1 negative level as the vespergaunt rips away a portion of its soul. A divine spellcaster gains an additional negative level with each failed save. A creature killed by this attack disintegrates except for its eyes and strands of brain matter, which become part of the vespergaunt. Only powerful magic such as miracle, true resurrection, or wish can resurrect a creature slain in this manner. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Often called “heresy oozes,” vespergaunts are emissaries of the horrible god-things of deep space and are found primarily on befouled, remote planets.
This twisted, barely-humanoid monstrosity has rancid-looking flesh, an unnaturally long neck, and a mouth full of fangs.
Feral Possession/Feral Possession(超常) Upon being reduced to 0 hit points, a vrykolakas attempts to possess any animal within 100 feet. This ability is similar to possession and has a duration equal to 1 day for every Hit Die the vrykolakas has. The target must succeed at a DC22 Will save or be possessed. If the possession fails, the vrykolakas immediately dies. If the possession succeeds, the animal immediately retreats to the vrykolakas's lair, where it attempts to bury itself in the earth. If left uninterrupted for 1d4 days, the animal transforms into a new vrykolakas with all the same statistics as the original. If discovered and slain during this time, both the animal and the vrykolakas are destroyed. If discovered and the possession effect is ended via dispel magic or a similar effect, the animal returns to normal and the vrykolakas is destroyed (caster level is equal to the vrykolakas's CR for the purposes of resolving this dispel magic attempt). The save DC is Charisma-based.
This massive wood-and-metal giant wields a scythe, a wicked spiked wrecking ball, an immense pick, and a huge crossbow.
Fortified Construction/Fortified Construction(変則) A warmonger gains an additional 150 bonus hit points in addition to the 40 bonus hit points a Huge construct gains.
Warmonger Weaponry/Warmonger Weaponry(変則) A warmonger's weapons are all primary natural attacks. The reaper deals slashing damage, the siege pick piercing damage, and the wrecking ball bludgeoning damage. Creatures damaged by the wrecking ball are stunned for 1 round unless they succeed at a DC24 Fortitude save. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Two of this spiderlike creature's spindly legs are whiplike feelers, and it has two hooked appendages lined with spines.
毒の雲/Poison Cloud(変則) As a standard action up to twice per day, a titanic whip spider can release a cloud of poisonous gas in a 30-foot-radius spread, centered on any point within its space. Any creature in the area must succeed at a DC28 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1d6 rounds and sickened for 1d4 hours afterward. The poison cloud does not obscure vision and persists for 1d4 rounds, but a strong or stronger wind disperses it immediately. This is a poison effect that does not affect whip spiders of any type. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Whip Legs/Whip Legs(変則) The whip spider's two front legs are extremely long, antennae-like “whips” that give the whip spider the ability to locate potential prey and give it additional information about the target. These whip legs are secondary natural attacks that resolve as touch attacks and deal 1d4 points of slashing damage on a hit. If a whip leg hits a target, the whip spider gains additional sensory information about the target, gaining a +2 insight bonus on any further attacks against that target in the same round. If both whip legs hit, then any additional attacks the whip spider makes that round against that target gain a +4 insight bonus instead. As long as a whip spider benefits from this insight bonus against a foe, that foe can't gain concealment against the whip spider.
Whip spiders have eight legs, but walk on only the rear six. The remaining legs are longer and used as antennae-like feelers, the “whips” that give the creature its name.
A whip spider's pedipalps are long, spined appendages highly adapted to striking and grasping prey. The titanic whip spider is also referred to as the “mancatcher” whip spider, so named for its extremely long pedipalps that end in slender, spiked claws resembling the weapon. The pedipalps vary in size and function in other species, such as the obsidian whip spider's stout, spiked pedipalps, or the saber whip spider's long blades in place of claws.
特殊 | 脅威度 | サイズ | ヒット・ダイス |
Jungle whip spider | 1 | 小型 | 2 |
Giant whip spider | 4 | 中型 | 6 |
Saber whip spider | 7 | 大型 | 9 |
Chain whip spider | 11 | 超大型 | 12 |
Obsidian whip spider | 14 | 巨大 | 16 |
This luminous shape stands twice the height of a human. A pale light shines where its face should be.
Aura of Whispers/Aura of Whispers(超常) Within 120 feet of a whisperer, the effects of its primeval landscape are significantly quickened. Creatures in the primeval landscape must attempt Will saves once per round to avoid its effects, rather than once per day.
Compel Sacrifice/Compel Sacrifice(超常) When a whisperer uses its triggered suggestion spell-like ability on a creature currently under the influence of its primeval landscape, it can implant a suggestion to perform an act of self-destruction, such as “The next time you speak to someone you love, you will instead tell them you have found something better to love and then walk into the nearest body of water and drown yourself.”
呪いの傷/Cursed Wound(超常) Damage caused by a whisperer's mist tendrils overcomes all damage reduction and ignores all hardness, but damage the tendrils deal to objects is halved. Mist tendril damage does not heal naturally. A character attempting to use magical healing on a creature damaged in this way must succeed at a DC31 caster level check or the healing has no effect on the injured creature. Mist tendrils are primary natural touch attacks that create deep, bloodless, crater-shaped wounds.
Inescapable Curse/Inescapable Curse(超常) Once per day, a whisperer can focus its attention on a single sentient creature (any living creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher) within 120 feet to plant a potent curse on the target. The victim can resist this curse with a successful DC30 Will save. If successful, that creature is immune to that whisperer's inescapable curse for 24 hours. If the victim fails the save, she grows increasingly obsessed with the whisperer's primeval landscape and will not voluntarily leave this region. If forced to exit this area, the victim becomes sickened, and the next time the victim falls asleep, she vanishes and returns to the exact point where the whisperer first placed the inescapable curse upon her, as per greater teleport. This is a curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Second Failed Save/Second Failed Save:The terrain seems to shift and warp while sounds are twisted into atonal parodies or blocked out by eerie whispering. In addition to being sickened, an affected creature moves at half speed and treats all other creatures as if they had concealment.
Third Failed Save/Third Failed Save:The subject's hallucinations crowd out actual events, and her perception bears little relationship to reality. In addition to the effects of earlier failed saves, an affected creature is staggered.
Fourth Failed Save/Fourth Failed Save:The subject's autonomic processes begin to fail as pain and paranoia take hold. The subject is nauseated.
Unsuspected/Unsuspected(超常) A creature that attempts a save against any of a whisperer's abilities is unaware that it has done so unless obvious visual evidence is present. Under such circumstances, the GM should roll saving throws for player characters in secret.
Civilization spreads like an invasive species, destroying and consuming, transforming and dominating. There are some realms, though―primeval and pristine tracts of wilderness―that civilization will never claim. These are the whisperers' domains.
The whisperers are fey in the most otherworldly and alien way possible. They resent those who trespass on their primeval landscapes, the lone exceptions being the undead that rise from the spirits of their victims or those fey who, by their natures or through cruel fate, have fallen to evil. These fey seek out the whisperer's realm, both for the protection it provides and because they find its alien presence strangely euphoric;they often delight in leading intruders into the whisperer's grasp.
A whisperer's domain is nearly as hostile to intruders as the whisperer itself is. Lethal hazards, unexplainable occurrences, and eerie happenings are common in a primeval landscape, as are haunts formed from previous trespassers. Plant creatures and animals attack viciously, and even “ordinary” plants seem hostile to intruders.
Although some believe the wild hunt is nothing more than a mere legend, or perhaps groups of vengeful spirits that hunt the living, the riders of the wild hunt are real, and are powerful fey indeed. Countless members of these fey compose the wild hunt―the term “wild hunt” refers to the race as a whole as well as to individual groups of these fey who gather to pursue their quarry.
All fey of the wild hunt ultimately serve a legendary leader they refer to only as the Horned King. The Horned King's nature is unknown, but its ability to command such powerful followers suggests that it is a fey lord with the power of a demigod―or perhaps even that of a true deity. When the Horned King calls, several wild hunts join into a legion and ride together against legendary opponents. Because of their occasional role as the agents of a reclusive fey divinity, the members of the wild hunt are sometimes classified among powerful entities known collectively as the Tane. In support of this theory, wild hunt fey share the Tane's ability to instantly acclimate themselves to a new plane. However, the relationship between wild hunts and the Tane is more complex, as the Tane can sometimes become targets of a wild hunt, and on other occasions, wild hunt masters strike bargains to gain the temporary assistance of one of the Tane.
The Horned King's call is rare, however, and wild hunts are normally left to direct themselves. Each wild hunt follows a wild hunt monarch, who travels effortlessly between the realm of the fey and the Material Plane in search of new quarry. While most missions come from rumors gathered by the wild hunt monarch, they occasionally consider proposals from those rare few brave and knowledgeable enough to seek them out. They accept tasks only from worthy sources, and the payments they demand for their services vary significantly, though they have no interest in material wealth. Wild hunt monarchs take grave offense at unfavorable deals. Those who attempt to cheat a wild hunt monarch or involve one in trivial matters often become the enraged fey's next target.
Members of the wild hunt usually hail from the fey's primal homeland, but they frequently venture to the Material Plane to pursue their quarry. Reasons for individual wild hunts vary, ranging from tests or demonstrations of skill to missions of vengeance and even drives to improve a wild hunt's own numbers.
When they hunt for the thrill of the chase, they choose difficult quarry or intentionally place convoluted restrictions upon themselves to increase the challenge of the task. They try to avoid killing their targets, at least at first, but if their quarry refuses to understand that the purpose of the exercise is a battle of wits and responds with particularly lethal tactics, they reply in kind. After all, if a mortal is too foolish to recognize a friendly competition, it is his own ignorance that is to blame for his death, rather than the actions of a wild hunt.
At other times, a wild hunt fights to kill its prey. In this role, its members act as assassins. If they expect that their prey has means to revive itself, they may transport the remains to another plane before turning the corpse into dust. Should their foes return to life anyway, the wild hunt fey's reaction is unpredictable, ranging from amused detachment to furious bloodlust. Foes that the wild hunt chases for a second time face a far more ignoble fate than death. For example, some wild hunt monarchs keep a small menagerie of animals made from their most irritating prey. Others simply disappear without a trace, seemingly beyond the reach of resurrection magic.
The rarest reason a wild hunt rides is to seek new hunters for its ranks. Although most members of the wild hunt originate from the realm of the fey, a scant few trace their origins back to the fateful day when they failed to escape a wild hunt's interest. A wild hunt's reasons for seeking out any particular mortal are shrouded in mystery, though wild hunts seldom pursue mortals who lack significant strength or power. After a lengthy pursuit, a wild hunt's monarch ritually slays the quarry, which reincarnates the following morning as a new member of the hunt. When mortals join the wild hunt, memories from their previous lives fade away, though they sometimes retain a measure of personality. If the wild hunt master finds the mortal's talents or skills particularly impressive, he may choose to preserve these abilities, transforming the mortal into a unique member of the hunt. These specialized hunters retain most of their memories as well. While they occasionally spend time with their old friends and family, the call of the hunt master's horn is far stronger than any loyalty they felt in their previous lives, making the maintenance of old relationships a fraught endeavor.
Traditionally, the fey of the wild hunt consist of five distinct races. While these five types of fey can be encountered alone or in small groups, they are at their most dangerous when banded together into a true wild hunt. This gathering of fey consists of a specific number and combination: one wild hunt monarch, one wild hunt scout, three wild hunt archers, three wild hunt horses, and four wild hunt hounds. As a whole, this dangerous group constitutes a CR 21 encounter, and thus could make an excellent capstone encounter for a campaign.
This lithe, androgynous humanoid has pointed ears, glowing green eyes, and six fingers on each slender hand.
Living Bow/Living Bow(超常) Any non-magical bow that a wild hunt archer picks up gains a spark of life, sprouting small leaves and becoming a +5 icy burst seeking composite longbow for as long as the archer holds it. The archer's quiver produces arrows automatically as the archer draws them;these arrows vanish after 1 round.
Wild Hunt Link/Wild Hunt Link(超常) The weapon attacks and natural attacks of all creatures in a wild hunt archer's wild hunt link ignore miss chances from concealment, as long as they target the correct square.
Wild hunt archers are methodical hunters who fire their bows with uncanny accuracy. Since wild hunt archers tend to be slower on foot than most of their companions, they will often rely on wild hunt horses to provide increased mobility. Rather than carrying normal arrows, they can produce arrows from magical quivers―these quivers do not function in this manner for anyone other than wild hunt archers. Rarely, they carry specific slaying arrows to augment particularly dangerous hunts.
This powerful steed stands upon wispy puffs of air, its grassy mane and tail swishing majestically in the wind.
Deafening Cry/Deafening Cry(超常) As a standard action up to three times per day (but no more than once every 1d4 rounds), a wild hunt horse can emit a thundering cry. All creatures in a 30-foot cone emanating from the horse take 10d6 points of sonic damage and are deafened for 1 minute. Creatures that succeed at a DC23 Fortitude save take half damage and are not deafened. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Rider Synergy/Rider Synergy(超常) When a wild hunt horse carries a rider with the wild hunt subtype, the two act as one. If either the rider or the mount would take damage, the rider and mount decide how to divide the damage (typically splitting it equally). Additionally, the rider's movement as a part of the horse's overrun combat maneuver does not provoke attacks of opportunity, unless that movement would also cause the horse to provoke attacks of opportunity.
Wild Hunt Link/Wild Hunt Link(超常) A wild hunt horse increases the speed of all creatures in its wild hunt link by 30 feet. This increase is an enhancement bonus. It also grants the members of its link the effects of freedom of movement.
When they are not participating in a hunt, wild hunt horses enjoy constructing complicated courses through land and sky and racing each other for ever-changing stakes.
Green smoke billows from the bared teeth and flared nostrils of this muscular, sharp-eared hound.
追跡/Track(変則) A wild hunt hound adds a bonus equal to half its Hit Dice on Survival checks to follow tracks (+7 for a typical wild hunt hound).
Wild Hunt Link/Wild Hunt Link(超常) All creatures in a wild hunt hound's wild hunt link share some if its sensory abilities, gaining blindsense 60 feet, greater arcane sight, and see invisibility
Wild hunt hounds are expert trackers that take the lead against elusive prey. When left to their own devices, they seek out creatures that are notoriously difficult to track, collecting minor trinkets as trophies of their achievements (using their mage hand ability to carry their prizes home or to adorn themselves if possible). While they can be competitive when engaged in separate tasks, wild hunt hounds working together on a hunt never allow these rivalries to become a distraction.
These fey hounds are never truly alone, as they are always surrounded with green mist composed of fragments of the spirits of the wild hunt's victims. Stripped of all thoughts beyond a desire to chase and hunt, this fog eagerly answers the hound's baying call and forms into dogs that loyally fight at the hound's side.
Although the hounds of the wild hunt may seem outwardly to be mere animals, they are quite intelligent. Wild hunt hounds are fond of taking advantage of their bestial appearance, and when left as guardians or allowed to wander freely, make excellent spies among those who don't recognize the creatures' ability to understand language. When not tracking a quarry, wild hunt hounds enjoy relaxing and capering in any natural environment―but even in their play they engage in complex pursuits, testing each other's ability to track and evade simultaneously.
This limber and regal humanoid has an elk's antlers, long pointed ears, flowing white hair, and luminescent green eyes.
Monarch's Glaive/Monarch's Glaive(超常) A wild hunt monarch wields a +3 thundering glaive that functions as a bane weapon against any creature (thus effectively functioning as a +5 thundering glaive that deals an additional 2d6 points of damage on a hit to all targets). A wild hunt monarch can summon his glaive to his hand across any distance as a free action. He can make attacks with the glaive in any square between himself and the end of his reach, even if a glaive would not normally threaten that square. Additionally, he can hurl his glaive at opponents. When he uses his glaive in this way, it counts as a thrown weapon with a range increment of 100 feet. If the wild hunt monarch dies, the glaive reverts to a +3 glaive.
呪文 ワイルド・ハント・モナークは、7レベル・ドルイドとして呪文を発動する。
Staggering Gore/Staggering Gore(変則) A wild hunt monarch's gore attack knocks the breath out of his foes. A target that takes damage from this attack must succeed at a DC32 Fortitude save or be staggered for 3 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Wild Gaze/Wild Gaze(超常) A wild hunt monarch has increased control over his gaze. Each round as a free action, he can select any number of visible creatures to exclude from his gaze. Humanoids and monstrous humanoids that fail the save are dazed as well as paralyzed, and animals and magical beasts are panicked. All other creatures are confused and can never receive the result of “act normally”;on such a result, they instead move in a random direction at full speed, as if pursuing an imaginary target. Succeeding at a save against any wild hunt fey's wild gaze attack (whether it is that of the monarch or any other member of the hunt) does not grant the normal 24 hour period of immunity to the monarch's wild gaze attack.
Wild Hunt Link/Wild Hunt Link(超常) The monarch can maintain a wild hunt link to a range of 1 mile. He expands the range of the wild hunt link ability for all members of the wild hunt within his range to 1 mile as well, allowing the hunters to spread out with almost a mile between them without breaking the connection. All members of a monarch's wild hunt link gain regeneration 10;this regeneration cannot be suppressed as long as the wild hunt monarch lives. A wild hunt monarch's plane shift spell-like ability can transport any number of creatures in his link, as long as they all join hands or are similarly in contact with one another.
Wild Reincarnation/Wild Reincarnation(超常) Once per day as a free action when a wild hunt monarch slays an adjacent creature by any means, he can attempt to reincarnate it as a wild hunt fey, even if the creature would not normally wish to be restored to life. The slain creature can resist this reincarnation if it succeeds at a DC31 Fortitude save, but creatures slain while under the effects of any of the wild hunt monarch's charm or compulsion spell-like abilities take a -4 penalty on this saving throw. The wild hunt monarch can reincarnate the creature into his choice of wild hunt creature whose CR is equal to or less than the target's CR in its previous life. Alternatively, if the target was a humanoid or fey creature, the monarch can use the creature's own natural abilities to create a unique member of the wild hunt. Such a creature maintains all of its abilities. Its type changes to fey (do not recalculate any statistics), and it gains the wild hunt subtype. Its appearance changes to blend in with the wild hunt, granting it features such as long ears and glowing green eyes. Once reincarnated, the creature retains only faint memories of its previous life, but is now chaotic neutral and loyal to the wild hunt. A creature reincarnated in this way can be restored to its original life only via a miracle or wish―slaying the creature and raising it from the dead merely restores it to its latest incarnation as a member of the wild hunt, unless the effect of the wild reincarnation is first removed from the body via a successful break enchantment spell against a DC of 31. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Wild hunt monarchs command dozens of other wild hunt fey. While their followers can travel on personal missions, these majestic leaders (who can be female or male, and are referred to as wild hunt queens or wild hunt kings as appropriate) can rally the hunt to follow them anywhere without question. Wild hunt monarchs set the terms of each specific hunt, depending upon the prey and their own whims. The easier the prey, the more likely a monarch is to impose rules to make the hunt more entertaining, such as forbidding anyone but his hounds from injuring the quarry, or holding back his forces to give the target creature time to rest and recover.
Many members of a wild hunt monarch's following join as soon as they are born from the fey realm, but others are born out of his own prey, or come to serve him after the demise of their previous leader. Monarchs do not typically interact with their own kind, but they occasionally collaborate on an exceptionally challenging hunt, testing their wits against nascent demigods or beasts of legend.
This lithe humanoid has pointed ears, glowing green eyes, and a ram's horns.
Force Scimitar/Force Scimitar(超常) As a swift action, a wild hunt scout can summon a crystalline scimitar. Attacks with this scimitar resolve as if they were touch attacks and deal force damage. Outside of its creator's hands, a force scimitar vanishes.
Wild Hunt Link/Wild Hunt Link(超常) All creatures in a wild hunt scout's wild hunt link share each other's senses. As long as a creature benefits from this link, it gains a +4 insight bonus on initiative and Perception checks. If at least one creature in the link disbelieves an illusion, all creatures in the link are considered to disbelieve the illusion. Wild hunt fey in this link are never considered flat-footed against a foe unless all of them are considered flat-footed against that foe.
This insectile biped has a tapir-like snout and is unmistakably alien in appearance, despite its vaguely humanoid shape.
Long-Lived/Long-Lived(変則) Yaddithians live for thousands of years;they gain no benefit or penalty from aging and are immune to magical aging effects.
Long black hair obscures the face of this pale woman. With each motion, her body twitches and jerks.
Face of Death/Face of Death(超常) As a full-round action, a yurei can expose her face to a single adjacent creature. The target must succeed at a DC23 Will save or be stunned for 1d6 rounds. If the target is stunned by this effect, it must then succeed at a DC23 Fortitude save or immediately die of fright. A target that succeeds at the initial save is immune to that particular yurei's face of death ability for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect, and the secondary effect is a death effect. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Flicker/Flicker(擬呪) A yurei gains a +4 dodge bonus to her Armor Class on any round she moves at least 5 feet.
Painful Grasp/Painful Grasp(超常) A yurei's touch inflicts horrific pain, dealing 12d6 points of untyped damage and sickening the target for 1d6 rounds. A creature can avoid the sickened effect with a successful DC23 Fortitude save, but this does not reduce the damage. The save DC is Charisma-based
The top of this large, black ant's head is cracked open, and a pulsing, brown growth twists up out of the gap.
There are certain evil fungal creatures (such as fungus queens [see page 130], but also rare fungal growths or extraplanar blights upon the wild) that can infest vermin with spores that have been infused with sinister power and negative energy. These foul spores grow quickly in the body of a dead vermin, eventually bursting from its head to form disturbing, antler-like growths. At the same time, the spores animate the vermin as an intelligent undead creature.
These are then known as spore zombies.
“Spore zombie” is an acquired template that can be added to any vermin, which is referred to hereafter as the base creature.
脅威度:The base creature's CR + 1.
属性:Always chaotic evil.
種別:The creature's type changes to undead. It retains any subtypes and gains the augmented subtype.
アーマー・クラス:A spore zombie gains a +2 bonus to the base creature's natural armor.
ヒット・ダイス:The base creature's Hit Dice + 2.
セーヴ:The creature's base save bonuses are Fort +1/3 Hit Dice, Ref +1/3 Hit Dice, and Will +1/2 Hit Dice + 2.
防御的能力:Spore zombies gain all of the qualities and immunities granted by the undead type, and retain all defensive abilities that the base creature had.
攻撃:A spore zombie retains all of the base creature's natural attacks.
特技:A spore zombie gains feats as appropriate for its Hit Dice, and gains Toughness as a bonus feat.
技能:A spore zombie gains skill points equal to 4 + Int modifier per Hit Die (4 points per HD for most). Climb, Fly, Perception, and Stealth are class skills.